changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // System includes
    17 #include <uri8.h>
    18 #include <uri16.h>
    19 #include "TUriCInternal.h"
    20 #include <uriutilscommon.h>
    21 #include <uriutils.h>
    22 #include "UriUtilsInternal.h"
    23 #include "TValidator.h"
    24 #include "TEquiv.h"
    25 #include <escapeutils.h>
    29 // Panic category
    30 //
    31 _LIT(KUriPanicCategory,"URI-BASE");
    33 //
    34 //
    35 // Implementation of TUriC8
    36 //
    37 //
    39 /**
    40   Constructor.
    42   @since			6.0
    43  */
    44 EXPORT_C TUriC8::TUriC8()
    45 	{
    46 	// Reset the component table and the Uri
    47 	Reset();
    48 	}
    50 /**
    51   Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
    53   @since			6.0
    54   @param			aComponent	The enum specifying the component.
    55   @return			A constant reference to a descriptor pointer to the specified 
    56   component.
    57  */
    58 EXPORT_C const TDesC8& TUriC8::Extract(TUriComponent aComponent) const
    59 	{
    60 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
    62 	return iComponent[aComponent];
    63 	}
    65 /**
    66   Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
    68   @since			6.0
    69   @param			aComponent	The enum specifying the component.
    70   @return			A boolean value of ETrue if the desired component is present, 
    71   or EFalse if the desired component is not present.
    72  */
    73 EXPORT_C TBool TUriC8::IsPresent(TUriComponent aComponent) const
    74 	{
    75 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
    77 	return TBool(iComponent[aComponent].Ptr());
    78 	}
    80 /**
    81   Checks the scheme to be valid. If there is no scheme then the return value 
    82   indicates an invalid scheme.
    84   @since			6.0
    85   @return			A boolean value of ETrue if the scheme is valid, or EFalse if
    86   the scheme is not.
    87  */
    88 EXPORT_C TBool TUriC8::IsSchemeValid() const
    89 	{
    90 	if( !IsPresent(EUriScheme) )
    91 		{
    92 		return EFalse;
    93 		}
    94 	return HasValidSchemeChars(iComponent[EUriScheme]);
    95 	}
    97 /**
    98   Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
   100   @since			6.0
   101   @param			aUri		The uri to compare components against.
   102   @param			aComponent	The enum specifying the component to compare.
   103   @return			An integer value of zero if the components are the same,
   104   any other value if the components are not the same.
   105  */
   106 EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Compare(const TUriC8& aUri, TUriComponent aComponent) const
   107 	{
   108 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
   110 	// Does the component exist in both the Uri's
   111 	if( IsPresent(aComponent) && aUri.IsPresent(aComponent) )
   112 		{
   113 		if( aComponent == EUriScheme || aComponent == EUriHost )
   114 			{
   115 			// Do case insensitive compare for scheme and host
   116 			return (iComponent[aComponent].CompareF(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
   117 			}
   118 		else
   119 			{
   120 			// Do case sensitive compare for all other components
   121 			return (iComponent[aComponent].Compare(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
   122 			}
   123 		}
   124 	else
   125 		return KErrNotFound;
   126 	}
   128 /**
   129   Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
   131   @since			6.0
   132   @return			A const reference to a descriptor pointer to the uri.
   133  */
   134 EXPORT_C const TDesC8& TUriC8::UriDes() const
   135 	{
   136 	return iUriDes;
   137 	}
   139 /**
   140   @publishedPartner
   141   @released
   142   Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method	returns 
   143   KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is
   144   possible for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection, 
   145   invalid.
   147   @return	KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
   148  */
   149 EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Validate() const
   150 	{
   151 	return DoValidate(*this);
   152 	}
   154 /**
   155   Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
   156   for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked 
   157   by this method.
   158   @publishedPartner
   159   @released
   160   @param			aUri	Contains URI to compare 
   161   @return			ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
   162  */
   163 EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Equivalent(const TUriC8& aUri) const
   164 	{
   165 	TInt result = EFalse;
   166 	TRAPD(error, result = DoEquivalenceL(*this, aUri));
   167 	if (error != KErrNone)
   168 		{
   169 		result = error;
   170 		}
   171 	return result;
   172 	}
   174 /**
   175   Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.
   177   @since			6.0
   178   @param			aUriNoFrag	An output parameter which is set the non-reference 
   179   version of the uri.
   180  */
   181 EXPORT_C void TUriC8::UriWithoutFragment(TPtrC8& aUriNoFrag) const
   182 	{
   183 	if( IsPresent(EUriFragment) )
   184 		{
   185 		// There is a fragment, find where it starts
   186 		TInt fragmentStartPos = iUriDes.Locate(KFragmentDelimiter);
   187 		aUriNoFrag.Set(iUriDes.Left(fragmentStartPos));
   188 		}
   189 	else{
   190 		aUriNoFrag.Set(iUriDes);
   191 		}
   192 	}
   194 /** 
   195   Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
   197   @param    aComponent  The component to convert into Unicode (EUriScheme - EUriFragment),  or
   198   the full URI (EUriComplete -- the default).
   199   @return    The descriptor containing the desired component. 
   200  */
   201 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::DisplayFormL(TUriComponent aComponent) const
   202 	{
   203 	TPtrC8 component;	
   205 	if (aComponent == EUriComplete) 
   206 		{
   207 		component.Set(iUriDes);
   208 		}
   209 	else 
   210 		{  // extract the specified component, will Panic if invalid
   211 		component.Set( Extract(aComponent) );
   212 		}
   213 	// convert descriptor from UTF-8 into Unicode
   214 	return EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(component);
   215 	}
   217 /**
   218   @internalComponent
   219   Resets the descriptor pointers for the uri components and the uri.
   221   @since		6.0
   222   @post			All uri component information is removed and the uri descriptor is 
   223   set to NULL.
   224  */
   225 void TUriC8::Reset()
   226 	{
   227 	// Set descriptor pointers to NULL and lengths to zero
   228 	for( TInt i=0; i<EUriMaxComponents; ++i )
   229 		{
   230 		iComponent[i].Set(NULL,0);
   231 		}
   232 	iUriDes.Set(NULL,0);
   233 	}
   235 //
   236 //
   237 // Implementation of TUriC16
   238 //
   239 //
   240 /**
   241   Constructor.
   243   @since		6.0
   244   @deprecated 	Deprecated in 9.1
   245  */
   246 EXPORT_C TUriC16::TUriC16()
   247 	{
   248 	// Reset the component table and the Uri
   249 	Reset();
   250 	}
   252 /**
   253   Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
   255   @since			6.0
   256   @deprecated 		Deprecated in 9.1
   257   @param			aComponent	The enum specifying the component.
   258   @return			A constant reference to a descriptor pointer to the specified component.
   259  */
   260 EXPORT_C const TDesC16& TUriC16::Extract(TUriComponent aComponent) const
   261 	{
   262 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
   264 	return iComponent[aComponent];
   265 	}
   267 /**
   268   Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
   270   @since			6.0
   271   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
   272   @param			aComponent	The enum specifying the component.
   273   @return			A boolean value of ETrue if the desired component is present, 
   274   or EFalse if the desired component is not present.
   275  */
   276 EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::IsPresent(TUriComponent aComponent) const
   277 	{
   278 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
   280 	return TBool(iComponent[aComponent].Ptr());
   281 	}
   283 /**
   284   Checks to see if the scheme is valid. If there is no scheme then the return value 
   285   indicates an invalid scheme (EFalse).
   287   @since		6.0
   288   @deprecated 	Deprecated in 9.1
   289   @return		A boolean value of ETrue if the scheme is valid, or EFalse if
   290   the scheme is not.
   291  */
   292 EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::IsSchemeValid() const
   293 	{
   294 	if( !IsPresent(EUriScheme) )
   295 		{
   296 		return EFalse;
   297 		}
   298 	return HasValidSchemeChars(iComponent[EUriScheme]);
   299 	}
   301 /**
   302   Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
   304   @since		6.0
   305   @deprecated 	Deprecated in 9.1
   306   @param		aUri		The uri to compare components against.
   307   @param		aComponent	The enum specifying the component to compare.
   308   @return		An integer value of zero if the components are the same, any other
   309   value if the components are not the same.
   310  */
   311 EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::Compare(const TUriC16& aUri, TUriComponent aComponent) const
   312 	{
   313 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
   315 	// Does the component exist in both the Uri's
   316 	if( IsPresent(aComponent) && aUri.IsPresent(aComponent) )
   317 		{
   318 		if( aComponent == EUriScheme || aComponent == EUriHost )
   319 			{
   320 			// Do case insensitive compare for scheme and host
   321 			return (iComponent[aComponent].CompareF(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
   322 			}
   323 		else
   324 			{
   325 			// Do case sensitive compare for all other components
   326 			return (iComponent[aComponent].Compare(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
   327 			}
   328 		}
   329 	else
   330 		return KErrNotFound;
   331 	}
   333 /**
   334   Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
   336   @since			6.0
   337   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
   338   @return			A const reference to a descriptor pointer to the uri.
   339  */
   340 EXPORT_C const TDesC16& TUriC16::UriDes() const
   341 	{
   342 	return iUriDes;
   343 	}
   345 /**
   346   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 -- provided for compatibility
   348   Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method	returns 
   349   KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is possible
   350   for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection, invalid.
   352   @return			KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
   353  */
   354 EXPORT_C TInt TUriC16::Validate() const
   355 	{
   356 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   357 	TRAPD(error, result = ValidateL());
   358 	if (error)
   359 		{
   360 		// problem allocating resourses 
   361 		return error;
   362 		}
   363 	return result;
   364 	}
   366 /**
   367   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 -- provided for compatibility
   369   Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
   370   for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked 
   371   by this method.
   372   @param			aUri	Contains URI to compare 
   373   @return			ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
   374  */
   375 EXPORT_C TInt TUriC16::Equivalent(const TUriC16& aUri) const
   376 	{
   377 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   378 	TRAPD(error, result = EquivalentL(aUri.UriDes()));
   379 	if (error)
   380 		{
   381 		// problem allocating resourses 
   382 		return error;
   383 		}
   384 	return result;
   385 	}
   386 /**
   387   Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.
   389   @since			6.0
   390   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
   391   @param			aUriNoFrag	An output parameter which is set the non-reference 
   392   version of the uri.
   393  */
   395 EXPORT_C void TUriC16::UriWithoutFragment(TPtrC16& aUriNoFrag) const
   396 	{
   397 	if( IsPresent(EUriFragment) )
   398 		{
   399 		// There is a fragment, find where it starts
   400 		TInt fragmentStartPos = iUriDes.Locate(KFragmentDelimiter);
   401 		aUriNoFrag.Set(iUriDes.Left(fragmentStartPos));
   402 		}
   403 	else{
   404 		aUriNoFrag.Set(iUriDes);
   405 		}
   406 	}
   408 /** 
   409   Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
   410   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 - provided for compatibility	
   412   @param aComponent  The component to convert into Unicode (EUriScheme - EUriFragment),  or
   413   the full URI (EUriComplete -- the default).
   414   @return The descriptor containing the desired component. 
   415  */
   416 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::DisplayFormL(TUriComponent aComponent) const
   417 	{
   418 	if ( aComponent == EUriComplete) // extract the full URI
   419 		{
   420 		return iUriDes.AllocL();	
   421 		}
   422 	return Extract(aComponent).AllocL();
   423 	}
   425 /**	
   426   @internalComponent
   427   Resets the descriptor pointers for the uri components and the uri.
   429   @since			6.0
   430   @post			All uri component information is removed and the uri descriptor is 
   431   set to NULL.
   432  */
   433 void TUriC16::Reset()
   434 	{
   435 	// Set descriptor pointers to NULL and lengths to zero
   436 	for( TInt i=0; i<EUriMaxComponents; ++i )
   437 		{
   438 		iComponent[i].Set(NULL,0);
   439 		}
   440 	iUriDes.Set(NULL,0);
   441 	}
   443 /**
   444   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 
   446   Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method	returns 
   447   KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is possible
   448   for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection, invalid.
   450   @return			KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
   451  */
   452 TInt TUriC16::ValidateL() const
   453 	{
   454 	TInt result;
   456 	HBufC8* uri8 = CreateUri8LC(UriDes());
   457 	TUriParser8 uriParser;		
   458 	if(uriParser.Parse(*uri8) != KErrNone)
   459 		{
   460 		result = KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri;
   461 		}
   462 	else		
   463 		{
   464 		result = DoValidate(uriParser);		
   465 		}
   467 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uri8);
   468 	return result;	
   469 	}
   471 /**
   472   @deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 
   474   Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
   475   for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked 
   476   by this method.
   477   @param			aUri	Contains URI to compare 
   478   @return			ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
   479  */
   480 TBool TUriC16::EquivalentL(const TDesC16& aUri) const
   481 	{
   482 	HBufC8* lhs = CreateUri8LC(UriDes());
   483 	HBufC8* rhs = CreateUri8LC(aUri);
   485 	TUriParser8 lhsParser;		
   486 	if(lhsParser.Parse(*lhs) != KErrNone)
   487 		{
   488 		User::Leave(KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri);
   489 		}
   491 	TUriParser8 rhsParser;		
   492 	if(rhsParser.Parse(*rhs) != KErrNone)
   493 		{
   494 		User::Leave(KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri);
   495 		}
   497 	TBool result = DoEquivalenceL(lhsParser, rhsParser);		
   499 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   500 	return result;	
   501 	}
   503 //
   504 //
   505 // Implementation of LOCAL functions
   506 //
   507 //
   509 /**
   510 	Checks the scheme for invalid characters. The scheme is invalid if it is empty.
   512 	@since			6.0
   513 	@param			aScheme	The descriptor with the scheme.
   514 	@return			A boolean value of ETrue if all the characters in the scheme
   515 	are valid, otherwise EFalse.
   516 */
   517 template<class TPtrCType>
   518 LOCAL_C TBool HasValidSchemeChars(const TPtrCType& aScheme)
   519 	{
   520 	TInt length = aScheme.Length();
   521 	TBool valid = ( length && TChar(aScheme[0]).IsAlpha() );
   523 	// Start checking from the second character
   524 	TInt i=1;
   525 	while( valid && i<length )
   526 		{
   527 		TChar c = aScheme[i];
   528 		valid = c.IsAlphaDigit() || c==KPlusChar || c==KMinusChar || c==KPeriodChar;
   529 		++i;
   530 		}
   531 	return valid;
   532 	}
   535 //
   536 //
   537 // File URI Implementation - CUri8
   538 //
   539 //
   540 #ifdef __SECURE_DATA__	
   541 /**
   542 	Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
   544 	The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows: 	
   545 	- public file on a fixed drive: 
   546 		@code
   547 		file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
   548 		@endcode
   550 	- public file on removable media drive:
   551 	 The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
   552 	 If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
   553 	 	@code
   554 		file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
   555 		@endcode
   556 		 (where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
   558 	- private file on fixed drive:
   559 		@code
   560 		file://private/c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
   561 		@endcode
   562 		 (where 0x1001234f is the SID of the current application)
   564 	- private file on removable media drive:
   565 		@code
   566 		file://private/ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> h:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
   567 		@endcode
   568 		 (where h: is the first drive found containing "\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext")
   570 	The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
   572 	Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
   574 	@leave			KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
   575 	@leave			KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
   576 	@since			9.1
   577 	@return			A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename. 
   578 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   579  */
   580 #else
   581  /**
   582 	Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
   584 	The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows: 	
   585 	- public file on a fixed drive: 
   586 		@code
   587 		file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
   588 		@endcode
   590 	- public file on removable media drive:
   591 	 The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
   592 	 If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
   593 	 	@code
   594 		file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
   595 		@endcode
   596 		 (where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
   598 	The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
   600 	Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
   602 	@leave			KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
   603 	@leave			KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
   604 	@since			9.1
   605 	@return			A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename. 
   606 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   607  */
   608  #endif
   609 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::GetFileNameL() const
   610 	{
   611 	return GetFileNameL(EUriFileNameFull);
   612 	}
   615 /**
   616 	This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the 
   617 	local file system path separator (\\). 
   619 	If called with EUriFileNamePath, this will generate a file name containing  the path relative to the drive. 
   620 	Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
   621 		@code
   622;param1;param2 -> \dir\file\name.ext
   623 		@endcode
   625 	If called with EUriFileNameTail, this will generate a just the name, with no directories or drive.
   626 	Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
   627 		@code
   628;param1;param2 -> name.ext
   629 		@endcode
   631 	EUriFileNamePath and EUriFileNameTail can be used for any hierarchical URI (http, ftp, file, etc)
   632 	and may have unexpected behaviour when called on any other type of URI.
   634 	If called with EUriFileNameFull, this will convert the URI into a fully-qualified filename. this is only valid
   635 	for file URIs and will Leave if called on any other type of URI. The form of the returned filename is described in 
   636 	GetFileNameL with no arguments.
   638 	@leave			KErrNotSupported The URI scheme cannot be converted into the desired  type
   639 	@since			9.1
   640 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   641 	@param			aType specifies what part of the filename is to be  converted. The default is EUriFileNameFull).
   642 	@return			A descriptor containing the desired filename components.
   643  */
   644 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::GetFileNameL(TUriFileName aType) const
   645 	{
   646 	TBool isFileUri = Extract(EUriScheme).Compare(KFileUriScheme8) == 0;
   647 	if(aType == EUriFileNameFull && !isFileUri)
   648 		{		
   649 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   650 		}
   651 	return ResolveFileNameL(Extract(EUriPath), aType, isFileUri);
   652 	}
   655 //
   656 //
   657 // File URI Implementation - CUri16
   658 //
   659 //
   661 #ifdef  __SECURE_DATA__
   662 /**
   663 	Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
   665 	The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows: 	
   666 	- public file on a fixed drive: 
   667 		@code
   668 		file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
   669 		@endcode
   671 	- public file on removable media drive:
   672 	 The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
   673 	 If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
   674 		@code
   675 		file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
   676 		@endcode
   677 		 (where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
   679 	- private file on fixed drive:
   680 		@code
   681 		file://private/c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
   682 		@endcode
   683 		 (where 0x1001234f is the SID of the current application)
   685 	- private file on removable media drive:
   686 		@code
   687 		file://private/ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> h:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
   688 		@endcode
   689 		 (where h: is the first drive found containing "\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext")
   691 	The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
   693 	Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
   695 	@leave			KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
   696 	@leave			KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
   697 	@since			9.1
   698 	@return			A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename. 
   699 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   701  */
   702 #else 
   703 /**
   704 	Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
   706 	The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows: 	
   707 	- public file on a fixed drive: 
   708 		@code
   709 		file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
   710 		@endcode
   712 	- public file on removable media drive:
   713 	 The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
   714 	 If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
   715 		@code
   716 		file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
   717 		@endcode
   718 		 (where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
   720 	The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
   722 	Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
   724 	@leave			KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
   725 	@leave			KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
   726 	@since			9.1
   727 	@return			A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename. 
   728 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   730  */
   731  #endif
   732 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::GetFileNameL() const
   733 	{
   734 	return GetFileNameL(EUriFileNameFull);
   735 	}
   738 /**
   739 	This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the 
   740 	local file system path separator (\\). 
   742 	If called with EUriFileNamePath, this will generate a file name containing  the path relative to the drive. 
   743 	Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
   744 		@code
   745;param1;param2 -> \dir\file\name.ext
   746 		@endcode
   748 	If called with EUriFileNameTail, this will generate a just the name, with no directories or drive.
   749 	Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
   750 		@code
   751;param1;param2 -> name.ext
   752 		@endcode
   754 	EUriFileNamePath and EUriFileNameTail can be used for any hierarchical URI (http, ftp, file)
   755 	and may have unexpected behaviour when called on any other type of URI.
   757 	If called with EUriFileNameFull, this will convert the URI into a fully-qualified filename. this is only valid
   758 	for file URIs and will Leave if called on any other type of URI. The form of the returned filename is described in 
   759 	GetFileNameL with no arguments.
   761 	@leave			KErrNotSupported The URI scheme cannot be converted into the desired  type
   762 	@since			9.1
   763 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed.
   764 	@param			aType specifies what part of the filename is to be converted. The default is (EUriFileNameFull).
   765 	@return			A descriptor containing the desired filename components.
   766  */
   767 EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::GetFileNameL(TUriFileName aType) const
   768 	{
   769 	TBool isFileUri = Extract(EUriScheme).Compare(KFileUriScheme16) == 0;
   771 	if(aType == EUriFileNameFull &&  !isFileUri )
   772 		{		
   773 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   774 		}		
   776 	HBufC8* fileUriPath8 = HBufC8::NewLC(Extract(EUriPath).Length());
   777 	fileUriPath8->Des().Copy(Extract(EUriPath));
   778 	HBufC* absFileName = ResolveFileNameL(*fileUriPath8, aType, isFileUri);
   779 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileUriPath8);
   780 	return absFileName;
   781 	}
   784 //
   785 //
   786 // Implementation of LOCAL functions
   787 //
   788 //
   790 /**
   791   Function used to convert '\' to '/' and vice versa.
   793   @since			9.1
   794   @param			aDesPtr				A descriptor reference to the string.
   795   @param			aPathSeperatorFrom	A path seperator to be converted (from)
   796   @param			aPathSeperatorTo 	A path seperator to converte (To).
   797  */
   798 void ChangePathSeparator(TDes& aDesPtr, TUint aPathSeperatorFrom, TUint aPathSeperatorTo)
   799 	{
   800 	for(TInt offset = aDesPtr.Length() - 1;offset >= 0;offset--)
   801 		{
   802 		if (aDesPtr[offset] == aPathSeperatorFrom)
   803 			{	
   804 				aDesPtr[offset] = TUint16(aPathSeperatorTo);
   805 			}
   806 		}
   807 	}
   809 /**
   810   Function used to generate a fully qualified file name for a public or private file 
   811   stored on a fix drive or a removable media drive from File URI path (parameter aFileUriPath).
   813   This will be called by API GetFileName() to generate and return a filename.
   815   @leave			KErrBadName 	if the path doesn't contain valid drivename.
   816   @since			9.1
   817   @param			aFileUriPath	A descriptor reference to the File URI's path component.
   818   @return			A pointer to a buffer containing the resolved fully qualified filename 
   819 					if the file uri path is not empty or a top level dir on main drive (C:\\)
   820  */
   821 HBufC* GetFullFileNameFromFileUriPathL(const TDesC& aFileUriPath)
   822 	{	
   823 	TFileName filename(KDefaultPath);
   825 	TInt origLength = aFileUriPath.Length();
   826 	if(origLength == 0)
   827 		{
   828 		return filename.AllocL();
   829 		}
   831 	TInt index = 0;
   832  	TPtrC fileUriPath(aFileUriPath);
   834  	//skip KUriPathSeparator (/) from the Uri path
   835  	if (fileUriPath[0] == KUriPathSeparator)
   836   		{
   837 		index++;
   838 		}
   840 	fileUriPath.Set(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
   842 	RFs fs;
   843 	TBool fsOpen = EFalse;
   845 #ifdef __SECURE_DATA__			
   846 	if (fileUriPath.Left(KPrivate().Length()).Compare(KPrivate) == 0)
   847 		{
   848 		index += KPrivate().Length();
   849 		User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   850 		CleanupClosePushL(fs);		
   851 		fsOpen = ETrue;
   852 		User::LeaveIfError(fs.PrivatePath(filename));
   853 		filename.Insert(0, KDefaultPath().Left((KDefaultPath().Length() - 1) )); //Insert <drive>: 
   854 		fileUriPath.Set(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
   855 		}
   856 #endif
   858 	TBool isExtMedia = (fileUriPath.Left(KExtMedia().Length()).Compare(KExtMedia) == 0);
   859 	if (!isExtMedia )
   860 		{
   861 		TUint driveLetter = fileUriPath[0];	
   862 		//Checking for valid driveletter (should between A to Z or a to z) and followed by Uri path seperator "/"
   863 		if ( fileUriPath[1] != KUriPathSeparator ||
   864 		 (  (driveLetter < 'A' || driveLetter > 'Z') && 
   865 			(driveLetter < 'a' || driveLetter > 'z')  )  )
   866 			{
   867 			User::Leave(KErrBadName);
   868 			}
   869 		index += (KDefaultPath().Length() - 1); //skip <driveLetter>/
   870 		filename[0] = TUint16(driveLetter); 
   871 		}
   872 	else
   873 		{
   874 		index += KExtMedia().Length();
   875 		}
   877 	filename.Append(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
   879 	//Convert "/" to "\"
   880 	ChangePathSeparator(filename, KUriPathSeparator, KFilePathSeparator);
   882 	if (isExtMedia )
   883 		{		
   884 		if (fsOpen == EFalse)
   885 			{
   886 			User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   887 			CleanupClosePushL(fs);		
   888 			fsOpen = ETrue;	
   889 			}
   891 		TDriveInfo driveInfo;
   892 		TInt err = KErrNotFound;
   894 		for (TInt driveNum = EDriveA; driveNum <= EDriveZ && err!=KErrNone; driveNum++)   
   895 			{
   896 			if (fs.Drive(driveInfo, driveNum ) == KErrNone
   897     			&& (driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable))       
   898     			{
   899     			filename[0]= TInt16('A' + driveNum);
   900     			TUint attValue;
   901     			err = fs.Att(filename, attValue);
   902     			}
   903 			}
   904   		User::LeaveIfError(err);
   905 		}
   907 	if (fsOpen)
   908 		{
   909 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs);
   910 		}
   912 	return filename.AllocL();	
   913 	}
   915 /**
   916   Creates an 8 bit URI descriptor from an 16  bit one
   918   @param			aBuf16	The full 16 bit URI descriptor
   919   @return			Pointer to the newly created 8 bit URI descriptor
   920 					are valid, otherwise EFalse.
   921 */
   922 HBufC8* CreateUri8LC(const TDesC16& aBuf16)
   923 	{
   924 	TInt length = aBuf16.Length();
   925 	HBufC8* newBuf = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(length);
   926 	TPtr8 des8Ptr = newBuf->Des();
   927 	for (TInt i = 0; i < length; ++i)
   928 		{
   929 		des8Ptr[i] = static_cast<TText8>(aBuf16[i]);
   930 		}
   931 	return newBuf;
   932 	}
   934 /**
   935   Check the components of a URI to ensure they are all valid
   937   @since			8.1
   938   @param			aUri The URI to check
   939   @return			KErrNone if all components are valid, otherwise one of the 'invalid' error codes
   940 */
   941 TInt DoValidate(const TUriC8& aUri)
   942 	{
   943 	TInt result;
   944 	TPtrC8 subComponent(aUri.Extract(EUriScheme));
   945 	if (!HasValidSchemeChars(subComponent))
   946 		{
   947 		result = KUriUtilsErrInvalidScheme;
   948 		}
   949 	else if(SchemeType(subComponent) == ESchemeTypeSip) 
   950 		//To validate Sip uri
   951 		{
   952 		TValidatorSip validator(aUri);
   953 		result = validator.Validate();		
   954 		}	
   955 	else if(SchemeType(subComponent) == ESchemeTypeTel) 
   956 		//To validate Tel uri
   957 		{
   958 		TValidatorTel validator(aUri);
   959 		result = validator.Validate();
   960 		}
   961 	else		
   962 		{
   963 		result = KErrNotSupported;		
   964 		}
   966 	return result;
   967 	}
   969 /**
   970   Compare the components of two URIs to see if they identify the same resource
   972   @since			8.1
   973   @param			aLhs The left hand side URI to compare
   974   @param			aRhs The right hand side URI to compare
   975   @return			ETrue if they point to the same resource, EFalse otherwise.
   976 */
   977 TInt DoEquivalenceL(const TUriC8& aLhs, const TUriC8& aRhs)
   978 	{
   979 	TInt result;
   980 	if (SchemeType(aLhs.Extract(EUriScheme)) == ESchemeTypeSip)
   981 		{
   982 		TEquivSip equiv(aLhs, aRhs);
   983 		result = equiv.EquivalentL();
   984 		}
   985 	else
   986 		{
   987 		// unknown scheme so assume network scheme
   988 		TEquiv equiv(aLhs, aRhs);
   989 		result = equiv.EquivalentL();
   990 		}
   992 	return result;
   993 	}
   996 /**
   997   Get the desired part of the filename from the URI path
   999   @param			aPath A descriptor reference to the File URI's path component.
  1000   @param			aType enum value of TUriFileName.
  1001   @param			aIsFileUri Specifies the whether it is FileUri or not.
  1002   @return			Pointer to the newly created URI descriptor which contains the 
  1003   					desired part of the filename from the URI path.
  1004 */
  1005 HBufC* ResolveFileNameL(const TDesC8& aPath, TUriFileName aType, TBool aIsFileUri)
  1006 	{	
  1007 	// replace % codes
  1008 	HBufC8* fileUriPath8 = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL(aPath);
  1009 	CleanupStack::PushL(fileUriPath8);
  1011 	// convert to unicode 
  1012 	HBufC* fileUriPath = EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(*fileUriPath8);
  1013 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileUriPath8);
  1014 	CleanupStack::PushL(fileUriPath);			
  1016 	HBufC* absFileName = NULL; // setting to NULL makes compiler happy
  1017 	if ( aIsFileUri )
  1018 		{ 
  1019 		/* awlays do full conversion for file URIs
  1020 		 It's not optimal time-wise, but it uses the least code and is
  1021 		 forward-compatible. */
  1022 		absFileName = GetFullFileNameFromFileUriPathL(*fileUriPath);		
  1023 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileUriPath);
  1024 		if ( aType == EUriFileNameFull )
  1025 			{	
  1026 			return absFileName;
  1027 			}
  1028 		fileUriPath = absFileName;	// code below uses fileUriPath
  1029 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileUriPath);			
  1030 		TPtr path(fileUriPath->Des());
  1031 		path.Delete(0,2);	// delete drive and ':' (always begins with drive letter and :)
  1032 		}
  1033 	else  // not a file URI
  1034 		{ // convert '/' to '\' for all other URIs
  1035 		TPtr path(fileUriPath->Des());
  1036 		ChangePathSeparator(path, KUriPathSeparator, KFilePathSeparator);
  1037 		}
  1039 	// EUriFileNameFull must only ever be used with a file URI. Failures should be caught by the caller
  1040 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EUriFileNameFull, 
  1041 		User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
  1043 	TPtrC name;
  1044 	GetFileComponent(name, *fileUriPath, aType ); // get path or tail
  1045 	if (name.Length() == fileUriPath->Length()) 
  1046 		{ // no changes, just return fileUriPath
  1047 		absFileName = fileUriPath;
  1048 		CleanupStack::Pop(fileUriPath);
  1049 		}
  1050 	else
  1051 		{
  1052 		absFileName = name.AllocL();
  1053 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileUriPath); 
  1054 		}
  1056 	return absFileName;
  1057 	}
  1059 /**
  1060   Gets the desired file path or tail.
  1062   @param			aNewName An outparameter, reference to descriptor .
  1063   @param			aOldName An inparameter descriptor reference.
  1064   @param			aType enum value of TUriFileName.
  1065  */
  1066 void GetFileComponent(TPtrC& aNewName, const TDesC& aOldName, TUriFileName aType )
  1067 	{
  1068 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aType != EUriFileNameFull, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
  1070 	aNewName.Set(aOldName);
  1071 	// chop off everything after the first ;
  1072 	TInt pos = aNewName.Locate(KParamDelimiter);
  1073 	if( pos == 0 ) // the ; is at the start
  1074 		{	
  1075 		aNewName.Set(KNullDesC);
  1076 		}
  1077 	else if (pos > 0)
  1078 		{ // set to the text untilt he ;
  1079 		aNewName.Set(aNewName.Left(pos));
  1080 		}
  1081 	if( aType == EUriFileNameTail)
  1082 		{	
  1083 		// chop off everything before the last /
  1084 		TInt pos = aNewName.LocateReverse(KFilePathSeparator);
  1085 		if( pos >=0 ) // there is a /
  1086 			{
  1087 			if( pos >= aNewName.Length() - 1 ) // the / is at the end
  1088 				{
  1089 				aNewName.Set(KNullDesC);
  1090 				}
  1091 			else
  1092 				{ // set to the text following the last /
  1093 				aNewName.Set(aNewName.Right(aNewName.Length()-1-pos));
  1094 				}
  1095 			}
  1096 		}
  1097 	}