changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 /* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming
     2  * Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 1999  Peter Mattis, Red Hat, Inc.
     3  * Portions copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation.  All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     8  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     9  *
    10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
    14  *
    15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    16  * License along with this library; if not, write to the
    17  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    18  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
    19  */
    21 #include "config.h"
    23 #include <string.h>
    25 #include "gpattern.h"
    27 #include "gmacros.h"
    28 #include "gmessages.h"
    29 #include "gmem.h"
    30 #include "gunicode.h"
    31 #include "gutils.h" 
    32 #include "galias.h"
    34 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
    35 #include <glib.h>
    36 #endif /* __SYMBIAN32__ */
    38 /* keep enum and structure of gpattern.c and patterntest.c in sync */
    39 typedef enum
    40 {
    41   G_MATCH_ALL,       /* "*A?A*" */
    42   G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL,  /* "*A?AA" */
    43   G_MATCH_HEAD,      /* "AAAA*" */
    44   G_MATCH_TAIL,      /* "*AAAA" */
    45   G_MATCH_EXACT,     /* "AAAAA" */
    46   G_MATCH_LAST
    47 } GMatchType;
    49 struct _GPatternSpec
    50 {
    51   GMatchType match_type;
    52   guint      pattern_length;
    53   guint      min_length;
    54   guint      max_length;
    55   gchar     *pattern;
    56 };
    59 /* --- functions --- */
    60 static inline gboolean
    61 g_pattern_ph_match (const gchar *match_pattern,
    62 		    const gchar *match_string,
    63 		    gboolean    *wildcard_reached_p)
    64 {
    65   register const gchar *pattern, *string;
    66   register gchar ch;
    68   pattern = match_pattern;
    69   string = match_string;
    71   ch = *pattern;
    72   pattern++;
    73   while (ch)
    74     {
    75       switch (ch)
    76 	{
    77 	case '?':
    78 	  if (!*string)
    79 	    return FALSE;
    80 	  string = g_utf8_next_char (string);
    81 	  break;
    83 	case '*':
    84 	  *wildcard_reached_p = TRUE;
    85 	  do
    86 	    {
    87 	      ch = *pattern;
    88 	      pattern++;
    89 	      if (ch == '?')
    90 		{
    91 		  if (!*string)
    92 		    return FALSE;
    93 		  string = g_utf8_next_char (string);
    94 		}
    95 	    }
    96 	  while (ch == '*' || ch == '?');
    97 	  if (!ch)
    98 	    return TRUE;
    99 	  do
   100 	    {
   101               gboolean next_wildcard_reached = FALSE;
   102 	      while (ch != *string)
   103 		{
   104 		  if (!*string)
   105 		    return FALSE;
   106 		  string = g_utf8_next_char (string);
   107 		}
   108 	      string++;
   109 	      if (g_pattern_ph_match (pattern, string, &next_wildcard_reached))
   110 		return TRUE;
   111               if (next_wildcard_reached)
   112                 /* the forthcoming pattern substring up to the next wildcard has
   113                  * been matched, but a mismatch occoured for the rest of the
   114                  * pattern, following the next wildcard.
   115                  * there's no need to advance the current match position any
   116                  * further if the rest pattern will not match.
   117                  */
   118 		return FALSE;
   119 	    }
   120 	  while (*string);
   121 	  break;
   123 	default:
   124 	  if (ch == *string)
   125 	    string++;
   126 	  else
   127 	    return FALSE;
   128 	  break;
   129 	}
   131       ch = *pattern;
   132       pattern++;
   133     }
   135   return *string == 0;
   136 }
   138 EXPORT_C gboolean
   139 g_pattern_match (GPatternSpec *pspec,
   140 		 guint         string_length,
   141 		 const gchar  *string,
   142 		 const gchar  *string_reversed)
   143 {
   144   g_return_val_if_fail (pspec != NULL, FALSE);
   145   g_return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, FALSE);
   147   if (string_length < pspec->min_length ||
   148       string_length > pspec->max_length)
   149     return FALSE;
   151   switch (pspec->match_type)
   152     {
   153       gboolean dummy;
   154     case G_MATCH_ALL:
   155       return g_pattern_ph_match (pspec->pattern, string, &dummy);
   156     case G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL:
   157       if (string_reversed)
   158 	return g_pattern_ph_match (pspec->pattern, string_reversed, &dummy);
   159       else
   160 	{
   161           gboolean result;
   162           gchar *tmp;
   163 	  tmp = g_utf8_strreverse (string, string_length);
   164 	  result = g_pattern_ph_match (pspec->pattern, tmp, &dummy);
   165 	  g_free (tmp);
   166 	  return result;
   167 	}
   168     case G_MATCH_HEAD:
   169       if (pspec->pattern_length == string_length)
   170 	return strcmp (pspec->pattern, string) == 0;
   171       else if (pspec->pattern_length)
   172 	return strncmp (pspec->pattern, string, pspec->pattern_length) == 0;
   173       else
   174 	return TRUE;
   175     case G_MATCH_TAIL:
   176       if (pspec->pattern_length)
   177         return strcmp (pspec->pattern, string + (string_length - pspec->pattern_length)) == 0;
   178       else
   179 	return TRUE;
   180     case G_MATCH_EXACT:
   181       if (pspec->pattern_length != string_length)
   182         return FALSE;
   183       else
   184         return strcmp (pspec->pattern, string) == 0;
   185     default:
   186       g_return_val_if_fail (pspec->match_type < G_MATCH_LAST, FALSE);
   187       return FALSE;
   188     }
   189 }
   191 EXPORT_C GPatternSpec*
   192 g_pattern_spec_new (const gchar *pattern)
   193 {
   194   GPatternSpec *pspec;
   195   gboolean seen_joker = FALSE, seen_wildcard = FALSE, more_wildcards = FALSE;
   196   gint hw_pos = -1, tw_pos = -1, hj_pos = -1, tj_pos = -1;
   197   gboolean follows_wildcard = FALSE;
   198   guint pending_jokers = 0;
   199   const gchar *s;
   200   gchar *d;
   201   guint i;
   203   g_return_val_if_fail (pattern != NULL, NULL);
   205   /* canonicalize pattern and collect necessary stats */
   206   pspec = g_new (GPatternSpec, 1);
   207   pspec->pattern_length = strlen (pattern);
   208   pspec->min_length = 0;
   209   pspec->pattern = g_new (gchar, pspec->pattern_length + 1);
   210   d = pspec->pattern;
   211   for (i = 0, s = pattern; *s != 0; s++)
   212     {
   213       switch (*s)
   214 	{
   215 	case '*':
   216 	  if (follows_wildcard)	/* compress multiple wildcards */
   217 	    {
   218 	      pspec->pattern_length--;
   219 	      continue;
   220 	    }
   221 	  follows_wildcard = TRUE;
   222 	  if (hw_pos < 0)
   223 	    hw_pos = i;
   224 	  tw_pos = i;
   225 	  break;
   226 	case '?':
   227 	  pending_jokers++;
   228 	  pspec->min_length++;
   229 	  pspec->max_length += 4; /* maximum UTF-8 character length */
   230 	  continue;
   231 	default:
   232 	  for (; pending_jokers; pending_jokers--, i++) {
   233 	    *d++ = '?';
   234   	    if (hj_pos < 0)
   235 	     hj_pos = i;
   236 	    tj_pos = i;
   237 	  }
   238 	  follows_wildcard = FALSE;
   239 	  pspec->min_length++;
   240 	  pspec->max_length++;
   241 	  break;
   242 	}
   243       *d++ = *s;
   244       i++;
   245     }
   246   for (; pending_jokers; pending_jokers--) {
   247     *d++ = '?';
   248     if (hj_pos < 0)
   249       hj_pos = i;
   250     tj_pos = i;
   251   }
   252   *d++ = 0;
   253   seen_joker = hj_pos >= 0;
   254   seen_wildcard = hw_pos >= 0;
   255   more_wildcards = seen_wildcard && hw_pos != tw_pos;
   256   if (seen_wildcard)
   257     pspec->max_length = G_MAXUINT;
   259   /* special case sole head/tail wildcard or exact matches */
   260   if (!seen_joker && !more_wildcards)
   261     {
   262       if (pspec->pattern[0] == '*')
   263 	{
   264 	  pspec->match_type = G_MATCH_TAIL;
   265           memmove (pspec->pattern, pspec->pattern + 1, --pspec->pattern_length);
   266 	  pspec->pattern[pspec->pattern_length] = 0;
   267 	  return pspec;
   268 	}
   269       if (pspec->pattern_length > 0 &&
   270 	  pspec->pattern[pspec->pattern_length - 1] == '*')
   271 	{
   272 	  pspec->match_type = G_MATCH_HEAD;
   273 	  pspec->pattern[--pspec->pattern_length] = 0;
   274 	  return pspec;
   275 	}
   276       if (!seen_wildcard)
   277 	{
   278 	  pspec->match_type = G_MATCH_EXACT;
   279 	  return pspec;
   280 	}
   281     }
   283   /* now just need to distinguish between head or tail match start */
   284   tw_pos = pspec->pattern_length - 1 - tw_pos;	/* last pos to tail distance */
   285   tj_pos = pspec->pattern_length - 1 - tj_pos;	/* last pos to tail distance */
   286   if (seen_wildcard)
   287     pspec->match_type = tw_pos > hw_pos ? G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL : G_MATCH_ALL;
   288   else /* seen_joker */
   289     pspec->match_type = tj_pos > hj_pos ? G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL : G_MATCH_ALL;
   290   if (pspec->match_type == G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL) {
   291     gchar *tmp = pspec->pattern;
   292     pspec->pattern = g_utf8_strreverse (pspec->pattern, pspec->pattern_length);
   293     g_free (tmp);
   294   }
   295   return pspec;
   296 }
   298 EXPORT_C void
   299 g_pattern_spec_free (GPatternSpec *pspec)
   300 {
   301   g_return_if_fail (pspec != NULL);
   303   g_free (pspec->pattern);
   304   g_free (pspec);
   305 }
   307 EXPORT_C gboolean
   308 g_pattern_spec_equal (GPatternSpec *pspec1,
   309 		      GPatternSpec *pspec2)
   310 {
   311   g_return_val_if_fail (pspec1 != NULL, FALSE);
   312   g_return_val_if_fail (pspec2 != NULL, FALSE);
   314   return (pspec1->pattern_length == pspec2->pattern_length &&
   315 	  pspec1->match_type == pspec2->match_type &&
   316 	  strcmp (pspec1->pattern, pspec2->pattern) == 0);
   317 }
   319 EXPORT_C gboolean
   320 g_pattern_match_string (GPatternSpec *pspec,
   321 			const gchar  *string)
   322 {
   323   g_return_val_if_fail (pspec != NULL, FALSE);
   324   g_return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, FALSE);
   326   return g_pattern_match (pspec, strlen (string), string, NULL);
   327 }
   329 EXPORT_C gboolean
   330 g_pattern_match_simple (const gchar *pattern,
   331 			const gchar *string)
   332 {
   333   GPatternSpec *pspec;
   334   gboolean ergo;
   336   g_return_val_if_fail (pattern != NULL, FALSE);
   337   g_return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, FALSE);
   339   pspec = g_pattern_spec_new (pattern);
   340   ergo = g_pattern_match (pspec, strlen (string), string, NULL);
   341   g_pattern_spec_free (pspec);
   343   return ergo;
   344 }
   346 #define __G_PATTERN_C__
   347 #include "galiasdef.c"