* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of ECOM plug-in service interface providing
* the FTP service.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <HtiServicePluginInterface.h>
enum TFtpCommand
EFtpSTOR = 0x02,
EFtpSTOR_u = 0x03,
EFtpRETR = 0x04,
EFtpRETR_u = 0x05,
EFtpLIST = 0x06,
EFtpLIST_u = 0x07,
EFtpMKD = 0x08,
EFtpMKD_u = 0x09,
EFtpRMD = 0x0A,
EFtpRMD_u = 0x0B,
EFtpDELE = 0x0C,
EFtpDELE_u = 0x0D,
EFtpCANCEL = 0x0E,
EFtpLISTDIR = 0x10,
EFtpLISTDIR_u = 0x11,
EFtpLISTSIZES_u = 0x13,
EFtpLISTDRIVES_u = 0x15,
EFtpRENAME = 0x16,
EFtpRENAME_u = 0x17,
EFtpCOPY = 0x18,
EFtpCOPY_u = 0x19,
EFtpMOVE = 0x1A,
EFtpMOVE_u = 0x1B,
EFtpSETFORCE = 0x20,
EFtpCHECKSUM = 0x30,
EFtpCHECKSUM_u = 0x31,
EFtpFORMAT = 0x40,
EFtpOK = 0xF0,
enum TAlgorithm
EMD5 = 0x01,
_LIT(KHtiFileHlp, "HtiFileHlp.exe");
//temporary file used if file is uploaded to Tcb
_LIT(KTmpFileName, "C:\\htitemp.bin");
//tokens used for command line for HtiFileHlp.exe
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpDeleteCmd, "d" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpCopyCmd, "c" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpMkdCmd, "m" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpRmdCmd, "r" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpMoveCmd, "mv" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpRenameCmd, "re" );
_LIT( KHtiFileHlpDelim, "|" );
//tokens used to id Tcb folders
_LIT(KHtiTcbSys, "\\sys\\");
_LIT(KHtiTcbResource, "\\resource\\");
//offset where first folder's backslash starts in absolute filename
// 012
const static TInt KPathOffset = 2; //"C:\"
class CHtiFtpBackupFakeBase;
* Callback interface for AO
class MFtpObserverAO
virtual void FtpComplete( TInt anError) = 0;
* AO for async request to CFileMan and RFile
class CFtpHandlerAO : public CActive, public MFileManObserver
CFtpHandlerAO(MFtpObserverAO* anObserver);
/** Set AO active */
void Start();
public: //MFileManObserver
virtual MFileManObserver::TControl NotifyFileManStarted();
virtual MFileManObserver::TControl NotifyFileManOperation();
virtual MFileManObserver::TControl NotifyFileManEnded();
protected: //from CActive
void RunL();
* no direct cancel for RFile and CFileMan
void DoCancel();
//TInt RunError(TInt aError);
MFtpObserverAO* iObserver;
/** set to ERtue if CFileMan operation should be canceled */
TBool iCancelFileMan;
class CProcessLogonAO : public CActive
CProcessLogonAO(MFtpObserverAO* anObserver);
/** Set AO active */
void Start(const TDesC& aCmdLine);
protected: //from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
MFtpObserverAO* iObserver;
RProcess iProcess;
* FTP plugin implementation
class CHtiFtpServicePlugin : public CHTIServicePluginInterface,
public MFtpObserverAO
* Major states of FPT plug-in
enum TFtpServiceState
EIdle, /** waits for a new command */
EListBusy, /** waits for memory to send LIST response */
ERmdBusy, /** outstanding request CFileMan::RmDir() */
EDeleBusy, /** outstanding request CFileMan::Delete() */
EStorWait, /** waits for data packages */
EStorBusy, /** outstanding request to RFile::Write() */
ERetrBusy, /** outstanding request to RFile::Read() */
ERetrWait, /** waits for memory to send data package */
EStorTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
EDeleTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
EMkdTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
ERmdTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
ERenameBusy, /** outstanding request CFileMan::Rename() */
ERenameTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
ECopyBusy, /** outstanding request CFileMan::Copy() */
ECopyTcbBusy, /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
EMoveBusy, /** outstanding request CFileMan::Move() */
EMoveTcbBusy /** outstandig request to HtiFileHlp.exe */
static CHtiFtpServicePlugin* NewL();
// Interface implementation
* Calculates iBufferSize based on iDispatcher->FreeMemory() value
void InitL();
* @return ETrue when in any EXXXBusy state
TBool IsBusy();
* Process either control or data message depending on aPriority
* @param aMessage message with commands or data
* @param aPriority indicates type of aMessage
void ProcessMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
THtiMessagePriority aPriority );
void NotifyMemoryChange( TInt aAvailableMemory );
public: // MFtpObserverAO
void FtpComplete( TInt anError );
void ConstructL();
virtual ~CHtiFtpServicePlugin();
* Handle FTP control messages
* @param aMessage message with command
void HandleControlMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage );
* Handle expected CANCEL control message
* received in EStorWait or ERetrWait state
* If aMessage does not contain CANCEL command,
* BUSY message is sent, otherwise current operation is canceled
* and plugin goes to EIdle state and sends OK message.
* @param aMessage message with command
void HandleCancelL( const TDesC8& aMessage );
* Accepts data messages for STOR command
* @param aMessage message with file data
void HandleDataMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage );
//command handlers
* Handle STOR command request
void HandleReceiveFileL();
* Handle RETR command request
void HandleSendFileL();
* Reads one portion of file data during RETR command handeling.
void ReadToBuffer();
* Sends one portion of file data during RETR command handeling.
void SendBuffer();
* Handle LIST command
* @param aUnicodText if ETrue then response in unicode
* @param aReadingAtt specifies what entries to read from a dir
* @param aSizes if ETrue filesizes are included in the response
void HandleListL( TBool aUnicodText, TUint aReadingAtt, TBool aSizes );
* Extracts and validate file name to iFileName
* If error sends err msg
* Return ETrue when filename is valid
* @param aFilename descriptor with filename
* @param aToUnicode flag indicates that data in aFilename
* should be treated as an unicode string
TBool GetFileNameL( const TDesC8& aFilename, TBool aToUnicode );
* Extracts and validates path to iFileName
* If error sends err msg
* Return ETrue when directory is valid
* @param aDirname descriptor with directory name
* @param aToUnicode flag indicates that data in aFilename
* should be treated as an unicode string
TBool GetDirectoryL( const TDesC8& aDirname, TBool aToUnicode );
* Helper to send short control messages
* @param aCmd command code
* @param aMsg additional command parameters
* @return KErrNone or Symbian error code
TInt SendControlMsg( TFtpCommand aCmd, const TDesC8& aMsg );
* Helper to send error message
* @return KErrNone or some system-wide error code
inline TInt SendErrorMsg( TInt anError, const TDesC8& aMsg );
* Handle delete command
* @param aFilename the file to delete
void HandleDeleteL( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Handle rename command
* @param aMessage message that contains
* old and new file/directory names.
* @param aToUnicode flag indicates that data in aFilename
* should be treated as an unicode string
void HandleRenameL( const TDesC8& aMessage, TBool aUnicode );
* Handle copy command
* @param aMessage message that contains the file/directory to be copied
* and the location and name of the copy.
* @param aToUnicode flag indicates that data in aFilename
* should be treated as an unicode string
void HandleCopyL( const TDesC8& aMessage, TBool aUnicode );
* Handle move command
* @param aMessage message that contains the file/directory to be moved
* and the new location
* @param aToUnicode flag indicates that data in aFilename
* should be treated as an unicode string
void HandleMoveL( const TDesC8& aMessage, TBool aUnicode );
* Safe unicode copying from 8bit descr to 16bit buffer
* @param aTo destination descriptor
* @param aFrom source descriptor
void CopyUnicode( TDes& aTo, const TDesC8& aFrom );
* Check either aFilename point in a TCB directories (sys, private, resource)
* @param aFilename the file to check
TBool IsFileTcb( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to delete file from TCB directories
* @param aFilename the file to delete
void HandleTcbDeleteL( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to copy files/folders to TCB directories
* @param aFromFilename the source path
* @param aToFilename the destination path
void HandleTcbCopyL( const TDesC& aFromFilename, const TDesC& aToFilename );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to makedir in TCB directories
* @param aDirname the directory to create
void HandleTcbMkdL( const TDesC& aDirname );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to delete dir in TCB directories
* @param aDirname the directory to delete
void HandleTcbRmdL( const TDesC& aDirname );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to do rename in TCB folders
* @param aTargetName the path to rename
* @param aDestName the new path name
void HandleTcbRenameL( const TDesC& aTargetName, const TDesC& aDestName );
* Uses HtiFileHlp.exe to do move to TCB folders
* @param aTargetName the path to move
* @param aDestName the destination path
void HandleTcbMoveL( const TDesC& aTargetName, const TDesC& aDestName );
* Sets the faking of backup/restore operation on/off.
* If aOn is ETrue sets backup/restore on, otherwise sets it off.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise system error code
TInt SetBURFakeState( TBool aOn );
* Calculates a checksum for the given file with the given algorithm.
void HandleCheckSumCalcL( TAlgorithm aAlgorithm,
const TDesC& aFilename );
* Formats a drive.
void HandleFormat( const TUint8 aDrive, const TUint8 aMode );
* Creates a list of drives.
void HandleListDrivesL( TBool aUnicode );
void RemoveEndBackslash( TFileName& aFileName );
/** plugin state */
TFtpServiceState iState;
/** File server */
RFs iFs;
/** File manager used for RMD and DELE */
CFileMan* iFileMan;
/** current file for STOR and RETR*/
RFile iFile;
/** file name of iFile */
TFileName iFileName;
/** current offset in file during STOR or RETR */
TInt iCurrentOffset; //mean received bytes or sent bytes
/** the final size of iFile */
TInt iFileSize;
/** the size of iSendBuffer, calculated in InitL() */
TInt iBufferSize;
/** send buffer for RETR and LIST commands */
HBufC8* iSendBuffer;
/** des of iSendBuffer, used for RETR */
TPtr8 iSendBufferDes;
/** AO to handle current asyn request */
CFtpHandlerAO* iHandlerAO;
/** used for HtiFileHlp.exe */
CProcessLogonAO* iProcessLogonAO;
* Class for activating/deactivating a backup session.
* This is used for forced operations to locked files. Activating backup
* should release locks on files that are in use by some other application.
CHtiFtpBackupFakeBase* iBackupFake;
/** Handle to the DLL for activating/deactivating backup */
RLibrary iBackupFakeLib;
// End of File