changeset 59 8ad140f3dd41
parent 49 7fdc9a71d314
--- a/analyzetool/commandlineengine/src/catallocs.cpp	Wed Sep 15 13:53:27 2010 +0300
+++ b/analyzetool/commandlineengine/src/catallocs.cpp	Wed Oct 13 16:17:58 2010 +0300
@@ -36,65 +36,14 @@
-void CATAllocs::AllocH( const string& sAllocHString, const string& aTimeString )
+void CATAllocs::AllocH( const string& sAllocHString )
 	string sAllocH( sAllocHString );
 	// Parse alloc & create new allocation.
 	CATAlloc alloc;
-	alloc.m_sTime = aTimeString;
 	string sAddress = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true );
-	alloc.m_sSize = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true );
-	alloc.m_iThreadId = GetStringUntilNextSpace ( sAllocH, true );
-	alloc.m_iCSCount = _httoi( string( GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true ) ).c_str() );
-	// Insert call stack fragment as "first" 1 because we are header.
-	if ( alloc.m_iCSCount > 0 )
-		alloc.m_vCallStack.insert( pair<unsigned long,string>( 0, sAllocH ) );
-	// Add allocation
-	pair< map<string,CATAlloc>::iterator, bool> ret;
-	ret = m_vAllocs.insert( pair<string, CATAlloc>( sAddress, alloc ) );
-	if( ret.second == false )
-	{
-		// Allocation to this memory address was already added.
-		LOG_STRING( "CATAllocs: Allocating same address again, address: " << sAddress );
-	}
-void CATAllocs::AllocF( const string& sAllocFString, const string& aTimeString )
-	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATAllocs::AllocF");
-	string sAllocF( sAllocFString );
-	string sAddress = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocF, true );
-	string sTime = aTimeString;
-	unsigned long iNumber = _httoi( string( GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocF, true ) ).c_str() );
-	string sCallSstack = sAllocF;
-	// Find correct allocation into which add call stack fragment.
-	map<string, CATAlloc>::iterator it;
-	it = m_vAllocs.find( sAddress );
-	// TODO: If cannot find, create new in cache.
-	if ( it == m_vAllocs.end() )
-	{
-		LOG_STRING( "CATAllocs: Allocate fragment without header: " << sAddress );
-		return;
-	}
-	pair< map<unsigned long,string>::iterator, bool> ret;
-	// Add call stack to it.
-	ret = it->second.m_vCallStack.insert( pair<unsigned long,string>( iNumber, sCallSstack ) );
-	if( ret.second == false )
-	{
-		LOG_STRING( "CATAllocs: Same allocation fragment again: " << sAddress );
-	}
-// ReallocH.
-void CATAllocs::ReallocH( const string& sReallocHString, const string& aTimeString )
-	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATAllocs::ReallocH");
-	string sAllocH( sReallocHString );
-	// Parse alloc & create new allocation.
-	CATAlloc alloc;
-	string sAddress = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true );
-	alloc.m_sTime = aTimeString;
+	alloc.m_sTime = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true );
 	alloc.m_sSize = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true );
 	alloc.m_iCSCount = _httoi( string( GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocH, true ) ).c_str() );
 	// Insert call stack fragment as "first" 1 because we are header.
@@ -110,13 +59,12 @@
-// ReallocF.
-void CATAllocs::ReallocF( const string& sReallocFString, const string& aTimeString )
+void CATAllocs::AllocF( const string& sAllocFString )
-	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATAllocs::ReallocF");
-	string sAllocF( sReallocFString );
+	LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATAllocs::AllocF");
+	string sAllocF( sAllocFString );
 	string sAddress = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocF, true );
-	string sTime = aTimeString;
+	string sTime = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocF, true );
 	unsigned long iNumber = _httoi( string( GetStringUntilNextSpace( sAllocF, true ) ).c_str() );
 	string sCallSstack = sAllocF;
 	// Find correct allocation into which add call stack fragment.
@@ -156,7 +104,7 @@
 // FreeH.
-void CATAllocs::FreeH( const string& sFreeH, const string& aTimeString )
+void CATAllocs::FreeH( const string& sFreeH )
 	// Current implementation does not use call stack of
@@ -164,7 +112,6 @@
 	string sFree( sFreeH );
 	string sKey = GetStringUntilNextSpace( sFree );
 	// Time stamp. (not used currently)
-	// Thread ID. (not used currently)
 	// Call stack count. (not used currently)
 	// Call stack data. (not used currently)
@@ -181,7 +128,7 @@
 // FreeF.
-void CATAllocs::FreeF( const string& /* sFreeF */, const string& /* aTimeString */ )
+void CATAllocs::FreeF( const string& /* sFreeF */ )
 	// Fragments are currently ignored.