* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defines CATDatParser class and its used enumerations.
#ifndef __CATDatParser_H__
#define __CATDatParser_H__
// Includes.
#include "ATCommonDefines.h"
#include "CATBase.h"
#include "CATDataSaver.h"
// Forward declarations.
class CATModule2;
class CATMemoryAddress;
class CATRomSymbol;
* Provides the analyze feature for AnalyzeTool specific data file.
* Is used by CATProject. Uses CATModule2 and/or CATRomSymbol to locate symbols or
* codelines of memory addressses. Uses CATDataSaver to create report.
class CATDatParser : public CATBase
* enumeration representing the "mode" depending on build system
SBS_1 = 0,
SBS_2 = 1
* Representing current process state
not_started = 0,
ongoing = 1,
stopped = 2
* Constructor.
* Real constructor.
void Construct();
* Prevent copy
CATDatParser& operator =( const CATDatParser& /*other*/ ) { }
CATDatParser( const CATDatParser& /*other*/ ) { }
* Constructor for SBS2
* @param pModules pointer to vector containing project modules
CATDatParser( vector<CATModule2*>* pModules );
* Destructor
* Set offset to be used with mapfiles
* @param iOffSet
void SetOffSet( int iOffSet );
* Get offset value
* @return int
int GetOffSet( ) const;
* Analyze data file set
* This method includes try/catch in parsing
* @return int error codes specified in CATProject (0=OK)
int Analyze();
* Set log level
* @param iLogLevel
void SetLogLevel(int iLogLevel);
* Get Log level
* @return int
int GetLogLevel() const ;
* Set data file to be analyzed
* @param sInputFile
void SetInputFile(const string& sInputFile);
* Set output file
* @param sOutputFile
void SetOutputFile(const string& sOutputFile);
* Set rom symbol file(s).
* @param sRomSymbolFile
void SetRomSymbolFiles(const vector<string>& vRomSymbolFile);
* Set print flag
* @param pPringFlag
void SetPringFlag( bool bPrintFlag );
* Set addr2line.exe pinpoint state
* @param bInput
void SetAddr2lineExeState( bool bInput );
* Set project platform.
* @param sPlatform platform.
void SetProjectPlatform( const string& sPlatform );
* Set projects build type. Use enumeration defined in CATProject.
* @param eBuildType.
void SetProjectBuildType( int eBuildType );
* Start parsing datafile
* @return error codes defined in CATProject
int Parse();
* Helper functio to print header of report
void Header();
* Helper functio to print footer of report
void Footer();
* Helper function reseting/clearing all
* member variables related to parsing
void ClearParsingVariables();
// Helpers for data file tags
bool ParseProcessStart( string& sLine );
bool ParseDllLoad( string& sLine );
bool ParseDllUnload( string& sLine );
bool ParseMemLeak( string& sLine );
bool ParseProcessEnd( string& sLine );
bool ParseHandleLeak( string& sLine );
bool ParseTestStart( string& sLine );
bool ParseTestEnd( string& sLine );
bool ParseLoggingCancelled( string& sLine );
bool ParseErrorOccured( string& sLine );
void PrintMemLeak(const string& sTime,
const string& sLeakSize,
const string& sLeakAddr,
const string& sModuleName);
// Utilities
string ConvertTimeToLocalTime( string sInputTime );
* Create a winscw module into pModules vector.
* Used when we have dll load of module not in project to create them
* after this they are used in locating code lines.
* @param sBinaryName name of the binary with extension.
* @return true if successful.
bool CreateWinscwModule( const string& sBinaryName );
void CleanMemoryAddresses();
// Members
unsigned int m_iDataVersion; // Version of data file.
int m_eProcess_state; // is process started, etc..
bool m_bProcessStartFound;
bool m_bDllLoadFound;
int m_iLogLevel; // specified logging level
string m_sInputFile; // input file
vector<string> m_vRomSymbolFiles; // Rom symbol file.
string m_sOutputFile; // output file
string m_sInputFileTemp; // temporary input file (parsed from trace)
ifstream m_In; // Handle to input file
// Datasaver
CATDataSaver m_DataSaver;
// Modules to be used in pinpointing
vector<CATModule2*>* m_pModules;
// Rom symbol file.
CATRomSymbol* m_pRomSymbol;
// Build type from dat.
int m_eBuildType;
// Build type from project.
int m_eProjectBuildType;
// Offset of map file.
int m_iOffSet;
// Platform of project.
string m_sProjectPlatform;
// Process related
unsigned long m_iCurrentProcessId;
string m_sCurrentProcessName;
int m_iTotalRuns;
int m_iSuccesfullRuns;
// Leak counting related
int m_iTotalNumberOfLeaks;
bool m_bSubtestOnGoing;
int m_iPinPointedLeaks;
int m_iPinPointedSubTestLeaks;
int m_iLeakNumber;
// Handle count related
int m_iSubtestStartHandleCount;
vector<string> m_vHandleLeaks;
// Module related
vector<DLL_LOAD_INFO> m_vDllLoadModList;
vector<DLL_LOAD_INFO> m_vDllLoadModListSubTest;
// Sbs 1 support functions
int FindModuleUsingAddress( unsigned long iAddress ) const;
//int FindModuleUsingPID( unsigned long iPID ) const;
int FindModuleUsingName( const char* pModName );
// Memory addresses
vector<CATMemoryAddress*> m_vMemoryAddress;