changeset 51 98307c651589
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/perfsrv/analyzetool/dynamicmemoryhook/src/analyzetoolmainallocator.cpp	Mon Sep 06 15:00:47 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1381 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Definitions for the class RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator.
+#include "analyzetoolmainallocator.h"
+#include "atlog.h"
+#include "analyzetooleventhandler.h"
+#include "analyzetoolmemoryallocator.h"
+#include "analyzetoolpanics.pan"
+#include "analyzetoolfastlog.h"
+#include "analyzetoolfilelog.h"
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#ifndef __WINSCW__ 
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include <sysutil.h>
+// The name of the memoryhook dll
+_LIT8( KMemoryHook, "AToolMemoryHook.dll" );
+// Length of the callstack address
+const TUint32 KAddressLength = 4;
+// Thread count
+const TInt KThreadCount = 1;
+// separator that replaces \n character in sw version
+_LIT( KSeparator, "@" );
+// new line character
+_LIT( KNewLine16, "\n" );
+_LIT( KSpace16, " " );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator()
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator( TBool aNotFirst, 
+    const TFileName& aFileName, const TPath& aFilePath, TUint32 aLogOption, TUint32 aIsDebug,
+    TUint32 aAllocCallStackSize, TUint32 aFreeCallStackSize,
+    const TDesC8& aAtoolVersion, const TDesC8& aApiVersion ) :
+    RAnalyzeToolMemoryAllocator( aNotFirst ),
+    iAnalyzeToolOpen( EFalse ),
+    iDeviceDriverLoaded( EFalse ),
+    iCodeblocks( KATMaxCallstackLength ),
+    iThreadArray( KATMaxCallstackLength ),
+    iLogOption( aLogOption ),
+    iProcessId( RProcess().Id().operator TUint() ),
+    iAllocMaxCallStack( aAllocCallStackSize ),
+    iFreeMaxCallStack( aFreeCallStackSize )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator()" );
+    // Basic error variable used in method.
+    TInt error( KErrNone );
+    // Create mutex for schedule access to shared resources
+    error = iMutex.CreateLocal();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == error, AssertPanic( ECantCreateMutex ) );
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH Creating mutex error %i", error );
+    // Load the kernel side device driver
+    error = User::LoadLogicalDevice( KAnalyzeToolLddName );
+    if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
+        {
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, AssertPanic( ECantLoadDeviceDriver ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iDeviceDriverLoaded = ETrue;
+        }
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH Loading device driver error %i", error );
+    // Open handle to the kernel sidedevice driver
+    error = iAnalyzeTool.Open();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == error, AssertPanic( ECantConnectDeviceDriver ) );
+    if ( KErrNone == error )
+        {
+        iAnalyzeToolOpen = ETrue;
+        }
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH Opening RAnalyzeTool handle %i error", error );
+    // Set memory model by asking kernel side device driver
+    if ( iAnalyzeToolOpen )
+        {
+        TATMemoryModelBuf model;
+        if ( KErrNone == iAnalyzeTool.GetMemoryModel( model ) )
+            {
+            iMemoryModel = model().iMemoryModel;
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH AnalyzeTool MemoryModel: %i", iMemoryModel );
+            }
+        else
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH AnalyzeTool GetMemoryModel error: %i", error );
+        }
+    // Retrieve the initial process information
+    LogProcessInformation( aFileName, aFilePath, aLogOption, aIsDebug, aAtoolVersion, aApiVersion );
+    // log version of ATApp, ATApi, S60 version and ROM checksum
+    LogDeviceInfo();
+    // Create handler for receiving kernel events
+    iEventHandler = new CLibraryEventHandler( iAnalyzeTool,
+                                              iCodeblocks,
+                                              iProcessId,
+                                              iMutex, 
+                                              *this,
+                                              aLogOption,
+                                              iLogFile );
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iEventHandler != NULL, AssertPanic( ENoMemory ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::~RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator()
+// Destructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::~RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator()" );
+    TUint handleLeakCount( 0 );
+    if ( iAnalyzeToolOpen && iThreadArray.Count() > 0 )
+        {
+        TProcessHandleInfoBuf params;
+        params().iProcessId = iProcessId;
+        TInt error( iAnalyzeTool.GetProcessHandleInfo( params ) );
+        handleLeakCount = params().iThreadHandleCount;
+        }
+    // Close handle for process memory blocks
+    iCodeblocks.Close();
+    // Delete the eventhandler
+    delete iEventHandler;
+    // The count of device driver users
+    TClientCountBuf count;
+    // Check the flag
+    if ( iAnalyzeToolOpen )
+        {
+        TInt error  = iAnalyzeTool.ClientCount( count );
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH closing analyze tool handle error: %i", error );
+        iAnalyzeTool.Close();
+        }
+    // Check the flag
+    if ( iDeviceDriverLoaded )
+        {
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH device driver client count: %i", count().iClientCount );
+        // Check if there is another user for device driver
+        if ( count().iClientCount <= 1 )
+            {
+            // There was no other users -> unload the device driver
+            TInt error = User::FreeLogicalDevice( KAnalyzeToolLddName );
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH Unloading ldd error: %i", error );
+            }
+        }
+    for( TInt i=0; i<iThreadArray.Count(); i++)
+    	{
+        // log thread removed
+		if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+			{
+			ATFastLogThreadEnded( RProcess().Id().operator TUint(), RThread().Id().operator TUint() ); 
+			}
+		else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+			{
+		    iLogFile.ATFileLogThreadEnded( RThread().Id().operator TUint() );		
+			}
+    	}
+    // Close the thread array
+    iThreadArray.Close();
+    if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+        {
+        LOGSTR1( "ATMH ATFastLogProcessEnded()" );
+        ATFastLogProcessEnded( iProcessId, handleLeakCount );
+        }
+    else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+    	{
+        iLogFile.ATFileLogProcessEnded( handleLeakCount );
+    	}
+    // Close the mutex
+    iMutex.Close();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ShareHeap()
+// Share heap with other thread
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ShareHeap()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ShareHeap()" );
+    // Call the overwrited Open function
+    Open();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Uninstall()
+// Uninstalls the current allocator
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Uninstall()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Uninstall()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    TMainThreadParamsBuf params;
+    params().iProcessId = iProcessId;
+    iAnalyzeTool.MainThreadAlloctor( params );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Check if this is shared allocator between threads
+    if ( iThreadArray.Count() > KThreadCount && !params().iAlone )
+        {
+        // Close the shared allocator
+        Close();
+        LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Uninstall() - Close called" );
+        return;
+        }
+    #ifndef __WINS__ 
+    // Remove dummy Tls handle
+    UserSvr::DllFreeTls( KDummyHandle );
+    #endif
+    // Since this is the last thread using this allocator it can be deleted
+    delete this;
+    }
+#ifdef __WINS__
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc() WINS version
+// Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+UEXPORT_C TAny* RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc( TInt aSize )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // get thread ID
+    TUint threadId = RThread().Id();
+    // Alloc memory from the original allocator
+    TAny* p = iAllocator->Alloc( aSize );
+    LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc() - aSize: %i, address: %x", 
+            aSize,  (TUint32) p );
+	TInt error( KErrNone );
+	// Check if eventhandler is started already
+	if ( !iEventHandler->IsStarted() )
+		{
+		// Install the eventhandler if needed
+		InstallEventHandler();
+		}
+	// Reset the callstack
+	iCallStack.Reset();
+	// If we don't want any call stack to be saved skip the next part
+	if( iAllocMaxCallStack > 0 )
+		{
+		// Find the current thread callstack start address
+		TUint32 stackstart( 0 );
+		TBool found( FindCurrentThreadStack( stackstart ) );
+		LOGSTR3( "ATMH > stackstart: %x , found = %i", stackstart, found );
+		// Returns the value of the stack pointer at the 
+		// current point in your program.
+		TUint32 _sp;
+		__asm
+			{
+			mov [_sp], esp
+			}
+		// Get process loaded code segments count
+		TInt blocksCount( iCodeblocks.Count() );
+		TUint arrayCounter = 0;
+		// Iterate through callstack to find wanted callstack addresses
+		// - Start: current stack address
+		// - Stop: stack start address(Run-address of user stack)
+		// - Add: address length(The word size in the current system is 32 bits, which is 4 bytes)
+		for ( TUint32 i = _sp; i < stackstart; i = i + KAddressLength )//lint !e1055 !e526 !e628 !e348
+			{
+			TUint32 addr = (TUint32) *( (TUint32*) i );
+			// Checks is the given address in loaded code memory area.
+			if ( !IsAddressLoadedCode( addr ) )
+				continue;
+			// Iterate through array of code blocks to check if address is in code segment area 
+			for ( TInt j = 0; j < blocksCount; j++ )
+				{
+				// Checks if the given address is in this memory block area
+				if ( iCodeblocks[j].CheckAddress( addr ) )
+					{
+					// To avoid recursive call to ReAlloc specifying granularity
+					// Add address to the callstack
+					iCallStack[arrayCounter] = ( addr );
+					arrayCounter++;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			// Checks if the wanted callstack items are gathered
+			if ( arrayCounter == KATMaxCallstackLength ||
+				 arrayCounter == iAllocMaxCallStack )
+				{
+				LOGSTR2( "ATMH > Wanted CallStack items ready( %i )", arrayCounter );
+				break;
+				}
+			} 
+		}
+	// Log the memory allocation information
+	if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+		{
+		// Using fast mode.
+		ATFastLogMemoryAllocated( iProcessId, (TUint32) p , iCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		} 
+	else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+		{
+		iLogFile.ATFileLogMemoryAllocated( (TUint32) p , iCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		}
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    return p;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc() ARMV5 version
+// Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc( TInt aSize )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc()"  );
+    // acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // get thread ID
+    TUint threadId = RThread().Id();
+    // Alloc memory from the original allocator
+    TAny* p = iAllocator->Alloc( aSize );
+    LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Alloc() - aSize: %i, address: %x", 
+            aSize,  (TUint32) p );
+	// Check if eventhandler is active already
+	// IsActive might return false value if a tested software has created many
+	// threads which install own CActiveScheduler.
+	if ( !iEventHandler->IsStarted() )
+		{
+		// Install the eventhandler if needed
+		InstallEventHandler();
+		}
+	// Reset the callstack
+	iCallStack.Reset();
+	// If we don't want any call stack to be saved skip the next part
+	if( iAllocMaxCallStack > 0 )
+		{
+		// Find the current thread callstack start address
+		TUint32 stackstart( 0 );
+		TBool found( FindCurrentThreadStack( stackstart ) );
+		LOGSTR3( "ATMH > stackstart: %x , found = %i", stackstart, found );
+		// Get process loaded code segments count
+		TInt blocksCount( iCodeblocks.Count() );            
+		TUint arrayCounter = 0;
+		// Iterate through callstack to find wanted callstack addresses
+		// - Start: current stack address(__current_sp(): Returns the value of the 
+		//      stack pointer at the current point in your program.)
+		// - Stop: stack start address(Run-address of user stack)
+		// - Add: address length(The word size in the current system is 32 bits, which is 4 bytes)
+		for ( TUint32 i = __current_sp(); i < stackstart; i = i + KAddressLength )//lint !e1055 !e526 !e628 !e348
+			{
+			TUint32 addr = (TUint32) *( (TUint32*) i );
+			// Checks is the given address in loaded code memory area.
+			if ( !IsAddressLoadedCode( addr ) )
+				continue;
+			// Iterate through array of code blocks to check if address is in code segment area 
+			for ( TInt j = 0; j < blocksCount; j++ )
+				{
+				// Checks if the given address is in this memory block area
+				if ( iCodeblocks[j].CheckAddress( addr ) )
+					{
+					// To avoid recursive call to ReAlloc specifying granularity
+					// Add address to the callstack
+					iCallStack[arrayCounter] = ( addr );
+					arrayCounter++;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			// Checks if the wanted callstack items are gathered
+			if ( arrayCounter == KATMaxCallstackLength ||
+				 arrayCounter == iAllocMaxCallStack )
+				{
+				LOGSTR2( "ATMH > Wanted CallStack items ready( %i )", arrayCounter );
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Log the memory allocation information
+	if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+		{
+		// Using fast mode.
+		ATFastLogMemoryAllocated( iProcessId, (TUint32) p, iCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		}
+	else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+		{
+		iLogFile.ATFileLogMemoryAllocated( (TUint32) p , iCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		}
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the allocatated memory
+    return p;
+    }
+#endif // __WINS__
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Free()
+// Frees the allocated memory
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Free( TAny* aPtr )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Free()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // get thread ID
+    TUint threadId = RThread().Id();
+	// Reset the callstack
+	iFreeCallStack.Reset();
+	// Check if trace logging mode
+	// Also if we don't want any call stack to be stored skip the next part
+	if ( iFreeMaxCallStack > 0 )
+		{
+		// Find the current thread callstack start address
+		TUint32 stackstart( 0 );
+		TBool found( FindCurrentThreadStack( stackstart ) );
+		LOGSTR3( "ATMH > stackstart: %x , found = %i", stackstart, found );
+		TUint32 _sp;
+		// Returns the value of the stack pointer at the 
+		// current point in your program.
+		#ifdef __WINS__
+			__asm
+				{
+				mov [_sp], esp
+				}
+		#else
+			_sp = __current_sp();
+		#endif
+		// Get process loaded code segments count
+		TInt blocksCount( iCodeblocks.Count() );
+		TUint arrayCounter = 0;
+		// Iterate through callstack to find wanted callstack addresses
+		// - Start: current stack address
+		// - Stop: stack start address(Run-address of user stack)
+		// - Add: address length(The word size in the current system is 32 bits, which is 4 bytes)            
+		for ( TUint32 i = _sp; i < stackstart; i = i + KAddressLength )//lint !e1055 !e526 !e628 !e348
+			{
+			TUint32 addr = (TUint32) *( (TUint32*) i );
+			// Checks is the given address in loaded code memory area.
+			if ( ! IsAddressLoadedCode( addr ) )
+				continue;
+			// Iterate through array of code blocks to check if address is in code segment area 
+			for ( TInt j = 0; j < blocksCount; j++ )
+				{
+				// Checks if the given address is in this memory block area
+				if ( iCodeblocks[j].CheckAddress( addr ) )
+					{
+					// To avoid recursive call to ReAlloc specifying granularity
+					// Add address to the callstack
+					iFreeCallStack[arrayCounter] = addr;
+					arrayCounter++;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			// Checks if the wanted callstack items are gathered
+			if ( arrayCounter == KATMaxFreeCallstackLength ||
+				 arrayCounter == iFreeMaxCallStack )
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		LOGSTR2( "ATMH > iFreeCallStack count ( %i )", arrayCounter );
+		}
+	// Log the memory free information.
+	if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+		{
+		// Using fast mode.
+		ATFastLogMemoryFreed( iProcessId, (TUint32) aPtr, iFreeCallStack, threadId );
+		}
+    else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+    	{
+        iLogFile.ATFileLogMemoryFreed( (TUint32) aPtr, iFreeCallStack, threadId );
+    	}
+    // Free the memory using original allocator
+    iAllocator->Free( aPtr );
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Free() - aPtr: %x", (TUint32)aPtr );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Open()
+// Opens this heap for shared access. Opening the heap increases
+// the heap's access count by one.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Open()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Open() " );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Share the memory using original allocator
+    TInt error = iAllocator->Open();
+    // If everything is OK add thread to the array which use this allocator
+    if ( KErrNone == error )
+        {
+        TThreadParamsBuf params;
+        params().iThreadId = RThread().Id().operator TUint();
+        error = iAnalyzeTool.ThreadStack( params );
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == error, AssertPanic( ECantAppendToTheArray ) );
+        if ( KErrNone == error )
+            {
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH Thread stack address: %x", params().iStackAddress );
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH Thread stack size:    %x", params().iStackSize );
+            iThreadArray.Append( TThreadStack( RThread().Id(),
+                    params().iStackAddress + params().iStackSize ) );
+            if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+            	{
+                // log thread added
+                ATFastLogThreadStarted( RProcess().Id().operator TUint() , RThread().Id().operator TUint() ); 
+            	}
+            else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+            	{
+                iLogFile.ATFileLogThreadStarted( RThread().Id().operator TUint() );
+            	}
+            }
+        }
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the error code
+    return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close()
+// Closes this shared heap. Closing the heap decreases the heap's
+// access count by one.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Close the memory using original allocator
+    iAllocator->Close();
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close() - allocator closed" );
+    TInt count = iThreadArray.Count();
+    // Iterate through array of threads to remove current thread
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        // Check if this is current thread
+        if ( iThreadArray[ i ].Match() )
+            {
+            // Remove the thread
+            iThreadArray.Remove( i );
+            if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+            	{
+                // log thread removed
+                ATFastLogThreadEnded( RProcess().Id().operator TUint(), RThread().Id().operator TUint() ); 
+            	}
+            else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+            	{
+                iLogFile.ATFileLogThreadEnded( RThread().Id().operator TUint() );
+            	}
+            LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close() - thread removed" );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Close() - about to mutex signal" );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    }
+#ifdef __WINS__
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc()
+// Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc( TAny* aPtr, TInt aSize, TInt aMode )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // get thread ID
+    TUint threadId = RThread().Id();
+    // Realloc the memory using original allocator
+    TAny* ptr = iAllocator->ReAlloc( aPtr, aSize, aMode );
+    // NULL addresses are not in a process under test
+    if ( ptr && !( aMode & ENeverMove ) )
+        {
+        LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc() - aPtr: %x, ptr: %x", 
+                (TUint32)aPtr, (TUint32)ptr );
+        LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc() - aSize: %i, aMode: %i", 
+                aSize, aMode );
+	TInt error( KErrNone );
+	TUint arrayCounter = 0;
+	// Reset the callstack
+	iReCallStack.Reset();
+	// If we don't want any call stack to be saved skip the next part
+	if( iAllocMaxCallStack > 0 )
+		{
+		// Find the current thread callstack start address
+		TUint32 stackstart( 0 );
+		TBool found( FindCurrentThreadStack( stackstart ) );
+		LOGSTR3( "ATMH > stackstart: %x , find = %i", stackstart, found );
+		// Returns the value of the stack pointer at the 
+		// current point in your program.
+		TUint32 _sp( 0 );
+		__asm
+			{
+			mov [_sp], esp
+			}
+		// Get process loaded code segments count
+		TInt blocksCount( iCodeblocks.Count() );
+		// Iterate through callstack to find wanted callstack addresses
+		// - Start: current stack address
+		// - Stop: stack start address(Run-address of user stack)
+		// - Add: address length(The word size in the current system is 32 bits, which is 4 bytes)                
+		for ( TUint32 i = _sp; i < stackstart; i = i + KAddressLength )//lint !e1055 !e526 !e628 !e348
+			{
+			TUint32 addr = (TUint32) *( (TUint32*) i );
+			// Checks is the given address in loaded code memory area.
+			if ( ! IsAddressLoadedCode( addr ) )
+				continue;
+			// Iterate through array of code blocks to check if address is in code segment area 
+			for ( TInt j = 0; j < blocksCount; j++ )
+				{
+				// Checks if the given address is in this memory block area
+				if ( iCodeblocks[j].CheckAddress( addr ) )
+					{
+					// To avoid recursive call to ReAlloc specifying granularity
+					// Add address to the callstack
+					iReCallStack[arrayCounter] = addr;
+					arrayCounter++;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			// Checks if the wanted callstack items are gathered
+			if ( arrayCounter == KATMaxCallstackLength || 
+				 arrayCounter == iAllocMaxCallStack )
+				{
+				LOGSTR2( "ATMH > Wanted CallStack items ready( %i )", arrayCounter );
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Log the memory reallocation information
+	if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+		{
+		// Using fast logging mode.
+		ATFastLogMemoryReallocated( iProcessId, (TUint32) aPtr, (TUint32) ptr, iReCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		}
+	else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+		{
+		iLogFile.ATFileLogMemoryReallocated( (TUint32) aPtr, (TUint32) ptr, iReCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+		}
+        }
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return pointer to the reallocated cell
+    return ptr;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc()
+// Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc( TAny* aPtr, TInt aSize, TInt aMode )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // get thread ID
+    TUint threadId = RThread().Id();
+    // Realloc the memory using original allocator
+    TAny* ptr = iAllocator->ReAlloc( aPtr, aSize, aMode );
+    TUint arrayCounter = 0;
+    // NULL addresses are not in a process under test
+    if ( ptr && !( aMode & ENeverMove ) )
+        {
+        LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc() - aPtr: %x, ptr: %x", 
+                (TUint32)aPtr, (TUint32)ptr );
+        LOGSTR3( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::ReAlloc() - aSize: %i, aMode: %i", 
+                aSize, aMode );
+		// Reset the callstack
+		iReCallStack.Reset();
+		// If we don't want any call stack to be saved skip the next part
+		if( iAllocMaxCallStack > 0 )
+			{
+			// Find the current thread callstack start address
+			TUint32 stackstart( 0 );
+			TBool found( FindCurrentThreadStack( stackstart ) );
+			LOGSTR3( "ATMH > stackstart: %x , find = %i", stackstart, found );
+			// Get process loaded code segments count
+			TInt blocksCount( iCodeblocks.Count() );
+			// Iterate through callstack to find wanted callstack addresses
+			// - Start: current stack address(__current_sp(): Returns the value of the 
+			//      stack pointer at the current point in your program.)
+			// - Stop: stack start address(Run-address of user stack)
+			// - Add: address length(The word size in the current system is 32 bits, which is 4 bytes)
+			for ( TUint32 i = __current_sp(); i < stackstart; i = i + KAddressLength )//lint !e1055 !e526 !e628 !e348
+				{
+				TUint32 addr = (TUint32) *( (TUint32*) i );
+				// Checks is the given address in loaded code memory area.
+				if ( !IsAddressLoadedCode( addr ) )
+					continue;
+				// Iterate through array of code blocks to check if address is in code segment area 
+				for ( TInt j = 0; j < blocksCount; j++ )
+					{
+					// Checks if the given address is in this memory block area
+					if ( iCodeblocks[j].CheckAddress( addr ) )
+						{
+						// To avoid recursive call to ReAlloc specifying granularity
+						// Add address to the callstack
+						iReCallStack[arrayCounter] = ( addr );
+						arrayCounter++;
+						break;
+						}
+					}
+				// Checks if the wanted callstack items are gathered
+				if ( arrayCounter == KATMaxCallstackLength || 
+					 arrayCounter == iAllocMaxCallStack )
+					{
+					LOGSTR2( "ATMH > Wanted CallStack items ready( %i )", arrayCounter );
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+			{
+			// Using fast logging mode.
+			ATFastLogMemoryReallocated( iProcessId, (TUint32) aPtr, (TUint32) ptr, iReCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+			}
+		else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+			{
+			iLogFile.ATFileLogMemoryReallocated( (TUint32) aPtr, (TUint32) ptr, iReCallStack, aSize, threadId );
+			} 
+        }
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return pointer to the reallocated cell
+    return ptr;
+    }
+#endif // __WINS__
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Compress()
+// The function frees excess committed space from the top of the heap.
+// The size of the heap is never reduced below the minimum size
+// specified during creation of the heap.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Compress()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Compress()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Compress the memory using original allocator
+    TInt compress = iAllocator->Compress();
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the space reclaimed
+    return compress;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Reset()
+// Frees all allocated cells on this heap.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Reset()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Reset()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Reset the memory using original allocator
+    iAllocator->Reset();
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocSize()
+// Gets the number of cells allocated on this heap, and
+// the total space allocated to them.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocSize( TInt& aTotalAllocSize ) const
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocSize()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Acquire the memory information using original allocator
+    TInt size = iAllocator->AllocSize( aTotalAllocSize );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the number of cells allocated on this heap.
+    return size;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Available()
+// Gets the total free space currently available on the heap and the
+// space available in the largest free block. The space available
+// represents the total space which can be allocated. Note that
+// compressing the heap may reduce the total free space available
+// and the space available in the largest free block.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Available( TInt& aBiggestBlock ) const
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Available()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Acquire the memory information using original allocator
+    TInt available = iAllocator->Available( aBiggestBlock );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the total free space currently available on the heap
+    return available;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocLen()
+// Gets the length of the available space in the specified
+// allocated cell.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocLen( const TAny* aCell ) const
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::AllocLen()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Acquire the memory information using original allocator
+    TInt len = iAllocator->AllocLen( aCell );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return the length of the available space in the allocated cell.
+    return len;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::DebugFunction()
+// Invocates specified debug funtionality.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::DebugFunction( TInt aFunc, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 )
+    {
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::DebugFunction() %i", aFunc );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Invocate debug funtion using original allocator
+    TInt debug = iAllocator->DebugFunction( aFunc, a1, a2 );
+    switch( aFunc )
+        {  
+        case EMarkEnd:
+            {
+            // Disables the __UHEAP_MARKEND macro
+            LOGSTR1( "ATMH __UHEAP_MARKEND macro called" );
+            if ( debug > 0 )
+                {
+                LOGSTR2( "ATMH __UHEAP_MARKEND detects leaks: %d", debug );
+                // Because there is leaks the alloc panic will occur but
+                // lets return a zero to pretend that everything is OK
+                debug = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        default:
+            {
+            }
+        break;
+        }
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return information of the debug function success
+    return debug;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RemoveKilledThread()
+// Remove killed thread from threads array.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RemoveKilledThread( const TUint aThreadId  )
+    {
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::RemoveKilledThread(%i)", 
+            aThreadId );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Iterate through array of threads to remove current thread
+    TInt count( iThreadArray.Count() );
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH > iThreadArray.Count() %i", count );
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        // Check if this is current thread
+        if ( iThreadArray[ i ].Match( aThreadId ) )
+            {
+            // Remove the thread
+            iThreadArray.Remove( i );
+            if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+            	{
+                // log thread removed
+                ATFastLogThreadEnded( RProcess().Id().operator TUint(), aThreadId ); 
+            	}
+            else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+				{
+                iLogFile.ATFileLogThreadEnded( aThreadId );
+				}
+            LOGSTR1( "ATMH > thread removed" );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Extension_()
+// Extension function
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Extension_( TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0,
+    TAny* a1)
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::Extension_()" );
+    // Acquire the mutex
+    iMutex.Wait();
+    // Invocate extension funtion using original allocator
+    TInt ext = RAllocator::Extension_( aExtensionId, a0, a1 );
+    // Release the mutex
+    iMutex.Signal();
+    // Return information of the extension function success
+    return ext;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation()
+// Retrieve and log the process initial information
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation( const TFileName& aFileName, const TPath& aFilePath,
+    TUint32 aLogOption, TUint32 aIsDebug, const TDesC8& aAtoolVersion, const TDesC8& aApiVersion )
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation()" );
+    // Create local variable and retrieve the process information
+    TProcessIdentityParamsBuf params;
+    params().iProcessId = iProcessId;
+    params().iThreadId = RThread().Id().operator TUint();
+    TInt error = iAnalyzeTool.GetProcessInfo( params );
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH GetProcessInfo %i error", error );
+    if ( KErrNone == error )
+        {
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH Process %i", iProcessId );
+        // Store stack start address
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH Thread stack address: %x", params().iStackAddress );
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH Thread stack size:    %x", params().iStackSize );
+        // Append thread to array of the users of this allocator
+        error = iThreadArray.Append(
+        TThreadStack( RThread().Id(), params().iStackAddress + params().iStackSize) );
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == error, AssertPanic( ECantAppendToTheArray ) );
+        // Using fast logging mode.
+        if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+            {          
+            LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation() - ATFastLogProcessStarted() #1" );
+            // Log process information
+            ATFastLogProcessStarted( params().iProcessName, iProcessId, aIsDebug, aAtoolVersion, aApiVersion );    
+            // log thread added
+            ATFastLogThreadStarted( iProcessId, RThread().Id().operator TUint() );
+            }
+        else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+            {
+            // Open a file server session and a file.
+            error = iLogFile.OpenFsAndFile( aFileName, aFilePath, params().iProcessName );
+            // Return without logging, if an error occured
+            if ( error != KErrNone )
+                {
+                // TODO
+                }
+            //if everything is ok, add file version in the begining of file
+            iLogFile.ATFileLogVersion();
+            //log process start
+            iLogFile.ATFileLogProcessStarted( params().iProcessName, iProcessId, aIsDebug, aAtoolVersion, aApiVersion ); 
+            // log thread added
+            iLogFile.ATFileLogThreadStarted( RThread().Id().operator TUint() );
+            }
+        LOGSTR2( "ATMH LogProcessStarted error %i", error );
+        // Iterate through process codesegments
+        for( TInt i = 0; i < params().iCodesegCount; i++ )
+            {
+            // Create local variable and retrieve codesegment info
+            TCodesegInfoBuf codeinfo;
+            codeinfo().iProcessId = iProcessId;
+            codeinfo().iIndex = i;
+            error = iAnalyzeTool.GetCodesegInfo( codeinfo );
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH GetCodesegInfo error %i", error );
+            if ( KErrNone == error )
+                {
+                // Don't log AnalyzeTool libraries
+                if ( 0 != codeinfo().iFullName.CompareC( KMemoryHook ) )
+                    {
+                    // Log the loaded codesegment(s)
+                    if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+                        {
+                        // Using fast logging mode.
+                        LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation() - ATFastLogDllLoaded() #2" );
+                        ATFastLogDllLoaded( iProcessId,
+                                codeinfo().iFullName,
+                                codeinfo().iRunAddress,
+                                codeinfo().iRunAddress + codeinfo().iSize );
+                        }
+                    else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+						{
+                        iLogFile.ATFileLogDllLoaded( 
+								codeinfo().iFullName,
+                                codeinfo().iRunAddress,
+                                codeinfo().iRunAddress + codeinfo().iSize );
+						}
+                    LOGSTR2( "ATMH LogDllLoaded error %i", error );
+                    // Check that everything is OK
+                    if ( KErrNone == error )
+                        {
+                        // Append the codesegment to the array
+                        error = iCodeblocks.Append(
+                                        TCodeblock( codeinfo().iRunAddress,
+                                        codeinfo().iSize,
+                                        codeinfo().iFullName ) );
+                        LOGSTR2( "ATMH Append error %i", error );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // Iterate through process dynamic codesegments
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < params().iDynamicCount; i++ )
+            {
+            // Create local variable and retrieve codesegment info
+            TLibraryInfoBuf info;
+            info().iProcessId = iProcessId;
+            info().iIndex = i;
+            error = iAnalyzeTool.GetLibraryInfo( info );
+            LOGSTR2( "ATMH GetLibraryInfo error %i", error );
+            if ( KErrNone == error )
+                {
+                // Log the loaded dynamic codesegment(s)
+                if ( iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast )
+                    {
+                    // Using fast logging mode.
+                    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogProcessInformation() - - ATFastLogDllLoaded()#3" );
+                    ATFastLogDllLoaded( iProcessId,
+                            info().iLibraryName,
+                            info().iRunAddress,
+                            info().iRunAddress + info().iSize );
+                    }
+                else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+                	{
+                	iLogFile.ATFileLogDllLoaded( 
+                			info().iLibraryName,
+                			info().iRunAddress,
+                			info().iRunAddress + info().iSize );
+                	}
+                LOGSTR2( "ATMH LogDllLoaded error %i", error );
+                if ( KErrNone == error )
+                    {
+                    // Append the codesegment to the array
+                    error = iCodeblocks.Append(
+                            TCodeblock( info().iRunAddress, 
+                                        info().iSize, info().iLibraryName ) );
+                    LOGSTR2( "ATMH Append error %i", error );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::FindCurrentThreadStack()
+// Find the current thread which is using the heap
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::FindCurrentThreadStack( TUint32& aStackStart )
+    {
+    LOGSTR2( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::FindCurrentThreadStack(), count( %i )",
+            iThreadArray.Count() );
+    // Flag for indicating that right thread has been found
+    TBool found( EFalse );
+    // If threre is only one thread it must be the right thread
+    if ( iThreadArray.Count() == KThreadCount )
+        {
+        if ( !iThreadArray[ 0 ].ThreadStackStart( aStackStart ) )
+            {
+            // This MUST BE the right thread
+            //__ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, AssertPanic( ECantFindRightThread ) );
+            }
+        else if ( iThreadArray[ 0 ].ThreadStackStart( aStackStart ) )
+            {
+            found = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Iterate through array to find right thread
+        TInt count = iThreadArray.Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+            {
+            // Check if this is the right thread
+            if ( iThreadArray[ i ].ThreadStackStart( aStackStart ) )
+                {
+                // Right thread found. Mark the flag
+                found = ETrue;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        // If right thread was not found the panic must be raised
+        if ( !found )
+            {
+            //__ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, AssertPanic( ECantFindRightThread ) );
+            }
+        }
+    return found;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::InstallEventHandler()
+// Installs the eventhandler, if possible
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::InstallEventHandler()
+    {
+    LOGSTR1( "ATMH RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::InstallEventHandler()" );
+    // Active eventhalder is not active, trying to start it
+    if ( NULL != CActiveScheduler::Current() )
+        {
+        iEventHandler->Start();
+        }
+      }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogDeviceInfo()
+// Logs iversion of ATApp, ATApi, S60 version and ROM checksum 
+// at the startup of hooked application
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RAnalyzeToolMainAllocator::LogDeviceInfo()
+    {
+    //get s60 version
+    TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> bufS60;
+    if (SysUtil::GetSWVersion(bufS60) == KErrNone)
+        {
+        TInt index(0);
+        //replace newlines in string with '@'
+        //while ((index = bufS60.Find(KNewLine)) != KSysUtilVersionTextLength && index != KErrNotFound)
+        while ( (index = bufS60.Find(KNewLine16)) != KErrNotFound)
+            {
+            bufS60.Replace(index, 1, KSeparator);
+            }
+        while ( (index = bufS60.Find(KSpace16)) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			bufS60.Replace(index, 1, KSeparator);
+			}
+        }
+    TBuf<KHexa32Length> bufChecksum;
+#ifndef __WINSCW__
+    TRomHeader* romHeader = (TRomHeader*) UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
+    if (romHeader)
+        {
+        bufChecksum.Format(_L("%08x"), romHeader->iCheckSum);
+        }
+    TBuf8<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> s60Version;
+    s60Version.Copy(bufS60);
+    TBuf8<KHexa32Length> romChecksum;
+    romChecksum.Copy(bufChecksum);
+    //only fastlog implementation
+    if (iLogOption == EATLogToTraceFast)
+    	{  
+        ATFastLogDeviceInfo(s60Version, romChecksum);
+        }
+    else if ( iLogOption == EATLogToFile )
+    	{
+        iLogFile.ATFileLogDeviceInfo( s60Version, romChecksum );
+    	}
+    }
+// End of File