--- a/piprofiler/plugins/BUPplugin/src/BupPlugin.cpp Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "BupPlugin.h"
-//#include <piprofiler/EngineUIDs.h>
-#include <w32std.h> // for listening key events
-const TUid KSamplerBupPluginUid = { 0x2001E5B6 };
- *
- * class CBupPlugin implementation
- *
- */
-CBupPlugin* CBupPlugin::NewL(const TUid /*aImplementationUid*/, TAny* /*aInitParams*/)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::NewL() - entry"));
- CBupPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CBupPlugin();
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::NewL() - exit"));
- return self;
- }
-CBupPlugin::CBupPlugin() :
- iVersionDescriptor(&(this->iVersion[1]),0,19),
- {
- iEnabled = EFalse;
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::CBupPlugin() - konstruktori"));
- }
-void CBupPlugin::ConstructL()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::ConstructL() - entry"));
- // initiate sampler attributes array
- iSamplerAttributes = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>(1); // only one sampler
- // insert default attributes to array
- InitiateSamplerAttributesL();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::ConstructL() - exit"));
- }
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::~CBupPlugin() - entry"));
- if(iButtonListener)
- {
- // check if button listener still running
- if(Enabled())
- {
- // stop profiling
- iButtonListener->Stop();
- }
- delete iButtonListener;
- }
- if(iSamplerAttributes)
- {
- iSamplerAttributes->Reset();
- }
- delete iSamplerAttributes;
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::~CBupPlugin() - exit"));
- }
-TUid CBupPlugin::Id(TInt /*aUid*/) const
- {
- LOGSTRING2("CBupPlugin::Id():0x%X", KSamplerBupPluginUid.iUid );
- return KSamplerBupPluginUid;
- }
-void CBupPlugin::InitiateSamplerAttributesL()
- {
- // create sampler attribute container
- TSamplerAttributes attr(KSamplerBupPluginUid.iUid,
- KBUPShortName(),
- KBUPLongName(),
- KBUPDescription(),
- -1,
- ETrue,
- EFalse,
- 0); // default item count
- this->iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr);
- }
-// returns setting array
-void CBupPlugin::GetAttributesL(CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>* aAttributes)
- {
- // append my own attributes to complete array, requested by profiler engine
- aAttributes->AppendL(iSamplerAttributes->At(0));
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::SetAttributesL(TSamplerAttributes aAttributes)
- {
- TSamplerAttributes attr;
- attr = iSamplerAttributes->At(0);
- // if UIDs match replace the old
- if(attr.iUid == aAttributes.iUid)
- {
- // replace the old attribute container
- iSamplerAttributes->Delete(0);
- iSamplerAttributes->InsertL(0, aAttributes);
- return KErrNone;
- }
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
- * Method for parsing and transforming text array settings into TSamplerAttributes (per each sub sampler),
- * called by CSamplerController class
- *
- * @param array of raw text setting lines, e.g. [gpp]\nenabled=true\nsampling_period_ms=1\n
- */
-TInt CBupPlugin::ConvertRawSettingsToAttributes(CDesC8ArrayFlat* aAllSettingsArray)
- {
- // local literals
- _LIT8(KBUPShort, "bup");
- TInt err(KErrNone);
- TBuf8<16> samplerSearchName;
- samplerSearchName.Copy(KBUPShort);
- // get sampler specific settings
- err = DoSetSamplerSettings(aAllSettingsArray, samplerSearchName, 0);
- // returns KErrNone if settings found, otherwise KErrNotFound
- return err;
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::DoSetSamplerSettings(CDesC8ArrayFlat* aAllSettings, TDesC8& aSamplerName, TInt aIndex)
- {
- //
- TBuf8<16> samplerSearch;
- samplerSearch.Copy(KBracketOpen);
- samplerSearch.Append(aSamplerName);
- samplerSearch.Append(KBracketClose);
- // read a line
- for (TInt i(0); i<aAllSettings->MdcaCount(); i++)
- {
- // check if this line has a setting block start, i.e. contains [xxx] in it
- if (aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(i).CompareF(samplerSearch) == 0)
- {
- // right settings block found, now loop until the next block is found
- for(TInt j(i+1);j<aAllSettings->MdcaCount();j++)
- {
- // check if the next settings block was found
- if(aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(j).Left(1).CompareF(KBracketOpen) != 0)
- {
- // save found setting value directly to its owners attributes
- SaveSettingToAttributes(aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(j), aIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- // next block found, return KErrNone
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
- * Method for setting a specific descriptor (from settings file) to attribute structure
- *
- * @param aSetting
- * @param aName
- */
-void CBupPlugin::SaveSettingToAttributes(const TDesC8& aSetting, TInt aIndex)
- {
- // find the equal mark from the setting line
- TInt sepPos = aSetting.Find(KSettingItemSeparator);
- // check that '=' is found
- if (sepPos > 0)
- {
- // check that the element matches
- if (aSetting.Left(sepPos).CompareF(KEnabled) == 0)
- {
- TBool en;
- CSamplerPluginInterface::Str2Bool(aSetting.Right(aSetting.Length()-sepPos-1), en);
- if(iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iEnabled != en)
- {
- iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iEnabled = en;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::GetSamplerType()
- {
- return iSamplerType;
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::ResetAndActivateL(CProfilerSampleStream& aStream)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - entry"));
- TInt ret(KErrNone);
- // check if sampler enabled
- if(iSamplerAttributes->At(0).iEnabled)
- {
- // create first the listener instance
- iButtonListener = CProfilerButtonListener::NewL(this);
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - listener created"));
- iStream = &aStream;
- TInt length = this->CreateFirstSample();
- iVersion[0] = (TUint8)length;
- LOGSTRING2("CBupPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - AddSample, length %d",length);
- ret = AddSample(iVersion, length+1, 0);
- if(ret != KErrNone)
- return ret;
- // activate button listener
- ret = iButtonListener->StartL();
- iEnabled = ETrue;
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - exit"));
- }
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::CreateFirstSample()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::CreateFirstSample - entry"));
- this->iVersionDescriptor.Zero();
- this->iVersionDescriptor.Append(_L8("Bappea_BUP_V"));
- this->iVersionDescriptor.Append(PROFILER_BUP_SAMPLER_VERSION);
- LOGTEXT(_L("CBupPlugin::CreateFirstSample - exit"));
- return (TInt)(this->iVersionDescriptor.Length());
- }
-TInt CBupPlugin::StopSampling()
- {
- if(iButtonListener)
- {
- iButtonListener->Stop();
- delete iButtonListener; // delete listener after every trace
- iButtonListener = NULL;
- }
- // set disabled
- iEnabled = EFalse;
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CBupPlugin::FillThisStreamBuffer(TBapBuf* /*aBapBuf*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
- {
- }
- *
- * Implementation of class CProfilerButtonListener
- *
- */
-CProfilerButtonListener::CProfilerButtonListener(CBupPlugin* aSampler)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::CProfilerButtonListener() - konstuktori"));
- this->iSampler = aSampler;
- iSampleStartTime = 0;
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::CProfilerButtonListener() - konstuktori exit"));
- }
-CProfilerButtonListener* CProfilerButtonListener::NewL(CBupPlugin* aSampler)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::NewL() - entry"));
- CProfilerButtonListener* self = new (ELeave) CProfilerButtonListener(aSampler);
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::NewL() - exit"));
- return self;
- }
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::~CProfilerButtonListener() - entry af"));
- if(iMainWindow)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::~CProfilerButtonListener(): flushing iWs"));
- iWs.Flush();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::~CProfilerButtonListener(): finishing"));
- }
- delete iMainWindow;
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::~CProfilerButtonListener() - exit"));
- }
-void CProfilerButtonListener::ConstructMainWindowL()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::ConstructMainWindowL() - Entry"));
- CWindow* window = new (ELeave) CWindow(this);
- CleanupStack::PushL( window );
- window->ConstructL(TRect(TPoint(0,0), TSize(0,0)));
- delete iMainWindow;
- iMainWindow = window;
- CleanupStack::Pop( window );
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::ConstructMainWindowL() - Exit"));
- }
-void CProfilerButtonListener::HandleKeyEventL (TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::HandleKeyEventL() - Start"));
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::HandleKeyEventL() - End"));
- }
-TInt CProfilerButtonListener::RunError(TInt aError)
- {
- // get rid of everything we allocated
- // deactivate the anim dll before killing window, otherwise anim dll dies too early
- iAnim->Deactivate();
- iAnim->Close();
- iAnimDll->Close();
- return aError;
- }
-void CProfilerButtonListener::RunL()
- {
- // resubscribe before processing new value to prevent missing updates
- IssueRequest();
- TInt c = 0;
- if(RProperty::Get(KProfilerKeyEventPropertyCat, EProfilerKeyEventPropertySample, c) == KErrNone)
- {
- // do something with event
- LOGSTRING2("CProfilerButtonListener::RunL() - event [%d] received",c);
- iSample[0] = c;
- iSample[1] = c >> 8;
- iSample[2] = c >> 16;
- iSample[3] = c >> 24;
- // Space for GPP sample time
- TUint32 sampleTime = User::NTickCount() - iSampleStartTime;
- LOGSTRING2("CProfilerButtonListener::RunL() - sample time is %d",sampleTime);
- iSample[4] = sampleTime;
- iSample[5] = sampleTime >> 8;
- iSample[6] = sampleTime >> 16;
- iSample[7] = sampleTime >> 24;
- iSampler->AddSample(iSample, 8, 0xb0);
- }
- }
-TInt CProfilerButtonListener::StartL()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - Activate touch server dll"));
- TInt err(KErrNone);
- // get the property value
- TInt r = RProperty::Get(KGppPropertyCat, EGppPropertySyncSampleNumber, iSampleStartTime);
- if(r != KErrNone)
- {
- LOGSTRING2("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - getting iSyncOffset failed, error %d", r);
- }
- iAnimDll = new (ELeave) RAnimDll(iWs);
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - #1"));
- TParse* fp = new (ELeave) TParse();
- CleanupStack::PushL(fp);
- fp->Set( KDllName, &KDC_SHARED_LIB_DIR , NULL );
- LOGSTRING2("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - touch event server: %S" , &(fp->FullName()));
- err = iAnimDll->Load(fp->FullName());
- // check if anim dll load failed
- if(err != KErrNone)
- {
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fp);
- // stop plugin if failed
- iAnimDll->Close();
- return KErrGeneral;
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fp);
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - #2"));
- iAnim = new (ELeave) RProfilerTouchEventAnim(*iAnimDll);
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::StartL() - #3"));
- iAnim->ConstructL(iMainWindow->Window());
- // activate the animation dll for collecting touch and key events
- iAnim->Activate();
- // wait for a new sample
- IssueRequest();
- // hide this window group from the app switcher
- iMainWindow->Client()->Group().SetOrdinalPosition(-1);
- iMainWindow->Client()->Group().EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-TInt CProfilerButtonListener::Stop()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::Stop() - enter"));
- // deactivate the anim dll before killing window, otherwise anim dll dies too early
- iAnim->Deactivate();
- iAnim->Close();
- iAnimDll->Close();
- Cancel();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerButtonListener::Stop() - exit"));
- return KErrNone;
- }
-////////////////////////// CWindow implementation /////////////////////////////
-CWindow::CWindow(CWsClient* aClient)
-: iClient(aClient)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::CWindow()"));
- }
-void CWindow::ConstructL (const TRect& aRect, CWindow* aParent)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::ConstructL(): Start"));
- // If a parent window was specified, use it; if not, use the window group
- // (aParent defaults to 0).
- RWindowTreeNode* parent= aParent ? (RWindowTreeNode*) &(aParent->Window()) : &(iClient->iGroup);
- iWindow=RWindow(iClient->iWs); // use app's session to window server
- User::LeaveIfError(iWindow.Construct(*parent,(TUint32)this));
- LOGSTRING2("CWindow::ConstructL(): Start - window handle is: 0x%08x", this);
- iRect = aRect;
- iWindow.SetExtent(iRect.iTl, iRect.Size()); // set extent relative to group coords
- iWindow.Activate(); // window is now active
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::ConstructL(): End"));
- }
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::~CWindow(): Start"));
- iWindow.Close(); // close our window
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::~CWindow(): End"));
- }
-RWindow& CWindow::Window()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::Window()"));
- return iWindow;
- }
-CWindowGc* CWindow::SystemGc()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWindow::SystemGc()"));
- return iClient->iGc;
- }
-/////////////////////////// CWsClient implementation ////////////////////////////////
-: CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::CWsClient()"));
- }
-void CWsClient::ConstructL()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::ConstructL() - Start"));
- TInt r = RProperty::Define(EProfilerKeyEventPropertySample, RProperty::EInt, KAllowAllPolicy, KCapabilityNone);
- if (r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
- {
- User::LeaveIfError(r);
- }
- CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
- // attach to
- User::LeaveIfError(iProperty.Attach(KProfilerKeyEventPropertyCat,EProfilerKeyEventPropertySample));
- // get a session going
- User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect());
- // construct screen device and graphics context
- iScreen=new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); // make device for this session
- User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->Construct( 0 )); // and complete its construction
- User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->CreateContext(iGc)); // create graphics context
- // construct our one and only window group
- iGroup=RWindowGroup(iWs);
- User::LeaveIfError(iGroup.Construct((TInt)this, EFalse)); // meaningless handle; enable focus
- // construct main window
- ConstructMainWindowL();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::CWsClient() - End"));
- }
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::~CWsClient() - Start"));
- // get rid of everything we allocated
- delete iGc;
- delete iScreen;
- iGroup.Close();
- // finish with window server
- iWs.Close();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::~CWsClient() - Exit"));
- }
-void CWsClient::Exit()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::Exit() - Start"));
- // destroy window group
- iGroup.Close();
- // finish with window server
- iProperty.Close();
- iWs.Close();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::Exit() - Exit"));
- }
-void CWsClient::IssueRequest()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::IssueRequest() - Start"));
- iProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
- SetActive(); // so we're now active
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::IssueRequest() - Exit"));
- }
-void CWsClient::DoCancel()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::DoCancel() - Start"));
- // clean up the sample property
- iProperty.Cancel();
- iProperty.Close();
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::DoCancel() - Exit"));
- }
-void CWsClient::ConstructMainWindowL()
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L("CWsClient::ConstructMainWindowL()"));
- }