changeset 59 8ad140f3dd41
parent 49 7fdc9a71d314
--- a/memspy/CommandLine/Include/MemSpyCommands.h	Wed Sep 15 13:53:27 2010 +0300
+++ b/memspy/CommandLine/Include/MemSpyCommands.h	Wed Oct 13 16:17:58 2010 +0300
@@ -18,77 +18,39 @@
-// Literal constants
-_LIT( KMemSpyCLINewLine, "\r\n" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCLIName, "MemSpy CommandLineInterpreter" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCLIInputPrompt, " > %S" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCLIWildcardCharacter, "*" );
-// Numerical constants
-const TInt KMemSpyMaxDisplayLengthThreadName = 48;
-const TInt KMemSpyMaxDisplayLengthSizeText = 14;
-const TInt KMemSpyMaxInputBufferLength = 200;
-// Key constants (S60)
-const TInt KMemSpyUiS60KeyCodeButtonOk = 2000;
-const TInt KMemSpyUiS60KeyCodeButtonCancel = 2001;
-const TInt KMemSpyUiS60KeyCodeRockerEnter = 63557;
-// Status messages
-_LIT( KOutputChangeMessage, "Change output mode opetarion in progress" );
-_LIT( KHeapDumpMessage, "Heap dump opetarion in progress" );
-_LIT( KSWMTMessage, "System Wide Memory Tracking opetarion in progress" );
+// Literal constants
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapDump, "CmdHeap_Dump" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapDumpKernel, "CmdHeap_Dump_Kernel" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapCompact, "CmdHeap_Compact" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTForceUpdate, "CmdSWMT_ForceUpdate" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTReset, "CmdSWMT_Reset" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOpenFile, "CmdOpenFile" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdContainer, "CmdContainer" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdBitmapsSave, "CmdBitmaps_Save" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdRamDisableAknIconCache, "CmdRAM_DisableAknIconCache" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOutputToFile, "CmdOutput_ToFile" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOutputToTrace, "CmdOutput_ToTrace" );
-// Help text
-_LIT( KHelpMessage, "=== MemSpy CommandLineInterpreter Help ===\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpOutputCommand, "Change output mode to trace: 'memspy output trace'\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpOutputToFileCommand, "Change output mode to trace: 'memspy output file'\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpHeapDumpCommand, "Heap dump: 'memspy heapdup <all | kernel | user heap filter >'\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpSwmtCommand, "SWMT: 'memspy swmt <starttimer <value in seconds> | stop timer | dumpnow > <categories>'\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpKillServerCommand, "Kill server: 'memspy killserver'\r\n" );
-_LIT( KHelpCommand, "Press 'c' to continue" );
-//new commands
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdUiSendToBackground, "CmdUI_Background" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdUiBringToForeground, "CmdUI_Foreground" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHelp1, "-?" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHelp2, "-h" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHelp3, "-help" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHelp4, "--help" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOutput, "output" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOutputParameterTrace, "trace" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdOutputParameterFile, "file" );
-//<directory> //parameter to be parsed
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapDump, "heapdump" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapDumpParameterAll, "all" ); //default
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdHeapDumpParameterKernel, "kernel" ); //kernel heap dump
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdUiExit, "CmdUI_Exit" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSwmt, "swmt" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSwmtParameterStarttimer, "starttimer" ); //<value in seconds> optionaly
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSwmtParameterStoptimer, "stoptimer" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSwmtParameterDumpnow, "dumpnow" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdKillServer, "killserver"); //kills the server in case of it is running
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeap,                    "HEAP" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeChunk,                   "CHNK" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeCode,                    "CODE" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeStack,                   "STAK" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeGlobalData,              "GLOD" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeRamDrive,                "RAMD" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeOpenFile,                "FILE" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeDiskSpace,               "DISK" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHandleGeneric,           "HGEN" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFbserv,                  "FABS" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFileServerCache,         "F32C" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeSystemMemory,            "SYSM" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeWindowGroup,             "WNDG" );
+_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeapFilter,              "HEAPFilter:" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeap,                    "heap" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeChunk,                   "chnk" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeCode,                    "code" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeStack,                   "stak" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeGlobalData,              "glob" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeRamDrive,                "ramd" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeOpenFile,                "file" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeDiskSpace,               "disk" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHandleGeneric,           "hgen" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFbserv,                  "fabs" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFileServerCache,         "f32c" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeSystemMemory,            "sysm" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeWindowGroup,             "wndg" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeAll,					 "all"	); //default value, dumps all categories expect heap dumps	