changeset 22 a009639409f5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/analyzetool/kerneleventhandler/inc/analyzetool.h	Thu May 27 14:26:55 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declaration of the class RAnalyzeTool.
+#ifndef __ANALYZETOOL_H__
+#define __ANALYZETOOL_H__
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+//Version information for command line engine.
+//Tells the version of AT core componenets.
+inline TVersion KAnalyzeToolLddVersion() { return TVersion(1, 0, 1); }
+/* The name of the analyze tool device driver*/
+_LIT( KAnalyzeToolLddName, "AToolKernelEventHandler" );
+/* The priority of AnalyzeTool Dfc */
+const TInt KAnalyzeToolThreadPriority = 27;
+/* The name of the AnalyzeTool DFC */
+_LIT8( KAnalyzeToolThreadName, "AnalyzeToolThreadDfc" );
+/* The panic literal */
+_LIT( KClientPanic, "AnalyzeTool" );
+//const TInt KATMaxCallstackLength = 20;
+/* The device handler panic codes */
+enum TPanic
+	{
+	EPanicRequestPending,
+	EPanicNoRequestPending,
+	EPanicUnsupportedRequest
+	};
+// Size of following must be multiple of 4 bytes.
+class TMainThreadParams
+	{
+	public:
+		RAllocator* iAllocator;
+		TBool       iAlone;
+		TUint       iProcessId;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TMainThreadParams> TMainThreadParamsBuf;
+class TLibraryInfo
+	{
+	public:
+		TBuf8<KMaxLibraryName> iLibraryName;
+		TLinAddr  iRunAddress;
+		TUint32   iSize;
+		TInt      iIndex;
+		TUint     iProcessId;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TLibraryInfo> TLibraryInfoBuf;
+class TCodesegInfo
+	{
+	public:
+		TBuf8<KMaxLibraryName> iFullName;
+		TLinAddr iRunAddress;
+		TUint32  iSize;
+		TInt  iIndex;
+		TUint iProcessId;
+		TInt  iCodesegIndex; 
+		TLinAddr iFileEntryPoint;
+		TInt     iFuntionCount;
+		TLibraryFunction iFirstFunction;
+		TModuleMemoryInfo iMemoryInfo;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCodesegInfo> TCodesegInfoBuf;
+class TThreadParams
+	{		
+	public:
+	    TLinAddr iStackAddress;
+	    TInt iStackSize;
+	    TUint iThreadId;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TThreadParams> TThreadParamsBuf;
+class TProcessIdentityParams
+	{		
+	public:
+		TBuf8<KMaxProcessName> iProcessName;
+		TInt iDynamicCount;
+		TInt iCodesegCount;
+		TUint iProcessId;
+		TUint iThreadId;
+	    TLinAddr iStackAddress;
+	    TInt iStackSize;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TProcessIdentityParams> TProcessIdentityParamsBuf;
+class TLibraryEventInfo
+	{
+	public:
+		enum TLibraryEvent
+			{ 
+			ELibraryAdded = 0, 
+			ELibraryRemoved,
+			EKillThread 
+			};
+	public:
+		TUint iProcessId;
+		TBuf8<KMaxLibraryName> iLibraryName;
+		TLinAddr iRunAddress;
+		TUint32 iSize;
+		TLibraryEvent iEventType;
+		TUint iThreadId;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TLibraryEventInfo> TLibraryEventInfoBuf;
+class TProcessHandleInfo
+	{
+	public:
+		TInt     iProcessHandleCount;
+		TInt     iThreadHandleCount;
+		TInt     iIndex;
+		TInt     iThreadCount;
+		TLinAddr iUserStackRunAddress;
+		TInt     iUserStackSize;
+		TUint    iProcessId;
+	};
+typedef TPckgBuf<TProcessHandleInfo> TProcessHandleInfoBuf;
+*  A class for particular process's current handle count
+class TATProcessHandles
+    {
+    public:
+        /** The ID of the process. */
+        TUint iProcessId;
+        /** The number of current handles in the library. */
+        TInt iCurrentHandleCount;
+    };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TATProcessHandles> TATProcessHandlesBuf;
+class TClientCount
+    {
+    public:
+        /** The count of clients */
+        TInt iClientCount;     
+    };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TClientCount> TClientCountBuf;
+class TATMemoryModel
+    {
+    public :
+        /* Memory model*/
+        TUint32 iMemoryModel;
+    };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TATMemoryModel> TATMemoryModelBuf;
+*  The user-side handle to a logical channel which provides functions to 
+*  open a channel and to make requests to a analyze tool device driver. 
+class RAnalyzeTool : public RBusLogicalChannel
+	{
+	public:
+	/** Enumeration of supported functions */
+	enum TBasicAnalyzerControl
+		{
+		EGetProcessInfo = 0, /* The process information */
+		EGetCodesegInfo,	 /* The codesegment information */
+		EGetLibraryInfo,     /* The library information */
+		EGetDynamicInfo,	 /* The count of dynamic code in the process */
+		ELibraryEvent,       /* Subscribe events from library events */
+		ECancelLibraryEvent, /* Cancel subscribetion of library events */
+		ECurrentClientCount,  /* The count of clients in device driver */
+		EMainThreadAlloctor,
+		EThreadStack,
+		EGetProcessHandle,	/* Gets process global handles info*/
+		EGetCurrentHandles, /* Get a process's current handle count */
+		EGetMemoryModel
+		};
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+        /**
+        * Opens a handle to a logical channel.
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful or otherwise 
+        		  one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt Open();
+        /**
+        * Acquires process information.
+        * @param aProcessIdentityParams The process information which 
+        								is filled by the device driver
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt GetProcessInfo( 
+				TProcessIdentityParamsBuf& aProcessIdentityParams );
+        /**
+        * Acquires codeseg information.
+        * @param aCodesegInfo The codeseg information which 
+        					  is filled by the device driver
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt GetCodesegInfo( TCodesegInfoBuf& aCodesegInfo );
+        /**
+        * Acquires library information.
+        * @param aLibraryInfo The library information which 
+        					  is filled by the device driver
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt GetLibraryInfo( TLibraryInfoBuf& aLibraryInfo );
+        /**
+        * Subscribes library event.
+        * @param aStatus The request status object for this request. 
+        * @param aLibraryInfo The library information which 
+        					  is filled by the device driver
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline void LibraryEvent( TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+		                          TLibraryEventInfo& aLibraryInfo );
+        /**
+        * Cancels subscribetion of the library event.
+        */
+		inline void CancelLibraryEvent();
+        /**
+        * Acquires device driver current client count.
+        * @param aClientCount A reference to TInt which is 
+        				      updated by the device driver.
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt ClientCount( TClientCountBuf& aClientCount );
+        /**
+        * Acquires process main thread RAllocator
+        * @param aMainThreadParams The main thread information which 
+        					        is filled by the device driver
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */	
+		inline TInt MainThreadAlloctor( TMainThreadParamsBuf& aMainThreadParams );
+		/**
+		* Acquires main thread stack address.
+		* @param aThreadStack Pointer to the TThreadParams object.
+		* @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+					   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+		*/
+		inline TInt ThreadStack( TThreadParamsBuf& aThreadStack );
+        /**
+        * Acquires information about process global handles.
+        * @param aProcessHandleInfo Pointer to the TProcessHandleInfo object.
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+        			   otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+		inline TInt GetProcessHandleInfo( TProcessHandleInfoBuf& aProcessHandleInfo );
+        /**
+        * Acquires a process's current handle count.
+        * @param aProcessHandles Pointer to the TATProcessHandles object.
+        * @return TInt Returns KErrNone, if successful
+                       otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+        */
+        inline TInt GetCurrentHandleCount( TATProcessHandlesBuf& aProcessHandles );
+        /**
+         * Acquires memory model system uses.
+         * @param aMemoryModel pointer to the TATMemoryModelBuf object.
+         */
+        inline TInt GetMemoryModel( TATMemoryModelBuf& aMemoryModel );
+#endif // #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+	};
+#include <analyzetool/analyzetool.inl>
+#endif // #ifndef __ANALYZETOOL_H__
+// End of File