changeset 0 a03f92240627
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hti/PC_Tools/HTIGateway/HtiGateway/src/util.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+*   This module contains the implementation of Util class member functions. 
+*   Util class provides static utility functions for logging and string
+*	manipulation.
+#include "util.h"
+// command line parameters
+extern map<string, string> g_parameters;
+// Class Util
+// Provides static utility functions for logging and string handling.
+// The default verbose level for Util output is error
+Util::VerboseLevel Util::iVerbose(Util::error);
+// The default output is without timestamp
+int Util::iTimestamp(0);
+	Mutex Util::iCritical;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: SetVerboseLevel
+    Description: Sets new verbose level by string:
+				 "none"
+				 "result"
+				 "error"
+				 "info"
+				 "debug"
+    Parameters: const string& aVerbose : in: Verbose level as string
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::SetVerboseLevel(const string& aVerbose)
+	string verbose(aVerbose);
+	ToLower(verbose);
+	if ("result") == 0)
+	{
+		iVerbose = result;
+	}
+	else if ("error") == 0)
+	{
+		iVerbose = error;
+	}
+	else if ("info") == 0)
+	{
+		iVerbose = info;
+	}
+	else if ("debug") == 0)
+	{
+		iVerbose = debug;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	 	iVerbose = none;
+	}
+    Class: Util
+    Method: SetVerboseLevel
+    Description: Sets new verbose level by enumeration.
+    Parameters: const VerboseLevel aVerbose : in: Verbose level
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::SetVerboseLevel(const VerboseLevel aVerbose)
+	iVerbose = aVerbose;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: GetVerboseLevel
+    Description: Returns current verbose level.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: VerboseLevel : Current verbose level
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+Util::VerboseLevel Util::GetVerboseLevel()
+	return iVerbose;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: SetTimestamp
+    Description: Enables/disables timestamp from output by string "yes" or "no".
+    Parameters: const string& aTimestamp : in : "yes" to enable timestamp, "no" to
+	                                            disable.
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::SetTimestamp(const string& aTimestamp)
+	string timestamp(aTimestamp);
+	ToLower(timestamp);
+	if ("true") == 0)
+	{
+		SetTimestamp(1);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		SetTimestamp(0);
+	}
+    Class: Util
+    Method: SetTimestamp
+    Description: Enables/disables timestamp from output. 0 is disabled.
+    Parameters: const int aTimestamp : in : Enable/disable time stamp
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::SetTimestamp(const int aTimestamp)
+	iTimestamp = aTimestamp;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: ParseCmdLine
+    Description: Parses command line parameters to map. The map which is passed
+	             as argument must contain all valid keys (command line swicthes).
+				 Function adds values to map to all keys found from command line.
+				 The command line switch is form <key>=<value>. Default values for
+				 keys can be specified.
+    Parameters: const int aArgc           : in     : The number of arguments
+	            char **aArgs              : in     : Pointer array to arguments
+				map<string, string>& aMap : in/out : Map containing possible command
+				                                     line switches (keys). Values of
+													 switches are returned as values.
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: UtilError
+void Util::ParseCmdLine(const int aArgc,
+						char **aArgs,
+						map<string, string>& aMap) throw (UtilError)
+	for (int i = 1; i < aArgc; i++)
+	{
+		string p(aArgs[i]);
+		string v;
+		int idx = p.find_first_of("=");
+		if (idx != string::npos)
+		{
+			if ((idx + 1) == p.length())
+			{
+				string err("Parameter '" + p.substr(0, idx) + "' without value");
+				throw UtilError(err, ERR_UTIL_NO_PARAM_VALUE);
+			}
+			v = &aArgs[i][idx + 1];
+			p = p.substr(0, idx);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			v = "";
+		}
+		// 28.03.06 Disabled this "check" to enable parameter passing to plug-ins also
+		//string def;
+		//GetValue(p, aMap, def);
+		aMap[p] = v;
+	}
+    Class: Util
+    Method: GetValue
+    Description: Returns value by key from a map.
+    Parameters: const string& aKey        : in  : Key to value 
+				map<string, string>& aMap : in  : Map containing valid keys
+				string& aValue            : out : Value of key
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: UtilError
+void Util::GetValue(const string& aKey,
+					const map<string,
+					string>& aMap, string& aValue) throw (UtilError)
+	map<string, string>::const_iterator i = aMap.find(aKey);
+	if (i != aMap.end())
+	{
+		aValue = i->second;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		string err("Unknown parameter '" + aKey + "'");
+		throw UtilError(err, ERR_UTIL_UNKNOWN_PARAM);
+	}
+    Class: Util
+    Method: ReadProperties
+    Description: Reads properties from a file to a map. Line beginning with
+	             hash character ('#') are considered as comments. The form
+				 of prooerties in file is <property> = <value>.
+    Parameters: const string& aFilename   : in  : Filename where properties are read
+	            map<string, string>& aMap : out : Map where property values are put
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: UtilError
+void Util::ReadProperties(const string& aFilename,
+						  map<string, string>& aMap) throw (UtilError)
+	ifstream in(aFilename.c_str());
+	if (!in)
+	{
+		string err("Cannot open properties file '");
+		err += aFilename + "'.";
+		throw UtilError(err, ERR_UTIL_PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND);
+	}
+	while (in)
+	{
+		char tmp[256];
+		in.getline(tmp, 256);
+		string line(tmp);
+		if (line.length() == 0 || line.find_first_of("#") == 0)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		int idx = line.find_first_of('=');
+		string v, p;
+		if (idx != string::npos)
+		{
+			p = line.substr(0, idx);
+			int r = p.find(" ");
+			while (r != string::npos)
+			{
+				p.replace(r, 1, "");
+				r = p.find(" ");
+			}
+			v = line.substr(idx + 1);
+			string::iterator i = v.begin();
+			int spaces = 0;
+			while (i != v.end() && *i == ' ')
+			{
+				++spaces;
+				++i;
+			}
+			v.erase(0, spaces);
+			if (v.length() == 0)
+			{
+				string err = "Value not specified for parameter '";
+				err += line.substr(0, idx) + "'.";
+				throw UtilError(err, ERR_UTIL_NO_PROPERTY_VALUE);			
+			}
+		}
+		else 
+		{
+			p = line;
+			v = "";
+		}
+		aMap[p] = v;
+	}
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Error
+    Description: Prints message to output in error level.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Error message to output
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Error(const string& aMsg)
+	Print(cerr, aMsg, error);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Error
+    Description: Prints message to output in error level with error code number.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Error message to output
+				const long aCode   : in : Error code to output
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Error(const string& aMsg, const long aCode)
+	Print(cerr, aMsg, error, aCode);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Log
+    Description: Prints message to output in result level.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Result message to output
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Log(const string& aMsg)
+	Print(cout, aMsg, result);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Info
+    Description: Prints message to output in info level.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Info message to output
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Info(const string& aMsg)
+	Print(cout, aMsg, info);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Debug
+    Description: Prints message to output in debug level.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Debug message to output
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Debug(const string& aMsg)
+	Print(cout, aMsg, debug);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Print
+    Description: Prints output to a stream.
+    Parameters: ostream& out              : in : Stream where to write
+                const string& aMsg        : in : Message to output
+                const VerboseLevel aLevel : in : Verbose level of message
+				const long aCode          : in : Possible error code if != 0
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Print(ostream& out,
+				 const string& aMsg,
+				 const VerboseLevel aLevel,
+				 const long aCode)
+	iCritical.Lock();
+	if (aLevel <= iVerbose)
+	{
+		if (iTimestamp)
+		{
+			char timestamp[128];
+			_strdate(timestamp);
+			char tmp[16];
+			_strtime(tmp);
+			strcat(timestamp, " ");
+			strcat(timestamp, tmp);
+			struct _timeb tb;
+			_ftime(&tb);
+			sprintf(tmp, ".%03d", tb.millitm);
+			strcat(timestamp, tmp);
+			out << "[" << timestamp << "] ";
+		}
+		//out << "[" << GetCurrentThreadId() << "] ";
+		out << aMsg;
+		//if (aLevel == debug)
+		{
+			OutputDebugString(aMsg.c_str());
+			OutputDebugString("\r\n");
+		}
+		if (aCode != 0)
+		{
+			out.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield);
+			out << " (error: 0x" << aCode << ")";
+		}
+		out << endl;
+	}
+	iCritical.Unlock();
+    Class: Util
+    Method: ToLower
+    Description: Converts string to lower case.
+    Parameters: string& aString : in/out : String which is converted to lower case
+    Return Values: string& : Reference to converted string.
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+string& Util::ToLower(string& aString)
+	string::iterator p = aString.begin();
+	while (p != aString.end())
+	{
+		*p = tolower(*p);
+		++p;
+	}
+	return aString;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: ToUpper
+    Description: Converts string to upper case.
+    Parameters: string& aString : in/out : String which is converted to upper case
+    Return Values: string& : Reference to converted string.
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+string& Util::ToUpper(string& aString)
+	string::iterator p = aString.begin();
+	while (p != aString.end())
+	{
+		*p = toupper(*p);
+		++p;
+	}
+	return aString;
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Hex
+    Description: Prints hex dump of char table to output.
+    Parameters: const char aData[] : in : Data to be output as hex dump
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Hex(const char aData[])
+	string s(aData);
+	Hex(s);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Hex
+    Description: Prints hex dump of string to output.
+    Parameters: const string& aMsg : in : Data to be output as hex dump
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Hex(const string& aMsg)
+	Hex((const unsigned char *)aMsg.c_str(), aMsg.length());
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Hex
+    Description: Prints hex dump of data to output.
+    Parameters: const unsigned char* aData : in : Pointer to data to be output
+	                                              as hex dump
+                const int aLength          : in : The lenght of data
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Hex(const unsigned char* aData, const int aLength)
+	Hex((void *)aData, aLength);
+    Class: Util
+    Method: Hex
+    Description: Prints hex dump of data to output.
+    Parameters: void *aData       : in : Pointer to data to be output as hex dump
+                const int aLength : in : The lenght of data
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void Util::Hex(void *aData, const int aLength)
+	Hex(aData, aLength, NULL);
+void Util::Hex(void* aData, const int aLength, string* aHexDump)
+	iCritical.Lock();
+	char line[16];
+	int line_len = 16;
+	int bytes_to_copy = 0;
+	int printed = 0;
+	bool print_out = (aHexDump == NULL ? true : false);
+	unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)aData;
+	if (print_out)
+	{
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		aHexDump->append("\r\n");
+	}
+	while (printed < aLength)
+	{
+		bytes_to_copy = ((aLength - printed >= line_len ? line_len : (aLength - printed)));
+		memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+		memcpy(line, &data[printed], bytes_to_copy);
+		for (int j = 0; j < line_len; j++)
+		{
+			char hex[4];
+			sprintf(hex, "%02X ", (unsigned char)line[j]);
+			if (print_out)
+			{
+				printf("%s", hex);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				string s(hex);
+				aHexDump->append(s);
+			}
+		}
+		if (print_out) printf(" | ");
+		for (int j = 0; j < line_len; j++)
+		{
+			char c = line[j];
+			if (c >= ' ' && c <= 'z')
+			{
+				if (print_out)
+				{
+					printf("%c", c);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					char tmp[2];
+					sprintf(tmp, "%c", c);
+					string s(tmp);
+					aHexDump->append(s);
+				}
+			} 
+			else
+			{
+				if (print_out)
+				{
+					printf(".");
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					aHexDump->append(".");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (print_out)
+		{
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			aHexDump->append("\r\n");
+		}
+		if ((printed - line_len) < aLength)
+		{
+			printed += 16;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			printed = aLength - printed;
+		}
+	}
+	if (print_out) printf("\n");
+	iCritical.Unlock();
+void Util::CheckCommandlineParam( const string& paramname, string& paramvalue )
+	// Command line parameter overrides ini-file value
+	if ( !g_parameters[paramname].empty() )
+		paramvalue = g_parameters[paramname];
+// End of the file
\ No newline at end of file