changeset 48 516af714ebb4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/perfsrv/analyzetool/commandlineengine/src/CATModule2.cpp	Fri Sep 17 08:38:31 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1678 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Class representing a module in project (sbs2)
+#include "../inc/CATModule2.h"
+#include "../inc/CATProject.h"
+#include "../inc/CATDatParser.h"
+#include "../inc/CATMemoryAddress.h"
+#include "../inc/catdbghelper.h"
+#include "../inc/cataddr2line.h"
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CATModule2");
+	m_bAddressToLineInitialized = false;
+	m_bS60FileNameResolved = false;
+	m_pAddressToLine = 0;
+	m_sErrors = "";
+	m_sMakeFile = "";
+	m_eBuildSystem = CATProject::SBS_V1;
+	m_sCompileInfoText = "";
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::~CATModule2");
+	if ( m_pAddressToLine )
+		m_pAddressToLine->Close();
+	delete m_pAddressToLine;
+bool CATModule2::AddressToLine( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddressToLine");
+	if ( _stricmp( m_sVariantPlatform.c_str(), "winscw" ) == 0 )
+	{
+		return AddressToLineWinscw( pMemoryAddress );
+	}
+	else if ( _stricmp( m_sVariantPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) == 0 )
+	{
+		// addr2line exe.
+		#ifdef ADDR2LINE
+		return AddressToLineAddr2lineExe( pMemoryAddress );
+		#endif
+		// lst and map files.
+		#ifndef ADDR2LINE
+		return AddressToLineArmv5( pMemoryAddress );
+		#endif
+	}
+	else if ( _stricmp( m_sVariantPlatform.c_str(), "gcce" ) == 0 )
+	{
+		return AddressToLineAddr2lineExe( pMemoryAddress );
+	}
+	return false;
+bool CATModule2::AddressToLineWinscw( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddressToLineWinscw( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )");
+	if ( m_pAddressToLine == 0 && ! m_bAddressToLineInitialized )
+	{
+		// Use debug helper to locate codelines on winscw platform.
+		m_pAddressToLine = new CATDbgHelper();
+		// Create full path to binary which we open using CATDbgHelper.
+		string sFullPathToBinary = GetBinaryFile();
+		// If opening of binary not succesfull set return value to false.
+		if ( ! m_pAddressToLine->Open( sFullPathToBinary, pMemoryAddress->GetModuleStartAddress() ) )
+		{
+			LOG_STRING("Error, m_pAddressToLine->Open()");
+			return false;
+		}
+		m_bAddressToLineInitialized = true;
+	}
+	// Check pointer before calling.
+	if ( m_pAddressToLine == 0 )
+		return false;
+	m_pAddressToLine->AddressToLine( pMemoryAddress );
+	return true;
+bool CATModule2::AddressToLineArmv5( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddressToLine( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )");
+	if ( ! m_bAddressToLineInitialized )
+		return false;
+	// Find from map file
+	int iMapIndex = GetSymbolIndexUsingAddress( pMemoryAddress->GetOffSetFromModuleStart() );
+	if ( iMapIndex == -1 )
+	{
+		pMemoryAddress->SetAddressToLineState( CATMemoryAddress::OUT_OF_RANGE );
+		return true;
+	}
+	// Set symbol name
+	string sSymbolName = iMapIndex ).sFunctionName;
+	// Remove (... from symbol name
+	string sSymbolNameRefined( sSymbolName );
+	size_t iPos = sSymbolNameRefined.find( "(" );
+	if ( iPos != string::npos )
+		sSymbolNameRefined.resize( iPos );
+	// Set symbol name as function name for memory address
+	pMemoryAddress->SetFunctionName( sSymbolNameRefined );
+	// Set state to symbol
+	pMemoryAddress->SetAddressToLineState( CATMemoryAddress::SYMBOL );
+	// Offset from function start addr
+	int iOffSetFromFuncStart = pMemoryAddress->GetOffSetFromModuleStart()
+		- iMapIndex ).iAddress;
+	// Find from lst list
+	int iLstIndex = GetLineInFileIndexUsingSymbolName( sSymbolName );
+	if ( iLstIndex == -1 )
+		return true;
+	// Set pinpointing
+	int iFuncLineNumber = iLstIndex ).iLine;
+	string sFileName = iLstIndex ).sFileName;
+	string sLstFileName = iLstIndex ).sLstName;
+	pMemoryAddress->SetFunctionLineNumber( iFuncLineNumber );
+	pMemoryAddress->SetFileName( sFileName );
+	pMemoryAddress->SetAddressToLineState( CATMemoryAddress::FUNCTION );
+	// In urel mode don't get exact code line
+	if ( ! IsUDEB() )
+		return true;
+	// Next calculate the code line inside function
+	int iExactLineNumber = FindLeakCodeLine( sLstFileName, iFuncLineNumber, iOffSetFromFuncStart );
+	pMemoryAddress->SetExactLineNumber( iExactLineNumber );
+	// State is now exact
+	pMemoryAddress->SetAddressToLineState( CATMemoryAddress::EXACT );
+	return true;
+bool CATModule2::AddressToLineAddr2lineExe( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddressToLineAddr2lineExe( CATMemoryAddress* pMemoryAddress )");
+	if ( m_pAddressToLine == 0 && ! m_bAddressToLineInitialized )
+	{
+		// Use addr2line.exe to locate codelines on armv5 and gcce platform.
+		m_pAddressToLine = new CATAddr2line();
+		// Create full path to binary .sym file which we open using addr2line.exe.
+		string sFullPathToBinary = GetBinaryFile();
+		// If opening of binary not succesfull set return value to false.
+		if ( ! m_pAddressToLine->Open( sFullPathToBinary, pMemoryAddress->GetModuleStartAddress() ) )
+		{
+			LOG_STRING("Error, m_pAddressToLine->Open()");
+			return false;
+		}
+		m_bAddressToLineInitialized = true;
+	}
+	// Check pointer before calling.
+	if ( m_pAddressToLine == 0 )
+		return false;
+	m_pAddressToLine->AddressToLine( pMemoryAddress );
+	return true;
+// Find symbol of given address
+int CATModule2::GetSymbolIndexUsingAddress( unsigned long iAddress ) const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetSymbolIndexUsingAddress");
+	for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vMapFileFuncList.size(); i++ )
+	{
+		unsigned long iStart = i ).iAddress;
+		unsigned long iEnd = ( i ).iAddress
+			+ i ).iFuncLength );
+		if ( iAddress >= iStart && iAddress < iEnd )
+			return (int) i;
+	}
+	return -1;
+// Find index of function line in file vector of given symbolname
+int CATModule2::GetLineInFileIndexUsingSymbolName( const string& sSymbolName ) const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetLineInFileIndexUsingSymbolName");
+	for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vLineInFile.size(); i++ )
+	{
+		string sLineInFileName = i ).sFunction;
+		if( sLineInFileName.find( sSymbolName ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			return (int) i;
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+// Check does modules symbol file(s) exist.
+bool CATModule2::SymbolFileExist( void )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SymbolFileExist");
+	string sFullPathToSym = GetSymbolFile();
+	if ( !FileExists( sFullPathToSym.c_str() ) )
+	{
+		// Add missing symbol file to error string.
+		m_sErrors.append( "Missing symbol file: " );
+		m_sErrors.append( sFullPathToSym );
+		m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+// Check does modules map file(s) exists.
+bool CATModule2::MapFileExist( void )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::MapFileExist");
+	string sFullPathToMap = GetMapFile();
+	if ( !FileExists( sFullPathToMap.c_str() ) )
+	{
+		// Add missing symbol file to error string.
+		m_sErrors.append( "Missing map file: " );
+		m_sErrors.append( sFullPathToMap );
+		m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+//Check does modules binary file(s) exist.
+bool CATModule2::BinaryFileExist( void )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::BinaryFileExist");
+	string sFullPathToBinary = GetBinaryFile();
+	if ( ! FileExists( sFullPathToBinary.c_str() ) )
+	{
+		// Add missing binary to error string.
+		m_sErrors.append( "Missing binary file: " );
+		m_sErrors.append( sFullPathToBinary );
+		m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+void CATModule2::AddSource(const string &sSourceFile, const string& sLstFile)
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddSource");
+	// Parse sources which are separated by spaces
+	if( sSourceFile.length() < 1  || sLstFile.length() < 1 )
+		return;
+	// Skip if its temporary cpp.
+	if ( sSourceFile.find( AT_TEMP_CPP_LOWER_START) != string::npos )
+		return;
+	// Source structure
+	SOURCE sNew;
+	sNew.sCpp =  sSourceFile;
+	sNew.sLst = sLstFile;
+	// Verify paths.
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( sNew.sCpp );
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( sNew.sLst );
+	// Lower case them.
+	ChangeToLower( sNew.sCpp );
+	ChangeToLower( sNew.sLst );
+	// Add it
+	m_vSources.push_back( sNew );
+void CATModule2::AddSources(string& sSource)
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::AddSources");
+	// Parse sources which are separated by spaces
+	if( sSource.length() < 1 )
+		return;
+	// Source structure
+	SOURCE sNew;
+	size_t iSpot = string::npos;
+	iSpot = sSource.find( " " );
+	while( iSpot != string::npos )
+	{
+		// Pickup source
+		sNew.sCpp = sSource.substr(0, iSpot);
+		// Convert path from Unix to Win
+		ConvertUnixPathToWin( sNew.sCpp );
+		// Lowercase it
+		ChangeToLower( sNew.sCpp );
+		// If its temp skip this
+		if ( sNew.sCpp.find( AT_TEMP_CPP_LOWER_START ) == string::npos )
+		{
+			// Get corresponding lst file for source
+			sNew.sLst = GetLstNameOfSource( sNew.sCpp );
+			m_vSources.push_back( sNew );
+			// Remove it from sSource
+			sSource.erase(0,iSpot+1);
+			// Find new one
+		}
+		iSpot = sSource.find( " " );
+	}
+	// Pickup last or only one source
+	sNew.sCpp = sSource;
+	// Convert path from unix to win
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( sNew.sCpp );
+	// Lowercase it
+	ChangeToLower( sNew.sCpp );
+	// Lst name
+	sNew.sLst = GetLstNameOfSource( sNew.sCpp );
+	if ( sNew.sCpp.find( AT_TEMP_CPP_LOWER_START ) == string::npos )
+	{
+		// Get corresponding lst file for source
+		sNew.sLst = GetLstNameOfSource( sNew.sCpp );
+		m_vSources.push_back( sNew );
+	}
+bool CATModule2::CreateTempCpp(const string& sS60FileName
+							        , const string& sS60FilePath
+									, int eLoggingMode
+									, int eBuildType
+									, int iAllocCallStackSize
+									, int iFreeCallStackSize )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CreateTemporaryCpp");
+	// Make s60 filename target.type.dat if its empty and logging mode is file
+	if ( eLoggingMode == CATProject::FILE )
+	{
+		// S60 filename
+		SetS60FileName( sS60FileName );
+		// S60 filepath
+		// use double slashes in temp cpp file
+		m_sS60FilePath = sS60FilePath;
+		int iIgnore(0);
+		size_t iPos = m_sS60FilePath.find("\\", iIgnore );
+		while( iPos != string::npos )
+		{
+			m_sS60FilePath.replace( iPos, 1, "\\\\" );
+			// dont replace previously replaced slashes
+			iIgnore = iPos + 2;
+			iPos = m_sS60FilePath.find("\\", iIgnore );
+		}
+	}
+	return CreateTemporaryCpp( GetUniqueId(), m_sTempPath,
+		m_sS60FileName, m_sS60FilePath, eLoggingMode, eBuildType, iAllocCallStackSize, iFreeCallStackSize );
+bool CATModule2::ModifyMmp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ModifyMmp");
+	// Create backup
+	if ( ! m_Mmp.BackupMmpFile() )
+		return false;
+	// Hook
+	return m_Mmp.EditMmpFile( m_sTargetType, GetUniqueId() );
+bool CATModule2::RestoreMmp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::RestoreMmp");
+	// Restore mmp from backup
+	return m_Mmp.RestoreMmpFile();
+bool CATModule2::VerifyAndRecoverMmp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::VerifyAndRecoverMmp");
+	// Verify mmp
+	return m_Mmp.VerifyAndRecover();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Releasables Handling methos
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool CATModule2::CopyReleasables()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CopyReleasables");
+	bool bRet = true;
+	if ( ! CopyLstFilesToTemp() )
+		bRet = false;
+	if ( ! CopyMapFileToTemp() )
+		bRet = false;
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::CopyLstFilesToDir( const string& sDir )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CopyLstFilesToDir");
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Copy lst files to given directory.
+	vector<SOURCE>::const_iterator source;
+	for( source = m_vSources.begin(); source != m_vSources.end() ; source++ )
+	{
+		if ( ! FileCopyToPath( source->sLst, sDir ) )
+		{
+			if ( !FileExists( source->sLst.c_str() ) )
+			{
+				m_sErrors.append( "Missing listing file: " );
+				m_sErrors.append( source->sLst );
+				m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+			}
+			if ( !DirectoryExists( sDir.c_str() ) )
+			{
+				m_sErrors.append( "Missing folder: " );
+				m_sErrors.append( sDir );
+				m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+			}
+			bRet = false;
+		}
+	}
+	// Return.
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::CopyLstFilesToTemp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CopyLstFilesToTemp");
+	// Return boolean
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Move all lst files except tmp cpp
+	vector<SOURCE>::iterator it = m_vSources.begin();
+	while ( it != m_vSources.end() )
+	{
+		if ( !FileCopyToPath( it->sLst, m_sTempPath ) )
+		{
+			if ( !FileExists( it->sLst.c_str() ) )
+			{
+				m_sErrors.append( "Missing listing file: " );
+				m_sErrors.append( it->sLst );
+				m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+			}
+			if ( !DirectoryExists( m_sTempPath.c_str() ) )
+			{
+				m_sErrors.append( "Missing folder: " );
+				m_sErrors.append( m_sTempPath );
+				m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+			}
+			bRet = false;
+		}
+		it++;
+	}
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::DeleteLstFilesFromSrc( void )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::DeleteLstFilesFromSrc");
+	vector<SOURCE>::iterator it = m_vSources.begin();
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Delete lst files
+	while ( it != m_vSources.end() )
+	{
+		if ( ! FileDelete( it->sLst, true ) )
+			bRet = false;
+		it++;
+	}
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::CopyMapFileToTemp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CopyMapFileToTemp");
+	// Return boolean
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Map File to copy
+	string sMapFile = GetMapFile();
+	if ( !FileCopyToPath( sMapFile, m_sTempPath ) )
+	{
+		bRet = false;
+		if ( !FileExists( sMapFile.c_str() ) )
+		{
+			// Add missing map file to error string.
+			m_sErrors.append( "Missing map file: " );
+			m_sErrors.append( sMapFile );
+			m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+		}
+		if ( !DirectoryExists( m_sTempPath.c_str() ) )
+		{
+			// Add missing temporary folder
+			m_sErrors.append( "Missing folder: " );
+			m_sErrors.append( m_sTempPath );
+			m_sErrors.append( "\n" );
+		}
+	}
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::CleanTemporaryDir()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CleanTemporaryDir");
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Verify mmp
+	if ( ! m_Mmp.VerifyAndRecover() )
+		bRet = false;
+	// Clean temporary dir
+	vector<string> vFileList = DirList( m_sTempPath, false , true );
+	vector<string>::iterator it = vFileList.begin();
+	// Size of constant table
+	int iCount = sizeof( TEMP_EXTENSION_NO_DELETE ) / sizeof( string );
+	while ( it != vFileList.end() )
+	{
+		// Get extension and compare it to list
+		bool bDelete = true;
+		string sExtension = GetExtension( *it );
+		ChangeToLower( sExtension );
+		for ( int i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i++ )
+		{
+			if( TEMP_EXTENSION_NO_DELETE[i] ) == 0 )
+			{
+				bDelete = false;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( bDelete )
+		{
+			// Delete file
+			if ( ! FileDelete( *it, true ) )
+				bRet = false;
+		}
+		// Increment
+		it++;
+	}
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::DeleteTemporaryDir()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::DeleteTemporaryDir");
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Verify mmp
+	if ( ! m_Mmp.VerifyAndRecover() )
+		bRet = false;
+	// Delete temp dir
+	if ( !DirDelete( m_sTempPath, true ) )
+		bRet = false;
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::IsUDEB() const
+	// Determine from variant is this udeb
+	if ( m_sVariantType.find( "udeb" ) != string::npos )
+		return true;
+	return false;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Private AddressToLine related methods
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool CATModule2::InitializeAddressToLine()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::InitializeAddressToLine");
+	bool bRet = true;
+	// Read in different way depending on platform
+	if ("armv5") == 0 )
+	{
+		// Add static library lst files to source vector,
+		// before reading them.
+		vector<string> vFiles = DirList( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR, false, true );
+		for(vector<string>::iterator it = vFiles.begin() ; it != vFiles.end() ; it ++ )
+		{
+			SOURCE source;
+			source.bStatic = true;
+			source.sLst = *it;
+			source.sCpp = *it;
+			source.sCpp = CATBase::RemovePathAndExt( source.sCpp, false );
+			source.sCpp.append( ".cpp" );
+			m_vSources.push_back( source );
+		}
+		if ( ! ReadListingFilesArmv5() )
+			bRet = false;
+		if ( ! ReadMapFileArmv5() )
+			bRet = false;
+		if ( bRet )
+			m_bAddressToLineInitialized = true;
+	}
+	return bRet;
+bool CATModule2::ReadListingFilesArmv5()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ReadListingFilesArmv5");
+	char cTemp[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
+	vector<SOURCE>::iterator viFileIter = m_vSources.begin();
+	int iNumberOfLstFiles = (int)m_vSources.size();
+	vector<string> vTempLines;
+	string sFileName;
+	// Open all .lst files
+	while( iNumberOfLstFiles > 0 )
+	{
+		// Make .lst file name
+		sFileName.clear();
+		// If lst file is not from static library make path to modules temporary directory.
+		if ( viFileIter->bStatic != true )
+		{
+			// Remove path
+			if( viFileIter->sLst.find("\\") != string::npos )
+				sFileName.append(
+				viFileIter->sLst.substr( viFileIter->sLst.find_last_of( "\\" ) + 1
+				, viFileIter->sLst.size() ) );
+			else
+				sFileName.append( viFileIter->sLst );
+			// Add temporary dir
+			sFileName.insert( 0, m_sTempPath );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Lst from static library don't change path.
+			sFileName = viFileIter->sLst;
+		}
+		// Open lst file
+		ifstream in( sFileName.c_str() );
+		// If file can not be opened, try to open next file
+		if( !in.good() )
+		{
+			viFileIter++;
+			iNumberOfLstFiles--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		string sTemp;
+		// Clear temporary lines
+		vTempLines.clear();
+		// Add all lines to temp list
+		do
+		{
+			in.getline( cTemp, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+			sTemp.clear();
+			sTemp.append( cTemp );
+			vTempLines.push_back( sTemp );
+		}
+		while( in.good() );
+		LINE_IN_FILE structLineInFile;
+		bool bFindENDP = false;
+		vector<string>::iterator viLinesIter = vTempLines.begin();
+		// Loop throw all lines in .lst file
+		while( viLinesIter != vTempLines.end() )
+		{
+			// Find ";;;"
+			if( !bFindENDP && strstr(viLinesIter->c_str(), ";;;") != NULL )
+			{
+				bFindENDP = true;
+				vector<string>::iterator viLineTempIter = viLinesIter;
+				// Find top line of function definition
+				while( viLineTempIter->size() > 0 )
+				{
+					viLineTempIter--;
+				}
+				viLineTempIter++;
+				structLineInFile.sFunction.clear();
+				structLineInFile.sFunction.append( viLineTempIter->c_str() );
+				viLinesIter++;
+				// Get Line
+				sTemp.clear();
+				sTemp.append( viLinesIter->c_str() );
+				sTemp.erase(0,3);
+				size_t iSize = sTemp.find_first_of(' ');
+				if( iSize != string::npos )
+					sTemp.resize(iSize);
+				structLineInFile.iLine = atoi( sTemp.c_str() );
+				structLineInFile.sFileName.clear();
+				structLineInFile.sFileName.append( viFileIter->sCpp.c_str() );
+				structLineInFile.sLstName = sFileName;
+				m_vLineInFile.push_back( structLineInFile );
+			}
+			else if( strstr(viLinesIter->c_str(), "ENDP") != NULL )
+				bFindENDP = false;
+			viLinesIter++;
+		}
+		viFileIter++;
+		iNumberOfLstFiles--;
+	}
+	if( m_vLineInFile.size() > 0 )
+		return true;
+	return false;
+bool CATModule2::ReadMapFileArmv5()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ReadMapFileArmv5");
+	// Map file name
+	string sMapFileName	= GetMapFile();
+	// Remove path
+	if ( sMapFileName.find("\\") != string::npos )
+		sMapFileName.erase(0, sMapFileName.find_last_of('\\')+1 );
+	// Add temp path
+	sMapFileName.insert(0, m_sTempPath );
+	// Open .map file
+	ifstream in( sMapFileName.c_str() );
+	// File open ok?
+	if( ! in.good() )
+	{
+		in.close();
+		return false;
+	}
+	char cTemp[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
+	bool bFirstFuncFound = false;
+	// Get all lines where is "Thumb"
+	do
+	{
+		// Load one line from .map file
+		in.getline( cTemp, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+		// Find _E32Startup
+		if( !bFirstFuncFound && ( strstr( cTemp, "_E32Startup" ) != NULL) )
+		{
+			bFirstFuncFound = true;
+		}
+		else if( !bFirstFuncFound && ( strstr( cTemp, "_E32Dll" ) != NULL) )
+		{
+			bFirstFuncFound = true;
+		}
+		else if( !bFirstFuncFound )
+			// Skip if _E32Startup not found
+			continue;
+		if( strstr( cTemp, "Thumb Code" ) != NULL || strstr( cTemp, "ARM Code" ) != NULL)
+		{
+			MAP_FUNC_INFO structMapFileLineInfo;
+			structMapFileLineInfo.sWholeLine.append( cTemp );
+			// Get memory string address from line
+			char* pStart = strstr( cTemp, "0x" );
+			// Check did strstr return null.
+			if( pStart == NULL )
+				continue;
+			char* pTemp = pStart;
+			char TempString[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
+			TempString[0] = 0;
+			size_t iLength = 0;
+			while( *pTemp != ' ' )
+			{
+				TempString[iLength] = *pTemp;
+				pTemp++;
+				iLength++;
+			}
+			TempString[iLength] = 0;
+			structMapFileLineInfo.iAddress = CATDatParser::_httoi( TempString );
+			pTemp = cTemp;
+			TempString[0] = 0;
+			// Get function name
+			// Skip spaces
+			while( *pTemp == ' ' )
+			{
+				pTemp++;
+			}
+			iLength = 0;
+			// Find end of function name
+			string sTemp( pTemp );
+			// Location of character ')'
+			iLength = sTemp.find_first_of(')');
+			// Location of character ' '
+			size_t iLength2 = sTemp.find_first_of(' ');
+			// If ')' character is the last char and
+			// character ' ' is closer than ')' use location of ' '
+			if( ( iLength + 1 ) == sTemp.length() && iLength2 < iLength )
+				iLength = iLength2 - 1;
+			if( iLength != string::npos )
+				sTemp.resize( (iLength + 1) );
+			structMapFileLineInfo.sFunctionName.append( sTemp.c_str() );
+			bool bARM = false;
+			// Find function length
+			pStart = strstr( cTemp, "Thumb Code" );
+			if( pStart == NULL )
+			{
+				pStart = strstr( cTemp, "ARM Code" );
+				bARM = true;
+			}
+			if( pStart != NULL )
+			{
+				if( bARM )
+					pStart += 8;
+				else
+					pStart += 10;
+				while(*pStart == ' ')
+				{
+					pStart++;
+				}
+				sTemp.clear();
+				sTemp.append( pStart );
+				size_t iSize = sTemp.find_first_of(' ');
+				if( iSize != string::npos )
+					sTemp.resize( iSize );
+			}
+			structMapFileLineInfo.iFuncLength = atoi( sTemp.c_str() );
+			if( bFirstFuncFound && structMapFileLineInfo.iFuncLength > 0 )
+				// Save to list
+				m_vMapFileFuncList.push_back( structMapFileLineInfo );
+		}
+	}
+	while( in.good() );
+	in.close();
+	return true;
+int CATModule2::FindLeakCodeLine( string& sFileName, int iLine, unsigned long iFromFuncAddress ) const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::FindLeakCodeLine");
+	if ( sFileName.empty() )
+		return -1;
+	char cLineFromFile[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
+	vector<string> vTempLines;
+	string sTemp;
+	char* pTemp = NULL;
+	char* pTempEnd = NULL;
+	int iFoundLine = -1;
+	int iRet = -1;
+	// Open lst file
+	ifstream in( sFileName.c_str() );
+	bool bLineFound = false;
+	bool bFirstAddressInFuncFound = false;
+	unsigned long iFirstAddressInFunc = 0;
+	while( in.good() )
+	{
+		in.getline( cLineFromFile, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+		if( bLineFound )
+		{
+			vTempLines.push_back( cLineFromFile );
+			// Is first character digit
+			if( isdigit( cLineFromFile[0] ) )
+			{
+				if( !bFirstAddressInFuncFound )
+				{
+					bFirstAddressInFuncFound = true;
+					sTemp.clear();
+					sTemp.append( cLineFromFile );
+					// Get value until next space
+					sTemp.resize( sTemp.find_first_of(' ') );
+					iFirstAddressInFunc = CATDatParser::_httoi( sTemp.c_str() );
+					// Return function start line if margin 0
+					if( iFromFuncAddress == 0 )
+					{
+						iRet = iLine;
+						return iRet;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// Find correct line using iFromFuncAddress variable
+					sTemp.clear();
+					sTemp.append( cLineFromFile );
+					// Get value until next space
+					sTemp.resize( sTemp.find_first_of(' ') );
+					unsigned long iValue = CATDatParser::_httoi( sTemp.c_str() );
+					if( ( iValue - iFirstAddressInFunc ) >= iFromFuncAddress )
+					{
+						// If there is data in function, code line can not be found
+						if( strstr( cLineFromFile , "DCB" ) != NULL )
+						{
+							iRet = -1;
+							return iRet;
+						}
+						pTemp = strstr( cLineFromFile, ";" );
+						// Get line number
+						bool bStringNumber = true;
+						if( pTemp != NULL )
+						{
+							string sTempLine( pTemp + 1 );
+							// Are all characters numbers?
+							for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sTempLine .size() ; i++ )
+							{
+								if( !isdigit(sTempLine[i]) )
+								{
+									bStringNumber = false;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						else
+							bStringNumber = false;
+						if( bStringNumber )
+						{
+							pTemp++;
+							// Get line number
+							iRet = atoi( pTemp );
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							vector<string>::iterator sTempIter = vTempLines.end();
+							sTempIter--;
+							// Find last code line
+							while( sTempIter != vTempLines.begin() )
+							{
+								if( strstr( sTempIter->c_str() , "DCB" ) != NULL )
+								{
+									iRet = -1;
+									return iRet;
+								}
+								if( strstr( sTempIter->c_str() , ";;;" ) == NULL )
+									sTempIter--;
+								else
+									break;
+							}
+							if(sTempIter == vTempLines.begin() && strstr( sTempIter->c_str() , ";;;" ) == NULL)
+							{
+								iRet = -1;
+								return iRet;
+							}
+							sTempIter->erase( 0, 3 );
+							sTempIter->resize( sTempIter->find(' ') );
+							// Leak line
+							iRet = atoi( sTempIter->c_str() );
+						}
+						return iRet;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else // Line in file not found
+		{
+			// Find line of function
+			if( strstr( cLineFromFile, ";;;" ) != NULL )
+			{
+				pTemp = &cLineFromFile[0];
+				// Skip characters ";;;"
+				pTemp += 3;
+				pTempEnd = pTemp;
+				// Find end of line number
+				while( *pTempEnd != ' ' )
+				{
+					pTempEnd++;
+				}
+				*pTempEnd = 0;
+				iFoundLine = atoi( pTemp );
+				*pTempEnd = ' ';
+				if( iLine == iFoundLine )
+				{
+					bLineFound = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return iRet;
+bool CATModule2::IsMakeSuccessfull()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::IsMakeSuccessfull");
+	m_sErrors.clear();
+	string sSearch;
+	bool bMakeSuccess = true;
+	// Lst files checked only with armv5 platform.
+	if ( IsPlatformArmv5() )
+	{
+		sSearch.append( m_sTempPath );
+		sSearch.append( "*.lst" );
+		if( !SearchFileWithExtension( sSearch.c_str(), false, m_sErrors ) )
+			bMakeSuccess = false;
+		// Map
+		sSearch.clear();
+		sSearch.append( m_sTempPath );
+		sSearch.append( "*.map" );
+		if( !SearchFileWithExtension( sSearch.c_str(), false, m_sErrors ) )
+			bMakeSuccess = false;
+	}
+	// .tmp
+	sSearch.clear();
+	sSearch.append( m_sTempPath );
+	sSearch.append( "*.tmp" );
+	if( !SearchFileWithExtension( sSearch.c_str(), false, m_sErrors ) )
+		bMakeSuccess = false;
+	return bMakeSuccess;
+bool CATModule2::CreateBuildCompleteFile()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CreateBuildCompleteFile");
+	// Don't create file if temp path not set cause might be anywhere
+	if ( m_sTempPath.empty() )
+		return false;
+	// Create empty file indicating this module is build
+	string sFile = m_sTempPath;
+	if( sFile.length() - 1 ) != '\\' )
+		sFile.append("\\");
+	sFile.append( "BuildComplete" );
+	ofstream out( sFile.c_str() );
+	out << m_sVariantPlatform << endl;
+	out << m_sVariantType << endl;
+	out.close();
+	return true;
+bool CATModule2::ReadMakeFileFromTemp()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ReadMakeFileFromTemp");
+	// Set makefile to point to temporary directory.
+	string sMakeFile = m_sTempPath;
+	sMakeFile.append( RemovePathAndExt( m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile, true ) );
+	sMakeFile.append( "." );
+	sMakeFile.append( AT_LEVEL_2_MAKEFILE_EXT );
+	m_sMakeFile = sMakeFile;
+	return ReadMakeFilePrivate();
+bool CATModule2::ReadMakeFile()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ReadMakeFile");
+	// Read makefile
+	if ( ReadMakeFilePrivate() )
+	{
+		// Copy makefile to temporary directory.
+		string sMakeFile = m_sTempPath;
+		sMakeFile.append( RemovePathAndExt( m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile, true ) );
+		sMakeFile.append( "." );
+		sMakeFile.append( AT_LEVEL_2_MAKEFILE_EXT );
+		FileCopyToPath( m_sMakeFile, sMakeFile );
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+bool CATModule2::ReadMakeFilePrivate()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::ReadMakeFilePrivate");
+	if ( m_sMakeFile.empty() )
+		return false;
+	LOG_STRING( "using makefile :" << m_sMakeFile );
+	// Stream object to read files
+	ifstream in;
+	// Char array to read line from file
+	char cLine[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
+	// String to use as buffer from file
+	string sLine;
+	// Open file
+ m_sMakeFile.c_str(), ios_base::in );
+	// Check that its open
+	if ( ! in.good() )
+	{
+		// Cannot open file
+		cout << AT_MSG << "Error, can not open file: " << m_sMakeFile << endl;
+		return false;
+	}
+	// Check is it wrapper makefile (starts with "%:")
+	in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+	if ( cLine[0] == '%' && cLine[1] == ':' )
+	{
+		LOG_STRING("Found wrapper makefile");
+		in.close();
+		// Use ".default" makefile
+		string sDefaultMakeFile = m_sMakeFile.substr( 0, m_sMakeFile.find_last_of( "." ) );
+		sDefaultMakeFile.append( ".DEFAULT" );
+		LOG_STRING( "using makefile :" << m_sMakeFile );
+		// Does default exists. If not we need to run "wrapper make"
+		if ( ! FileExists( sDefaultMakeFile.c_str() ) )
+		{
+			// Run the wrapper make to create "real" makefile
+			string sMakeFileCmd;
+			sMakeFileCmd.append("make -f \"");
+			sMakeFileCmd.append( m_sMakeFile );
+			sMakeFileCmd.append( "\"" );
+			LOG_STRING( "using makefile :" << m_sMakeFile );
+			cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sMakeFileCmd << endl;
+			int iRet = (int)system( sMakeFileCmd.c_str() );
+			if ( iRet )
+			{
+				cout << MAKE_ERROR;
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		m_sMakeFile = sDefaultMakeFile;
+		// Open new file
+ m_sMakeFile.c_str(), ios_base::in );
+		// Check that it's open
+		if ( ! in.good() )
+		{
+			// Cannot open file
+			cout << AT_MSG << "Error, can not open makefile: " << m_sMakeFile << endl;
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	in.seekg( ios_base::beg );
+	// Number of lines to read at max for basic module information.
+	int iReadLineCount = 20;
+	// Extension from target line. to be compared with targettype.
+	string sTargetExtension;
+	// Read line at a time. Loop until we find it or eof
+	do {
+		// Read line from file to array
+		in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+		iReadLineCount--;
+		sLine.clear();
+		// Put that to string
+		sLine.append( cLine );
+		// Search target
+		if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_TARGET_STRING ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			// Found it. Now remove other than type from line
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_TARGET_STRING ) );
+			ChangeToLower( sLine );
+			sTargetExtension.clear();
+			sTargetExtension = GetExtension( sLine );
+			m_sTarget = RemovePathAndExt( sLine, true);
+			LOG_STRING("found target: " << sLine );
+		}
+		// Search targettype
+		else if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_TARGETTYPE_STRING ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			// Found it. Now remove other than type from line
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_TARGETTYPE_STRING ) );
+			ChangeToLower( sLine );
+			m_sTargetType = sLine;
+			LOG_STRING("found target type: " << m_sTargetType );
+		}
+		else if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_BASIC_TARGETTYPE_STRING ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_BASIC_TARGETTYPE_STRING ) );
+			ChangeToLower( sLine );
+			m_sRequestedTargetExt = sLine;
+			// Compare with the extension in target line if not same use target lines if its "valid".
+			if ( sTargetExtension ) != 0  && sTargetExtension.size() > 0 )
+				m_sRequestedTargetExt = sTargetExtension;
+			LOG_STRING("found requested target extension: " << m_sTargetType );		
+		}
+		// Feature variant details
+		else if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_NAME ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_NAME ) );
+			m_sFeatureVariantName = sLine;
+			LOG_STRING("found feature variant name: " << sLine );
+		}
+		else if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_UREL_LABEL ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_UREL_LABEL ) );
+			LOG_STRING("found feature variant urel label: " << sLine );
+			if ("INVARIANT") != 0 )
+				m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel = sLine;
+		}
+		else if ( sLine.find( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_UDEB_LABEL ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, strlen( MAKEFILE_FEATURE_VARIANT_UDEB_LABEL ) );
+			LOG_STRING("found feature variant udeb label: " << sLine );
+			if ("INVARIANT") != 0 )
+				m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel = sLine;
+		}
+	} while( in.good() && iReadLineCount > 0 );
+	// Search compile definitions
+	do
+	{
+		in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+		sLine.clear();
+		sLine.append( cLine );
+		if ( sLine.substr( 0 , 6 ).compare( string("CWDEFS") ) == 0 
+			|| sLine.substr( 0 , 6 ).compare( string("CCDEFS") ) == 0 )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, 8 );
+			m_sCompileDefinitions = sLine;
+			break;
+		}
+		else if( sLine.substr( 0 , 9 ).compare( string("ARMCCDEFS") ) == 0  )
+		{
+			sLine.erase( 0, 11 );
+			m_sCompileDefinitions = sLine;
+			break;
+		}
+	} while( in.good() );
+	// Move reading back to start if we could not find compile flags.
+	in.seekg( ios_base::beg );
+	// Search listing information (modules source files).
+	int iFindItem = 1; //1 = Source, 2 = LISTINGUDEB/UREL, 3 = lst file
+	string sCdefs;
+	string sSource;
+	string sLst;
+	do
+	{
+		in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
+		sLine.clear();
+		sLine.append( cLine );
+		switch( iFindItem )
+		{
+			case 1:
+				if( sLine.find( "# Source " ) != string::npos )
+				{
+					iFindItem = 2;
+					// Remove text "# Source "
+					sLine.erase( 0, 9 );
+					sSource = sLine;
+				}
+			break;
+			case 2:
+				if( IsUDEB() )
+				{
+					if( sLine.find( "LISTINGUDEB" ) != string::npos )
+					{
+						iFindItem = 3;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if( sLine.find( "LISTINGUREL" ) != string::npos )
+					{
+						iFindItem = 3;
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+			case 3:
+				if( sLine.find( "perl -S" ) != string::npos )
+				{
+					// Save lst file to list
+					sLine.erase( 0, ( sLine.find_first_of( "\\" ) ) );
+					// remove last char if '"'
+					if ( sLine.size()-1 ) == '"' )
+						sLine.erase( sLine.size()-1, sLine.size() );
+					sLst = sLine;
+					AddSource( sSource, sLst );
+					iFindItem = 1;
+					sSource.clear(); sLst.clear();
+				}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	while( in.good() );
+	// close and return
+	in.close();
+	return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get & Sets
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+string CATModule2::GetErrors() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetErrors");
+	return m_sErrors;
+string CATModule2::GetS60FileName() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetS60FileName");
+	return m_sS60FileName;
+void CATModule2::SetS60FileName( const string& aFileName  )
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetS60FileName");
+	m_sS60FileName = aFileName;
+	//check new m_sS60FileName and change it if needed
+	string sProcessName = "";
+	sProcessName.append( m_sTarget );
+	sProcessName.append(".");
+	sProcessName.append( m_sTargetType );
+	if ( m_sS60FileName.empty() )
+	{
+		m_sS60FileName = sProcessName;
+		m_sS60FileName.append(".dat");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// if data file name contains %processname% string, replace it with process name
+		string sProcessnameTemp = "[";
+		sProcessnameTemp.append( sProcessName );
+		sProcessnameTemp.append( "]" );
+		size_t iSpot;
+		//create temp name in lowercase
+		string sS60FileNameLower = m_sS60FileName;
+		ChangeToLower( sS60FileNameLower );
+		// find %processname% string in lowercase name, replace it with process name in in m_sS60FileName
+		// replace it also in temp string (matching indexes)
+		while( ( iSpot = sS60FileNameLower.find( AT_PROCESSNAME_TAG ) ) != string::npos )
+		{
+			m_sS60FileName.replace( iSpot, AT_PROCESSNAME_TAG.length(), sProcessnameTemp );
+			sS60FileNameLower.replace( iSpot, AT_PROCESSNAME_TAG.length(), sProcessnameTemp );
+		}
+    }
+string CATModule2::GetLstNameOfSource(string sSource) const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetLstNameOfSource");
+	// Find . before xtension
+	size_t iSpot = sSource.find_last_of( "." );
+	// Get sub string to there
+	string sLst = sSource.substr(0, iSpot+1);
+	if ( "winscw" ) != 0 )
+	{
+		// Add variant platform (i.e. armv5)
+		sLst.append( m_sVariantPlatform );
+		sLst.append( "." );
+		// Add variant type (i.e. build type liek urel)
+		sLst.append( m_sVariantType );
+		sLst.append( "." );
+		// Add target binary name
+		sLst.append( m_sTarget );
+		sLst.append( "." );
+		// Add target requested binary extension
+		sLst.append( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+		sLst.append( "." );
+		// Add lst extension
+		sLst.append( "lst" );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		sLst.append( "WINSCW.lst" );
+	}
+	return sLst;
+bool CATModule2::IsPlatformArmv5() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::IsPlatformArmv5");
+	if ( _stricmp( m_sVariantPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) == 0 )
+		return true;
+	return false;
+string CATModule2::GetMapFile() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetMapFile");
+	// Map file with path using variables
+	string sMapFile( m_sReleasePath );
+	if ( ! sMapFile.empty() )
+		sMapFile.append( "\\" );
+	sMapFile.append( m_sFullVariantPath );
+	if ( ! m_sFullVariantPath.empty() )
+		sMapFile.append( "\\" );
+	sMapFile.append( m_sTarget );
+	sMapFile.append( "." );
+	// Possible feature variant. Note debug might not be defined
+	// when release has got one.
+	if ( IsUDEB() && !m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel.empty() )
+	{
+		sMapFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel );
+		sMapFile.append( "." );
+	}
+	if ( !IsUDEB() && !m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel.empty() )
+	{
+		sMapFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel );
+		sMapFile.append( "." );
+	}
+	sMapFile.append( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+	sMapFile.append( ".map" );
+	return sMapFile;
+string CATModule2::GetSymbolFile() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetSymbolFile");
+	// Symbol file with path using variables
+	string sSymbolFile( m_sReleasePath );
+	sSymbolFile.append( "\\" );
+	sSymbolFile.append( m_sFullVariantPath );
+	sSymbolFile.append( "\\" );
+	sSymbolFile.append( m_sTarget );
+	sSymbolFile.append( "." );
+	// Possible feature variant.
+	if ( ! m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel.empty() || ! m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel.empty() )
+	{
+		if ( IsUDEB() )
+			sSymbolFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel );
+		else
+			sSymbolFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel );
+		sSymbolFile.append( "." );
+	}
+	if ( m_eBuildSystem == CATProject::SBS_V1 )
+	{
+		sSymbolFile.append( "sym" );
+		return sSymbolFile;
+	}
+	sSymbolFile.append( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+	sSymbolFile.append( ".sym" );
+	return sSymbolFile;
+string CATModule2::GetBinaryFile() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetBinaryFile");
+	// Binary file with path using variables
+	string sBinaryFile( m_sReleasePath );
+	if ( ! sBinaryFile.empty() )
+		sBinaryFile.append( "\\" );
+	sBinaryFile.append( m_sFullVariantPath );
+	if ( ! m_sFullVariantPath.empty() )
+		sBinaryFile.append( "\\" );
+	sBinaryFile.append( m_sTarget );
+	sBinaryFile.append( "." );
+	// Possible feature variant.
+	if ( ! m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel.empty() || ! m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel.empty() )
+	{
+		if ( IsUDEB() )
+			sBinaryFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantUDEBLabel );
+		else
+			sBinaryFile.append( m_sFeatureVariantURELLabel );
+		sBinaryFile.append( "." );
+	}
+	sBinaryFile.append( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+	return sBinaryFile;
+bool CATModule2::SetMmpFile(const string& sMmpFile)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetMmpFile");
+	// Set mmp file
+	m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile = sMmpFile;
+	// Change to lower
+	ChangeToLower( m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile );
+	// Convert
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile );
+	// Set the temporary path.
+	m_sTempPath.clear();
+	m_sTempPath = CreateTempPath( m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile );
+	return true;
+bool CATModule2::CreateTemporaryDirectory()
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::CreateTemporaryDirectory");
+	if ( m_sTempPath.empty() )
+	{
+		LOG_STRING("Temporary path is not set.");
+		return false;
+	}
+	// Create temp dir if not exists
+	if ( ! DirectoryExists( m_sTempPath.c_str() ) )
+	{
+		if ( !CreateDirectory( m_sTempPath.c_str(), NULL ) )
+		{
+			cout << AT_MSG << "Error, can not create directory: "
+				<< m_sTempPath << endl;
+			return false;
+		}
+		cout << AT_MSG << "Directory created: " << m_sTempPath << endl;
+	}
+	return true;
+void CATModule2::SetMakeFile( const string& sMakeFile )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetMakeFile");
+	m_sMakeFile = sMakeFile;
+string CATModule2::GetMakeFile() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetMakeFile");
+	return m_sMakeFile;
+string CATModule2::GetMmpFile() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetMmpFile");
+	return m_Mmp.m_sMmpFile;
+string CATModule2::GetTempPath() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetTempPath");
+	return m_sTempPath;
+void CATModule2::SetTarget(const string& sTarget)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetTarget");
+	m_sTarget = sTarget;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sTarget );
+string CATModule2::GetTarget() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetTarget");
+	return m_sTarget;
+string CATModule2::GetBinaryName() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetBinaryName");
+	string sBinaryName;
+	sBinaryName.append( m_sTarget );
+	sBinaryName.append( "." );
+	sBinaryName.append( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+	return sBinaryName;
+void CATModule2::SetTargetType(const string& sTargetType)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetTargetType");
+	m_sTargetType = sTargetType;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sTargetType );
+string CATModule2::GetTargetType() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetTargetType");
+	return m_sTargetType;
+void CATModule2::SetRequestedTargetExt( const string& sRequestedTargetExt )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetRequestedTargetExt");
+	m_sRequestedTargetExt = sRequestedTargetExt;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sRequestedTargetExt );
+string CATModule2::GetRequestedTargetExt() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATmodule2::GetRequestedTargetExt");
+	return m_sRequestedTargetExt;
+void CATModule2::SetVariantPlatform(const string& sVariantPlatform)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetVariantPlatform");
+	m_sVariantPlatform = sVariantPlatform;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sVariantPlatform );
+string CATModule2::GetVariantPlatform() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetVariantPlatform");
+	return m_sVariantPlatform;
+void CATModule2::SetVariantType(const string& sVariantType)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetVariantType");
+	m_sVariantType = sVariantType;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sVariantType );
+string CATModule2::GetVariantType() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetVariantType");
+	return m_sVariantType;
+void CATModule2::SetFeatureVariant(const string& sFeatureVariant)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetFeatureVariant");
+	m_sFeatureVariant = sFeatureVariant;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sFeatureVariant );
+string CATModule2::GetFeatureVariant() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetFeatureVariant");
+	return m_sFeatureVariant;
+void CATModule2::SetFeatureVariantName(const string& sFeatureVariantName)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetFeatureVariantName");
+	m_sFeatureVariantName = sFeatureVariantName;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sFeatureVariantName );
+string CATModule2::GetFeatureVariantName() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetFeatureVariantName");
+	return m_sFeatureVariantName;
+void CATModule2::SetReleasePath(const string& sReleasePath)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetReleasePath");
+	m_sReleasePath = sReleasePath;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sReleasePath );
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( m_sReleasePath );
+string CATModule2::GetReleasePath() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetReleasePath");
+	return m_sReleasePath;
+void CATModule2::SetFullVariantPath(const string& sFullVariantPath)
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetFullVariantPath");
+	m_sFullVariantPath = sFullVariantPath;
+	ChangeToLower( m_sFullVariantPath );
+	ConvertUnixPathToWin( m_sFullVariantPath );
+string CATModule2::GetFullVariantPath() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetFullVariantPath");
+	return m_sFullVariantPath;
+string CATModule2::GetUniqueId() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetUniqueId");
+	return FilterString( m_sTarget );
+void CATModule2::SetBuildSystem( int eBuildSystem )
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::SetBuildSystem");
+	m_eBuildSystem = eBuildSystem;
+int CATModule2::GetBuildSystem() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATModule2::GetBuildSystem");
+	return m_eBuildSystem;
+void CATModule2::SetCompileDefinitions( const string& sCompileDefinitions )
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY( "CATModule2::SetCompileDefinitions" );
+	m_sCompileDefinitions = sCompileDefinitions;
+string CATModule2::GetCompileDefinitions() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY( "CATModule2::GetCompileDefinitions" );
+	return m_sCompileDefinitions;
+void CATModule2::SetCompileInfoText( string sCompileInfoText )
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY( "CATModule2::SetCompileInfoText" );
+	m_sCompileInfoText = sCompileInfoText;
+string CATModule2::GetCompileInfoText() const
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY( "CATModule2::GetCompileInfoText" );
+	return m_sCompileInfoText;