author hgs
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 14:56:39 +0300
changeset 56 aa2539c91954
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Trace Core

#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32btrace.h>

#include "TraceCore.h"
#include "TraceCorePrintfTraceHandler.h"
#include "TraceCoreDebug.h"
#include "TraceCoreConstants.h"
#include "TraceCoreActivation.h"

#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
#include "TraceCorePrintfTraceHandlerTraces.h"
#include "TraceCoreTComArgMacro.h"

#ifdef __SMP__
#include <nkernsmp/nkern.h>
static TInt gIrqState = 0;
TSpinLock gSpinLock(TSpinLock::TSpinLock::EOrderBTrace);
#define __LOCK() gIrqState=__SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE( gSpinLock );
#define __UNLOCK() __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(gSpinLock, gIrqState);
#define __LOCK()
#define __UNLOCK()

// Constants
#define GRP_SHIFT 16

const TUint KDWordShift = 32;
const TUint KDWordMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const TUint KNanoSeconds = 1000000000;

 * Musti timestamp mask. First 4 bits are reserved for flags
const TUint KTimestampMask = 0x0FFFFFFF;

 * Musti timestamp flags for XTIv2
const TUint KTimestampFlags = 0xD0000000;

const TUint KTimestampLenght(8);

 * String that is send to indicate a trace has been dropped
_LIT8(KDroppedTrace,"* Dropped Trace");

 * Static instance is needed when calling traces from handler function
DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler* DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance = NULL;

 * State of the Printf activations
TBool DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iKernPrintfActive = ETrue;
TBool DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iRDebugPrintfActive = ETrue;
TBool DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iPlatSecPrintfActive = ETrue;

 * Constructor
: iPrintfHandler( NULL )

 * Destructor
    DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance = NULL;

 * Initializes Printf handler
TInt DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::Init()
    TC_TRACE( ETraceLevelFlow, Kern::Printf( ">DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::Init()" ) );
    // Register to TraceCore
    TInt ret = Register();
    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance = this;      
        RegisterNotificationReceiver( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::ERDebugPrintf );
    	RegisterNotificationReceiver( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::EKernPrintf );
    	RegisterNotificationReceiver( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::EPlatsecPrintf );
    //activate printf group IDs by default
    DTraceCore* traceCore = DTraceCore::GetInstance();
    if (traceCore)
        MTraceCoreActivation* activation = traceCore->GetActivation( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID );
        if ( activation )
             activation->ActivateTrace( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::ERDebugPrintf );
             activation->ActivateTrace( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::EKernPrintf  );
             activation->ActivateTrace( KKernelHooksOSTComponentUID, BTrace::EPlatsecPrintf  );
    TC_TRACE( ETraceLevelFlow, Kern::Printf( "<DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::Init() - %d", ret ) );
    return ret;

 * Prepares for writer change
 * @param aWriter Pointer to writer
void DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrepareSetWriter( DTraceCoreWriter* aWriter )
    OstTrace1( TRACE_FLOW, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_PREPARESETWRITER_ENTRY, "> DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrepareSetWriter 0x%x", ( TUint )( aWriter ) );

    TBool validMedia = aWriter != NULL;
    if ( validMedia )
        DTraceCoreHandler::PrepareSetWriter( aWriter );
        // SetTraceHandler is not called if it has already been called before
        if ( iPrintfHandler == NULL )
            iPrintfHandler = Kern::SetTraceHandler( DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrintfHandler );
            OstTraceExt2( TRACE_NORMAL, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_SETWRITER_HANDLER_STARTED,"DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrepareSetWriter - Printf trace routing started. Addr:0x%x WriterType:%d",(TInt)aWriter, (TInt) aWriter->GetWriterType() );
        if ( aWriter == NULL )
            OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_PREPARESETWRITER_HANDLER_RESET,"DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrepareSetWriter - Printf trace routing stopped");
            DTraceCoreHandler::PrepareSetWriter( aWriter );
            Kern::SetTraceHandler( iPrintfHandler );
            iPrintfHandler = NULL;
            OstTraceExt2( TRACE_NORMAL, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_PREPARESETWRITER_HANDLER_NOT_CHANGED,"DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrepareSetWriter - Printf trace routing was not changed Addr:0x%x WriterType:%d",(TUint)iWriter, (TInt) iWriter->GetWriterType() );

	Trace handler hook.
	Should be able to run in any content (including ISR).
	@param aText      Debug log. The content of the descriptor resides in kernel memory.
	@param aTraceType Identifies the origin of the debug log.
	@return Specifies whether the log is processed or not.
		If ETrue,  the log is processed. Kernel will drop the log (it won't be passed to trace port - UART)
        If EFalse, the log is not processed. Kernel will pass the log to the trace port, as well.
TBool DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::PrintfHandler( const TDesC8& aText, TTraceSource aTraceSource )
    // Print
    switch( aTraceSource )
        case EKernelTrace:
            // Check if Kernel traces are on
            if ( DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iKernPrintfActive )
                HandleTrace( aText );
        case EPlatSecTrace:
            // Check if PlatSec traces are on
            if ( DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iPlatSecPrintfActive )
                HandleTrace( aText );
        case EUserTrace:
            // Check if User traces are on
            if ( DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iRDebugPrintfActive )
                HandleTrace( aText );

    return ETrue;

	Send the string to the active writer
 	@param aDes String to be printed out
 	@note CR, LF and other special characters are not checked
 	@note, Tracing is not allowed from this method (esspecially on SMP system)
void DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::DebugPrint( const TDesC8& aDes )
    // When a writer registers, Kern::SetTraceHandler is called to start printf routing
    // However, the iWriter member will be NULL for a brief period after Kern::SetTraceHandler
    //  -> Printf from an interrupt could crash this if NULL-check is not made
    if ( iWriter != NULL )
        const TText8* pS = aDes.Ptr();
        TUint length = aDes.Length();
        const TText8* pE = pS + length;
        const TText8* pE = pS + aDes.Length();
        const TUint32* chS_ptr = reinterpret_cast< const TUint32* >( pS );
        const TUint32* chE_ptr = reinterpret_cast< const TUint32* >( pE );
        if ( chS_ptr != chE_ptr )
            // First send the printf start character
            TUint32 entryId = iWriter->WriteStart( EWriterEntryAscii );
            // DEBUG make sure we use this printfhandler:
            //iWriter->WriteData( entryId, (TUint8)0x39 );
            //  version(0x05);    // OST Base Protocol version "1.0" (v00-80-00_r1-04.pdf)
            //  entityId(0x01);   // Entity id TODO: check if this needs to change with CPU
            //  protocolId(0x02); // Ascii Trace Protocol (Not in MIPI specs 08 yet)
            iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint8 )0x05 ); // Version "0.5" because BTrace header included with protocol id 0x03
            iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint8 )0x01 ); // EntityId
            iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint8 )0x02 ); // Ascii trace ProtocolId (not specified in MIPI specs yet)
            length += KTimestampLenght;
            // Set length
            // If write size less than 256
            if(length < 256 )
                //  length(size);
                iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint8 )length );
                //  extendedLengthBits0_7(0x00);
                //  extendedLengthBits8_15(0x00);
                //  extendedLengthBits16_23(0x00);
                //  extendedLengthBits24_31(0x00);
                iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint8 )0x00 ); // length field 0 if extended length in use
                iWriter->WriteData( entryId, ( TUint32 )length ); // No swap, Length in protocol is little endian //SWAP_DATA( length ) );
            // Write timestamp
            TUint64 timestamp = NKern::FastCounter();
            timestamp = (timestamp * KNanoSeconds ) / NKern::FastCounterFrequency();
            TUint32 timestampLSB = timestamp & KDWordMask;
            TUint32 timestampMSB = ( (timestamp >> KDWordShift ) & KTimestampMask ) | KTimestampFlags;
            iWriter->WriteData( entryId, SWAP_ID( timestampMSB ) );
        	iWriter->WriteData( entryId, SWAP_ID( timestampLSB ) );
            // DEBUG - END

            while ( chS_ptr + 1 <= chE_ptr )
                // Print using 32bit write
                TUint32 val = *( chS_ptr++ );
                iWriter->WriteData( entryId, SWAP_DATA( val ) );
            // Print the rest
            pS = ( TText8* )chS_ptr;
            if ( pS != pE )
                while ( pS < pE )
                    iWriter->WriteData( entryId, *( pS++ ) );
            // End trace
            iWriter->WriteData( entryId, static_cast< TUint8 >( 0x00 ) );
            TWriteEndParams params(entryId, ETrue);
            iWriter->WriteEnd( params );

 * Callback function for Trace Activation
 * @param aComponentId
 * @param aGroupId         
void DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::TraceActivated( TUint32 TCOM_ARG(aComponentId), TUint16 aGroupId  )
    OstTraceExt2( TRACE_FLOW, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_TRACEACTIVATED,"> DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::TraceActivated;aComponentId=0x%x;aGroupId=0x%x", (TUint) aComponentId, (TUint) aGroupId );
    switch( aGroupId )
    	case BTrace::EKernPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iKernPrintfActive = ETrue;
    	case BTrace::ERDebugPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iRDebugPrintfActive = ETrue;
    	case BTrace::EPlatsecPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iPlatSecPrintfActive = ETrue;
 * Callback function for Trace Deactivation
 * @param aComponentId
 * @param aGroupId     
void DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::TraceDeactivated( TUint32 TCOM_ARG(aComponentId), TUint16 aGroupId  )
    OstTraceExt2( TRACE_FLOW, DTRACECOREPRINTFTRACEHANDLER_TRACEDEACTIVATED,"> DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::TraceDeactivated;aComponentId=0x%x;aGroupId=0x%x", (TUint) aComponentId, (TUint) aGroupId );
    switch( aGroupId )
    	case BTrace::EKernPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iKernPrintfActive = EFalse;
    	case BTrace::ERDebugPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iRDebugPrintfActive = EFalse;
    	case BTrace::EPlatsecPrintf:
    		DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iPlatSecPrintfActive = EFalse;

 * This method check if "dropped trace" notification must be sent and if so it
 * verify whether writer is able to send "dropped trace" and "new incomming trace".
 * If no the incomming trace is dropped and "dropped traces" flag is kept as set.
 * @param aText Text-trace to send.
inline void DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::HandleTrace( const TDesC8& aText )
    if(!DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance || !DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance->iWriter)
        return; //no writer or no handler instance - don't even try to send data
    DTraceCore* tracecore = DTraceCore::GetInstance();
    DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler* handler = DTraceCorePrintfTraceHandler::iInstance;
    DTraceCoreWriter* writer = handler->iWriter;
    if (tracecore->PreviousTraceDropped() )
        if( writer->AbleToWrite(KDroppedTrace().Length()+aText.Length()))
            //send a "dropped trace" text trace and then the actual trace
            tracecore->SetPreviousTraceDropped(EFalse); //rested "dropped trace" flag
			//don't send anything to the buffer
        // send the actual trace

// End of File