author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:45:49 +0300
changeset 43 ca8a1b6995f6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Finds MMP paths from component makefiles and forwards them to MMP parser
#!perl -w
use FindBin;
my $trace_compiler_path;

  # Get current directory as TraceCompiler path
  $trace_compiler_path = $FindBin::Bin; # e.g. X:/epoc32/tools
  $trace_compiler_path =~ s/\\/\//g; # Replace all "\" with "/"
  $trace_compiler_path =~ s/\/$//; # Remove possible trailing slash

use lib $trace_compiler_path;

use strict;
use env;
use Cwd;
use tracecompiler;
use tracecompiler_mmp_data;

# EPOC root is two levels down from TraceCompiler level
my $epocroot = tracecompiler::concatenatePath($trace_compiler_path, "../../");
$epocroot =~ s/\/$//; # Remove possible trailing slash
my $drive = substr($epocroot, 0, 2);
my $build_target;
my $project_name;
my $action = "RUN";

# Get Java command or EXIT if not found
my $java_command = tracecompiler::getJavaCommand();

if (not defined $java_command)
  print STDERR "Java 1.5 or newer required!\n";

# Go through command line arguments
while ( @ARGV )
  my $arg = shift(@ARGV);
  # Print version information
  if ($arg eq "-v")
    my $version = tracecompiler::getTraceCompilerVersion();
    print $version;
  # Clean TraceCompiler generated files
  elsif ($arg eq "-clean")
    $action = "CLEAN";
  # Finalize TraceCompiler running
  elsif ($arg eq "-final")
    $action = "FINAL";
  # Build target (e.g. armv5)
  elsif (not defined $build_target)
    $build_target = $arg;
  # Project name (e.g. MyComponent)
    $project_name = $arg; 

# Build target must now be defined or print usage info
if (not defined $build_target)
  my $version = tracecompiler::getTraceCompilerVersion();
  print $version;
  print "\nUsage: build_target in the folder containing bld.inf. bldmake bldfiles must be run before this.\n";
  print "Example: armv5\n";

my $return_string = "";

# Find component makefile path from abld.bat
tracecompiler::debugMsg("Find component makefile path from abld.bat");
open(ABLD, "<abld.bat") or die $!;
my $makefile;
while (<ABLD>)
  if (/ABLD.PL/)
    my $makefilepath = $_;
    $makefilepath =~ s/perl -S ABLD.PL "(.*)\\" .*$/$1/;
    # Change all "\" characters to "/"
    $makefilepath =~ s/\\/\//g;
    $makefilepath = "$epocroot/epoc32/build".$makefilepath;
    $makefile = $makefilepath.$build_target.".MAKE";
close ABLD or die $!;

# Find project makefile paths from component makefile
my @projectmakefiles;
my $mmps;

tracecompiler::debugMsg("Find project makefile paths from component makefile $makefile");

open(MAKEFILE, "<$makefile") or (print STDERR "Cannot open makefile $makefile\n" and exit);
while (<MAKEFILE>)
  my $line = $_;
  if ($line =~ /\"([^\"]+?)\"\s+\"PRJ_.*MMPFILES\s+MMP\"\s+\"([^\"]+?)\"/i)
    my $bldinf = $1;
    my $mmp = $2;
    tracecompiler::debugMsg("Found BLD file: $bldinf");
    # Remove bld.inf from the end of the path
    $bldinf =~ s/(.*)[\\\/].*/$1\//;
    my $mmp_file = tracecompiler::concatenatePath($bldinf, $mmp);
    # Change all "//" to "/"
    $mmp_file =~ s/\/\//\//g;
    # If .mmp is missing from the end, add it
    if ($mmp_file !~ /\.mmp$/i)
      $mmp_file .= ".mmp";
    tracecompiler::debugMsg("Found MMP file: $drive$mmp_file\n");
    # If project name is defined, only add that MMP to the list of mmp files
    if (defined $project_name)
        if ($mmp_file =~ /($project_name.mmp)$/i)
          $mmps .= $drive . $mmp_file . " ";
      $mmps .= $drive . $mmp_file . " ";  

close MAKEFILE or die $!;

# Call the MMP parser for each MMP (or clean / final)
if (defined $mmps)
  foreach my $mmp (split(" ", $mmps))
    # Pass MMP file path to Parse MMP
    if ($action eq "RUN")
      my $command = "perl $trace_compiler_path/ $mmp";
      tracecompiler::debugMsg("Call the MMP parser. Command: $command\n");
      print qx($command);
    # Clean files using this MMP
    elsif ($action eq "CLEAN")
    	my $mmpObject = tracecompiler_mmp_data->new($mmp);
    # Finalize files using this MMP
    elsif ($action eq "FINAL")
    	my $mmpObject = tracecompiler_mmp_data->new($mmp);
  tracecompiler::debugMsg("Could not find any MMP files!");


# Cleans TraceCompiler generated files
sub cleanTraceCompilerFiles
  tracecompiler::debugMsg("Clean TraceCompiler Files");
  my $mmpObj = $_[0];
  if($mmpObj->{tracespaths}) {
  	foreach my $tracesFolder (@{$mmpObj->{tracespaths}})
    	if (-e $tracesFolder and opendir(DIR, $tracesFolder))
      	while (defined(my $file = readdir(DIR)))
        	# Delete files ending with *Traces.h
        	if ($file =~ /Traces\.h$/i)
          	print "Cleaning: " . $tracesFolder . "/" . $file . "\n";
          	unlink $tracesFolder . "/" . $file || print $!;
        	# Delete cache files
        	elsif ($file =~ /\.cache$/i)
          	print "Cleaning: " . $tracesFolder . "/" . $file . "\n";
          	unlink $tracesFolder . "/" . $file || print $!;
  tracecompiler::debugMsg("Cleaning TraceCompiler Files ready\n");
  # Finalize TraceCompiler run

# Finalizes TraceCompiler run
sub finalizeTraceCompilerRun
	tracecompiler::debugMsg("Finalize TraceCompiler Run");
	my $mmpObj = $_[0];
	if($mmpObj->{tracespaths}) {
	foreach my $tracesFolder (@{$mmpObj->{tracespaths}})
		my $defFile = $tracesFolder . "/" . "OstTraceDefinitions.h";
		# Open OstTraceDefinitions.h and read stuff to array
		if (-e $defFile and open(FILE,"<$defFile"))
			my @lines = <FILE>;

			# Write stuff back to OstTraceDefinitions.h
			open(FILE,">$defFile") || exit;
			foreach my $line (@lines)
				# Comment out the define
				$line =~ s/(.*)#define OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE/\/\/ #define OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE/;
				print FILE $line;

tracecompiler::debugMsg("Finalizing TraceCompiler Run ready\n");