changeset 0 a03f92240627
child 30 86a2e675b80a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/memspy/Driver/Kernel/Source/SubChannels/MemSpyDriverLogChanChunks.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "MemSpyDriverLogChanChunks.h"
+// System includes
+#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverobjectsshared.h>
+// Shared includes
+#include "MemSpyDriverOpCodes.h"
+#include "MemSpyDriverObjectsInternal.h"
+// User includes
+#include "MemSpyDriverUtils.h"
+#include "MemSpyDriverDevice.h"
+#include "MemSpyDriverOSAdaption.h"
+// Constants
+_LIT8( KMemSpyLitDllDollarData, "DLL$DATA" );
+_LIT8( KMemSpyLitDollarDat, "$DAT" );
+_LIT8( KMemSpyLitDollarCode, "$CODE" );
+_LIT8( KMemSpyLitDollarGlobalCode, "GLOBAL$CODE" );
+_LIT8( KMemSpyLitLocalObject, "Local-" );
+DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks( DMemSpyDriverDevice& aDevice, DThread& aThread )
+:   DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase( aDevice, aThread )
+    {
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks() - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+    }
+	{
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks() - END - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+	}
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::Request( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 )
+	{
+	TInt r = DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase::Request( aFunction, a1, a2 );
+    if  ( r == KErrNone )
+        {
+	    switch( aFunction )
+		    {
+        case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeChunkGetHandles:
+            r = GetChunkHandles( (TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkHandleParams*) a1 );
+            break;
+        case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeChunkGetInfo:
+            r = GetChunkInfo( (TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkInfoParams*) a1 );
+            break;
+        default:
+            r = KErrNotSupported;
+		    break;
+    		}
+        }
+    //
+    return r;
+	}
+TBool DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHandler( TInt aFunction ) const
+    {
+    return ( aFunction > EMemSpyDriverOpCodeChunkBase && aFunction < EMemSpyDriverOpCodeChunkEnd );
+    }
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkHandles( TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkHandleParams* aParams )
+    {
+	TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkHandleParams params;
+    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkHandleParams) );
+    if  ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkHandles() - END - params read error: %d", r));
+        return r;
+        }
+	const TInt maxCount = params.iMaxCount;
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkHandles() - START - id: %d,  maxCount: %d, type: %d", params.iId, maxCount, params.iType));
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDChunk& chunkAdaption = OSAdaption().DChunk();
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDProcess& processAdaption = OSAdaption().DProcess();
+    // This variable holds the number of handles that we have already
+    // written to the client-side.
+    TInt currentWriteIndex = 0;
+    if  ( params.iType == EMemSpyDriverPrivateObjectTypeProcess || params.iType == EMemSpyDriverPrivateObjectTypeThread )
+        {
+        if  ( params.iType == EMemSpyDriverPrivateObjectTypeThread )
+    	    {
+	        r = OpenTempObject( params.iId, EThread );
+            if  ( r == KErrNone )
+                {
+                // Open the owning process instead, so that we can see which chunks are mapped
+                // into the thread.
+                DThread* thread = (DThread*) TempObject();
+                DProcess* process = threadAdaption.GetOwningProcess( *thread );
+                if  ( process )
+                    {
+                    const TUint parentProcessId = processAdaption.GetId( *process );
+                    CloseTempObject();
+                    r = OpenTempObject( parentProcessId, EProcess );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    CloseTempObject();
+                    r = KErrNotFound;
+                    }
+                }
+       	    }
+        else
+            {
+	        r = OpenTempObject( params.iId, EProcess );
+            }
+        // Handle error opening correct process
+        if (r != KErrNone)
+    	    {
+    	    Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkHandles() - END - parent process not found");
+    	    return r;
+    	    }
+        DProcess* process = (DProcess*) TempObject();
+	    NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	    // Iterate through each handle in the process
+	    MemSpyObjectIx* processHandles = processAdaption.GetHandles( *process );
+        MemSpyObjectIx_Wait( processHandles );
+        const TInt processHandleCount = processHandles->Count();
+	    for( TInt processHandleIndex = 0; processHandleIndex<processHandleCount && r == KErrNone && currentWriteIndex < maxCount; processHandleIndex++ )
+    	    {
+    	    // Get a handle from the process container...
+            NKern::LockSystem();
+    	    DObject* object = (*processHandles)[ processHandleIndex ];
+            NKern::UnlockSystem();
+            if  ( object )
+                {
+                const TObjectType objectType = processAdaption.GetObjectType( *object );
+                if ( objectType == EChunk )
+                    {
+                    DChunk* chunk = (DChunk*) object;
+                    TAny* handle = (TAny*) chunk;
+                    r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iHandles + currentWriteIndex, &handle, sizeof(TAny*) );
+                    if  ( r == KErrNone )
+                        {
+                        ++currentWriteIndex;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+    	    }
+        MemSpyObjectIx_Signal( processHandles );
+        // If we were asked for process-related chunks, also check the chunk container
+        // for entries which we don't have handles to, but do refer to our process
+        // Need a listing of all chunks in the system. Let client filter duplicates.
+        DObjectCon* container = Kern::Containers()[ EChunk ];
+        container->Wait();
+        //
+        const TInt count = container->Count();
+        for( TInt i=0; i<count && r == KErrNone && currentWriteIndex < maxCount; i++ )
+            {
+            DChunk* chunk= (DChunk*) (*container)[ i ];
+            //
+            const TBool isRelated = DoesChunkRelateToProcess( *chunk, TempObjectAsProcess() );
+            if  ( isRelated )
+                {
+                r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iHandles + currentWriteIndex, &chunk, sizeof(TAny*) );
+                if  ( r == KErrNone )
+                    {
+                    ++currentWriteIndex;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        //
+        container->Signal();
+        NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+        CloseTempObject();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Need a listing of all chunks in the system. Let client filter duplicates.
+        DObjectCon* container = Kern::Containers()[ EChunk ];
+        NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+        container->Wait();
+        //
+        const TInt count = container->Count();
+        for( TInt i=0; i<count && r == KErrNone && currentWriteIndex < maxCount; i++ )
+            {
+            DChunk* chunk= (DChunk*) (*container)[ i ];
+            //
+            r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iHandles + currentWriteIndex, &chunk, sizeof(TAny*) );
+            if  (r == KErrNone)
+                {
+                ++currentWriteIndex;
+                }
+            }
+        //
+        container->Signal();
+        NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+        }
+	if  ( r == KErrBadDescriptor )
+        {
+        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        const TInt finalWrite = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iCountPtr, &currentWriteIndex, sizeof(TInt) );
+        if  ( r == KErrNone )
+            {
+            r = finalWrite;
+            }
+        }
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkHandles() - END - number of handles written to client: %d, ret: %d", currentWriteIndex, r));
+	return r;
+    }
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkInfo( TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkInfoParams* aParams )
+    {
+	TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkInfoParams params;
+    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkInfoParams) );
+    if  ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkInfo() - END - params read error: %d", r));
+        return r;
+        }
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkInfo() - START - handle: 0x%08x", params.iHandle));
+	DObjectCon* container = Kern::Containers()[EChunk];
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+    container->Wait();
+    NKern::LockSystem();
+    const TInt count = container->Count();
+    NKern::UnlockSystem();
+    DChunk* foundChunk = NULL;
+    for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
+        {
+        NKern::LockSystem();
+        DChunk* chunk = (DChunk*) (*container)[i];
+        NKern::UnlockSystem();
+        //
+        if  ( chunk == params.iHandle )
+            {
+            foundChunk = chunk;
+            TRACE( PrintChunkInfo( *chunk ) );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    container->Signal();
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+    if  ( foundChunk == NULL )
+        {
+    	Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkInfo() - END - KErrNotFound - couldnt find chunk");
+        return KErrNotFound;
+        }
+    // Prepare return data
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDChunk& chunkAdaption = OSAdaption().DChunk();
+    //
+    params.iBaseAddress = chunkAdaption.GetBase( *foundChunk );
+    params.iSize = chunkAdaption.GetSize( *foundChunk );
+    params.iMaxSize = chunkAdaption.GetMaxSize( *foundChunk );
+    foundChunk->FullName( params.iName );
+    // Mirror the process memory tracker
+    DProcess* owner = chunkAdaption.GetOwningProcess( *foundChunk );
+    if  ( owner )
+        {
+        params.iOwnerId = OSAdaption().DProcess().GetId( *owner );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        owner = static_cast< DProcess* >( chunkAdaption.GetOwner( *foundChunk, EProcess ) );
+        if  ( owner )
+            {
+            params.iOwnerId = OSAdaption().DProcess().GetId( *owner );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            params.iOwnerId = chunkAdaption.GetControllingOwnerId( *foundChunk );
+            }
+        }
+    // Get type & attribs
+    params.iType = IdentifyChunkType( *foundChunk );
+    params.iAttributes = chunkAdaption.GetAttributes( *foundChunk );
+    // Write back to client
+    r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalChunkInfoParams) );
+	if  ( r == KErrBadDescriptor )
+        {
+        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
+        }
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::GetChunkInfo() - END - handle: 0x%08x, params.iOwnerId: %d, r: %d", params.iHandle, params.iOwnerId, r ));
+    return r;
+    }
+void DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::PrintChunkInfo( DChunk& aChunk )
+    {
+    MemSpyDriverUtils::PrintChunkInfo( aChunk, OSAdaption() );
+    }
+TMemSpyDriverChunkType DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType( DChunk& aChunk )
+    {
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - START" ) );
+    TMemSpyDriverChunkType ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeUnknown;
+    TName name;
+    aChunk.Name( name );
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - name: %S", &name ) );
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDChunk& chunkAdaption = OSAdaption().DChunk();
+    const TChunkType type = chunkAdaption.GetType( aChunk );
+    if  ( name == KMemSpyLitDllDollarData )
+        {
+        // This chunk contains Dll Global Data for the process
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobalData" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobalData;
+        }
+    else if ( type == ERamDrive )
+        {
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeRamDrive" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeRamDrive;
+        }
+    else if ( type == EKernelStack )
+        {
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackKernel" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackKernel;
+        }
+    else if ( name == KMemSpyLitDollarDat )
+        {
+        // This chunk contains process global data as well as user-side stacks for
+        // the process. 
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackAndProcessGlobalData" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackAndProcessGlobalData;
+        }
+    else if ( name == KMemSpyLitDollarGlobalCode && type == EDll )
+        {
+        // GLOBAL$CODE is used for RAM loaded code which is globally visible. This
+        // basically means locale DLLs - these must be visible to every process, even
+        // those which haven't loaded them.        
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCodeGlobal" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCodeGlobal;
+        }
+    else if ( name == KMemSpyLitDollarCode || type == EKernelCode || type == EDll || type == EUserCode )
+        {
+        // RAM-loaded code, which on the multiple memory model at least means that the code chunk is eseentially just a mapping
+        // artifact. The RAM itself is owned by the code segment, therefore counting the size of these CODE elements may result
+        // in inaccurate results if the code is shared amongst multiple processes.
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCode" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCode;
+        }
+    else if ( type == EUserSelfModCode )
+        {
+        // Dynamically create code chunk
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCodeSelfModifiable" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeCodeSelfModifiable;
+        }
+    else if ( IsHeapChunk( aChunk, name ) )
+        {
+        // Catch kernel heap too
+        if  ( type == EKernelData )
+            {
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeHeapKernel" ) );
+            ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeHeapKernel;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeHeap" ) );
+            ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeHeap;
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( type == EUserData && chunkAdaption.GetOwningProcess( aChunk ) == NULL )
+        {
+        // Global shared chunks match this pattern. Of course, we could check the memory model mapping attributes
+        // as that would give us the info in a heartbeat, but it's too specific.
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobal" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobal;
+        }
+    else if ( type == EUserData && chunkAdaption.GetOwner( aChunk ) != NULL && name.Length() > KMemSpyLitLocalObject().Length() && name.Left( KMemSpyLitLocalObject().Length() ) == KMemSpyLitLocalObject )
+        {
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeLocal" ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeLocal;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IdentifyChunkType() - EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeUnknown" ) );
+        TRACE( PrintChunkInfo( aChunk ) );
+        ret = EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeUnknown;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+TBool DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk( DChunk& aChunk, const TName& aName )
+    {
+    (void) aName; // UREL warning
+    const TUint rHeapVTable = MemSpyDevice().RHeapVTable();
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - START - this: 0x%08x, aChunk: 0x%08x, RHeapVTable: 0x%08x, aName: %S, [%O]", this, &aChunk, rHeapVTable, &aName, &aChunk ) );
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDChunk& chunkAdaption = OSAdaption().DChunk();
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDProcess& processAdaption = OSAdaption().DProcess();
+    // The first 4 bytes of every chunk correspond to the allocator VTable (For heap chunks).
+    // If it matches RHeap's vtable, we'll treat it as a heap.
+    TBool isHeap = EFalse;
+    // There must be an owning process or else it's definitely not a heap chunk.
+    DProcess* process = chunkAdaption.GetOwningProcess( aChunk );
+    TUint8* base = chunkAdaption.GetBase( aChunk );
+    const TInt size = chunkAdaption.GetSize( aChunk );
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - base: 0x%08x, size: %d, process: 0x%08x (%O)", base, size, process, process ) );
+    if  ( process && size >= 4 )
+        {
+        // Chunks are mapped into entire process so any thread within the process is enough...
+        DThread* firstThread = processAdaption.GetFirstThread( *process );
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - firstThread: 0x%08x (%O)", firstThread, firstThread ) );
+        if  ( firstThread != NULL )
+            {
+            TInt err = firstThread->Open();
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - firstThread open result: %d", err ) );
+            if  ( err == KErrNone )
+                {
+                TBuf8<4> allocatorVTableBuffer;
+                err = Kern::ThreadRawRead( firstThread, base, (TUint8*) allocatorVTableBuffer.Ptr(), allocatorVTableBuffer.MaxLength() );
+                TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk - read result of vtable data from requested thread is: %d", err ));
+                //
+                if  ( err == KErrNone )
+                    {
+                    TRACE( MemSpyDriverUtils::DataDump("possible chunk vtable data - %lS", allocatorVTableBuffer.Ptr(), allocatorVTableBuffer.MaxLength(), allocatorVTableBuffer.MaxLength() ) );
+                    allocatorVTableBuffer.SetLength( allocatorVTableBuffer.MaxLength() );
+                    const TUint32 vtable =   allocatorVTableBuffer[0] +
+                                            (allocatorVTableBuffer[1] << 8) + 
+                                            (allocatorVTableBuffer[2] << 16) + 
+                                            (allocatorVTableBuffer[3] << 24);
+                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk - [possible] vTable within chunk is: 0x%08x", vtable) );
+                    // Check the v-table to work out if it really is an RHeap
+                    isHeap = ( vtable == rHeapVTable );
+                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - isHeap: %d", isHeap ) );
+                    }
+                TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - closing first thread..." ) );
+            	Kern::SafeClose( (DObject*&) firstThread, NULL );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    /* We only want RHeap's at the moment
+    if  ( !isHeap && aName == KMemSpyLitDollarHeap )
+        {
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - its called $HEAP, but its not an RHeap... we\'ll let it through though..." ) );
+        isHeap = ETrue;
+        }
+    */
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::IsHeapChunk() - END - this: 0x%08x, isHeap: %d", this, isHeap ) );
+    return isHeap;
+    }
+TBool DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::DoesChunkRelateToProcess( DChunk& aChunk, DProcess& aProcess )
+    {
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::DoesChunkRelateToProcess() - START - this: 0x%08x, chunk: 0x%08x (%O), process: 0x%08x (%O)", this, &aChunk, &aChunk, &aProcess, &aProcess ) );
+    TBool ret = EFalse;
+    //
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDChunk& chunkAdaption = OSAdaption().DChunk();
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDProcess& processAdaption = OSAdaption().DProcess();
+    //
+    const TUint pid = processAdaption.GetId( aProcess );
+    DProcess* process = chunkAdaption.GetOwningProcess( aChunk );
+    if  ( process )
+        {
+        ret = ( pid == processAdaption.GetId( *process ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        DObject* owner = chunkAdaption.GetOwner( aChunk, EProcess );
+        if  ( owner )
+            {
+            process = (DProcess*) owner;
+            ret = ( pid == processAdaption.GetId( *process ) );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            ret = ( pid == chunkAdaption.GetControllingOwnerId( aChunk ) );
+            }
+        }
+    //
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanChunks::DoesChunkRelateToProcess() - END - this: 0x%08x, chunk: 0x%08x (%O), process: 0x%08x (%O), ret: %d", this, &aChunk, &aChunk, &aProcess, &aProcess, ret ) );
+    return ret;
+    }