--- a/memspy/memspy_plat/memspy_api/include/MemSpyEngineClientInterface.h Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-// System includes
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <u32std.h>
-// Constants
-const TInt KMemSpyClientServerVersion = 2;
-const TInt KMemSpyListInfoForAllThreads = -1;
- * Special constant to be used to indicate kernel thread id
- * when performing kernel-specific thread agnostic operations.
- *
- * Note that the kernel thread is not supported for all thread-specific
- * operation types.
- *
- * Use this value to indicate that the kernel thread is the target
- * thread when calling the thread-specific overload of PerformOperation().
- */
-const TUint32 KMemSpyClientServerThreadIdKernel = KMaxTUint32;
-// Internal constants
-const TInt KMemSpyOpFlagsTypeMask = 0x0000FFFF;
-const TInt KMemSpyOpFlagsInclusionMask = 0xFFFF0000;
-const TInt KMemSpyOpFlagsIncludesThreadId = 0x00010000;
-const TInt KMemSpyOpFlagsIncludesThreadName = 0x00020000;
-const TInt KMemSpyOpFlagsAsyncOperation = 0x00040000;
-// Literal constants
-_LIT( KMemSpyServerName, "MemSpyServer" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyProcessName0, "MemSpyServer.exe" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyProcessName1, "MemSpyUI.exe" );
-//_LIT( KMemSpyProcessName2, "MemSpyConsole.exe" );
-// Supported MemSpy operation types
-// Operations which can only be applied to a specific thread are
-// prefixed by [TS] - i.e. it is permitted to use the thread-specific
-// overload of PerformOperation() for this operation type.
-// Operations that can be applied only to the entire device are
-// prefixed by [ED] - i.e. it is permitted to use the
-// thread-agnostic overload of PerformOperation() for this operation type.
-// Operations that support kernel-thread-specific requests
-// are prefixed by [KS] - i.e. it is permitted to use the
-// thread-specific overload of PerformOperation() and the thread
-// identification parameter should correspond to KMemSpyClientServerThreadIdKernel.
-// NB: The overload of PerformOperation() which supports a descriptor cannot
-// be used.
-// Operations that are not relevant to a thread are prefixed
-// by [NT] - i.e. use the thread-agnostic overload of
-// PerformOperation()
-// All other op codes are deemed internal and are not to be
-// used except via provided APIs.
-enum TMemSpyClientServerOp
- {
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerFirst = 0,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Show basic summary information about a thread/process
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSummaryInfo = EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerFirst,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Show detailed summary information about a thread/process
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSummaryInfoDetailed,
- /**
- * [TS][ED][KS]
- * Show heap information & statistics for a user-side thread
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapInfo,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Prvide heap cell listings for a thread
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapCellListing,
- /**
- * [TS][ED][KS]
- * Dump a thread's heap
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapData,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Show summary information about a thread's stack
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpStackInfo,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Dump a thread's user-side stack
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpStackDataUser,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * Dump a thread's kernel-side stack
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpStackDataKernel,
- /**
- * [TS][ED]
- * List all open files in the OS or then the open files
- * for a given thread.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpOpenFiles,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerThreadAgnosticFirst,
- /**
- * [ED]
- * Provide compact heap information for the entire device, which
- * can be compared with other similar listings using Heap Analyser.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapInfoCompact = EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerThreadAgnosticFirst,
- /**
- * [ED]
- * Show compact stack information for the device
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpStackInfoCompact,
- /**
- * [NT]
- * Start the system wide memory tracker (SWMT) running, so that when
- * the timer expires, the system characteristics will be sampled
- * and any changes notified. NB: Starting the SWMT running for the first time
- * will cause an initial preparatory cycle to be established. Future updates
- * will then follow when the timer tick period expires
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingTimerStart,
- /**
- * [NT]
- * Stop the system wide memory tracker. No futher automatic timer-based
- * SWMT cycles will be performed unless "Force update" is utilised or the timer
- * is started again.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingTimerStop,
- /**
- * [NT]
- * Reset the SWMT so that all existing cycles are discarded (which can free
- * quite a lot of memory). All operations are cancelled, the SWMT will be idle.
- *
- * If performing manual "force updates" to the SWMT, then the SWMT should be reset
- * before starting a new test run. For timer-based SWMT sampling, this operation
- * is performed internally by MemSpy and therefore is redundant in that situation.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingReset,
- /**
- * [NT]
- * Force the system wide memory tracker (internal to memspy) to
- * perform a refresh
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingForceUpdate,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingTimerPeriodSet,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchOutputSinkFile,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchOutputSinkTrace,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpEnumerateKernelContainer,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpEnumerateKernelContainerAll,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpBitmapsSave,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpDisableAknIconCache,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSendToBackground,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpBringToForeground,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpExit,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingCategoriesSet,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingThreadNameFilterSet,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingHeapDumpSet,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerUiFirst,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetProcessCount = EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerUiFirst,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetProcesses,
- EMemSpyClienServerOpGetProcessIdByName,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetThreadCount,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetThreads,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSetThreadPriority,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpProcessSystemPermanentOrCritical,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpEndProcess,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchToProcess,
- //Threads operations
- EMemSpyClientServerOpThreadSystemPermanentOrCritical,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpEndThread,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchToThread,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetInfoItemType,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetThreadInfoItemsCount,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetThreadInfoItems,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpOutputInfoHandles,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpOutputAOList,
- //Kernel Objects operations
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetKernelObjectCount,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetKernelObjects,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetKernelObjectItemCount,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetKernelObjectItems,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetHeap,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetMemoryTrackingCycleCount,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetMemoryTrackingCycles,
- /**
- * Register for notifications of device wide operation progress.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpNotifyDeviceWideOperationProgress,
- /**
- * Cancel current device wide operation
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpCancelDeviceWideOperation,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpOutputAllContainerContents,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpDumpKernelHeap,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSetSwmtConfig,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpSetSwmtAutoStartProcessList,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpGetOutputSink,
- /**
- * Check if system wide memory tracking timer is running.
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpIsSwmtRunning,
- EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerUiLast,
- /**
- */
- EMemSpyClientServerOpMarkerLast,
- };
-enum TMemSpyEndType
- {
- ETerminate,
- EKill,
- EPanic
- };
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( RMemSpyEngineClientInterface ) : public RSessionBase
- {
- inline RMemSpyEngineClientInterface();
- inline TInt Connect();
- inline void Close();
-public: // API
- /**
- * Thread-agnostic request function. Performs the operation in the context of
- * the entire device.
- *
- * I.e. can only be used for [NT] or [ED] requests.
- */
- inline TInt PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation );
- /**
- * Thread-specific request functions. Perform the requested operation in the context
- * of the specified thread id, or (possibly partial) thread name.
- *
- * To perform the operation in the context of the current thread, invoke the
- * function as follows:
- *
- * PerformOperation( <...>, RThread().Id() );
- *
- * I.e. can only be used for [TS] requests.
- */
- inline TInt PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation, TThreadId aId );
- inline TInt PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation, const TDesC& aThreadName );
- /**
- * General functions to switch MemSpy's output mode.
- */
- inline TInt SwitchOutputModeFile();
- inline TInt SwitchOutputModeTrace();
- /**
- * Configure the system wide memory tracker timer interval (for automatic timer-based polling).
- * Change will take effect next time SWMT is started.
- */
- inline TInt SystemWideMemoryTrackerTimerIntervalSet( TInt aInterval );
- /**
- * Configure the system wide memory tracker categories.
- * Change will take effect next time SWMT is started.
- */
- inline TInt SystemWideMemoryTrackerCategoriesSet( TInt aCategories );
- /**
- * Configure the system wide memory tracker for filtering user heaps by thread name.
- * Change will take effect next time SWMT is started.
- */
- inline TInt SystemWideMemoryTrackerThreadFilterSet( const TDesC& aFilter );
- /**
- * Configure the system wide memory tracker for enabling/disabling Heap dumps during SWMT.
- * Change will take effect next time SWMT is started.
- */
- inline TInt SystemWideMemoryTrackerHeapDumpSet( TBool aDumpEnabled );
- /**
- * List the contents of a specific kernel container. See TObjectType for types.
- */
- inline TInt EnumerateKernelContainer( TObjectType aType );
- /**
- * List the contents of all kernel containers
- */
- inline TInt EnumerateKernelContainerAll();
- /**
- * Save bitmaps to memory card
- */
- inline TInt SaveAllBitmaps();
- /**
- * Disable AknIcon caching
- */
- inline TInt DisableAknIconCache();
- /**
- * Send MemSpy to the background/bring to foreground
- */
- inline TInt SendToBackground();
- inline TInt BringToForeground();
- /**
- * Exit MemSpy
- */
- inline TInt Exit();
- };
-inline RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::RMemSpyEngineClientInterface()
- {
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::Connect()
- {
- TVersion version( KMemSpyClientServerVersion, 0, 0 );
- return CreateSession( KMemSpyServerName, version );
- }
-inline void RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::Close()
- {
- RSessionBase::Close();
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = aOperation;
- const TIpcArgs args( KMemSpyListInfoForAllThreads );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation, TThreadId aId )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = aOperation | KMemSpyOpFlagsIncludesThreadId;
- const TIpcArgs args( aId );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::PerformOperation( TMemSpyClientServerOp aOperation, const TDesC& aThreadName )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = aOperation | KMemSpyOpFlagsIncludesThreadName;
- const TIpcArgs args( &aThreadName );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SwitchOutputModeFile()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchOutputSinkFile;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SwitchOutputModeTrace()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSwitchOutputSinkTrace;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SystemWideMemoryTrackerTimerIntervalSet( TInt aInterval )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingTimerPeriodSet;
- const TIpcArgs args( aInterval );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SystemWideMemoryTrackerCategoriesSet( TInt aCategories )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingCategoriesSet;
- const TIpcArgs args( aCategories );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SystemWideMemoryTrackerThreadFilterSet( const TDesC& aFilter )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingThreadNameFilterSet;
- TIpcArgs args( &aFilter );
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SystemWideMemoryTrackerHeapDumpSet( TBool aDumpEnabled )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingHeapDumpSet;
- const TIpcArgs args( aDumpEnabled );
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::EnumerateKernelContainer( TObjectType aType )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpEnumerateKernelContainer;
- const TIpcArgs args( aType );
- //
- error = SendReceive( opCode, args );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::EnumerateKernelContainerAll()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpEnumerateKernelContainerAll;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SaveAllBitmaps()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpBitmapsSave;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::DisableAknIconCache()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpDisableAknIconCache;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::SendToBackground()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpSendToBackground;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::BringToForeground()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpBringToForeground;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }
-inline TInt RMemSpyEngineClientInterface::Exit()
- {
- TInt error = KErrNotReady;
- if ( Handle() != KNullHandle )
- {
- const TInt opCode = EMemSpyClientServerOpExit;
- error = SendReceive( opCode );
- }
- return error;
- }