* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defines CATBase "utility" class.
#ifndef __CATBASE_H__
#define __CATBASE_H__
#include "../inc/ATCommonDefines.h"
* This class implements lot of utility type of functions used all around atool project.
* All functions are static so they can be used without inheritance of this class. But still
* this is a base class of almost all others.
class CATBase
* Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~CATBase(void);
* FilterExtraSpaces
* Filters/replaces multiple continuous spaces with single. Won't leave
* spaces in start or end of string.
* @param sString to filter.
* @return void.
static void FilterExtraSpaces( string& sString );
* Convert hex value in string to signed decimal.
* @param sHex
* @param iDec
* @return true if successful
static bool hexToDec( string& sHex, int& iDec );
* Convert hex value in string to unsigned decimal
* @param sHex
* @param iDec
* @return true if successful
static bool hexToDec( string& sHex, unsigned int& iDec );
* Convert hex value in string to unsigned long.
* @param sHex
* @param ulDec
* @return true if successful
static bool hexToDec( string& sHex, unsigned long& ulDec );
* Convert hex value in string to unsigned long long.
* @param sHex
* @param ullDec
* @return true if successful
static bool hexToDec( string& sHex, unsigned long long& ullDec );
* Convert hex value to integer
* @param value
* @return unsigned long
static unsigned long _httoi(const TCHAR *value);
* Convert integer to hex string.
* @param i
* @return hex string
static string NumberToHexString( unsigned int i );
* Convert long to hex string.
* @param i
* @return hex string
static string NumberToHexString( unsigned long i );
* Helper function checks is given character hex.
* @param value value to check.
* @return true if value is hex char.
static bool IsHexCharacter(const TCHAR *value);
* Parse string to vector of strings using
* separator. (Tokenizer with delimeter).
* @param sInput string to split
* @char separator
* return vector<string>
static vector<string> ParseStringToVector( const string& sInput, char separator );
* Remove spaces and tabulatures from beginning and
* end of given string.
* @param sInput String to trim.
static void TrimString( string& sInput );
* Searches files with given extension from path.
* @param pPathAndExt path with extension
* @return string filename
static string GetFileNameUsingExt( const char* pPathAndExt );
* Changes all BackSlash characters to Slash character from string.
* @param sInput String including backslashes.
* @return String without backslashes.
static string ChangeSlashToBackSlash( string sInput );
* Changes given string to uppercase
* @param sInput
static void ChangeToUpper( string& sInput );
* Converts any uppercase letter to lowercase.
* @param sInput Reference to string.
static void ChangeToLower( string& sInput );
* Filter string out of unwanted characters. The list of allowed
* characters is defined in CFILTERSTRING.
* @param sString string to filter.
* @return filtered string.
static string FilterString( const string& sString );
* Removes path and extension from given filename string
* @param sFileName
* @param bReverseFindExt if true extension will be looked starting from end
* @return string
static string RemovePathAndExt( string sFileName, bool bReverseFindExt = false );
* Returns time stamp in microseconds parsed from start of trace message
* @param sLineStart
* @return int
unsigned __int64 ParseTimeStamp( string sLineStart );
* Check if given file exists.
* @param pFilename Pointer to file name.
* @return False If file does not exists.
static bool FileExists( const char* pFilename );
* Check if given file is flagged read only.
* @param pFileName pointer to file name
* @return true if read only flag set.
static bool IsFileReadOnly( const char* pFileName );
* Set file read only.
* @param pFileName Pointer to file name
* @return true if successful.
static bool SetFileReadOnly( const char* pFileName );
* Set file writable (remove read only flag).
* @param pFilename Pointer to file name.
* @return true if successful.
static bool SetFileWritable( const char* pFileName );
* Copy file to given path
* @param sFile
* @param sToPath
* @return true if successful
static bool FileCopyToPath(const string& sFile, const string& sToPath);
* Move file to given path
* @param sFile File to be moved
* @param sToPath path where to move file
* @return true if successful
static bool FileMoveToPath(const string& sFile, const string& sToPath);
* Delete file
* Note! if file does not exists no error message is displayed
* but function returns false
* @param sFile File to be deleted
* @param bPrint display messages or not, default true
* @return true if successful
static bool FileDelete(const string& sFile, bool bPrint = true );
* Delete dir
* Note! if dir does not exists no error message is displayed
* but function returns false.
* This function wont delete directory if string does not contain
* AT_TEMP...
* @param sDir Directory to be deleted
* @param bPrint display message or not, default true
* @return true if successful
static bool DirDelete(const string& sDir, bool bPrint = true );
* Create dir
* Note! if dir cannot be created no error message is displayed
* but function returns false.
* @param sDir Directory to be deleted
* @param pPrint display message or not, default true
* @return true if successful
static bool DirCreate(const string& sDir, bool pPrint = true );
* Create temp path string for given
* mmpfile (full path+mmpname)
* @param sMmpFileWithPath
* @return string containing full path to
* AnalyzeTool temporary directory
static string CreateTempPath(const string& sMmpFileWithPath);
* Search files with extensions from given path.
* @param pPathAndExt path with extension definition
* @param bPrintErrors do print errors?
* @param sErrorLog errors
* @return true if found.
static bool SearchFileWithExtension( const char* pPathAndExt, bool bPrintErrors, string& sErrorLog );
* Helper function to parse filename or path from given string
* @param bFileName if true returns filename otherwise the path
* @param sInput string where to get path or filename
* @return string filename or path
static string GetPathOrFileName( bool bFileName, string sInput );
* Function returns string from begin of given string until next space,
* characters until next space are removed from sInput string.
* @param sInput Line where data is separated with spaces.
* @param bEraseFromInput If true characters before space will be removed.
* @return string String until next space.
static string GetStringUntilNextSpace( string& sInput, bool bEraseFromInput = true );
* Function returns string from begin of given string until next atool's main id <AT>,
* characters until next space are removed from sInput string.
* @param sInput Line which contains main id.
* @param bEraseFromInput If true characters before main id will be removed.
* @return string String until main id.
static string GetStringUntilMainId( string& sInput, bool bEraseFromInput = true );
* Convert unix path to windows
* @param sPath
static void ConvertUnixPathToWin( string& sPath );
* Create Temporary AT Cpp file
* @param sId unique id to add in file name
* @param sPath where to create
* @param sS60FileName of the logging file
* @param sS60FilePath of the logging file
* @param iLogOption logging mode
* @param iIsDebug build type
* @param iAllocCallStackSize
* @param iFreeCallStackSize
* @return true if successful
static bool CreateTemporaryCpp( const string& sId
,const string& sPath
,const string& sS60FileName
,const string& sS60FilePath
,int iLogOption
,int iIsDebug
,int iAllocCallStackSize
,int iFreeCallStackSize );
* Acquire a list of files in given directory
* @param sDirectory can end to \ or x but not to *
* @param bListDirs if true directories will be listed as well, default false
* @param bAddPathToFile if true given sDirectory path is added to file string, default false
* @return vector<string> list of files in folder
static vector<string> DirList(const string& sDirectory, bool bListDirs = false, bool bAddPathToFile = false);
* Get extension from given "file" string
* returns string after last . if any otherwise returns same
* what was given
* @param sString
* @return string string after last '.' if no '.' returns given string
static string GetExtension(const string& sString);
* Convert TCHAR pointer to string
* @param charArray to convert
* @return string
static string ConvertTCHARtoString(TCHAR* charArray);
* if given string contains two dots '.' this will remove
* all characters after first '.'
static void RemoveAllAfterDotIfTwoDots(string& sString);
* checks given file is it data file
* @param sFile
* @return true if it is datafile
static bool IsDataFile( string sFile );
* checks given file is it binary log file
* @param sFile
* @return true if it is binary logfile
static bool IsBinaryLogFile( string sFile );
* Parses a path string containing ".." to a valid
* path without relations. If given string does
* not contain relations it will not be changed
* @param sPathString
* @return void
static void ParseRelativePathString(string& sPathString);
* Remove relative path ".." from string
* @param sString string to remove from
* @param iDots index of ".."
* @return void
static void RemoveRelativePath(string& sString, size_t iDots);
* Check if given directory exists.
* @param pDirname Pointer to directory name.
* @return False If directory does not exists.
static bool DirectoryExists( const char* pDirname );
* Checks from constant array is this targettype
* unsupported by AT
* @param sTargetType type to check
* @return true if it is supported by atool
static bool IsTargetTypeSupported(string sTargetType);
* Checks from constant array is this targettype
* kernel side.
* @param sTargetType type to check
* @return true if it is kernel type
static bool IsTargetTypeKernelSide(string sTargetType);
* Check is given variant defined in environment.(SBS v.1)
* @param sEpocroot
* @param sVariantName
* @return true if it is.
static bool CheckVariant( const string& sEpocroot, const string& sVariantName );
* Check has the environment defined "DEFAULT" variant
* @param sEpocRoot
* @return true if it is
static bool IsDefaultVariant( const string& sEpocRoot );
* Check is all character ascii
* @param pInput pointer to characters
* @param iLength length of the string
* @return true if all character are ascii
static bool IsAscii( const char* pInput, const unsigned int iLength );
* Get current environments epocroot.
* @param sEpocRoot value is stored in this if successful.
* @return true if successful.
static bool GetEpocRoot( string& sEpocRoot );