--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stif/stif_plat/inc/TestEngineClient.h Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file contains the header file of the
+* RTestEngineServer, RTestEngine and RTestCase.
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <StifTestInterface.h>
+#include <StifTestEventInterface.h>
+#include <StifLogger.h>
+#include <StifTFwIfProt.h>
+// None
+// Start and end tags for STIF setting denitions
+_LIT( KStifSettingsStartTag, "[StifSettings]" );
+_LIT( KStifSettingsEndTag, "[EndStifSettings]" );
+// Tag for cabs modifier name
+_LIT( KCapsModifier, "CapsModifier=" );
+// Test module thread heap and stack names
+_LIT( KUserDefStackSize, "TestThreadStackSize=" );
+_LIT( KUserDefMinHeap, "TestThreadMinHeap=" );
+_LIT( KUserDefMaxHeap, "TestThreadMaxHeap=" );
+// Global mutex name
+_LIT( KStifTestServerStartupMutex, "KStifTestServerStartupMutex" );
+// None
+// Opcodes used in message passing between client and server
+enum TTestEngineRequests
+ {
+ // RTestEngineServer requests
+ ETestEngineServerCloseSession,
+ // RTestEngine requests
+ ETestEngineCreateSubSession,
+ ETestEngineCloseSubSession,
+ ETestEngineSetAttribute,
+ ETestEngineAddTestModule,
+ ETestEngineRemoveTestModule,
+ ETestEngineAddConfigFile,
+ ETestEngineRemoveConfigFile,
+ ETestEngineEnumerateTestCases,
+ ETestEngineGetTestCases,
+ ETestEngineCancelAsyncRequest,
+ ETestEngineEvent,
+ ETestEngineErrorNotification,
+ ETestEngineLoggerSettings,
+ ETestEngineCloseLoggerSettings,
+ ETestEngineReportTestCase, //Add info about executed test case to test report. Used by reboot mechanism
+ // RTestCase requests
+ ETestCaseCreateSubSession,
+ ETestCaseCloseSubSession,
+ ETestCaseRunTestCase,
+ ETestCasePause,
+ ETestCaseResume,
+ ETestCaseNotifyProgress,
+ ETestCaseNotifyRemoteType,
+ ETestCaseNotifyRemoteMsg,
+ ETestCaseCancelAsyncRequest,
+ ETestCaseNotifyCommand,
+ };
+// Package for test case count, used in EnumerateTestCases method
+typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TCaseCount;
+// A set of test engine settings which can be set/read by SettingServer
+struct TEngineSettings
+ {
+ TBool iUITestingSupport;
+ TBool iSeparateProcesses;
+ };
+// None
+// Template class delivering test cases from Test Module
+template <class T> class CFixedFlatArray;
+// RTestEngineServer is a client class of Test Engine Server
+// The connect function starts the server, if is not already running.
+// An RSessionBase sends messages to the server with
+// the function RSessionBase::SendReceive();
+// specifying an opcode (TTestEngineReq) and array of argument pointers.
+class RTestEngineServer
+ : public RSessionBase
+ {
+ public: // Enumerations
+ private: // Enumerations
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Closes the RTestEngineServer session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Connect method creates new RTestEngineServer session that is used
+ * to manage the test case execution.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
+ /**
+ * Version returns client side version number from the
+ * RTestEngineServer.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ protected: // New functions
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ private: // New functions
+ public: // Data
+ protected: // Data
+ private: // Data
+ public: // Friend classes
+ protected: // Friend classes
+ private: // Friend classes
+ };
+// RTestEngine class represents a subsession with the RTestEngineServer.
+// Each RTestEngine corresponds to a specific CTestEngine (a CObject derived
+// class) in the server. Messages are passed via the RTestEngineServer.
+// A RTestEngine stores a handle from it's server side CTestEngine, and uses
+// this to identify the CTestEngine during communication.
+class RTestEngine
+ : public RSubSessionBase
+ {
+ public: // Enumerations
+ private: // Enumerations
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Open creates a subsession to Test Engine and opens new handle to
+ * RTestEngine. The RTestEngineServer subsession shall be created by
+ * calling RTestEngineServer::Connect before calling Open to create new
+ * RTestEngine subsession.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open( RTestEngineServer& aServer,
+ const TFileName& aIniFile );
+ /**
+ * Closes the RTestEngine subsession.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Sets attributes to Test Framework
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetAttribute( TAttribute aAttribute,
+ const TDesC& aValue );
+ /**
+ * AddTestModule is used to add dynamically a new Test Module to the
+ * Test Framework. Test cases can then be run from the new Test Module
+ * without restarting the Test Framework.
+ * If the Test Module specified by aTestModule doesn't exists this
+ * method returns KErrNotFound. If the Test Module has been already
+ * loaded this method returns KErrAlreadyExists.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddTestModule( const TName& aTestModule,
+ const TFileName& aIniFile );
+ /**
+ * RemoveTestModule is used to remove the existing Test Module from Test
+ * Framework. If there are not test cases executing in the Test Module
+ * it will be shut down.
+ * If there is test case running from the Test Module this method
+ * returns KErrInUse.
+ * If the Test Module specified by aTestModule is not loaded this method
+ * returns KErrNotFound.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt RemoveTestModule( const TName& aTestModule );
+ /**
+ * AddConfigFile is used to add dynamically a new config file to the
+ * Test Module specified by aTestModule. New test cases are then
+ * executed by calling first GetTestCases and then RunTestCase. Thus
+ * new test cases can be run from the Test Module without restarting
+ * the Test Framework.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddConfigFile( const TName& aTestModule,
+ const TFileName& aConfigFile );
+ /**
+ * RemoveConfigFile is used to remove a config file from the
+ * Test Module specified by aTestModule.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt RemoveConfigFile( const TName& aTestModule,
+ const TFileName& aConfigFile );
+ /**
+ * Test cases are inquired by two-phased operation calling first the
+ * EnumerateTestCases method and then the GetTestCases. Test cases are
+ * inquired from Test Engine that will inquire them from Test Modules.
+ * EnumerateTestCases requests the needed array size for test cases that
+ * will be inquired by GetTestCases method. When the EnumerateTestCases
+ * is completed succesfully the GetTestCases method is called to
+ * retrieve test cases to CArrayFixFlat <TTestInfo> list object.
+ *
+ * TTestInfo defines individual test case and, if needed, a test set
+ * (TName iParent) where the test case belongs to. TTestInfo is used to
+ * create test case by calling RTestCase::Open that constructs the
+ * actual test case. Test case is then executed calling
+ * RTestCase::RunTestCase.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void EnumerateTestCases( TCaseCount& aCount,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * GetTestCases retrieves test cases from Test Modules to
+ * aTestCaseBuffer that is a list consisting of several TTestInfo
+ * objects. If this method is called without previously succesfully
+ * called EnumerateTestCases method, this function returns the
+ * KErrNotReady.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetTestCases(
+ CFixedFlatArray<TTestInfo>& aTestCaseBuffer );
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous request can be canceled with CancelAsyncRequest method.
+ * The aReqToCancel parameter defines the request that will be canceled.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CancelAsyncRequest( TInt aReqToCancel );
+ /**
+ * Event is used to get and set events in STIF Test Framework.
+ * TEventIf defines the event request information.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Event( TEventIfPckg& aEvent,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * Used to get Logger's overwrite parameters.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenLoggerSession( RTestEngineServer& aServer,
+ TLoggerSettings& aLoggerSettings );
+ /**
+ * ErrorNotification obtains error notifications from test engine.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void ErrorNotification( TErrorNotificationPckg& aError,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * Add info about test case to test report.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddTestCaseResultToTestReport(const TTestInfo& aTestInfo,
+ const TFullTestResult& aTestResult,
+ const TInt aError);
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ protected: // New functions
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ private: // New functions
+ public: // Data
+ protected: // Data
+ private: // Data
+ public: // Friend classes
+ protected: // Friend classes
+ private: // Friend classes
+ };
+// RTestCase class represents a subsession with the RTestEngineServer.
+// Each RTestCase corresponds to a specific CTestExecution (a CObject
+// derived class) in the server. Messages are passed via the RTestEngineServer.
+// A RTestCase stores a handle from it's server side CTestExecution,
+// and uses this to identify the CTestExecution during communication.
+class RTestCase
+ : public RSubSessionBase
+ {
+ public: // Structured classes
+ public: // Enumerations
+ private: // Enumerations
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Open creates a subsession for new test case. Test case is initialized
+ * using aTestCaseInfo parameter. The aTestCaseInfo is TTestInfoPckg
+ * that is a packaged TTestInfo. TTestInfo is got from the Test Engine
+ * by calling RTestEngine::GetTestCases method.
+ * If there was previously called RemoveTestModule for the Test Module
+ * that is defined in aTestCaseInfo this method returns KErrLocked.
+ * This means that new test cases cannot be run from this Test Module
+ * and the user should inquire test cases available calling
+ * RTestEngine::GetTestCases.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open( RTestEngineServer& aServer,
+ const TTestInfoPckg& aTestCaseInfo );
+ /**
+ * Closes the RTestCase subsession. Test case is normally closed
+ * immediately after the test case was completed.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * RunTestCase is asynchronous method and it is completed when the test
+ * case is completed. Result of the test case is returned to
+ * aTestResult. The aTestResult is TFullTestResultPckg that is a
+ * packaged TFullTestResult.
+ * The aStatus will have the completion result of this function. If the
+ * test case could be run (despite of succesfully or not) the KErrNone
+ * is returned to aStatus.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void RunTestCase( TFullTestResultPckg& aTestResult,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * Pause suspends the execution of the test case. The subsession where
+ * the test case is run is suspended and thus the test case execution is
+ * suspended. Test case execution can be later resumed by calling
+ * Resume.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Pause();
+ /**
+ * Resume is used to resume the test case suspended by previously called
+ * Pause method. The test case execution should be continued immediately
+ * when the Resume is called.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Resume();
+ /**
+ * NotifyProgress requests different progress information from the test
+ * case execution. This information can be printed to UI. The progress
+ * information is returned to aProgress. The aProgress is
+ * TTestProgressPckg that is a packaged TTestProgress
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyProgress( TTestProgressPckg& aProgress,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * NotifyRemoteType requests enable message waiting.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyRemoteType( TStifCommandPckg& aType,
+ TPckg<TInt>& aMsgSize,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * NotifyRemoteMsg gets messages.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRemoteMsg( TDes8& aMessage,
+ TStifCommand aType );
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous request can be canceled with CancelAsyncRequest method.
+ * The aReqToCancel parameter defines the request that will be canceled.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CancelAsyncRequest( TInt aReqToCancel );
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ protected: // New functions
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ private: // New functions
+ public: // Data
+ protected: // Data
+ private: // Data
+ public: // Friend classes
+ protected: // Friend classes
+ private: // Friend classes
+ };
+ This contains the CFixedFlatArray class definitions.
+template <class T>
+class CFixedFlatArray
+ :public CBase
+ {
+ public: // Enumerations
+ private: // Enumerations
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ inline static CFixedFlatArray<T>* NewL(const TInt aSize);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ inline ~CFixedFlatArray();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Return descriptor containing array. Used in server calls
+ */
+ inline TPtr8& Des();
+ /**
+ * Returns CFixedFlatArray internal array. Used in server calls
+ */
+ inline T& operator[] (TInt aIndex) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns count
+ */
+ inline TInt Count() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets aBuf to array slot specified by aIndex
+ */
+ inline void Set( TInt aIndex, T& aBuf );
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ protected: // New functions
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ private:
+ /**
+ * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
+ */
+ inline void ConstructL(const TInt aSize);
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ inline CFixedFlatArray();
+ /**
+ * Check that given index is correct.
+ */
+ inline void CheckIndex( TInt aIndex ) const;
+ protected: // Data
+ private: // Data
+ // Array
+ T* iArray;
+ // Count
+ TInt iCount;
+ // Buffer
+ HBufC8* iBuffer;
+ TPtr8 iBufferPtr;
+ public: // Friend classes
+ protected: // Friend classes
+ private: // Friend classes
+ };
+#include <TestEngineClient.inl>
+// End of File