* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the CTestServer.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <StifTestModule.h>
#include <StifTestInterface.h>
#include "TestServerModuleIf.h"
const TInt KStifMacroMax = 128; // Maximum description length for
// STIF TF's macro cases
const TInt KStifMacroMaxFile = 50; // Maximum test result description
// length for STIF TF's macro cases
const TInt KStifMacroMaxFunction = 30; // Maximum test result description
// length for STIF TF's macro cases
typedef TBuf<KStifMacroMax> TStifMacroDes;
class CUiEnvProxy;
// CTestThreadContainer is a class, which contains the test execution thread
// and interface functions to do operations in that thread context.
class CTestThreadContainer
:public CBase
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
enum TPanicReason
public: // Structured classes
* For STIF TF's macro information
struct TTestMacro
TBool iIndication;
TName iFileDes;
TName iFunctionDes;
TInt iLine;
TInt iReceivedError;
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CTestThreadContainer* NewL(
CTestModuleContainer* aModuleContainer,
TThreadId aServerThreadId );
* Destructor of CTestThreadContainer.
virtual ~CTestThreadContainer();
public: // New functions
* Test case execution thread thread function
static TInt ExecutionThread( TAny* aParams );
* UI Test case execution thread thread function
static TInt UIExecutionThread( TAny* aParams );
* Returns pointer to test cases
const RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>* TestCases() const;
* Completes a print request.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual void DoNotifyPrint( const TInt aPriority,
const TStifInfoName& aDes,
const TName& aBuffer
* Enables remote command receiving.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual void DoRemoteReceive( TStifCommand aRemoteCommand,
TParams aParams,
TInt aLen,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancel remote command receiving.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual TInt DoRemoteReceiveCancel();
* Completes a event request.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual TInt DoNotifyEvent( TEventIf& aEvent,
TRequestStatus* aStatus = NULL );
* Cancels pending asynchronous event request.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual void CancelEvent( TEventIf& aEvent,
TRequestStatus* aStatus );
* Set exit reason.
virtual void SetExitReason( const CTestModuleIf::TExitReason aExitReason,
const TInt aExitCode );
* Set test behavior.
virtual TInt SetBehavior( const CTestModuleIf::TTestBehavior aType,
TAny* aPtr );
* Get exit reason.
virtual void ExitReason ( CTestModuleIf::TExitReason& aExitReason,
TInt& aExitCode );
* STIF TF's macro. Initialized TTestMacro.
virtual void StifMacroErrorInit();
* STIF TF's(TL, T1L, T2L, etc )macro. Saves information for later use.
virtual TInt StifMacroError( TInt aMacroType,
const TText8* aFile,
const char* aFunction,
TInt aLine,
TInt aResult,
TInt aExpected1,
TInt aExpected2,
TInt aExpected3,
TInt aExpected4,
TInt aExpected5 );
* With this can be store information about test interference
* thread to client space.
virtual TInt AddInterferenceThread( RThread aSTIFTestInterference );
* With this can be remove information about test interference
* thread from client space.
virtual TInt RemoveInterferenceThread( RThread aSTIFTestInterference );
* With this can be stored information about test measurement
* to TestServer space.
virtual TInt HandleMeasurementProcess(
CSTIFTestMeasurement::TStifMeasurementStruct aSTIFMeasurementInfo );
* Completes a command request.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
virtual void DoNotifyCommand(TCommand aCommand, const TDesC8& aParamsPckg);
* Obtain title of currently running test case.
virtual void GetTestCaseTitleL(TDes& aTestCaseTitle);
* Sets thread logger.
void SetThreadLogger( CStifLogger* aThreadLogger );
* Gets thread logger.
CStifLogger* GetThreadLogger();
* Gets information if testserver supports UI testing.
IMPORT_C TBool UITesting();
* Gets UIEnvProxy.
IMPORT_C CUiEnvProxy* GetUiEnvProxy();
public: // Functions from base classes
protected: // New functions
private: // New functions
* Function that initialise module in execution thread context.
TInt InitializeModuleInThread( RLibrary& aModule );
* Function that enumerates test cases in execution thread context.
TInt EnumerateInThread();
* Function that frees the enumeration data in execution thread context.
void FreeEnumerationDataInThread();
* Function that executes test case in execution thread context.
TInt ExecuteTestCaseInThread();
* Complete testcase.
void TestComplete( TInt aCompletionCode );
* Delete a test module instance
void DeleteTestModule();
* Store TRequestStatus.
void SetEventReq( TEventDef::TEventCmdType aType,
TEventIf& aEvent,
TRequestStatus* aStatus );
* Destroys the event queue.
* This function is called from test execution thread.
void DestroyEventQueue();
* Error print.
void ErrorPrint( const TInt aPriority, TPtrC aError );
* Panicing function for test thread.
static void Panic( TPanicReason aReason );
* Check that server is alive.
void IsServerAlive();
* Exception handler
static void ExceptionHandler( TExcType );
* Modifies aRecFile and aRecFunction lenghts if nesessarily.
void SetMacroInformation( TInt aFileMaxLength,
TInt aFuntionMaxLength,
const TText8* aRecFile,
const char* aRecFunction,
TDes& aFile,
TDes& aFunction );
* Duplicates mutexes
TInt DuplicateMutexHandles( RThread& aThread );
* Executes test case using OOM simulation
TInt ExecuteOOMTestCase( TInt aTestCaseNumber,
TInt aFirst,
TInt aLast,
TInt& aResult,
TTestResult& caseResult );
* Leak checks for test case
void LeakChecksForTestCase( TBool aReturnLeakCheckFail,
TInt aThreadHandleCountBeforeTest,
TInt aThreadHandleCountAfterTest,
TInt aRequestCountBeforeTest,
TInt aRequestCountAfterTest );
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( TThreadId aServerThreadId );
* C++ default constructor.
CTestThreadContainer( CTestModuleContainer* aModuleContainer );
* Handles to parent.
CTestExecution& TestExecution();
CTestModuleContainer& ModuleContainer();
public: // Data
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
// Pointers to server
CTestModuleContainer* iModuleContainer;
// Pointer to test module
CTestModuleBase* iTestModule;
// Test cases
RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>* iCases;
// Resource checking
TUint iCheckResourceFlags;
// Internal if none provoded from testmodule
TRequestStatus iReqStatus;
// StifLogger used in test module thread
CStifLogger* iThreadLogger;
// Handles to server
RThread iServerThread;
// Mutexes, duplicated handles
RMutex iPrintMutex; // For iPrintSem semaphore handling
//RMutex iErrorPrintMutex; // For iErrorPrintSem semaphore handling
RMutex iEventMutex; // For iEventSem semaphore handling
RMutex iSndMutex; // For iSndSem semaphore handling
RMutex iRcvMutex; // For iRcvSem semaphore handling
RMutex iInterferenceMutex; // For iInterferenceSem semaphore handling
RMutex iMeasurementMutex; // For iMeasurementSem semaphore handling
RMutex iCommandMutex; // For iCommandSem semaphore handling
// Mutex, duplicated handle. This mutex meaning is to make sure that
// test complete and test case cancel operations are not executed at
// the same time.
RMutex iTestThreadMutex;
// Semaphores, duplicated handles
RSemaphore iPrintSem; // Signal print request availability
RSemaphore iErrorPrintSem; // Signal error request availability
RSemaphore iEventSem; // Signal event request availability
RSemaphore iSndSem; // Signal Send request availability
RSemaphore iRcvSem; // Signal Receive request availability
RSemaphore iInterferenceSem; // Synchronize test interference access
RSemaphore iMeasurementSem; // Synchronize test measurement access
RSemaphore iCommandSem; // Signal command request availability
// Macro information
TTestMacro iTestMacroInfo;
public: // Friend classes
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
friend class CTestThreadContainerRunner;
// End of File