* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the
* CTestModuleController.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <atslogger.h>
#include <StifTestInterface.h>
#include <stifinternal/TestServerClient.h>
// None
// None
// None
// None
class CTestEngine;
class CBufferArray;
class CTestScripterController;
class CTestModuleController;
// None
// CErrorPrinter is an active object which handles the execute test case
// asynchronous request.
class CErrorPrinter : public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CErrorPrinter* NewL( CTestEngine* aTestEngine );
* Destructor of CErrorPrinter.
virtual ~CErrorPrinter();
* Start
TInt StartL( RTestModule& aEngine );
public: // New functions
// None
protected: // New functions
// None
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CTestEngine* aEngine );
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
private: // Functions from base classes
// None
public: // Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestEngine* iEngine; // Pointer to main console
TErrorNotification iError; // Error notification
TErrorNotificationPckg iErrorPckg; // Error package
RTestModule iServer; // Handle to TestModule
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CServerStateHandler class is an active object that handles server state
// e.g. KErrServerTerminated
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CServerStateHandler )
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CServerStateHandler* NewL( CTestEngine* aTestEngine, CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* Destructor of CServerStateHandler.
virtual ~CServerStateHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
TInt StartL( RTestServer& aServer );
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CServerStateHandler( CTestEngine* aTestEngine, CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestEngine* iEngine; // Pointer to TestEngine
RThread iServerThread; // Handle to TestServer thread
CTestModuleController* iTestModuleController; //Pointer to TestModuleController
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CTestModuleController is an active object used for controlling the test
// module using the RTestModule API.
class CTestModuleController
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
// None
private: // Enumerations
protected: // Enumerations
// TTestModuleStatus defines the status of test module
enum TTestModuleStatus
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CTestModuleController* NewL( CTestEngine* aEngine,
const TName& aName,
TBool aAfterReboot,
TBool aCreateTestScripterCont = EFalse,
CTestScripterController* aTestScripterController = NULL );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CTestModuleController();
public: // New functions
* StartEnumerateL starts the CTestModuleController active object.
virtual void StartEnumerateL();
* Init the test module
virtual void InitL( TFileName& aIniFile, const TDesC& aConfigFile );
* Add config file
virtual void AddConfigFileL( TFileName& aConfigFile );
* Remove config file
virtual void RemoveConfigFileL( TFileName& aConfigFile );
* Get Test Cases
virtual CFixedFlatArray<TTestInfo>* TestCasesL();
* Free used memory for test cases
virtual void FreeTestCases();
* Return handle to Test Server
virtual RTestServer& Server( TTestInfo& aTestInfo );
* Return the name of Test Module.
virtual const TDesC& ModuleName( const TDesC& aModuleName );
* Return reference to AtsLogger
virtual CAtsLogger& AtsLogger(){ return *iAtsLogger; };
* Is enumeration complete?
virtual TBool EnumerationComplete();
* Returns pointer to the created clone of the TestModuleController
virtual CTestModuleController* CloneL( CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController, TBool aAfterReset, CTestScripterController* aTestScripterController );
* Increases the value of iTestCaseCounter
virtual void CaseCreated();
* Decreases the value of iTestCaseCounter and checks
* can old testmodulecontroller deleted or not.
virtual void CaseFinished();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
virtual void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the cancellation
virtual void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
* Finds free test module controller, if not possible, creates new one.
virtual CTestModuleController* GetFreeOrCreateModuleControllerL(TTestInfo& aTestInfo, TBool aUITestingSupport);
* Deletes given module controller (used only in CTestScripterController).
virtual void DeleteModuleController(CTestModuleController* aRealModuleController);
* Removes given module controller from child list (used only in CTestScripterController).
virtual void RemoveModuleController(CTestModuleController* aRealModuleController);
* Enumerates test module controller synchronously.
* This is used when new test module controller is created when stif
* is about to run test case.
virtual void EnumerateSynchronously(void);
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TName& aName,
TBool aAfterReboot,
CTestScripterController* aTestScripterController );
* Generate error report to xml result file and leave with notify.
void LeaveWithNotifyL( TInt aCode, const TDesC& aText );
* Construct ATS logger. Added this function due to compiler error with
* CW 3.0 when there are multiple TRAPDs
TInt ConstructASTLoggerL( TDesC& atsName, TBool & aAfterReboot);
* Parametric constructor.
CTestModuleController( CTestEngine* aEngine );
public: // Data
// None
// Config file array
RPointerArray<HBufC> iConfigFiles;
// Tells is TestModuleController cloned or not in -15 (KErrServerTerminated) cases.
TBool iTestModuleCrashDetected;
private: // Data
protected: // Data
// Test Engine owning us
CTestEngine* iEngine;
// Test case array
typedef CFixedFlatArray<TTestCaseInfo> TTestCaseArray;
RPointerArray<TTestCaseArray> iTestCaseArray;
// Handle to Test Server
RTestServer iServer;
// Handle to Test Module
RTestModule iModule;
// Module name
HBufC* iName;
// Internal state
TTestModuleStatus iState;
// Enumeration result
TCaseSize iEnumResultPackage;
// Count of test cases
TInt iTestCaseCount;
// Count of enumerated config files
TInt iEnumerateCount;
// Count of failed enumerated config files(This is used to decrease
// iEnumerateCount)
TInt iFailedEnumerateCount;
// For removing faulty config (test case) file(s)
RPointerArray<HBufC> iFailedEnumerateConfig;
// Is enumeration complete
TBool iEnumerateComplete;
// Temporary config file for each Enumerate call
TPtrC iEnumConfigFile;
// Pointer to CErrorPrinter
CErrorPrinter* iErrorPrinter;
// Server state handler
CServerStateHandler* iServerStateHandler;
// ATS Logger
CAtsLogger* iAtsLogger;
// Pointer to CTestScripterController
CTestScripterController* iTestScripterController;
// Indication is CTestScripterController's services needed. Services
// that is implemented in CTestScripterController class.
TInt iTestScripterIndicator;
// Initialization file of Test Module
TFileName iInifile;
// Number of running test cases
TInt iTestCaseCounter;
// Reboot indication (moved here from ScripterControlle)
TBool iAfterReboot;
// List of additional module controllers "owned" by current controller
// Used only with UITestingSupport and in case when every test case
// has to be run in separate process
RPointerArray<CTestModuleController> iChildrenControllers;
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
friend class CTestScripterController;
//friend class CTestModuleController;
friend class CTestEngine; //iTestScripterController used from CTestEngine::TestModuleCrash
// CTestScripterController is for handling TestScripter's server session
// creations and handling operations that concern to TestScripter.
class CTestScripterController
: public CTestModuleController
public: // Enumerations
// None
private: // Enumerations
// None
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CTestScripterController* NewL( CTestEngine* aEngine,
const TName& aName,
TBool aAfterReboot );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CTestScripterController();
public: // New functions
* StartEnumerateL starts the CTestModuleController active object.
void StartEnumerateL();
* Init the test module
void InitL( TFileName& aIniFile, const TDesC& aConfigFile );
* Add config file
void AddConfigFileL( TFileName& aConfigFile );
* Remove config file
void RemoveConfigFileL( TFileName& aConfigFile );
* Get Test Cases
CFixedFlatArray<TTestInfo>* TestCasesL();
* Free used memory for test cases
void FreeTestCases();
* Return handle to Test Server
RTestServer& Server( TTestInfo& aTestInfo );
* Return the name of Test Module.
const TDesC& ModuleName( const TDesC& aModuleName );
* Return reference to AtsLogger
CAtsLogger& AtsLogger(){ return *iTestScripter[0]->iAtsLogger; };
* Is enumeration complete?
TBool EnumerationComplete();
* Handles completed requests (Emulates RunL() ).
void RunLEmulator( CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* Handle errors(Emulates RunError()).
TInt RunErrorEmulator( TInt aError,
CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* Cancel active request(Emulates DoCancel()).
void DoCancelEmulator( CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* Get current CTestScripterController.
TInt GetCurrentIndex( CTestModuleController* aTestModuleController );
* Finds free test module controller, if not possible, creates new one.
CTestModuleController* GetFreeOrCreateModuleControllerL(TTestInfo& aTestInfo, TBool aUITestingSupport);
* Deletes given module controller.
void DeleteModuleController(CTestModuleController *aRealModuleController);
* Removes given module controller from children list.
void RemoveModuleController(CTestModuleController *aRealModuleController);
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the cancellation
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TName& aName, TBool aAfterReboot );
* Parametric constructor.
CTestScripterController( CTestEngine* aEngine );
* Create name according to TestScripter and Test case file.
HBufC* CreateTestScripterNameL( TFileName& aTestCaseFile, HBufC* aCreatedName );
public: // Data
// Array for created CTestScripterController
RPointerArray<CTestModuleController> iTestScripter;
protected: // Data
private: // Data
// None
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
* Check is module TestScripter. Does parsing and returns new module name and
* error codes(Needed operations when creating server sessions to TestScripter).
TInt GenerateModuleName(const TDesC& aModuleName, TDes& aNewModuleName);
// End of File