changeset 0 a03f92240627
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hti/PC_Tools/HTIGateway/HtiGateway/src/HtiDispatcher.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+*   This file contains implementation of HtiDispatcher class.
+#include "stdsoap2.h" //should be first because of WinSock2.h errors
+#include "common.h"
+#include "HtiDispatcher.h"
+#include "soapHandler.h"
+#include "HtiMessage.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+const static char* HTI_PLUGIN_FOLDER = "ServicePlugins/";
+//used to redispatch hti framework error messages (like not authorized)
+* namespace table is needed to correclty send fault messages
+* each service plugin should explicitly set its one namespace table before processing
+* request
+SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] =
+	{"SOAP-ENV", "", "*/soap-envelope", NULL},
+	{"SOAP-ENC", "", "*/soap-encoding", NULL},
+// Class HtiDispatcher
+// This class 
+// -forwards Soap requests and Hti messages to correct SOAPHandlers
+// -Is used to initiate SOAPHandlers by reading them from dll's and start them 
+HtiDispatcher::HtiDispatcher(SafeQueue<Data*>* qIn,
+                             SafeQueue<Data*>* qOut)
+	: m_Running(true),
+	m_QueueIn(qIn),
+	m_QueueOut(qOut),
+	m_IncomingHtiMessage(NULL)
+	for( htiSoapActionHashMap::const_iterator i = m_SoapHandlers.begin();
+		 i != m_SoapHandlers.end();
+		 ++i)
+	{
+		delete i->second;
+	}
+ * This method is used to read all the available SoapHandler dll's and initialize an instance of them and store a reference to m_SoapHandlers(by soap action)
+ * and m_HanlersUidMap(by service uid) maps.
+ */
+void HtiDispatcher::InitHandlers()
+	Util::Info( "HtiDispatcher::InitHandlers" );
+	//1. read exe/plugin directory
+	WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; 
+	HANDLE hSearch; 
+	bool fFinished = false;
+	// Start searching for .dll files
+	string searchMask = HTI_PLUGIN_FOLDER;
+	searchMask.append( "*.dll" );
+ 	hSearch = FindFirstFile( searchMask.c_str(), &FileData );
+	if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
+	{ 
+		Util::Info("No DLLs found."); 
+		return;
+	} 
+	while (!fFinished) 
+	{ 
+	//2. get list of all DLLs
+	//SoapHandler* t = new SoapHandler("ws_hti.dll");
+		string pluginPath = HTI_PLUGIN_FOLDER;
+		pluginPath.append( FileData.cFileName );
+		Util::Info("Try to load:");
+		Util::Info(pluginPath);
+		SoapHandler* t = new SoapHandler( pluginPath );
+		if( t->LoadPlugin() )
+		{
+			//3. add them to m_SoapHandlers
+			char* soapAction = t->soapAction();
+			m_SoapHandlers[ soapAction ] = t;
+			//add to uid map as well
+			int uid = t->serviceUID();
+			m_HanlersUidMap[ uid ] = t;
+			stringstream s;
+			s<<"Loaded plugin: ";
+			s<<soapAction;
+			s<<", service UID: ";
+			s<<uid;
+			Util::Info( s.str().c_str() );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			delete t;
+			//
+			Util::Error("Failed load DLL as a plugin");
+		}
+		if (!FindNextFile(hSearch, &FileData)) 
+		{
+			if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) 
+			{ 
+				fFinished = TRUE; 
+			} 
+			else 
+			{ 
+				Util::Error("Couldn't find next plugin.");
+				fFinished = TRUE;
+				//return;
+			} 
+		}
+	} 
+	// Close the search handle. 
+	FindClose(hSearch);
+	stringstream s;
+	s<<"Plugins loaded ";
+	s<<m_SoapHandlers.size();
+	Util::Info( s.str().c_str() );
+ * This method is used to start all the SoapHandler instances that are stored in htiSoapActionHashMap
+ */
+void HtiDispatcher::StartHandlers()
+	for( htiSoapActionHashMap::const_iterator i = m_SoapHandlers.begin();
+		 i != m_SoapHandlers.end();
+		 ++i)
+	{
+		(i->second)->SetDispatcher(this);
+		(i->second)->Start();
+	}
+ * This loop is used to forward incoming Hti messages(arriving from CommChannelPlugin to m_QueueOut side) to correct SoapHandlers
+ */
+void HtiDispatcher::Run()
+	Util::Debug("HtiDispatcher::Run");
+	//m_testHandler.SetDispatcher(this);
+	//m_testHandler.Start();
+	InitHandlers();
+	StartHandlers();
+	BYTE* shortData = NULL; //keep data if it's too short to have HtiHeader
+							//or if one Data msg have more than one HtiMessage
+	DWORD msgBufferSize = 8096;
+	BYTE* msgBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc( msgBufferSize );
+	DWORD shortDataLen = 0;
+	// By setting this threads priority below others will give soaphandler threads 
+	// more runtime to process the received messages.. This is to avoid the situation
+	// where two messages arrive so close to each other that m_hReceiveHtiEvent is 
+	// signalled twice before the first message has even been processed by the soap plugin.
+	if(!SetThreadPriority( ThreadHandle(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL ))
+		Util::Info("Warning: Could not set HtiDispatcher priority!");
+	while (m_Running)
+	{
+		try
+		{	
+			Data* d = m_QueueOut->front(50);
+			BYTE* p = (BYTE *)d->GetData();
+			DWORD l = d->GetLength();
+			//printf("\td = %d\n", m_QueueOut->size());
+			if (Util::GetVerboseLevel() == Util::VerboseLevel::debug)
+			{
+				char tmp[64];
+				sprintf(tmp, "[HtiDispatcher] HTI MsgSize = %d", l);
+				string s(tmp);
+				Util::Debug(s);
+				//Util::Hex(p, d->GetLength());
+			}
+			//Util::Debug("leftovers");
+			//copy leftovers to the beginning of the buffer
+			if ( shortDataLen > 0 )
+			{
+				memcpy( msgBuffer, shortData, shortDataLen );
+			}
+			shortData = msgBuffer; //set shortData to the beginning
+			//copy data to buffer
+			if ( shortDataLen + l > msgBufferSize )
+			{
+				msgBufferSize = shortDataLen + l;
+				msgBuffer = (BYTE*)realloc(msgBuffer, msgBufferSize);
+				shortData = msgBuffer;
+			}
+			//copy data gotten from queue to the end of shortData
+			memcpy(shortData + shortDataLen, p, l );
+			shortDataLen = l + shortDataLen;
+			while ( shortDataLen != 0 &&
+				    (shortDataLen >= HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize() ||
+				    m_IncomingHtiMessage != NULL ) )
+			{
+				//new message
+				if ( m_IncomingHtiMessage == NULL )
+				{
+					if ( shortDataLen >= HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize() )
+					{
+						if ( HtiMessage::CheckValidHtiHeader(shortData) )
+						{
+							m_IncomingHtiMessage = new HtiMessage( shortData, shortDataLen );
+							if (Util::GetVerboseLevel() == Util::VerboseLevel::debug)
+							{
+								char tmp[64];
+								sprintf(tmp,"New hti message %d", m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiDataSize());
+								string s(tmp);
+								Util::Debug(s);
+								//Util::Hex(p, d->GetLength());
+							}
+							//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "income msg %x <%d>\n", m_IncomingHtiMessage, sizeof(HtiMessage));
+							//check message
+							if ( m_IncomingHtiMessage->IsMessageComplete() )
+							{
+								Util::Debug("HTI message complete");
+								DWORD msgSize = m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiDataSize();
+								if (  msgSize < shortDataLen  )
+								{
+									//remove used part
+									//BYTE* temp = new BYTE[shortDataLen-msgSize];
+									//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "temp %x <%d>\n", shortData , shortDataLen-msgSize);
+									//memcpy(temp, shortData + msgSize, shortDataLen-msgSize);
+									//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData);
+									//delete[] shortData;
+									//shortData = temp;
+									shortData += msgSize; //just move pointer
+									shortDataLen -= msgSize;
+								}
+								else
+								{
+									//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData);
+									//delete[] shortData;
+									//shortData = NULL;
+									shortDataLen = 0;
+								}
+								//Dispatch incoming message
+								DispatchToSoapHandlers();
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData);
+								//delete[] shortData;
+								//shortData = NULL;
+								shortDataLen = 0;
+							}
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							//invalid header
+							Util::Error("Invalid HTI header, dismiss Data message");
+							Util::Hex(shortData, HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize() );
+							//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData);
+							//delete[] shortData;
+							//shortData = NULL;
+							shortDataLen = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else //body parts
+				{
+					Util::Debug("add");
+					DWORD added = m_IncomingHtiMessage->AddToBody( shortData,
+																   shortDataLen );
+					//printf("reminder %d\n", m_IncomingHtiMessage->Reminder());
+					if ( added < shortDataLen )
+					{
+						//only part of message was added
+						//remove added part
+						//BYTE* temp = new BYTE[shortDataLen-added];
+						//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "temp %x <%d>\n", shortData , shortDataLen-added);
+						//memcpy(temp, shortData + added, shortDataLen-added);
+						//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData );
+						//delete[] shortData;
+						//shortData = temp;
+						shortData += added;
+						shortDataLen -= added;
+					}
+					else //all data were added
+					{
+						//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del shortData %x\n", shortData );
+						//delete[] shortData;
+						//shortData = NULL;
+						shortDataLen = 0;
+					}
+					if ( m_IncomingHtiMessage->IsMessageComplete() )
+					{
+						Util::Debug("HTI message complete");
+						//Dispatch incoming message
+						DispatchToSoapHandlers();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			m_QueueOut->pop();
+			//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "del data %x\n", d);
+			delete d;
+			d = NULL;
+		} catch (TimeoutException te)
+		{
+			//Util::Debug("[DataGatewaySocketWriterThread]timeout exception");
+		}
+	}
+	free( msgBuffer );
+ * This method is used to forward the incoming HTI message to correct SoapHandler
+ * The correct SoapHandler is found by service uid
+ */
+void HtiDispatcher::DispatchToSoapHandlers()
+	htiUIDHashMap::const_iterator i;
+	int targetServiceUid;
+	if ( m_IncomingHtiMessage->IsErrorMessage() )
+	{
+		targetServiceUid = m_IncomingHtiMessage->ErrorServiceUid();
+		stringstream s;
+		s<<"Received HTI error message\nhtiErrorCode: ";
+		s<<m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiErrorCode();
+		s<<"\nserviceUid: ";
+		s<<m_IncomingHtiMessage->ErrorServiceUid();
+		s<<"\nserviceErrorCode: ";
+		s<<m_IncomingHtiMessage->ServiceErrorCode();
+		s<<"\nErrorDescription: ";
+		s<<m_IncomingHtiMessage->ErrorDescription();
+		s<<"\ntargetServiceUid: ";
+		s<<targetServiceUid;
+		Util::Error(s.str().c_str());
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		targetServiceUid = m_IncomingHtiMessage->GetServiceUID();
+	}
+	if ( targetServiceUid == HTI_SYSTEM_SERVICE_UID &&
+		 m_IncomingHtiMessage->IsErrorMessage() )
+	{
+		Util::Debug("dispatch error");
+		//if system plugin doesn't wait for a message then find plugin that
+		//is waiting for a message and delivery the incoming msg to it
+		i = m_HanlersUidMap.find( targetServiceUid  );
+		if ( i != m_HanlersUidMap.end() )
+		{
+			if ( (i->second)->IsWaitsForHtiMessage() )
+			{
+				Util::Debug("dispatch error to system cause it waits");
+				if ( !(i->second)->ReceiveHtiMessage(m_IncomingHtiMessage) )
+				{
+					Util::Error("Failed to dispatch hti message");
+					Util::Hex(m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiData(), HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize());
+					//dismiss message
+					delete m_IncomingHtiMessage;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				Util::Debug("find handler that waits");
+				//find the handler that waits for hti message
+				for( htiUIDHashMap::const_iterator i = m_HanlersUidMap.begin();
+					i != m_HanlersUidMap.end();
+					++i)
+				{
+					Util::Debug((i->second)->soapAction());
+					if ( (i->second)->IsWaitsForHtiMessage() )
+					{
+						Util::Debug("found");
+						if ( !(i->second)->ReceiveHtiMessage(m_IncomingHtiMessage) )
+						{
+							Util::Error("Failed to dispatch hti message");
+							Util::Hex(m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiData(), HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize());
+							//dismiss message
+							delete m_IncomingHtiMessage;
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		i = m_HanlersUidMap.find( targetServiceUid  );
+		if ( i != m_HanlersUidMap.end() )
+		{
+			if ( !(i->second)->ReceiveHtiMessage(m_IncomingHtiMessage) )
+			{
+				Util::Error("Failed to dispatch hti message");
+				Util::Hex(m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiData(), HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize());
+				//dismiss message
+				delete m_IncomingHtiMessage;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			Util::Error("Failed to dispatch hti message, no plug-in with appropriate uid",m_IncomingHtiMessage->GetServiceUID() );
+			Util::Hex(m_IncomingHtiMessage->HtiData(), HtiMessage::MinHeaderSize());
+			//dismiss message
+			delete m_IncomingHtiMessage;
+		}
+	}
+	m_IncomingHtiMessage = NULL;
+	// This will give other threads (soaphandlers) some runtime to process the
+	// received message.
+	Sleep(0);
+ * This method is used to forward soap request to correct SOAPHandler
+ * Correct SOAPHandler is found by soap action
+ */
+bool HtiDispatcher::DispatchSoapServe(struct soap* soapEnv)
+	Util::Debug("HtiDispatcher::DispatchSoapServe()");
+	_CrtMemState localMem;
+	_CrtMemCheckpoint( &localMem );
+	soap_begin( soapEnv );
+	if (soap_begin_recv(soapEnv))
+	{
+		soap_set_namespaces( soapEnv, namespaces);
+		soap_send_fault(soapEnv);
+		return false;
+	}
+	if ( !(soapEnv->action) )
+	{
+		//Util::Error("soapAction is missing");
+		soap_set_namespaces( soapEnv, namespaces);
+		soapEnv->error = soap_sender_fault(soapEnv, "soapAction is missing", NULL); 
+		soap_send_fault(soapEnv);
+		return false;
+	}
+	//_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Local Objects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+	_CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince( &localMem );
+	//_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "action address %x\n", soapEnv->action);
+	htiSoapActionHashMap::const_iterator it;
+	it = m_SoapHandlers.find( soapEnv->action );
+	if ( it != m_SoapHandlers.end() )
+	{
+		return (it->second)->ServeSoap( soapEnv );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//Util::Error("soapAction is unknown:");
+		//Util::Error(soapEnv->action);
+		//soapEnv->error = SOAP_NO_METHOD;
+		soap_set_namespaces( soapEnv, namespaces);
+		soapEnv->error = soap_sender_fault(soapEnv, "No plugin found", "no plugin found for requested service in actionSOAP header field"); 
+		soap_send_fault(soapEnv);
+		return false;
+	}
+	Util::Debug("HtiDispatcher::DispatchSoapServe() OK");
+ * SoapHandler calls this method
+ * The method creates a Data object from the HtiMessage given as parameter 
+ * and puts the Data object into incoming queue(going eventually to CommChannelPlugin)
+ */
+void HtiDispatcher::SendHtiMessage(HtiMessage* msg)
+	Util::Debug("HtiDispatcher::SendHtiMessage()");
+	if (msg)
+	{
+		Data* d = new Data(msg->HtiData(), msg->HtiDataSize(), Data::EData);
+		//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "d %x <%d>\n", d , sizeof(Data));
+		if (Util::GetVerboseLevel() == Util::VerboseLevel::debug)
+		{
+			char tmp[64];
+			sprintf(tmp, "[HtiDispatcher] HTI MsgSize = %d", msg->HtiDataSize());
+			string s(tmp);
+			Util::Debug(s);
+			Util::Hex( (char*)(msg->HtiData()), 16);
+		}
+		m_QueueIn->push(d);
+		//delete msg;
+	}
+	Util::Debug("HtiDispatcher::SendHtiMessage() OK");
+void HtiDispatcher::Stop()
+	m_Running = false;
+	HANDLE* handles = new HANDLE[ m_SoapHandlers.size() ];
+	int h = 0;
+	for( htiSoapActionHashMap::const_iterator i = m_SoapHandlers.begin();
+		 i != m_SoapHandlers.end();
+		 ++i)
+	{
+		(i->second)->Stop();
+		handles[ h++ ] = (i->second)->ThreadHandle();
+	}
+	WaitForMultipleObjects(m_SoapHandlers.size(),
+					       handles,
+						   TRUE,
+						   5000/*g_MaximumShutdownWaitTime*/);
+	delete[] handles;
+bool HtiDispatcher::IsRunning()
+	return m_Running;