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     1 /* GLIB sliced memory - fast threaded memory chunk allocator
     2  * Copyright (C) 2005 Tim Janik
     3  * Portion Copyright © 2008-09 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.
     4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     7  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     8  *
     9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  *
    14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    15  * License along with this library; if not, write to the
    16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    17  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
    18  */
    19 #include <glib.h>
    21 #include <stdio.h>
    22 #include <string.h>
    23 #include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday
    25 #define quick_rand32()  (rand_accu = 1664525 * rand_accu + 1013904223, rand_accu)
    26 static guint    prime_size = 1021; // 769; // 509
    27 static gboolean clean_memchunks = FALSE;
    28 static guint    number_of_blocks = 10000;          /* total number of blocks allocated */
    29 static guint    number_of_repetitions = 10000;     /* number of alloc+free repetitions */
    31 /* --- old memchunk prototypes (memchunks.c) --- */
    32 void            old_mem_chunks_init     (void);
    33 GMemChunk*      old_mem_chunk_new       (const gchar  *name,
    34                                          gint          atom_size,
    35                                          gulong        area_size,
    36                                          gint          type);
    37 void            old_mem_chunk_destroy   (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    38 gpointer        old_mem_chunk_alloc     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    39 gpointer        old_mem_chunk_alloc0    (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    40 void            old_mem_chunk_free      (GMemChunk *mem_chunk,
    41                                          gpointer   mem);
    42 void            old_mem_chunk_clean     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    43 void            old_mem_chunk_reset     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    44 void            old_mem_chunk_print     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
    45 void            old_mem_chunk_info      (void);
    46 #ifndef G_ALLOC_AND_FREE
    47 #define G_ALLOC_AND_FREE  2
    48 #endif
    50 /* --- functions --- */
    51 static inline gpointer
    52 memchunk_alloc (GMemChunk **memchunkp,
    53                 guint       size)
    54 {
    55   size = MAX (size, 1);
    56   if (G_UNLIKELY (!*memchunkp))
    57     *memchunkp = old_mem_chunk_new ("", size, 4096, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE);
    58   return old_mem_chunk_alloc (*memchunkp);
    59 }
    61 static inline void
    62 memchunk_free (GMemChunk *memchunk,
    63                gpointer   chunk)
    64 {
    65   old_mem_chunk_free (memchunk, chunk);
    66   if (clean_memchunks)
    67     old_mem_chunk_clean (memchunk);
    68 }
    70 static gpointer
    71 test_memchunk_thread (gpointer data)
    72 {
    73   GMemChunk **memchunks;
    74   guint i, j;
    75   guint8 **ps;
    76   guint   *ss;
    77   guint32 rand_accu = 2147483563;
    78   /* initialize random numbers */
    79   if (data)
    80     rand_accu = *(guint32*) data;
    81   else
    82     {
    83       struct timeval rand_tv;
    84       gettimeofday (&rand_tv, NULL);
    85       rand_accu = rand_tv.tv_usec + (rand_tv.tv_sec << 16);
    86     }
    88   /* prepare for memchunk creation */
    89   memchunks = g_alloca (sizeof (memchunks[0]) * prime_size);
    90   memset (memchunks, 0, sizeof (memchunks[0]) * prime_size);
    92   ps = g_new (guint8*, number_of_blocks);
    93   ss = g_new (guint, number_of_blocks);
    94   /* create number_of_blocks random sizes */
    95   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
    96     ss[i] = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
    97   /* allocate number_of_blocks blocks */
    98   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
    99     ps[i] = memchunk_alloc (&memchunks[ss[i]], ss[i]);
   100   for (j = 0; j < number_of_repetitions; j++)
   101     {
   102       /* free number_of_blocks/2 blocks */
   103       for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i += 2)
   104         memchunk_free (memchunks[ss[i]], ps[i]);
   105       /* allocate number_of_blocks/2 blocks with new sizes */
   106       for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i += 2)
   107         {
   108           ss[i] = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
   109           ps[i] = memchunk_alloc (&memchunks[ss[i]], ss[i]);
   110         }
   111     }
   112   /* free number_of_blocks blocks */
   113   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
   114     memchunk_free (memchunks[ss[i]], ps[i]);
   115   /* alloc and free many equally sized chunks in a row */
   116   for (i = 0; i < number_of_repetitions; i++)
   117     {
   118       guint sz = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
   119       guint k = number_of_blocks / 100;
   120       for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
   121         ps[j] = memchunk_alloc (&memchunks[sz], sz);
   122       for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
   123         memchunk_free (memchunks[sz], ps[j]);
   124     }
   125   /* cleanout memchunks */
   126   for (i = 0; i < prime_size; i++)
   127     if (memchunks[i])
   128       old_mem_chunk_destroy (memchunks[i]);
   129   g_free (ps);
   130   g_free (ss);
   132   return NULL;
   133 }
   135 static gpointer
   136 test_sliced_mem_thread (gpointer data)
   137 {
   138 guint i, j;
   139 guint   *ss; 
   141 guint8 **ps;
   142   guint32 rand_accu = 2147483563;
   143   /* initialize random numbers */
   144   if (data)
   145     rand_accu = *(guint32*) data;
   146   else
   147     {
   148       struct timeval rand_tv;
   149       gettimeofday (&rand_tv, NULL);
   150       rand_accu = rand_tv.tv_usec + (rand_tv.tv_sec << 16);
   151     }
   153 //guint i,j;
   154 /* guint8*/ ps = g_new (guint8*, number_of_blocks);
   155 /* guint*/  ss = g_new (guint, number_of_blocks);
   156   /* create number_of_blocks random sizes */
   157   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
   158     ss[i] = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
   159   /* allocate number_of_blocks blocks */
   160   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
   161     ps[i] = g_slice_alloc (ss[i]);
   162   for (j = 0; j < number_of_repetitions; j++)
   163     {
   164       /* free number_of_blocks/2 blocks */
   165       for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i += 2)
   166         g_slice_free1 (ss[i], ps[i]);
   167       /* allocate number_of_blocks/2 blocks with new sizes */
   168       for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i += 2)
   169         {
   170           ss[i] = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
   171           ps[i] = g_slice_alloc (ss[i]);
   172         }
   173     }
   174   /* free number_of_blocks blocks */
   175   for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++)
   176     g_slice_free1 (ss[i], ps[i]);
   177   /* alloc and free many equally sized chunks in a row */
   178   for (i = 0; i < number_of_repetitions; i++)
   179     {
   180       guint sz = quick_rand32() % prime_size;
   181       guint k = number_of_blocks / 100;
   182       for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
   183         ps[j] = g_slice_alloc (sz);
   184       for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
   185         g_slice_free1 (sz, ps[j]);
   186     }
   187   g_free (ps);
   188   g_free (ss);
   190   return NULL;
   191 }
   193 static void
   194 usage (void)
   195 {
   196   g_print ("Usage: slice-test [n_threads] [G|S|M|O][f][c] [maxblocksize] [seed]\n");
   197 }
   199 int
   200 main (int   argc,
   201       char *argv[])
   202 {
   203   gchar strseed[64] = "<random>";
   205   guint seed32, *seedp = NULL;
   206   gboolean ccounters = FALSE, use_memchunks = FALSE;
   207   guint n_threads = 1;
   208   guint i;
   209   GThread *threads[1];
   210   const gchar *mode = "slab allocator + magazine cache", *emode = " ";
   211   if (argc > 1)
   212     n_threads = g_ascii_strtoull (argv[1], NULL, 10);
   213   if (argc > 2)
   214     {
   215       guint i, l = strlen (argv[2]);
   216       for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
   217         switch (argv[2][i])
   218           {
   219           case 'G': /* GLib mode */
   220             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_ALWAYS_MALLOC, FALSE);
   221             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_BYPASS_MAGAZINES, FALSE);
   222             mode = "slab allocator + magazine cache";
   223             break;
   224           case 'S': /* slab mode */
   225             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_ALWAYS_MALLOC, FALSE);
   226             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_BYPASS_MAGAZINES, TRUE);
   227             mode = "slab allocator";
   228             break;
   229           case 'M': /* malloc mode */
   230             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_ALWAYS_MALLOC, TRUE);
   231             mode = "system malloc";
   232             break;
   233           case 'O': /* old memchunks */
   234             use_memchunks = TRUE;
   235             mode = "old memchunks";
   236             break;
   237           case 'f': /* eager freeing */
   238             g_slice_set_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_WORKING_SET_MSECS, 0);
   239             clean_memchunks = TRUE;
   240             emode = " with eager freeing";
   241             break;
   242           case 'c': /* print contention counters */
   243             ccounters = TRUE;
   244             break;
   245           default:
   246             usage();
   247             return 1;
   248           }
   249     }
   250   if (argc > 3)
   251     prime_size = g_ascii_strtoull (argv[3], NULL, 10);
   252   if (argc > 4)
   253     {
   254       seed32 = g_ascii_strtoull (argv[4], NULL, 10);
   255       seedp = &seed32;
   256     }
   258   g_thread_init (NULL);
   260   if (argc <= 1)
   261     usage();
   263  // gchar strseed[64] = "<random>";
   264   if (seedp)
   265     g_snprintf (strseed, 64, "%u", *seedp);
   266   g_print ("Starting %d threads allocating random blocks <= %u bytes with seed=%s using %s%s\n", n_threads, prime_size, strseed, mode, emode);
   268 //  GThread *threads[n_threads];
   269 //  guint i;
   270   if (!use_memchunks)
   271     for (i = 0; i < n_threads; i++)
   272       threads[i] = g_thread_create_full (test_sliced_mem_thread, seedp, 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0, NULL);
   273   else
   274     {
   275       old_mem_chunks_init();
   276       for (i = 0; i < n_threads; i++)
   277         threads[i] = g_thread_create_full (test_memchunk_thread, seedp, 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0, NULL);
   278     }
   279   for (i = 0; i < n_threads; i++)
   280     g_thread_join (threads[i]);
   282   if (ccounters)
   283     {
   284       guint n, n_chunks = g_slice_get_config (G_SLICE_CONFIG_CHUNK_SIZES);
   285       g_print ("    ChunkSize | MagazineSize | Contention\n");
   286       for (i = 0; i < n_chunks; i++)
   287         {
   288           gint64 *vals = g_slice_get_config_state (G_SLICE_CONFIG_CONTENTION_COUNTER, i, &n);
   289           g_print ("  %9llu   |  %9llu   |  %9llu\n", vals[0], vals[2], vals[1]);
   290           g_free (vals);
   291         }
   292     }
   293   else
   294     g_print ("Done.\n");
   295   return 0;
   296 }