author hgs
Mon, 06 Sep 2010 15:00:47 +0300
changeset 51 98307c651589
parent 20 analyzetool/commandlineengine/inc/CATMemoryAddress.h@a71a3e32a2ae
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Defines the CATMemoryAddress class.


#include "../inc/ATCommonDefines.h"

* Represents a single memory address / call stack item.
* State tells the "success" of locating the symbol / code line.
* Contains some utility functions used in this feature.
class CATMemoryAddress
	* Enumeration representing the state of locating code lines.
		OUT_OF_PROCESS = 0, /** Not located code line.*/
		OUT_OF_RANGE, /** Outside functions range. */
		SYMBOL, /** Symbol/ Function located (no codeline) */
		FUNCTION, /** Function and line number.*/
		EXACT /** Exact code line located with all information.*/
	* Constructor
	* @param sAddress
	* @param iOffSet value used if need to use offset value
	CATMemoryAddress( string& sAddress, unsigned long iOffSet );
	* Destructor
	virtual ~CATMemoryAddress();
	* Find which binary this address belongs to.
	* Sets also the offsetfrommodulestart.
	* @param vDlls container of binarys to find from.
	* @return true if found
	bool FindSetModuleName(vector<DLL_LOAD_INFO>* vDlls);
	* Get vector index to which module we found this address to belong to.
	* @return -1 if not set.
	int GetDllLoadInfoIndex();
	* Note return value includes the set offset.
	* So this value is not binary start - address.
	* Instead it is.
	* memory address - binary start address + offset
	* @return adress
	unsigned long GetOffSetFromModuleStart();
	* Get the binary start address
	* @return binary start address
	unsigned long GetModuleStartAddress() const;
	* Set time
	* @param ullTime
	void SetTime( unsigned long long& ullTime );
	* Get time
	* @return unsigned long long
	unsigned long long GetTime();
	* Set address
	* @param sAddess
	void SetAddress( string& sAddress );
	* Get address string
	* @return string
	string GetAddressString();
	* Set address
	* @param iAddress
	void SetAddress( unsigned long iAddress );
	* Get Address
	* @return unsigned long
	unsigned long GetAddress();
	* Set module name
	* @param sModuleName
	void SetModuleName( string& sModuleName );
	* Get module name
	* @return string
	string GetModuleName();
	* Set state of locating code line
	* @param eState
	void SetAddressToLineState( ADDRESS_TO_LINE_STATE eState );
	* Get current state of locating code line
	* @return int
	int GetAddressToLineState();
	* Set filename
	* @param sFileName
	void SetFileName(string& sFileName);
	* Get filename
	* @return string
	string GetFileName();
	* Set function name
	* @param sFunctionName
	void SetFunctionName(string& sFunctionName);
	* Get function name
	* @return string
	string GetFunctionName();
	* Set function line number
	* @param iFunctionLineNumber
	void SetFunctionLineNumber(int iFunctionLineNumber);
	* Get function line number
	* @return int
	int GetFunctionLineNumber();
	* Set exact line number
	* @param iExactLineNumber
	void SetExactLineNumber(int iExactLineNumber);
	* Get exact line number
	* @return int
	int GetExactLineNumber();
	* Set module start address
	* @param iAddress
	void SetModuleStartAddress(unsigned long iAddress);

	// Used offset to add to addresses
	unsigned long m_iOffSet;
	// Address related members
	string m_sAddress;
	unsigned long m_iAddress;

	// Time (microseconds from 1970)
	unsigned long long m_iTime;

	// Module related members(if FindSetModule is successful)
	string m_sModuleName;
	unsigned long m_iOffSetFromModuleStart;
	unsigned long m_iModuleStartAddress;

	// Module to which address belong.
	int m_iDllLoadinfoIndex;

	// Pin pointing related members
	int m_ePinPointState;
	string m_sFileName;
	string m_sFunctionName;

	int m_iFunctionLineNumber;
	int m_iExactLineNumber;