* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "MemSpyCommandLine.h"
// System includes
#include <bacline.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <memspyengineclientinterface.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpersysmemtrackerconfig.h>
// User includes
#include "MemSpyCommands.h"
if ( iMemSpy )
delete iMemSpy;
void CMemSpyCommandLine::ConstructL()
User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Connect() );
iMemSpy = new(ELeave) RMemSpyEngineClientInterface();
CMemSpyCommandLine* CMemSpyCommandLine::NewLC()
CMemSpyCommandLine* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyCommandLine();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
void CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformBatchL( const TDesC& aFileName )
TInt err = KErrNone;
RFile file;
err = file.Open( iFsSession, aFileName, EFileRead );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformBatchL() - START - this: 0x%08x, openErr: %d, fileName: %S"), this, err, &aFileName ) );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupClosePushL( file );
CDesCArray* lines = ReadLinesL( file );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
CleanupStack::PushL( lines );
const TInt count = lines->Count();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - got %d lines", count ) );
iIsBatch = ETrue;
for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
const TPtrC pLine( (*lines)[ i ] );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - processing line[%03d] \"%S\""), i, &pLine ) );
// Must be at least 3 chars big, i.e. '[' and <command> and then ']'
if ( pLine.Length() <= 2 || pLine[ 0 ] != '[' )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - ignoring line: \"%S\""), &pLine ) );
else if ( pLine[0] == '[' )
// Try to find end of command...
const TInt posOfClosingArgChar = pLine.Locate( ']' );
if ( posOfClosingArgChar >= 2 )
// Get command
const TPtrC pCommand( pLine.Mid( 1, posOfClosingArgChar - 1 ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - got command: %S"), &pCommand ) );
// Next, try to get any args
CDesCArrayFlat* args = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 2 );
CleanupStack::PushL( args );
// There must be a mandatory space between closing ] and start of args...
// E.g.:
// [CMD] ARG
const TInt remainderLength = pLine.Length() - posOfClosingArgChar;
if ( remainderLength > 1 )
const TPtrC remainder( pLine.Mid( posOfClosingArgChar + 1 ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - got remainder: %S"), &pLine ) );
// Extract arguments separated by tabs or space characters
// and store in arguments array
HBufC* argText = HBufC::NewLC( pLine.Length() + 1 );
TPtr pArgText( argText->Des() );
for( TInt j=0; j<remainder.Length(); j++ )
const TChar c( remainder[ j ] );
if ( c == '\t' || c == ' ' )
if ( pArgText.Length() )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - arg[%02d] %S"), args->Count(), &pArgText ) );
args->AppendL( pArgText );
pArgText.Append( c );
// Save leftovers...
if ( pArgText.Length() )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - arg[%02d] %S"), args->Count(), &pArgText ) );
args->AppendL( pArgText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( argText );
// Now we can perform the operation!
PerformSingleOpL( pCommand, *args );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( args );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - processing line: \"%S\""), &pLine ) );
iIsBatch = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lines );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformBatchL() - END - this: 0x%08x, fileName: %S"), this, &aFileName ) );
void CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL( const CCommandLineArguments& aCommandLine )
const TInt count = aCommandLine.Count();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformOpL() - START - arg count: %d, this: 0x%08x", count, this ) );
if ( count >= 1 )
// Get main command
TBuf<KMemSpyCommandLineMaxLength> command;
command.Copy( aCommandLine.Arg( 1 ) );
// Extract arguments into array
CDesCArrayFlat* args = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
CleanupStack::PushL( args );
for( TInt i=2; i<count; i++ )
args->AppendL( aCommandLine.Arg( i ) );
// Perform op
PerformSingleOpL( command, *args );
// Tidy up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( args );
User::Leave( KErrUnderflow );
void CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL( const TDesC& aCommand, const CDesCArray& aParameters )
// Record duration
TTime timeStart;
const TInt paramCount = aParameters.Count();
#ifdef _DEBUG
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - START - command: %S, paramCount: %d, this: 0x%08x"), &aCommand, paramCount, this ) );
for( TInt i=0; i<paramCount; i++ )
const TPtrC pParam( aParameters[ i ] );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - param[%02d] = [%S]"), i, &pParam ) );
RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] COMMAND: [%S] {%02d}..."), &aCommand, paramCount );
TFileName batchFile;
batchFile.Append( aCommand );
TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTForceUpdate ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - SWMT_ForceUpdate", this ) );
if ( paramCount > 0 )
TInt categories( 0 );
TName threadNameFilter;
TRAP( err, ParseSWMTParametersL( aParameters, categories, threadNameFilter ) );
if ( !err )
err = iMemSpy->SystemWideMemoryTrackerCategoriesSet( categories );
if ( !err && threadNameFilter.Length() > 0 )
err = iMemSpy->SystemWideMemoryTrackerThreadFilterSet( threadNameFilter );
if ( !err )
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingForceUpdate );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTReset ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - SWMT_Reset", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpSystemWideMemoryTrackingReset );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdHeapDumpKernel ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Heap_DumpKernel", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapData, KMemSpyClientServerThreadIdKernel );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdHeapCompact ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Heap_Compact", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapInfoCompact );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdContainer ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Container", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpEnumerateKernelContainerAll );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdBitmapsSave ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Bitmaps_Save", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->SaveAllBitmaps();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdRamDisableAknIconCache ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Ram_DisableAknIconCache", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->DisableAknIconCache();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdOutputToFile ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Output_ToFile", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->SwitchOutputModeFile();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdOutputToTrace ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Output_ToTrace", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->SwitchOutputModeTrace();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdUiSendToBackground ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - UI_Background", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->SendToBackground();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdUiBringToForeground ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - UI_Foreground", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->BringToForeground();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdUiExit ) == 0 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - UI_Exit", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->Exit();
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdHeapDump ) == 0 )
if ( paramCount == 0 )
// Dump heap data for all threads
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Heap_Dump (all threads)", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapData );
else if ( paramCount >= 1 )
// Dump heap data for named thread
const TPtrC pThreadName( aParameters[ 0 ] );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Heap_Dump (%S)"), this, &pThreadName ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpHeapData, pThreadName );
else if ( aCommand.CompareF( KMemSpyCmdOpenFile ) == 0 )
if ( paramCount == 0 )
// Dump heap data for all threads
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - OpenFile (all threads)", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpOpenFiles );
else if ( paramCount >= 1 )
// Dump heap data for named thread
const TPtrC pThreadName( aParameters[ 0 ] );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - OpenFile (%S)"), this, &pThreadName ) );
err = iMemSpy->PerformOperation( EMemSpyClientServerOpOpenFiles, pThreadName );
else if ( !iIsBatch && FindBatchFile( batchFile ) == KErrNone )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Batch file: %S"), this, &batchFile ) );
PerformBatchL( batchFile );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - this: 0x%08x - Unsupported Command: %S"), this, &aCommand ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::PerformSingleOpL() - END - err: %d, this: 0x%08x, cmd: %S" ), err, this, &aCommand ) );
// Calculate duration
TTime timeEnd;
TTimeIntervalSeconds interval( 0 );
timeEnd.SecondsFrom( timeStart, interval );
// Print some info
if ( err != KErrNone )
RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] COMMAND: [%S] {%02d} {%08d sec} => ERROR: %d"), &aCommand, paramCount, interval.Int(), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] COMMAND: [%S] {%02d} {%08d sec} => OK"), &aCommand, paramCount, interval.Int() );
// Spacer
RDebug::Printf( " " );
void CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL()
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
TInt err = iMemSpy->Connect();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - connect #1 err: %d, this: 0x%08x", err, this ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - launching MemSpy... - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - launched MemSpy - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
err = iMemSpy->Connect();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - connect #2 err: %d, this: 0x%08x", err, this ) );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ConnectToMemSpyL() - END - ok - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
void CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL()
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
TInt err = KErrGeneral;
RProcess proc;
// First try with s60 UI
err = proc.Create( KMemSpyProcessName1, KNullDesC );
if ( err == KErrNone )
TFullName fullName;
proc.FullName( fullName );
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - Create S60 UI process successfully... - this: 0x%08x, name: %S"), this, &fullName ) );
TRequestStatus status;
proc.Rendezvous( status );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - MemSpy resumed, waiting for Rendezvous... - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
err = status.Int();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - Rendezvous complete: %d, this: 0x%08x", err, this ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
// Try console UI
err = proc.Create( KMemSpyProcessName2, KNullDesC );
if ( err == KErrNone )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - Create Console UI process successfully... - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
TRequestStatus status;
proc.Rendezvous( status );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - MemSpy resumed, waiting for Rendezvous... - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
err = status.Int();
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - Rendezvous complete: %d, this: 0x%08x", err, this ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - final error: %d, this: 0x%08x", err, this ) );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
User::After( 10 * 1000000 );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::LaunchMemSpyL() - END - ok - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
CDesCArray* CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL( RFile& aFile )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
CDesCArrayFlat* lines = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 10 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lines );
TInt size = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( aFile.Size( size ) );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x, file size: %d", this, size ) );
// Read file
HBufC8* narrowBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( size );
TPtr8 pBufNarrow( narrowBuf->Des() );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x, reading file..." ) );
User::LeaveIfError( aFile.Read( pBufNarrow ) );
if ( pBufNarrow.Length() <= 2 )
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x - BAD FILE LENGTH", this ) );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Look for BOM and convert to unicode
HBufC* unicodeText = HBufC::NewL( size );
TPtr pUnicodeText( unicodeText->Des() );
if ( pBufNarrow[0] == 0xFF && pBufNarrow[1] == 0xFE )
// It's unicode... and we don't want the BOM, hence -2
const TInt textLength = size - 2;
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x - UNICODE TEXT - textLength: %d", this, textLength / 2 ) );
Mem::Copy( (TUint8 *)pUnicodeText.Ptr(), pBufNarrow.Ptr() + 2, textLength );
pUnicodeText.SetLength( textLength / 2 );
// It's ASCII, convert it to unicode...
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x - ASCII TEXT - textLength: %d", this, size ) );
for (TInt i = 0; i<size; i++ )
pUnicodeText.Append( pBufNarrow[ i ] );
// Discard old narrow text
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( narrowBuf );
CleanupStack::PushL( unicodeText );
// Try to extract lines of text...
HBufC* line = HBufC::NewLC( 1024 );
TPtr pLine( line->Des() );
const TInt length = unicodeText->Length();
for( TInt i=0; i<length; i++ )
const TChar c( pUnicodeText[ i ] );
if ( c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
if ( pLine.Length() )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x - LINE[%03d] %S"), this, lines->Count(), line ) );
lines->AppendL( pLine );
pLine.Append( c );
// Save last line, just in cae it didn't end with a CR/LF
if ( pLine.Length() )
TRACE( RDebug::Print( _L("[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - this: 0x%08x - LINE[%03d] %S"), this, lines->Count(), line ) );
lines->AppendL( pLine );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, unicodeText ); // line & unicodeText
CleanupStack::Pop( lines );
TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "[MemSpyCmdLine] CMemSpyCommandLine::ReadLinesL() - END - this: 0x%08x", this ) );
return lines;
void CMemSpyCommandLine::ParseSWMTParametersL( const CDesCArray& aParameters, TInt& aCategories, TDes& aFilter )
TInt result(0);
// Check if the first parameter is a number.
// In that case other parameters are ignored.
TLex lex( aParameters[ 0 ] );
if ( lex.Val( result ) != KErrNone )
// Parameters were given in text form:
const TInt count( aParameters.Count() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count ; i++ )
if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeap ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryUserHeap |
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeChunk ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryLocalChunks |
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeCode ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryRAMLoadedCode;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeStack ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryUserStacks;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeGlobalData ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryGlobalData;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeRamDrive ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryRAMDrive;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeOpenFile ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryOpenFiles;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeDiskSpace ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryDiskusage;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFbserv ) == 0 ) // enables both FABS and BITM
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryBitmapHandles;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHandleGeneric ) == 0 ) // enables both HGEN and HPAS
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryKernelHandles;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeFileServerCache ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryFileServerCache;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeSystemMemory ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategorySystemMemory;
else if ( aParameters[i].CompareF( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeWindowGroup ) == 0 )
result |= TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryWindowGroups;
else if ( aParameters[i].Find( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeapFilter ) == 0 )
aFilter.Copy( aParameters[i].Right( aParameters[i].Length() -11 ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
else if ( aParameters.Count() > 1 && aParameters[1].Find( KMemSpyCmdSWMTTypeHeapFilter ) == 0 )
aFilter.Copy( aParameters[1].Right( aParameters[1].Length() -11 ) );
aCategories = result;
TInt CMemSpyCommandLine::FindBatchFile( TDes &aFileName )
if ( BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, aFileName )) return KErrNone;
if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\") ) ) return KErrNone;
if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\data\\") ) ) return KErrNone;
if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\documents\\") ) ) return KErrNone;
if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\temp\\") ) ) return KErrNone;
if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\system\\temp\\") ) ) return KErrNone;
// if ( !FindFile( aFileName, _L("\\private\\1000484b\\") ) ) return KErrNone; // Mail folder KErrPermissionDenied
return KErrNotFound;
TInt CMemSpyCommandLine::FindFile( TDes &aFileName, const TDesC &aDirPath )
TFindFile fileFinder( iFsSession );
TInt err = fileFinder.FindByDir( aFileName, aDirPath );
if ( !err )
aFileName.Copy( fileFinder.File() );
return err;