changeset 0 a03f92240627
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/memspy/Driver/Kernel/Source/SubChannels/MemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "MemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs.h"
+// System includes
+#include <plat_priv.h>
+#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverobjectsshared.h>
+// Shared includes
+#include "MemSpyDriverOpCodes.h"
+#include "MemSpyDriverObjectsInternal.h"
+// User includes
+#include "MemSpyDriverUtils.h"
+#include "MemSpyDriverOSAdaption.h"
+DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs( DMemSpyDriverDevice& aDevice, DThread& aThread )
+:   DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase( aDevice, aThread )
+    {
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs() - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+    }
+	{
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs() - END - this: 0x%08x", this ));
+	}
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::Request( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 )
+	{
+	TInt r = DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase::Request( aFunction, a1, a2 );
+    if  ( r == KErrNone )
+        {
+	    switch( aFunction )
+		    {
+	    case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeCodeSegsGetAll:
+		    r = GetCodeSegs( (TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams*) a1 );
+		    break;
+	    case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeCodeSegsGetCodeSegsForProcess:
+		    r = GetCodeSegsForProcess( (TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams*) a1 );
+		    break;
+	    case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeCodeSegsGetCodeSegInfo:
+		    r = GetCodeSegInfo( (TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSegParams*) a1 );
+		    break;
+        default:
+            r = KErrNotSupported;
+		    break;
+		    }
+        }
+    //
+    return r;
+	}
+TBool DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::IsHandler( TInt aFunction ) const
+    {
+    return ( aFunction > EMemSpyDriverOpCodeCodeSegsBase && aFunction < EMemSpyDriverOpCodeCodeSegsEnd );
+    }
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs( TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams* aParams )
+	{
+    TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams params;
+    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams) );
+    if  ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - END - params read error: %d", r));
+        return r;
+        }
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDCodeSeg& codeSegAdaption = OSAdaption().DCodeSeg();
+	const TInt maxCount = params.iMaxCount;
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - START - RAM-only: %d, maxCount: %d", params.iFilter, maxCount));
+    // This is the number of items we have written to the client
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs() - START - maxCount: %d", maxCount));
+    TInt clientWriteCount = 0;
+    // Need to get the code segs for each process. We'll let the client worry about filtering
+    // duplicates.
+    DObjectCon* container = Kern::Containers()[ EProcess ];
+	Kern::AccessCode();
+    container->Wait();
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 1"));
+    //
+    TFullName name;
+    const TInt count = container->Count();
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 2, count: %d", count));
+    for(TInt i=0; i<count && r == KErrNone; i++)
+        {
+        DProcess* process = (DProcess*) (*container)[ i ];
+        process->Name( name );
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 3, proc: %O", process));
+        SDblQue queue;
+        //
+        const TInt clientSpaceRemaining = maxCount - clientWriteCount;
+        const TInt numberOfCodeSegs = codeSegAdaption.GetCodeSegQueue( *process, queue );
+        const TInt numberOfCodeSegsToWriteToClient = Min( numberOfCodeSegs, clientSpaceRemaining );
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 4, clientSpaceRemaining: %d", clientSpaceRemaining));
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 5, numberOfCodeSegs: %d", numberOfCodeSegs));
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 6, numberOfCodeSegsToWriteToClient: %d", numberOfCodeSegsToWriteToClient));
+        //
+	    SDblQueLink* link = queue.iA.iNext;
+	    r = KErrNone;
+        //
+	    for( TInt j=0; j<numberOfCodeSegsToWriteToClient && r == KErrNone; ++j, link = link->iNext )
+		    {
+		    DCodeSeg* codeSegment = codeSegAdaption.GetCodeSeg( link );
+            // If the client only wants RAM-loaded codesegs, then ignore XIP.
+            TBool writeEntryToClient = ETrue;
+            if  ( params.iFilter )
+                {
+                const TBool isXIP = codeSegAdaption.GetIsXIP( *codeSegment );
+                writeEntryToClient = ( !isXIP );
+                }
+            // Now write
+            if  ( writeEntryToClient )
+                {
+                r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iHandles + clientWriteCount, &codeSegment, sizeof(TAny*) );
+    	        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 7, codeSegment: 0x%08x to client: %d", codeSegment, r));
+                if  ( r == KErrNone )
+                    {
+                    ++clientWriteCount;
+                    }
+                }
+		    }
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 8"));
+        codeSegAdaption.EmptyCodeSegQueue( queue );
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 9"));
+        }
+    //
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 10"));
+    container->Signal();
+	Kern::EndAccessCode();
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs - 11 - r: %d", r));
+    if  ( r == KErrBadDescriptor )
+        {
+        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        const TInt finalWrite = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iCountPtr, &clientWriteCount, sizeof(TInt) );
+        if  ( r == KErrNone )
+            {
+            r = finalWrite;
+            }
+        }
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegs() - END - wrote %d handles to client, r: %d", clientWriteCount, r));
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess( TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams* aParams )
+	{
+    TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams params;
+    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSnapshotParams) );
+    if  ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - END - params read error: %d", r));
+        return r;
+        }
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDCodeSeg& codeSegAdaption = OSAdaption().DCodeSeg();
+    const TInt maxCount = params.iMaxCount;
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - START - pid: %d, maxCount: %d", params.iFilter, maxCount));
+	r = OpenTempObject( params.iFilter, EProcess );
+	if (r != KErrNone)
+		{
+		Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - END - process not found");
+		return r;
+		}
+	DProcess* pP = (DProcess*) TempObject();
+	SDblQue q;
+    Kern::AccessCode();
+    const TInt actcount = codeSegAdaption.GetCodeSegQueue( *pP, q );
+    CloseTempObject();
+	TInt n = Min(actcount, maxCount);
+	SDblQueLink* pL = q.iA.iNext;
+	r = KErrNone;
+    //
+	for (TInt i=0; i<n; ++i, pL = pL->iNext)
+		{
+	    DCodeSeg* pS = codeSegAdaption.GetCodeSeg( pL );
+        r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iHandles + i, &pS, sizeof(TAny*) );
+		if  ( r != KErrNone )
+            {
+			break;
+            }
+		}
+    codeSegAdaption.EmptyCodeSegQueue( q );
+	Kern::EndAccessCode();
+	if  (r == KErrBadDescriptor)
+        {
+        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        const TInt finalWrite = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iCountPtr, &actcount, sizeof(TInt) );
+        if  ( r == KErrNone )
+            {
+            r = finalWrite;
+            }
+        }
+	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegsForProcess() - END - act count: %d, r: %d", actcount, r));
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo( TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSegParams* aParams )
+	{
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - START"));
+	TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSegParams params;
+    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalCodeSegParams) );
+    if  ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - END - params read error: %d", r));
+        return r;
+        }
+    TMemSpyDriverCodeSegInfo codeSegInfo;
+    codeSegInfo.iSize = 0;
+    // Create info
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iFileName.Zero();
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iCodeSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iTextSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iDataSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iBssSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize = 0;
+    // Memory Info
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeBase = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iConstDataBase = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iConstDataSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iInitialisedDataBase = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iInitialisedDataSize = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iUninitialisedDataBase = 0;
+    codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iUninitialisedDataSize = 0;
+	DProcess* process = NULL;
+    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDCodeSeg& codeSegAdaption = OSAdaption().DCodeSeg();
+	r = KErrNotFound;
+	Kern::AccessCode();
+	DCodeSeg* codeSeg = codeSegAdaption.GetCodeSegFromHandle( params.iHandle );
+    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - codeSeg: 0x%08x, handle: 0x%08x", codeSeg, params.iHandle ));
+    if  ( codeSeg != NULL )
+		{
+#ifdef __EPOC32__
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - calling Kern::CodeSegGetMemoryInfo for code seg: %C...", codeSeg ) );
+        Kern::CodeSegGetMemoryInfo( *codeSeg, codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo, process );
+        r = KErrNone;
+        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - called Kern::CodeSegGetMemoryInfo, r: %d", r ) );
+        r = KErrNone;
+        //
+		if  ( r == KErrNone )
+			{
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - calling Info...") );
+            codeSegAdaption.GetCreateInfo( *codeSeg, codeSegInfo.iCreateInfo );
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - called info" ) );
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeBase: 0x%08x, codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeSize: %8d", codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeBase, codeSegInfo.iMemoryInfo.iCodeSize ) );
+            codeSegInfo.iSize = codeSegAdaption.GetSize( *codeSeg );
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - doing write to user land..." ) );
+            r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), params.iInfoPointer, &codeSegInfo, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverCodeSegInfo) );
+            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanCodeSegs::GetCodeSegInfo() - done write to user-land, r: %d", r ) );
+			}
+		}
+	Kern::EndAccessCode();
+    //
+	if  ( r == KErrBadDescriptor )
+        {
+        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
+        }
+    //
+	return r;
+	}