* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the
* RTestServer, RTestModule and RTestExecution.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "TestEngineClient.h"
#include "StifTestEventInterface.h"
#include "StifTFwIfProt.h"
_LIT( KDefaultExeName, "testserverstarter.exe" );
_LIT( KDefaultUiExeName, "uitestserverstarter.exe" );
// TestScripter related informations
const TInt KTestScripterNameLength = 12; // In STIF are two same name
_LIT( KTestScripterName, "testscripter" ); // constants, change both when
// needed !!!
// TestCombiner related information
_LIT( KTestCombinerName, "testcombiner" );
// Test module thread heap and stack sizes
const TUint32 KTestThreadMinHeap = 4096; // 4K heap min
const TUint32 KTestThreadMaxHeap = 1048576; // 1M heap max
const TUint32 KStackSize = 16384; // 16K stack
// Opcodes used in message passing between client and server
enum TTestServerRequests
// RTestServer requests
// RTestModule requests
// RTestExecution requests
typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TCaseSize;
class CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory;
// Function for starting the TestServer Server.
IMPORT_C TInt StartNewServer( const TFileName& aModuleFileName,
TFileName& aServerName
// Function for starting the TestServer Server in either in
// current thread or in new thread
IMPORT_C TInt StartNewServer( const TFileName& aModuleFileName,
TFileName& aServerName,
const TBool aInNewThread,
RSemaphore aSynchronisation
IMPORT_C TInt StartNewServer( const TFileName& aModuleFileName,
TFileName& aServerName,
const TBool aInNewThread,
RSemaphore aSynchronisation,
TBool aUiTestingServer,
CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory* aTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory
// RTestServer is a client class of Test Server
// The connect function starts the server, if it not already running.
// An RSessionBase sends messages to the server with the function
// RSessionBase::SendReceive();
// specifying an opcode( TTestServerReq ) and array of argument pointers.
class RTestServer
:public RSessionBase
public: // Enumerations
// None
private: // Enumerations
// None
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Constructor.
IMPORT_C RTestServer();
* Closes the RTestServer session.
IMPORT_C void Close();
public: // New functions
* Connect method creates new RTestServer session that is used to manage
* the test case execution.
IMPORT_C TInt Connect( const TFileName& aModuleName,
const TDesC& aConfigFile);
* Version returns the client side version number from the RTestServer.
IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
* GetServerThreadId returns the server thread id from the RTestServer.
IMPORT_C TInt GetServerThreadId( TThreadId& aId );
public: // Functions from base classes
// None
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
private: // Functions from base classes
// None
* Find exe(CapsModifier) from file system
TInt FindExeL( TFileName aModuleName, TFileName& aPathAndExeModule );
* Get caps modifier module name from TestScripter's test case(config)
* file.
TInt GetCapsModifier( const TDesC& aConfigFile,
TFileName& aCapsModifierName );
public: // Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
// None
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// RTestModule class represents a subsession with the RTestServer.
// Each RTestModule corresponds to a specific CTestModule( a CObject derived
// class ) in the server. Messages are passed via the RTestServer.
// A RTestModule stores a handle from it's server side CTestModule, and uses
// this to identify the CTestModule during communication.
class RTestModule
:public RSubSessionBase
public: // Enumerations
// None
private: // Enumerations
// None
public: // Constructors and destructor
// None
public: // New functions
* Open creates a subsession to Test Server and opens handle.
* The RTestServer server session shall be created by calling
* RTestServer::Connect before calling this function to create new
* RTestModule subsession.
IMPORT_C TInt Open( RTestServer& aServer, TFileName& aIniFile );
* Closes the RTestModule subsession.
IMPORT_C void Close();
* EnumerateTestCases requests the needed array size for test cases that
* will be inquired by GetTestCases method. The aConfigFile specifies the
*( optional ) config file where test cases are defined for this query.
* When the EnumerateTestCases is completed succesfully the GetTestCases
* method is called to retrieve test cases to
* CArrayFixFlat<RTestEngine::TTestInfo> list object.
IMPORT_C void EnumerateTestCases( TDesC& aConfigFile,
TCaseSize& aCount,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* GetTestCases is used to synchronously get test cases from Test Server.
* The list of test cases is retrieved to aTestCaseBuffer. Test Engine
* allocates needed memory for the test case array by calling
* EnumerateTestCases to inquire needed size of aTestCaseBuffer.
* If this method is called without previously succesfully called
* EnumerateTestCases the Test Server shall return KErrNotReady.
IMPORT_C TInt GetTestCases( CFixedFlatArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCaseBuffer );
IMPORT_C void ErrorNotification( TErrorNotificationPckg& aError,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Asynchronous request can be canceled with CancelAsyncRequest method.
* The aReqToCancel parameter defines the request that will be canceled.
IMPORT_C TInt CancelAsyncRequest( TInt aReqToCancel );
public: // Functions from base classes
// None
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
private: // Functions from base classes
// None
public: // Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
// None
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// RTestExecution class represents a subsession with the RTestServer.
// Each RTestExecution corresponds to a specific CTestExecution( a CObject
// derived class ) in the server. Messages are passed via the RTestServer.
// A RTestExecution stores a handle from it's server side CTestExecution,
// and uses this to identify the CTestExecution during communication.
class RTestExecution
:public RSubSessionBase
public: // Enumerations
// None
private: // Enumerations
// None
public: // Constructors and destructor
// None
public: // New functions
* Open creates a subsession for new test case. Test case to be executed
* is specified by aTestCaseNumber. The aConfig specifies the optional
* config file where the test case is defined. Test cases that can be
* executed are retrieved from the Test Server by calling two-phased
* RTestModule::GetTestCases operation.
IMPORT_C TInt Open( RTestServer& aServer,
const TInt aCaseNumber,
const TFileName& aConfig );
* Closes the RTestExecution subsession. Test case is normally closed
* immediately after the test case was completed.
IMPORT_C void Close();
* RunTestCase is used to execute the test case previously initialized by
* Open method. RunTestCase is asynchronous method and it is completed
* when the test case is completed.
* The result of the test case is returned to aStatus.
IMPORT_C void RunTestCase( TFullTestResultPckg& aResult,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Pause suspends the execution of the test case. The subsession where
* the test case is run will be suspended and thus the test case
* execution is suspended. The test case execution can be later resumed
* by calling Resume.
IMPORT_C TInt Pause();
* Resume is used to resume the test case suspended by previously called
* Pause method. The test case execution should be continued immediately
* after the Resume is called.
IMPORT_C TInt Resume();
* NotifyProgress requests different progress information from the Test
* DLL. This information can be e.g. printed to UI. Progress information
* is returned to aProgress. The aProgress is TTestProgressPckg that is
* a packaged TTestProgress.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyProgress( TTestProgressPckg& aProgress,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* NotifyData is used to receive different data from the Test Server,
* e.g. images or web pages which can be then viewed to tester or
* forwarded to some kind of comparison tool.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyData( TDes8& aData, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Asynchronous request can be canceled with CancelAsyncRequest method.
* The aReqToCancel parameter defines the request that will be canceled.
IMPORT_C TInt CancelAsyncRequest( TInt aReqToCancel );
* NotifyEvent is used to control event system.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEvent( TEventIfPckg& aEvent,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TInt aError=KErrNone );
* NotifyRemoteCmd is used to get notify.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRemoteCmd( TStifCommandPckg& aRemoteCommand,
TPckg<TInt>& aMsgSizePckg,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* ReadRemoteCmdInfo for remote message.
IMPORT_C TInt ReadRemoteCmdInfo( TDes8& aRemoteMsg,
TStifCommand aType,
TInt aError = KErrNone );
* NotifyCommand is used to control commands from the test case.
* It was created to allow test case to kill itself. DEPRECATED !!
* Use NotifyCommand2 instead.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyCommand(TCommandPckg& aCommandPckg,
TBuf8<KMaxCommandParamsLength>& aParamsPckg,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TInt aError = KErrNone);
* NotifyCommand is used to control commands from the test case.
* It was created to allow test case to kill itself.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyCommand2(TCommandPckg& aCommandPckg,
TDes8& aParamsPckg,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TInt aError = KErrNone);
public: // Functions from base classes
// None
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
private: // Functions from base classes
// None
public: // Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
// None
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// End of File