--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stif/TestEngine/src/SettingServer.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This module contains implementation of CSettingServer
+* class member functions.
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include "SettingServerClient.h"
+#include "SettingServer.h"
+#include <StifLogger.h>
+#include "Logging.h"
+// Struct to pass parameters to server thread
+struct TThreadStartSetting
+ {
+ TFileName iName; // Server name
+ RThread iServerThread; // The server thread
+ RSemaphore iStarted; // Startup syncronisation semaphore
+ TInt iStartupResult;// Start-up result
+ };
+// ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================================
+// None
+#undef LOGGER
+#define LOGGER iSettingServerLogger
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: PanicServer
+ Description: Panics the server.
+ Parameters: const TSettingServerPanic aPanic :in: Panic code
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CSettingServer::PanicServer( const TSettingServerPanic aPanic )
+ {
+/*#ifdef USE_LOGGER
+ // Check if logger is available, if so, use it.
+ CStifLogger* log = (CStifLogger*) Dll::Tls();
+ if (log)
+ {
+ log->Log(_L("SettingServer.DLL Panic %d"), aPanic);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print( _L( "CSettingServer::PanicServer" ) );
+ _LIT( KTxtServer,"CSettingServer" );
+ User::Panic( KTxtServer,aPanic );
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: NewL
+ Description: Returns new CSettingServer object
+ Parameters: const TName& aName: in: Server name
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if memory allocation, ConstructL or StartL
+ leaves.
+ Status: Proposal
+CSettingServer* CSettingServer::NewL( const TName& aName )
+ {
+ CSettingServer* self = new( ELeave ) CSettingServer();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ // Construct the server
+ self->ConstructL();
+ // Start the server
+ self->StartL( aName );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: ConstructL
+ Description: Second level constructor.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CSettingServer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ // Create logger, in Wins use HTML in HW default logger
+ TLoggerSettings loggerSettings;
+ // Directory must create by hand if test engine log wanted
+ loggerSettings.iCreateLogDirectories = EFalse;
+ loggerSettings.iOverwrite = ETrue;
+ loggerSettings.iTimeStamp = ETrue;
+ loggerSettings.iLineBreak = ETrue;
+ loggerSettings.iEventRanking = EFalse;
+ loggerSettings.iThreadId = EFalse;
+ loggerSettings.iHardwareFormat = CStifLogger::ETxt;
+ loggerSettings.iEmulatorFormat = CStifLogger::EHtml;
+ loggerSettings.iHardwareOutput = CStifLogger::EFile;
+ loggerSettings.iEmulatorOutput = CStifLogger::EFile;
+ RDebug::Print( _L( "STIF SettingServer logging forced to RDebug" ) );
+ loggerSettings.iEmulatorFormat = CStifLogger::ETxt;
+ loggerSettings.iHardwareOutput = CStifLogger::ERDebug;
+ loggerSettings.iEmulatorOutput = CStifLogger::ERDebug;
+ loggerSettings.iUnicode = EFalse;
+ loggerSettings.iAddTestCaseTitle = EFalse;
+ iSettingServerLogger = CStifLogger::NewL(
+ _L( "C:\\logs\\testframework\\testengine\\"),
+ _L( "SettingServer" ),
+ loggerSettings );
+ // iLoggerSettings initializations to indicate is setting in use
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iCreateLogDir = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iEmulatorPath.Copy( _L( "" ) );
+ iLoggerSettings.iEmulatorFormat = CStifLogger::ETxt;
+ iLoggerSettings.iEmulatorOutput = CStifLogger::EFile;
+ iLoggerSettings.iHardwarePath.Copy( _L( "" ) );
+ iLoggerSettings.iHardwareFormat = CStifLogger::ETxt;
+ iLoggerSettings.iHardwareOutput = CStifLogger::EFile;
+ iLoggerSettings.iOverwrite = ETrue;
+ iLoggerSettings.iTimeStamp = ETrue;
+ iLoggerSettings.iLineBreak = ETrue;
+ iLoggerSettings.iEventRanking = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iThreadId = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iUnicode = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iAddTestCaseTitle = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iPath = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iHwPath = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iFormat = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iHwFormat = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iOutput = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iHwOutput = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iOverwrite = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iLineBreak = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iTimeStamp = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iEventRanking = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iThreadId = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iUnicode = EFalse;
+ iLoggerSettings.iIsDefined.iAddTestCaseTitle = EFalse;
+ __TRACE( KInit,( _L( "-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- SettingServer log starts -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-" ) ) );
+ __TRACE( KInit,( _L( "CSettingServer::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: CSettingServer
+ Description: Constructor.
+ Initialises non-zero member variables and base class with correct
+ priority.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+CSettingServer::CSettingServer() :
+ CServer2( CSettingServer::ESettingServerSchedulerPriority )
+ {
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: ~CSettingServer
+ Description: Destructor.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+ {
+ delete iSettingServerLogger;
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: NewSessionL
+ Description: Returns new session.
+ Parameters: const TVersion &aVersion:in :Version required
+ Return Values: CSharableSession* New session
+ Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if invalid version
+ Leaves if CSettingServer construction leaves
+ Status: Proposal
+CSession2* CSettingServer::NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion,
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ ) const
+ {
+ // check version is ok
+ TVersion v( KSettingServerMajorVersionNumber,
+ KSettingServerMinorVersionNumber,
+ KSettingServerVersionNumber
+ );
+ if( !User::QueryVersionSupported( v, aVersion ) )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ return CLoggerSetting::NewL( ( CSettingServer* ) this );
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: OpenSession
+ Description: Opens session. Session calls calls this when session is
+ properly constructed.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CSettingServer::OpenSession()
+ {
+ iSessions++;
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: Logger
+ Description: Return pointer to the Logger(iSettingServerLogger)
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: CStifLogger*: Pointer to Logger
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+CStifLogger* CSettingServer::Logger()
+ {
+ return iSettingServerLogger;
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: CloseSession
+ Description: Closes session. CLoggerSetting::CloseSession calls this
+ to inform server class.
+ If there are not any active sessions, then stop active scheduler and
+ close whole server.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: Function panics if OpenSessions() and CloseSessions()
+ does not match.
+ Status: Proposal
+void CSettingServer::CloseSession()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS ( iSessions > 0, CSettingServer::PanicServer(ETooManyCloseSessions));
+ iSessions--;
+ if ( iSessions == 0 )
+ {
+ // Stop the active scheduler if no-one is using server anymore
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+ }
+ Class: CSettingServer
+ Method: ThreadFunction
+ Description: The thread function, where Setting Server lives in
+ Parameters: TAny* aStartInfo aName: in: Start-up information
+ Return Values: TInt: Result from server start
+ Errors/Exceptions: Panics current thread if:
+ Invalid start-up information
+ Clean-up stack can't be created
+ Setting Server can't be started
+ Status: Proposal
+TInt CSettingServer::ThreadFunction( TAny* aStarted )
+ {
+ // Get start-up information
+ TThreadStartSetting* startInfo = ( TThreadStartSetting* ) aStarted;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( startInfo,PanicServer( ENoStartupInformation ) );
+ // Create clean-up stack
+ CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( tc, PanicServer(ECreateTrapCleanup));
+ // Construct and install active scheduler
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( scheduler, PanicServer( EMainSchedulerError ) );
+ CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
+ // Construct server
+ CSettingServer* server = NULL;
+ RDebug::Print( startInfo->iName );
+ TRAPD( err, server = CSettingServer::NewL( startInfo->iName ) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !err, PanicServer( ESvrCreateServer ) );
+ // Inform that we are up and running
+ startInfo->iStartupResult = KErrNone;
+ startInfo->iStarted.Signal();
+ // Start handling requests
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ // Execution continues from here after CActiveScheduler::Stop
+ // Delete the server. This should be deleted before scheduler,
+ // if server still has any active objects
+ delete server;
+ server = NULL;
+ // Delete scheduler.
+ delete scheduler;
+ scheduler = NULL;
+ // Delete clean-up stack
+ delete tc;
+ tc = NULL;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =================================
+ Class: -
+ Method: StartNewServer
+ Description: Starts a new server. Server will be running its own
+ thread and this functions returns when server is up and running or
+ server start-up fails.
+ Parameters: TName& aServerName: inout: The name of the server
+ Return Values: TInt: Symbian error code
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+EXPORT_C TInt StartNewServer( TName& aServerName )
+ {
+ _LIT(KServerName, "SettingServer");
+ //Ccheck server not already started
+ TFindServer findServer( KServerName );
+ TFullName name;
+ if( findServer.Next( name ) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ // Server already started, nothing to do
+ aServerName = KServerName;
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ // Construct start-up information object
+ TThreadStartSetting* startInfo = new TThreadStartSetting();
+ if( startInfo == NULL )
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ // Fill the start-up information
+ startInfo->iName = KServerName;
+ startInfo->iStartupResult = KErrNone;
+ startInfo->iStarted.CreateLocal( 0 );
+ // Create thread
+ TInt res = startInfo->iServerThread.Create(
+ startInfo->iName , // Name of thread
+ CSettingServer::ThreadFunction, // Thread function
+ KDefaultStackSize, // Stack size
+ KDefaultHeapSize, // Heap initial size
+ KMaxHeapSize, // Heap start max size
+ startInfo // Parameter to thread function
+ );
+ // If thread creation failed
+ if( res != KErrNone )
+ {
+ startInfo->iStarted.Close(); // Close semaphore
+ delete startInfo;
+ startInfo = NULL;
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Now start thread
+ startInfo->iServerThread.SetPriority( EPriorityMuchMore );
+ startInfo->iServerThread.Resume();
+ // Wait until the thread is started
+ startInfo->iStarted.Wait();
+ // Server is started( or it has returned error )
+ // Set server name
+ aServerName = KServerName;
+ // Free memory
+ TInt r = startInfo->iStartupResult;
+ startInfo->iServerThread.Close();
+ startInfo->iStarted.Close();
+ delete startInfo;
+ startInfo = NULL;
+ // Return start-up result.
+ return r;
+ }
+// End of File