changeset 22 a009639409f5
child 49 7fdc9a71d314
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/piprofiler/plugins/GeneralsPlugin/src/GeneralsPlugin.cpp	Thu May 27 14:26:55 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include "GeneralsPlugin.h"	
+//#include <piprofiler/EngineUIDs.h>
+#include <piprofiler/ProfilerTraces.h>
+const TInt KMaxSamplerAmount = 20;
+_LIT8(KSamplingPeriod, "sampling_period_ms");
+// GeneralsPlugin UID:
+const TUid KSamplerGeneralsPluginUid = { 0x2001E5B2 };
+// Gpp sub-sampler UID:
+const TUid KSamplerGppPluginUid = { 0x2001E570 };
+// Gfc sub-sampler UID:
+const TUid KSamplerGfcPluginUid = { 0x2001E571 };
+// Itt sub-sampler UID:
+const TUid KSamplerIttPluginUid = { 0x2001E572 };
+// Mem sub-sampler UID:
+const TUid KSamplerMemPluginUid = { 0x2001E573 };
+// Pri sub-sampler UID:
+const TUid KSamplerPriPluginUid = { 0x2001E574 };
+ *	
+ *	class CGeneralsPlugin implementation
+ * 
+ */
+CGeneralsPlugin* CGeneralsPlugin::NewL(const TUid aImplementationUid, TAny* /*aInitParams*/)
+    {
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::NewL() - entry"));
+    CGeneralsPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CGeneralsPlugin();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::NewL() - exit"));
+    return self;
+    }
+CGeneralsPlugin::CGeneralsPlugin() :
+	iVersionDescriptor(&(this->iVersion[1]),0,19)
+	{
+	iBufferHandler = NULL;
+    iEnabled = EFalse;
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::CGeneralsPlugin() - constructor"));
+	}
+void CGeneralsPlugin::ConstructL() 
+    {
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ConstructL() - entry"));
+	// create attribute array
+	iSamplerAttributes = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>(KSubSamplerCount);
+	TInt err = InitiateSamplerL();
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+			LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ConstructL - LEAVING, failed to load open sampler device"));
+			User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	// initiate sampler attributes, i.e. settings for modification
+	InitiateSamplerAttributesL();
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ConstructL() - exit"));
+    }
+	{
+	// clean all the members
+	CleanSampler();	// clean the created sampler
+	}
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL()
+	{
+	RThread me;
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - #1"));
+	me.SetPriority(EPriorityRealTime);
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - #2"));
+	// create 
+	User::FreeLogicalDevice(KPluginSamplerName);
+	TInt err(KErrGeneral);
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - #3"));
+    err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KPluginSamplerName);
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        User::Leave(err);
+        }
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - #4"));
+	err = KErrGeneral;
+    err = iGeneralsSampler.Open();
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        LOGSTRING2("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - Could not open sampler device - waiting and trying again: %d", err);
+        User::Leave(err);
+        }
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerL - #5"));
+	return err;
+	}
+ * 
+ * Default sampler attributes
+ * 
+ */
+void CGeneralsPlugin::InitiateSamplerAttributesL()
+    {
+    // 
+    for(TInt i(0);i<KMaxSamplerAmount;i++)
+        {
+        switch(i)
+            {
+// Usage:
+//            TSamplerAttributes(TUint32 aUid,
+//                    const TDesC8& aShortName,
+//                    const TDesC& aName,
+//                    const TDesC& aDescription,
+//                    TInt aSampleRate,
+//                    TBool aEnabled,
+//                    TBool aHidden,
+//                    TUint32 aItemCount);
+            case PROFILER_GPP_SAMPLER_ID:
+                {
+                TSamplerAttributes attr(KSamplerGppPluginUid.iUid,
+                        KGPPShortName(),
+                        KGPPLongName(),
+                        KGPPDescription(),
+                        1,
+                        ETrue,
+                        ETrue,
+                        0);
+                iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr);
+                break;
+                }
+            case PROFILER_GFC_SAMPLER_ID:
+                {
+                TSamplerAttributes attr2(KSamplerGfcPluginUid.iUid,
+                        KGFCShortName(),
+                        KGFCLongName(),
+                        KGFCDescription(),
+                        -1,
+                        EFalse,
+                        EFalse,
+                        0);
+                this->iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr2);
+                break;
+                }
+            case PROFILER_ITT_SAMPLER_ID:
+                {
+                TSamplerAttributes attr3(KSamplerIttPluginUid.iUid,
+                        KITTShortName(),
+                        KITTLongName(),
+                        KITTDescription(),
+                        -1,
+                        ETrue,
+                        EFalse,
+                        0);
+                this->iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr3);
+                break;
+                }
+            case PROFILER_MEM_SAMPLER_ID:
+                {
+                TSamplerAttributes attr4(KSamplerMemPluginUid.iUid,
+                        KMEMShortName(),
+                        KMEMLongName(),
+                        KMEMDescription(),
+                        -1,
+                        EFalse,
+                        EFalse,
+                        0);
+//                // select event or sampling based
+//                attr4.iSettingItem1.iSettingDescription.Copy(KMEM1Desc);
+//                attr4.iSettingItem1.iType = TSettingItem::ESettingItemTypeBool;
+//                attr4.iSettingItem1.iValue.AppendNum(0, EDecimal);
+//                attr4.iSettingItem1.iUIText.Copy(KMEM1UIText);
+//                attr4.iSettingItem1.iSettingText.Copy(KMemCounter1);
+                this->iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr4);
+                break;
+                }
+            case PROFILER_PRI_SAMPLER_ID:
+                {
+                TSamplerAttributes attr5(KSamplerPriPluginUid.iUid,
+                        KPRIShortName(),
+                        KPRILongName(),
+                        KPRIDescription(),
+                        3000,
+                        EFalse,
+                        EFalse,
+                        0);
+                this->iSamplerAttributes->AppendL(attr5);
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::CleanSampler()
+	{
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::CleanSampler() - deleting buffer handler"));
+    // release the buffer handler
+    if(iBufferHandler)
+        {
+        iBufferHandler->Cancel();
+        delete iBufferHandler;
+        iBufferHandler = NULL;
+        }
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::CleanSampler() - closing sampler"));
+	iGeneralsSampler.Close();
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::CleanSampler() - Freeing sampler device"));
+	User::FreeLogicalDevice(KPluginSamplerName);
+	// release attribute array
+	if(iSamplerAttributes)
+	    {
+	    iSamplerAttributes->Reset();
+	    }
+    delete iSamplerAttributes;
+    iSamplerAttributes = NULL;
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::CleanSampler() - exit"));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// returns setting array
+void CGeneralsPlugin::GetAttributesL(CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>* aAttributes)
+    {
+    TInt count(iSamplerAttributes->Count());
+    // append all sampler attributes to aAttributes array
+    for(TInt i(0);i<count;i++)
+        {
+        aAttributes->AppendL(iSamplerAttributes->At(i));
+        }
+    }
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::SetAttributesL(TSamplerAttributes aAttributes)
+    {
+    TSamplerAttributes attr;
+    TInt count(iSamplerAttributes->Count());
+    // loop the sub sampler attributes (by UID)
+    for(TInt i(0);i<count;i++)
+        {
+        attr = iSamplerAttributes->At(i);
+        // if UIDs match replace the old 
+        if(attr.iUid == aAttributes.iUid)
+            {
+            // replace the old attribute container
+            iSamplerAttributes->Delete(i);
+            iSamplerAttributes->InsertL(i, aAttributes);
+            return KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+ * Method for parsing and transforming text array settings into TSamplerAttributes (per each sub sampler),
+ * called by CSamplerController class
+ * 
+ * @param array of raw text setting lines, e.g. [gpp]\nenabled=true\nsampling_period_ms=1\n
+ */
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::ConvertRawSettingsToAttributes(CDesC8ArrayFlat* aAllSettingsArray)
+    {
+    // local literals
+    _LIT8(KGPPShort, "gpp");
+    _LIT8(KGFCShort, "gfc");
+    _LIT8(KITTShort, "itt");
+    _LIT8(KMEMShort, "mem");
+    _LIT8(KPRIShort, "pri");
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    TBuf8<16> samplerSearchName;
+    // loop previous settings, update value if changed
+    for(TInt i(0);i<KSubSamplerCount;i++)
+        {
+        // go through all the sub samplers
+        switch (i)
+            {
+            case 0:
+                samplerSearchName.Copy(KGPPShort);
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                samplerSearchName.Copy(KGFCShort);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                samplerSearchName.Copy(KITTShort);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                samplerSearchName.Copy(KMEMShort);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                samplerSearchName.Copy(KPRIShort);
+                break;
+            }
+        // get sampler specific settings  
+        err = DoSetSamplerSettings(aAllSettingsArray, samplerSearchName, i);
+        }
+    // returns KErrNone if settings found, otherwise KErrNotFound
+    return err;
+    }
+ * Method for searching sampler specific settings among all settings (raw setting lines read from settings file)
+ * 
+ * @param aAllSettings array of all settings from settings file
+ * @param aSamplerName short name of sampler to be searched among the settings
+ * @param aIndex index number of sampler specific sampler attributes (TSamplerAttributes)
+ * @return KErrNone if settings found ok else KErrNotFound
+ */
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::DoSetSamplerSettings(CDesC8ArrayFlat* aAllSettings, TDesC8& aSamplerName, TInt aIndex)
+    {
+    // sampler name to be searched among the all settings
+    TBuf8<16> samplerSearch;
+    samplerSearch.Copy(KBracketOpen);
+    samplerSearch.Append(aSamplerName);
+    samplerSearch.Append(KBracketClose);
+    // read a line from ALL settings array
+    for (TInt i(0); i<aAllSettings->MdcaCount(); i++)
+        {
+        // check if this line has a setting block start, i.e. contains [xxx] in it
+        if (aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(i).CompareF(samplerSearch) == 0)
+            {
+            // right settings block found, now loop until the next block is found
+            for(TInt j(i+1);j<aAllSettings->MdcaCount();j++)
+                {
+                // check if the next settings block was found
+                if(aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(j).Left(1).CompareF(KBracketOpen) != 0)
+                    {
+                    // save found setting value directly to its owners attributes
+                    SaveSettingToAttributes(aAllSettings->MdcaPoint(j), aIndex);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // next block found, return KErrNone
+                    return KErrNone;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // no settings found for specific sampler
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+ * Method for setting a specific descriptor (from settings file) to attribute structure
+ * 
+ * @param aSetting  
+ * @param aName  
+ */
+void CGeneralsPlugin::SaveSettingToAttributes(const TDesC8& aSetting, TInt aIndex)
+    {
+    // local literals
+    _LIT8(KSettingItemSeparator, "=");
+    // find the equal mark from the setting line
+    TInt sepPos = aSetting.Find(KSettingItemSeparator);
+    // check that '=' is found
+    if (sepPos > 0)
+        {
+        // check that the element matches
+        if (aSetting.Left(sepPos).CompareF(KEnabled) == 0)
+            {
+            TBool en;
+            CSamplerPluginInterface::Str2Bool(aSetting.Right(aSetting.Length()-sepPos-1), en);
+            if(en != iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iEnabled)
+                {
+                iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iEnabled = en;
+                }
+            }
+        else if (aSetting.Left(sepPos).CompareF(KSamplingPeriod) == 0)
+            {
+            TInt sr;
+            CSamplerPluginInterface::Str2Int(aSetting.Right(aSetting.Length()-sepPos-1), sr);
+            if(sr != iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iSampleRate)
+                {
+                iSamplerAttributes->At(aIndex).iSampleRate = sr;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TUid CGeneralsPlugin::Id(TInt aSubId) const
+	{
+			return KSamplerGppPluginUid;
+		else if (aSubId == PROFILER_GFC_SAMPLER_ID)		
+			return KSamplerGfcPluginUid;
+		else if (aSubId == PROFILER_ITT_SAMPLER_ID)		
+			return KSamplerIttPluginUid;
+		else if (aSubId == PROFILER_MEM_SAMPLER_ID)		
+			return KSamplerMemPluginUid;
+		else if (aSubId == PROFILER_PRI_SAMPLER_ID)		
+			return KSamplerPriPluginUid;
+		else
+			return KSamplerGeneralsPluginUid;
+	}
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::SubId(TUid aId) const
+	{
+/* definitions from ProfilerConfig.h:
+ * 	#define		PROFILER_GPP_SAMPLER_ID			1
+ */
+		if(aId == KSamplerGppPluginUid)		
+		else if (aId == KSamplerGfcPluginUid)		
+		else if (aId == KSamplerIttPluginUid)		
+		else if (aId == KSamplerMemPluginUid)		
+		else if (aId == KSamplerPriPluginUid)		
+		else
+			return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::GetSamplerType()
+	{
+	return iSamplerType;
+	}
+void CGeneralsPlugin::InstallStreamForActiveTraces(RGeneralsSampler& sampler, CProfilerSampleStream& aStream)
+	{
+	// output mode for this trace is stream
+	if(!iBufferHandler)
+		{
+		// stream object has not been created yet
+		LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InstallStreamForActiveTraces - creating stream for trace"));	
+		// use a 32KB buffer to transfer data from sampler to client
+		// commonStream = new RProfilerSampleStream(sampler,totalPrefix,32768);
+		TRAPD(err, iBufferHandler = CProfilerBufferHandler::NewL(aStream, sampler));
+		if(err != KErrNone)
+		    {
+		    LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::InstallStreamForActiveTraces() - No memory"));
+		    return;
+		    }
+		}
+	// initiate receiving of data from the sampler device driver
+	if(iBufferHandler)
+		{
+		iBufferHandler->StartReceivingData();
+		}
+void CGeneralsPlugin::SetSettingsToSamplers()
+    {
+    TSamplerAttributes attr;
+    // loop through the setting attributes
+    for(TInt i(0);i<iSamplerAttributes->Count();i++)
+        {
+        // get the attribute container
+        attr = iSamplerAttributes->At(i);
+        // make changes according to right sampler, NOTE! The old IDs of sub samplers (i+1)!
+        if(attr.iEnabled)
+            {
+            iGeneralsSampler.MarkTraceActive(i+1);
+            // set enabled
+            iEnabled = ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iGeneralsSampler.MarkTraceInactive(i+1);
+            }
+        // set sampling period if available
+        if(attr.iSampleRate != KErrNotFound)
+            {
+            iGeneralsSampler.SetSamplingPeriod(i+1, attr.iSampleRate);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivateL(CProfilerSampleStream& aStream) 
+    {
+	// the sampler starting functionality
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - entry"));
+    // now before starting the latest settings must be set to samplers itself
+	SetSettingsToSamplers();
+	if(Enabled())
+	    {
+        LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - starting sampling..."));
+        // start sampling process of enabled sub samplers
+        iGeneralsSampler.StartSampling();		
+        LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - installing stream for an active trace..."));
+        // install the trace for enabled samplers
+        InstallStreamForActiveTraces(iGeneralsSampler, aStream);
+        LOGSTRING2("CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - stream installed: 0x%x", aStream);
+	    }
+	LOGTEXT(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::ResetAndActivate() - exit"));
+	return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt CGeneralsPlugin::StopSampling() 
+    {
+    // RDebug::Print(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::StopSampling() - Stopping sampler LDD"));
+	iGeneralsSampler.StopSampling();
+	// RDebug::Print(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::StopSampling() - Sampler LDD stopped"));
+	// check if bufferhandler has died
+	if(iBufferHandler)
+		{
+		// RDebug::Print(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::StopSampling() - Canceling the buffer handler"));
+		iBufferHandler->Cancel();
+		delete iBufferHandler;
+		iBufferHandler = NULL;
+		}	
+	// set enabled
+    iEnabled = EFalse;
+    // RDebug::Print(_L("CGeneralsPlugin::StopSampling() - exit"));
+	return KErrNone;
+    }