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     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Mapping between EPOC32 time and libc time
    15 // The basic philosophy is to work in time_t units (TInt) which
    16 // will be essentially TTimeIntervalSeconds from the start of Unix time.
    17 // To stay compliant with the C-Standard (with reference to C99 draft), we  
    18 // set the meaning of time_t to be Universal time.
    19 // 
    20 //
    22 #include <e32std.h>
    23 #include <ltime.h>
    24 #include "reent.h"	    // for _ASCTIME_SIZE
    25 #include <sys/time.h>	    // for gettimeofday
    26 #include <time.h>
    27 #include <string.h>	    // for strcpy
    29 #define UNIX_BASE   TTime(MAKE_TINT64(0x00dcddb3,0x0f2f8000))    // 00:00, Jan 1st 1970
    31 // Utility routines for converting between representations
    33 #ifdef __SYMBIAN_COMPILE_UNUSED__	
    34 static struct tm& as_struct_tm (const time_t& t, struct tm& res)
    35     {
    36     TTime us = UNIX_BASE + TTimeIntervalSeconds(t);
    37     TDateTime dt = us.DateTime();
    39     res.tm_sec  = dt.Second();
    40     res.tm_min  = dt.Minute();
    41     res.tm_hour = dt.Hour();
    42     res.tm_mday = dt.Day() + 1;
    43     res.tm_mon  = dt.Month();
    44     res.tm_year = dt.Year() - 1900;
    46     // EPOC32 counts the year day as Jan 1st == day 1
    47     res.tm_yday = us.DayNoInYear() - 1;
    49     // EPOC32 counts the weekdays from 0==Monday to 6==Sunday
    50     res.tm_wday = us.DayNoInWeek() + 1;
    51     if (res.tm_wday==7)
    52 	    res.tm_wday=0;	// Sunday==0 in a struct tm
    54     // newlib just sets this field to -1
    55     // tm_isdst doesn't really make sense here since we don't 
    56     // know the locale for which to interpret this time.
    58     res.tm_isdst = -1;
    60     return res;
    61     }
    63 static void as_ttime (const struct tm& p, TTime& res, TBool normalise=EFalse)
    64     {
    65     TDateTime dt;
    66     TInt err = dt.Set(p.tm_year+1900, (enum TMonth)p.tm_mon, p.tm_mday-1, 
    67 	p.tm_hour, p.tm_min, p.tm_sec, 0);
    68     if (err == KErrNone)
    69 	{
    70 	res = dt;
    71 	return;
    72 	}
    73     if (!normalise)
    74 	{
    75 	res = TInt64(-1);
    76 	return;
    77 	}
    78     // Try to normalise things (for mktime)
    79     dt.Set(p.tm_year+1900, EJanuary, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    80     res = dt;
    81     res += TTimeIntervalMonths (p.tm_mon);
    82     res += TTimeIntervalDays   (p.tm_mday-1);
    83     res += TTimeIntervalHours  (p.tm_hour);
    84     res += TTimeIntervalMinutes(p.tm_min);
    85     res += TTimeIntervalSeconds(p.tm_sec);
    86     }
    88 inline void as_ttime (const time_t& p, TTime& res)
    89     {
    90     res = UNIX_BASE + TTimeIntervalSeconds(p);
    91     }
    93 #endif //__SYMBIAN_COMPILE_UNUSED__
    96 GLDEF_C time_t as_time_t(const TTime& t)
    97     {
    98     TTimeIntervalSeconds res;
    99     TInt err = t.SecondsFrom(UNIX_BASE, res);
   100     if (err)
   101 	return -1;
   102     else
   103 	return res.Int();
   104     }
   106 #ifdef __SYMBIAN_COMPILE_UNUSED__
   107 // Utility routine for formatting a TTime into a descriptor using the
   108 // UNIX ctime format. NB. EPOC32 abbreviations can be up to KMaxDayNameAbb
   109 // and KMaxMonthNameAbb characters (both == 4). The %F is needed to
   110 // force the meanings of %D, %Y etc.
   112 static TDes8& as_string (TTime& t, TDes8& res)
   113     {
   114     // UNICODE problem - t.Format operates on TDes => TDes16
   116 #if !defined(_UNICODE)
   117     TRAPD(err, t.FormatL(res, _L("%F%*E %*N %D %H:%T:%S %Y")));
   118 #else
   119     TBuf<_ASCTIME_SIZE> unires;
   120     TRAPD(err, t.FormatL(unires, _L("%F%*E %*N %D %H:%T:%S %Y")));
   121     if (!err)
   122 	res.Copy(unires);
   123 #endif
   124     if (err)
   125 	res = _L8("Error\n");
   126     else
   127 	res.Append('\n');
   128     return res;
   129     }
   130 #endif
   132 #ifdef __SYMBIAN_COMPILE_UNUSED__
   133 /*
   134 Intended Usage:	Utility routine for converting from UTC to localtime.
   135 */
   136 inline time_t toLocal (const time_t aUniversalTime)
   137     {
   138 #ifndef __SERIES60_MRT_1_0
   139     TTimeIntervalSeconds offset = User::UTCOffset();
   140     return aUniversalTime + offset.Int();
   141 #else
   142     TLocale locale;
   143     return aUniversalTime + locale.UniversalTimeOffset().Int();
   144 #endif //__SERIES60_MRT_1_0
   145     }
   147 /*
   148 Intended Usage:	Utility routine for converting from localtime to UTC.
   149 				However, having decided that time_t is always Universal time, toGMT is empty.
   150 */
   151 inline time_t toGMT (const time_t aLocalTime)
   152     {
   153     return aLocalTime;
   154     }
   155 #endif //__SYMBIAN_COMPILE_UNUSED__
   157 // external interface for the C library
   159 extern "C" {
   160 /*
   161 Intended Usage:	Get current UTC time.
   162 				Get the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, 
   163 				Jan 1, 1970 UTC from the system clock.
   164 */
   165 EXPORT_C time_t time (time_t* p)
   166     {
   167     TTime t;
   168     t.UniversalTime();
   170     time_t res = as_time_t(t);
   171     if (p)
   172 		*p = res;
   173     return res;
   174     }
   177 /*
   178 Return number of clock ticks since process start.
   179 Returns the number of clock ticks elapsed.
   180 A macro constant called CLK_TCK defines the relation betwen
   181 clock tick and second (clock ticks per second).
   182 */
   184 EXPORT_C clock_t clock ()
   185     {
   186 	int retval=-1;
   187 	RThread proc;
   188 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iMicSecsFromEpoc;
   189 	TInt err=proc.GetCpuTime(iMicSecsFromEpoc);
   191 	if(err)
   192 		{
   193 		return retval;
   194 		}
   195 	return I64INT(iMicSecsFromEpoc.Int64());
   196     }
   197 }// extern "C"