changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // 8 and 16 bit ini file parser
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalAll
    21 */
    23 #include "IniParserImpl.h"
    24 #include "inifile.h"
    25 #include "s32file.h"
    27 namespace BSUL
    28 {
    29 /**
    30 Creates a 8 bit section content iterator
    31 this iterator is used to navigate through the key value pairs
    32 within the section.Useful when the number of keys within the 
    33 section is unknown.
    34 @param aSectionName the name of the section to iterate
    35 @param aIniDocument the document object containing the section
    36 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniSecIter8 object
    37 @leave	KErrNoMemory if not enough memory
    38 		KErrArgument if aIniDocument is NULL
    39 */
    40 EXPORT_C CIniSecIter8* CIniSecIter8::NewL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const CIniDocument8* aIniDocument)
    41 {
    42 	CIniSecIter8* self=new (ELeave)CIniSecIter8();
    43 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    44 	self->iImpl=CIniSecIter8Impl::NewL(aSectionName,aIniDocument);
    45 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    46 	return self;	
    47 }
    49 /**
    50 Return the next key value pair within the section
    51 @param aKey a pointer to contain the key name
    52 @param aValue a pointer to contain the key value
    53 @return ETrue if there are keyvalue pairs to return
    54 	    EFalse if it is already end of section
    55 @post the iterator points to the next available keyvalue pair
    56 	  the aKeyName points to  the key name
    57 	  the aKeyValue points to the key value
    58 */	
    59 EXPORT_C TBool CIniSecIter8::Next(TPtrC8& aKey,TPtrC8& aValue)
    60 {
    61 	return iImpl->Next(aKey,aValue);
    62 }
    64 /**
    65 Look ahead in the section to check whether there is 
    66 still any keyvalue pair in the section to be read
    67 @return ETrue if it is already end of section
    68 	    EFalse indicating the next keyvalue pair exists
    69 */
    70 EXPORT_C TBool CIniSecIter8::End()
    71 {
    72 	return iImpl->End();
    73 }
    75 /**
    76 Reset the iterator to point to the first keypair value within
    77 the section.
    78 @post the iterator now points to first keypair in the section
    79 */
    80 EXPORT_C void CIniSecIter8::Reset()
    81 {
    82 	iImpl->Reset();
    83 }
    85 /**
    86 Destructor
    87 */
    88 EXPORT_C CIniSecIter8::~CIniSecIter8()
    89 {
    90 	delete iImpl;
    91 }
    93 //Default constructor
    94 CIniSecIter8::CIniSecIter8()
    95 {
    96 }
    98 //
   100 /** 
   101 Opening 8 bit ini file for reading.If the supplied file name is a valid
   102 ini file, it will instantiate the object and read the content of 
   103 the ini file.If file not found it will simply instantiate the object.
   104 The file is opened for read only and close directly after the construction
   105 of this object is complete.
   106 User will need to explicitly call Externalise(aFileName) to write the content back to ini file.
   107 @param aFs the handle to the file session
   108 @param aFileName the ini file name to read from
   109 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniDocument8 object
   110 */
   111 EXPORT_C CIniDocument8* CIniDocument8::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   112 	{
   113 	CIniDocument8* self=new (ELeave)CIniDocument8();
   114 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   115 	self->iImpl=CIniDocument8Impl::NewL(aFs,aFileName);
   116 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   117 	return self;	
   118 	}
   120 /**
   121 Externalise the buffered content to an output file name
   122 This will first write into a temporary file in the same directory and path
   123 as the supplied aFileName.It will then replace the existing file or 
   124 create a new file if does not exist yet.
   125 @param aFileName the output file name to write to
   126 @return KErrNone if no error
   127 		Other System Wide errors
   128 */
   129 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::Externalise(const TDesC& aFileName)
   130 {
   131 	TRAPD(r,iImpl->FlushL(aFileName));
   132 	return r;
   133 }
   134 /**
   135 Compare this document against another for differences.
   136 @param aDoc to compare against.
   137 @return True if same
   138 		Otherwise false
   139 */
   140 EXPORT_C TBool CIniDocument8::CompareDocs(CIniDocument8& aDoc) 
   141 	{
   142 	return (iImpl->CompareDocs( *(aDoc.iImpl) ));
   143 	}	
   145 /** 
   146 Get an array of the section name present in the ini document object
   147 Note that any items inside this array will be cleared and the array will
   148 be populated with the sections' names from this document object.
   149 @param aSectionList an array of descriptor to contain the section name
   150 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes
   151 @post aSectionList contains all the section name in the document object
   152 */
   153 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::GetSectionList(RArray<TPtrC8>& aSectionList) const
   154 	{
   155 	return iImpl->GetSectionList(aSectionList);
   156 	}
   158 /**
   159 Get the value of a key within a section
   160 @param aSectionName the section where the key resides
   161 @param aKey the key name
   162 @param aValue pointer to the key value
   163 @return
   164 	KErrNotFound if either section or keyname not found
   165 	KErrNone if successful
   166 @post aKeyValue now points to the key value
   167 */
   168 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::GetKeyValue(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKey,TPtrC8& aValue) const
   169 	{
   170 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->GetKeyValueL(aSectionName,aKey,aValue));
   171 	return ret;
   172 	}
   174 /**
   175 Add a section to the ini document object
   176 @param aSectionName the name of the section to be added
   177 @return
   178 	KErrNone if successful
   179 	KErrAlreadyExists if the section with that name already exists
   180 	Any other system wide error code
   181 @post a section with that name is created and added to the document object
   182 */
   183 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::AddSection(const TDesC8& aSectionName)
   184 	{
   185 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->AddSectionL(aSectionName));
   186 	return ret;	
   187 	}
   189 /**
   190 Remove an existing section from the ini document object
   191 @param aSectionName the name of the section to be removed
   192 @return KErrNone if successful
   193 	    KErrNotFound if section does not exist
   194 	    Any other system wide error code
   195 @post if exist that section is removed from the document object	
   196 */	
   197 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::RemoveSection(const TDesC8& aSectionName)
   198 	{
   199 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->RemoveSectionL(aSectionName));
   200 	return ret;
   201 	}
   203 /**
   204 Set the value of a key within a section.
   205 This API offers the following flexibility:
   206 -If section does not exist,create a section and key and value
   207 -If section exists but key does not exist, create the key and value
   208 -Else replace the existing key value with the new value
   209 @param aSectionName the name of the section
   210 @param aKey the name of the key
   211 @param aValue the new value for this key
   212 @return
   213 	KErrNone if successful,any other system wide error code
   214 */
   215 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::SetKey(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKey,const TDesC8& aValue)
   216 	{
   217 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->SetKeyL(aSectionName,aKey,aValue));	
   218 	return ret;
   219 	}
   221 /**
   222 Remove an existing key within a section
   223 if supplied section or key name does not exist, it does nothing
   224 @param aSectionName the name of the section where the key resides
   225 @param aKey the name of the key to be removed
   226 @post if exist that key is removed from the section
   227 */
   228 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument8::RemoveKey(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKey)
   229 	{
   230 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->RemoveKeyL(aSectionName,aKey));
   231 	return ret;	
   232 	}
   234 /**
   235 Destructor
   236 */	
   237 EXPORT_C CIniDocument8::~CIniDocument8()
   238 	{
   239 	delete iImpl;
   240 	}
   242 CIniDocument8::CIniDocument8()
   243 {
   244 }
   246 //
   247 /**
   248 Creates a 8 bit light weight parser
   249 @param aFs the handle to the file session
   250 @param aFileName the ini file name to open
   251 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniFile8 object
   252 @leave	KErrNoMemory if not enough memory
   253 		KErrNotFound if the supplied file does not exist
   254 */
   255 EXPORT_C CIniFile8* CIniFile8::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   256 	{
   257 	CIniFile8* self=new (ELeave)CIniFile8;
   258 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   259 	self->iImpl=CIniFile8Impl::NewL(aFs,aFileName);
   260 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   261 	return self;
   262 	}
   264 /**
   265 Public destructor
   266 */	
   267 EXPORT_C CIniFile8::~CIniFile8()
   268 	{
   269 	delete iImpl;	
   270 	}
   272 /**
   273 Get the value of a key within a section
   274 @param aSectionName the section where the key resides
   275 @param aKeyName the key name
   276 @param aValue pointer to the key value
   277 @return
   278 	KErrNotFound if either section or keyname not found
   279 	KErrNone if successful
   280 */	
   281 EXPORT_C TInt CIniFile8::FindVar(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKeyName,TPtrC8& aValue)	const
   282 	{
   283 	return iImpl->FindVar(aSectionName,aKeyName,aValue);
   284 	}
   286 CIniFile8::CIniFile8(){}
   288 //
   289 /**
   290 Creates a 16 bit section content iterator
   291 this iterator is used to navigate through the key value pairs
   292 within the section.Useful when the number of keys within the 
   293 section is unknown.
   294 @param aSectionName the name of the section to iterate
   295 @param aIniDocument the document object containing the section
   296 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniSecIter16 object
   297 @leave	KErrNoMemory if not enough memory
   298 		KErrArgument if aIniDocument is NULL
   299 */
   300 EXPORT_C CIniSecIter16* CIniSecIter16::NewL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const CIniDocument16* aIniDocument)
   301 {
   302 	CIniSecIter16* self=new (ELeave)CIniSecIter16();
   303 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   304 	self->iImpl=CIniSecIter16Impl::NewL(aSectionName,aIniDocument);
   305 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   306 	return self;	
   307 }
   309 /**
   310 Return the next key value pair within the section
   311 @param aKey a pointer to contain the key name
   312 @param aValue a pointer to contain the key value
   313 @return ETrue if there are keyvalue pairs to return
   314 	    EFalse if it is already end of section
   315 @post the iterator points to the next available keyvalue pair
   316 	  the aKeyName points to  the key name
   317 	  the aKeyValue points to the key value
   318 */	
   319 EXPORT_C TBool CIniSecIter16::Next(TPtrC16& aKey,TPtrC16& aValue)
   320 {
   321 	return iImpl->Next(aKey,aValue);
   322 }
   324 /**
   325 Look ahead in the section to check whether there is 
   326 still any keyvalue pair in the section to be read
   327 @return ETrue if it is already end of section
   328 	    EFalse indicating the next keyvalue pair exists
   329 */
   330 EXPORT_C TBool CIniSecIter16::End()
   331 {
   332 	return iImpl->End();
   333 }
   335 /**
   336 Reset the iterator to point to the first keypair value within
   337 the section.
   338 @post the iterator now points to first keypair in the section
   339 */
   340 EXPORT_C void CIniSecIter16::Reset()
   341 {
   342 	iImpl->Reset();
   343 }
   345 /**
   346 Destructor
   347 */
   348 EXPORT_C CIniSecIter16::~CIniSecIter16()
   349 {
   350 	delete iImpl;
   351 }
   353 //Default constructor
   354 CIniSecIter16::CIniSecIter16()
   355 {
   356 }
   358 //
   360 /** 
   361 Opening 16 bit ini file for reading.If the supplied file name is a valid
   362 ini file, it will instantiate the object and read the content of 
   363 the ini file.If file not found it will simply instantiate the object.
   364 The file is opened for read only and close directly after the construction
   365 of this object is complete.
   366 User will need to explicitly call Externalise(aFileName) to write the content back to ini file.
   367 @param aFs the handle to the file session
   368 @param aFileName the ini file name to read from
   369 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniDocument16 object
   370 */
   371 EXPORT_C CIniDocument16* CIniDocument16::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   372 	{
   373 	CIniDocument16* self=new (ELeave)CIniDocument16();
   374 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   375 	self->iImpl=CIniDocument16Impl::NewL(aFs,aFileName);
   376 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   377 	return self;	
   378 	}
   380 /**
   381 Flush the buffered content to an output file name
   382 This will first write into a temporary file in the same directory and path
   383 as the supplied aFileName.It will then replace the existing file or 
   384 create a new file if does not exist yet.
   385 @param aFileName the output file name to write to
   386 @return KErrNone if no error
   387 		Other System Wide errors
   388 */
   389 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::Externalise(const TDesC& aFileName)
   390 {
   391 	TRAPD(r,iImpl->FlushL(aFileName));
   392 	return r;
   393 }
   395 /** 
   396 Get an array of the section name present in the ini document object
   397 Note that any items inside this array will be cleared and the array will
   398 be populated with the sections' names from this document object.
   399 @param aSectionList an array of descriptor to contain the section name
   400 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes
   401 @post aSectionList contains all the section name in the document object
   402 */
   403 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::GetSectionList(RArray<TPtrC16>& aSectionList) const
   404 	{
   405 	return iImpl->GetSectionList(aSectionList);
   406 	}
   408 /**
   409 Get the value of a key within a section
   410 @param aSectionName the section where the key resides
   411 @param aKey the key name
   412 @param aValue pointer to the key value
   413 @return
   414 	KErrNotFound if either section or keyname not found
   415 	KErrNone if successful
   416 @post aKeyValue now points to the key value
   417 */
   418 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::GetKeyValue(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKey,TPtrC16& aValue) const
   419 	{
   420 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->GetKeyValueL(aSectionName,aKey,aValue));
   421 	return ret;
   422 	}
   424 /**
   425 Add a section to the ini document object
   426 @param aSectionName the name of the section to be added
   427 @return
   428 	KErrNone if successful
   429 	KErrAlreadyExists if the section with that name already exists
   430 	Any other system wide error code
   431 @post a section with that name is created and added to the document object
   432 */
   433 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::AddSection(const TDesC16& aSectionName)
   434 	{
   435 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->AddSectionL(aSectionName));
   436 	return ret;	
   437 	}
   439 /**
   440 Remove an existing section from the ini document object
   441 @param aSectionName the name of the section to be removed
   442 @return KErrNone if successful
   443 	    KErrNotFound if section does not exist
   444 	    Any other system wide error code
   445 @post if exist that section is removed from the document object	
   446 */	
   447 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::RemoveSection(const TDesC16& aSectionName)
   448 	{
   449 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->RemoveSectionL(aSectionName));
   450 	return ret;
   451 	}
   453 /**
   454 Set the value of a key within a section.
   455 This API offers the following flexibility:
   456 -If section does not exist,create a section and key and value
   457 -If section exists but key does not exist, create the key and value
   458 -Else replace the existing key value with the new value
   459 @param aSectionName the name of the section
   460 @param aKey the name of the key
   461 @param aValue the new value for this key
   462 @return
   463 	KErrNone if successful,any other system wide error code
   464 */
   465 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::SetKey(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKey,const TDesC16& aValue)
   466 	{
   467 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->SetKeyL(aSectionName,aKey,aValue));	
   468 	return ret;
   469 	}
   471 /**
   472 Remove an existing key within a section
   473 if supplied section or key name does not exist, it does nothing
   474 @param aSectionName the name of the section where the key resides
   475 @param aKey the name of the key to be removed
   476 @post if exist that key is removed from the section
   477 */
   478 EXPORT_C TInt CIniDocument16::RemoveKey(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKey)
   479 	{
   480 	TRAPD(ret,iImpl->RemoveKeyL(aSectionName,aKey));
   481 	return ret;	
   482 	}
   483 /**
   484 Compare two document objects. If names, keys or values differ, a false is returned,
   485 else a true is returned.
   486 @param aDoc name of the document to compare against this object.
   487 */
   488 EXPORT_C TBool CIniDocument16::CompareDocs(CIniDocument16& aDoc)	
   489 	{
   490 	return (iImpl->CompareDocs( *(aDoc.iImpl) ));
   491 	}	
   492 /**
   493 Destructor
   494 */	
   495 EXPORT_C CIniDocument16::~CIniDocument16()
   496 	{
   497 	delete iImpl;
   498 	}
   500 CIniDocument16::CIniDocument16(){}
   502 //
   503 /**
   504 Creates a 16 bit light weight parser
   505 @param aFs the handle to the file session
   506 @param aFileName the ini file name to open
   507 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniFile16 object
   508 @leave	KErrNoMemory if not enough memory
   509 		KErrNotFound if the supplied file does not exist
   510 */
   511 EXPORT_C CIniFile16* CIniFile16::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   512 	{
   513 	return CIniFile16::NewL(aFs,aFileName,EFalse);
   514 	}
   516 /**
   517 Creates a 16 bit light weight parser
   518 @param aFs the handle to the file session
   519 @param aFileName the ini file name to open
   520 @param aConvert8To16 upconvert 8 bit files otherwise leave with KErrCorrupt
   521 @return A pointer to a newly created CIniFile16 object
   522 @leave	KErrNoMemory if not enough memory
   523 		KErrNotFound if the supplied file does not exist
   524 */
   525 EXPORT_C CIniFile16* CIniFile16::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName,TBool aConvert8To16)
   526 	{
   527 	CIniFile16* self=new (ELeave)CIniFile16;
   528 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   529 	self->iImpl=CIniFile16Impl::NewL(aFs,aFileName,aConvert8To16);
   530 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   531 	return self;
   532 	}
   534 /**
   535 Public Destructor
   536 */	
   537 EXPORT_C CIniFile16::~CIniFile16()
   538 	{
   539 	delete iImpl;	
   540 	}
   542 /**
   543 Get the value of a key within a section
   544 @param aSectionName the section where the key resides
   545 @param aKeyName the key name
   546 @param aValue pointer to the key value
   547 @return
   548 	KErrNotFound if either section or keyname not found
   549 	KErrNone if successful
   550 */		
   551 EXPORT_C TInt CIniFile16::FindVar(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKeyName,TPtrC16& aValue)const
   552 	{
   553 	return iImpl->FindVar(aSectionName,aKeyName,aValue);
   554 	}
   556 CIniFile16::CIniFile16(){}
   558 //
   560 CIniDocument8Impl* CIniDocument8Impl::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   561 {
   562 	CIniDocument8Impl* self= new (ELeave) CIniDocument8Impl();
   563 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   564 	self->ConstructL(aFs,aFileName);
   565 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   566 	return self;
   567 }
   569 // This method will panic if, when reading the input configuration file, a key
   570 // is attempted to be processed without a valid section name being already defined.
   571 void CIniDocument8Impl::ConstructL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   572 {
   573 	TInt    filesize=0;
   574 	TInt    startOfLine=0;
   575 	CIniSection8* section = NULL;
   576 	HBufC8* fileBuffer=NULL;
   577 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniDocumentTmpl8(aFs,ETrue);
   579 	TRAPD(ret,GetBufferL(aFs,aFileName,fileBuffer));
   580 	//if the file is not found, assume we are creating a new file.
   581 	if (ret==KErrNotFound)
   582 		{
   583 		return;
   584 		}
   585 	User::LeaveIfError(ret);
   586 	if (!fileBuffer)
   587 		{	
   588 		return;	
   589 		}	
   590 	CleanupStack::PushL(fileBuffer);
   591 	filesize = fileBuffer->Length();
   592 	TPtrC8 bufferDescriptor = fileBuffer->Des();
   593 	while (startOfLine < filesize)
   594 		{
   595 		TPtrC8 myBuffer = ExtractLineFromBuffer<HBufC8, TPtrC8>(bufferDescriptor, startOfLine);
   596 		CIniLine8* line = CIniLine8::NewLC(myBuffer);
   597 		startOfLine += (line->LineBuffer()).Length();
   599 		switch(line->LineType())
   600 			{
   601 			case ESection:
   602 			 	section = CIniSection8::NewLC(line);
   603 			 	iTempImpl->AddSectionL(section);
   604 			 	CleanupStack::Pop(section);
   605 			 	break;
   607 			case EKeyValue:
   608 				{
   609 				CIniKey8* key = CIniKey8::NewLC(line);
   610 				if (section == NULL)
   611 					{
   612 					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);	//Unnamed sections within the file are not allowed but not preventable, hence leave if found. 
   613 					}
   614 			 	section->InsertKeyL(key);
   615 			 	CleanupStack::Pop(key);
   616 			 	break;
   617 				}
   619 			case EComment:
   620 				break;
   622 			default:
   623 				User::Panic(_L("Invalid LineType"), KErrCorrupt);	// programming error.
   624 			}
   625 		iTempImpl->AppendIntoQueue(line);
   626 		CleanupStack::Pop(line);
   627 		}
   628 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileBuffer);
   629 }
   631 void CIniDocument8Impl::FlushL(const TDesC& aFileName)
   632 {
   633 	iTempImpl->FlushL(aFileName);
   634 }
   636 TInt CIniDocument8Impl::GetSectionList(RArray<TPtrC8>& aSectionList) const
   637 {
   638 	return iTempImpl->GetSectionList(aSectionList);
   639 }
   641 void CIniDocument8Impl::GetKeyValueL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKeyName,TPtrC8& aKeyValue) const
   642 {
   643 	iTempImpl->GetKeyValueL(aSectionName,aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   644 }
   646 void CIniDocument8Impl::AddSectionL(const TDesC8& aSectionName)
   647 {
   648 	iTempImpl->AddSectionL(aSectionName);
   649 }
   651 void CIniDocument8Impl::RemoveSectionL(const TDesC8& aSectionName)
   652 {
   653 	iTempImpl->RemoveSectionL(aSectionName);
   654 }
   656 void CIniDocument8Impl::SetKeyL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKeyName,const TDesC8& aKeyValue)
   657 {
   658 	iTempImpl->SetKeyL(aSectionName,aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   659 }
   661 void CIniDocument8Impl::RemoveKeyL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const TDesC8& aKeyName)
   662 {
   663 	iTempImpl->RemoveKeyL(aSectionName,aKeyName);
   664 }
   666 CIniDocument8Impl::~CIniDocument8Impl()
   667 {
   668 	delete iTempImpl;
   669 }
   671 CIniSection8* CIniDocument8Impl::SectionL(const TDesC8& aSectionName) const
   672 {
   673 	return iTempImpl->SectionL(aSectionName);
   674 }
   676 TBool CIniDocument8Impl::CompareDocs(CIniDocument8Impl& aDocImpl) 
   677 {
   678 	return(iTempImpl->CompareDocs(*aDocImpl.iTempImpl));
   679 }
   681 //
   682 CIniDocument16Impl* CIniDocument16Impl::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   683 {
   684 	CIniDocument16Impl* self= new (ELeave) CIniDocument16Impl();
   685 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   686 	self->ConstructL(aFs,aFileName);
   687 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   688 	return self;
   689 }
   691 void CIniDocument16Impl::ConstructL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   692 {
   693 	TInt    filesize=0;
   694 	TInt    startOfLine=0;
   695 	CIniSection16* section = NULL;
   696 	HBufC8* fileBuffer=NULL;
   697 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniDocumentTmpl16(aFs,EFalse);
   699 	TRAPD(ret,GetBufferL(aFs,aFileName,fileBuffer));
   700 	//if the file is not found, assume we are creating a new file.
   701 	if (ret==KErrNotFound)
   702 		{
   703 		return;
   704 		}
   705 	User::LeaveIfError(ret);
   706 	if (!fileBuffer)
   707 		{	
   708 		return;	
   709 		}	
   710 	CleanupStack::PushL(fileBuffer);
   711 	filesize = fileBuffer->Length()/2;
   713 	// process the filemark at the start of the file.
   714 	const TUint16* rawptr16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(fileBuffer->Ptr());
   715 	TPtrC16 bufferPtr;
   717 	//must always start with the byte ordering characters
   718 	bufferPtr.Set(rawptr16,1);
   719 	if (bufferPtr.Compare(_L("\xFEFF"))!=0)
   720 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   721 	//skip the byte ordering character(FEFF) assuming little endian
   722 	bufferPtr.Set(rawptr16+1,(filesize - 1));	
   724 	while (startOfLine < (filesize-1))
   725 		{
   726 		TPtrC16 myBuffer = ExtractLineFromBuffer<HBufC16, TPtrC16>(bufferPtr, startOfLine);
   727 		CIniLine16* line = CIniLine16::NewLC(myBuffer);
   728 		startOfLine += (line->LineBuffer()).Length();
   730 		TLineType lineType = line->LineType();
   731 		switch (lineType)
   732 			{
   733 			case ESection:
   734 				section = CIniSection16::NewLC(line);
   735 				iTempImpl->AddSectionL(section);
   736 			 	CleanupStack::Pop(section);
   737 			 	break;
   739 			case EKeyValue:
   740 				{
   741 				CIniKey16* key = CIniKey16::NewLC(line);
   743 				if (section == NULL)
   744 					{
   745 					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);	//Unnamed sections are not allowed hence leave if found.
   746 					}
   747 				section->InsertKeyL(key);
   748 				CleanupStack::Pop(key);
   749 			 	break;
   750 				}
   752 			case EComment:
   753 				break;
   755 			default:
   756 				User::Panic(_L("Invalid LineType"), KErrCorrupt);
   757 			}
   758 		iTempImpl->AppendIntoQueue(line);
   759 		CleanupStack::Pop(line);
   760 	}	
   761 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileBuffer);
   762 }
   764 void CIniDocument16Impl::FlushL(const TDesC& aFileName)
   765 {
   766 	iTempImpl->FlushL(aFileName);
   767 }
   769 TInt CIniDocument16Impl::GetSectionList(RArray<TPtrC16>& aSectionList) const
   770 {
   771 	return iTempImpl->GetSectionList(aSectionList);
   772 }
   774 void CIniDocument16Impl::GetKeyValueL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKeyName,TPtrC16& aKeyValue) const
   775 {
   776 	iTempImpl->GetKeyValueL(aSectionName,aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   777 }
   779 void CIniDocument16Impl::AddSectionL(const TDesC16& aSectionName)
   780 {
   781 	iTempImpl->AddSectionL(aSectionName);
   782 }
   784 void CIniDocument16Impl::RemoveSectionL(const TDesC16& aSectionName)
   785 {
   786 	iTempImpl->RemoveSectionL(aSectionName);
   787 }
   789 void CIniDocument16Impl::SetKeyL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKeyName,const TDesC16& aKeyValue)
   790 {
   791 	iTempImpl->SetKeyL(aSectionName,aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   792 }
   794 void CIniDocument16Impl::RemoveKeyL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const TDesC16& aKeyName)
   795 {
   796 	iTempImpl->RemoveKeyL(aSectionName,aKeyName);
   797 }
   799 CIniDocument16Impl::~CIniDocument16Impl()
   800 	{
   801 	delete iTempImpl;
   802 	}
   804 CIniSection16* CIniDocument16Impl::SectionL(const TDesC16& aSectionName) const
   805 {
   806 	return iTempImpl->SectionL(aSectionName);
   807 }
   809 TBool CIniDocument16Impl::CompareDocs(CIniDocument16Impl& aDocImpl) 
   810 {
   811 	return(iTempImpl->CompareDocs(*(aDocImpl.iTempImpl)));
   812 }
   814 //	
   816 CIniSecIter8Impl* CIniSecIter8Impl::NewL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const CIniDocument8* aIniDocument) 
   817 	{
   818 	CIniSecIter8Impl* self=new (ELeave)CIniSecIter8Impl();
   819 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   820 	self->ConstructL(aSectionName,aIniDocument);
   821 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   822 	return self;
   823 	}
   825 void CIniSecIter8Impl::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aSectionName,const CIniDocument8* aIniDocument)
   826 	{
   827 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniSecIterTmpl8();
   828 	if (!aIniDocument)
   829 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   830 	iTempImpl->iSection=aIniDocument->iImpl->SectionL(aSectionName);
   831 	}
   833 TBool CIniSecIter8Impl::Next(TPtrC8& aKeyName,TPtrC8& aKeyValue)	
   834 	{
   835 	return iTempImpl->Next(aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   836 	}
   838 void CIniSecIter8Impl::Reset()
   839 	{
   840 	iTempImpl->Reset();	
   841 	}
   843 //
   844 CIniSecIter16Impl* CIniSecIter16Impl::NewL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const CIniDocument16* aIniDocument) 
   845 	{
   846 	CIniSecIter16Impl* self=new (ELeave)CIniSecIter16Impl();
   847 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   848 	self->ConstructL(aSectionName,aIniDocument);
   849 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   850 	return self;
   851 	}
   853 void CIniSecIter16Impl::ConstructL(const TDesC16& aSectionName,const CIniDocument16* aIniDocument)
   854 	{
   855 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniSecIterTmpl16();
   856 	if (!aIniDocument)
   857 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);	
   858 	iTempImpl->iSection=aIniDocument->iImpl->SectionL(aSectionName);
   859 	}
   861 TBool CIniSecIter16Impl::Next(TPtrC16& aKeyName,TPtrC16& aKeyValue)	
   862 	{
   863 	return iTempImpl->Next(aKeyName,aKeyValue);
   864 	}
   866 void CIniSecIter16Impl::Reset()
   867 	{
   868 	iTempImpl->Reset();
   869 	}
   871 //
   872 CIniFile8Impl* CIniFile8Impl::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   873 	{
   874 	CIniFile8Impl* self=new (ELeave)CIniFile8Impl;
   875 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   876 	self->ConstructL(aFs,aFileName);
   877 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   878 	return self;
   879 	}
   881 void CIniFile8Impl::ConstructL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)
   882 	{
   883 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniFileTmpl8();
   884 	HBufC8* tempBuffer=NULL;
   885 	//read the file
   886 	GetBufferL(aFs,aFileName,tempBuffer);
   887 	if (tempBuffer)
   888 		{
   889 		CleanupStack::PushL(tempBuffer);
   890 		iTempImpl->ProcessBufferL(*tempBuffer);
   891 		CleanupStack::Pop();
   892 		delete tempBuffer;
   893 		}
   894 	}
   896 TInt CIniFile8Impl::FindVar(const TDesC8& aSection,const TDesC8& aKey,TPtrC8& aValue)
   897 	{
   898 	return iTempImpl->FindVar(aSection,aKey,aValue);	
   899 	}
   901 //
   902 CIniFile16Impl* CIniFile16Impl::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName,TBool aConvert8To16)
   903 	{
   904 	CIniFile16Impl* self=new (ELeave)CIniFile16Impl;
   905 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   906 	self->ConstructL(aFs,aFileName,aConvert8To16);
   907 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   908 	return self;
   909 	}
   911 void CIniFile16Impl::ConstructL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName,TBool aConvert8To16)
   912 	{
   913 	iTempImpl=new (ELeave)CIniFileTmpl16();
   914 	HBufC8* tempBuffer=NULL;
   915 	//read the file
   916 	GetBufferL(aFs,aFileName,tempBuffer);
   917 	if (tempBuffer)
   918 		{
   919 		CleanupStack::PushL(tempBuffer);
   920 		TPtrC16 bufferPtr;
   921 		const TUint16* rawptr16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(tempBuffer->Ptr());
   922 		//must always start with the byte ordering characters
   923 		bufferPtr.Set(rawptr16,1);
   924 		if (bufferPtr.Compare(_L("\xFEFF"))==0)
   925 			{
   926 			//skip the byte ordering character(FEFF) assuming little endian
   927 			bufferPtr.Set(rawptr16+1,(tempBuffer->Length()/2)-1);
   928 			}
   929 		else
   930 			{
   931 			//byte ordering characters not found, so leave, unless we should upconvert
   932 			if (!aConvert8To16)
   933 				{			
   934 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   935 				}
   936 			//treat as an 8-bit file and upconvert to 16
   937 			HBufC16* tempBuffer16=HBufC16::NewL(tempBuffer->Length());
   938 			tempBuffer16->Des().Copy(*tempBuffer);
   939 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuffer);
   940 			CleanupStack::PushL(tempBuffer16);	
   941 			bufferPtr.Set(*tempBuffer16);
   942 			}	
   943 		iTempImpl->ProcessBufferL(bufferPtr);
   944 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   945 		}
   946 	}
   948 TInt CIniFile16Impl::FindVar(const TDesC16& aSection,const TDesC16& aKey,TPtrC16& aValue)
   949 	{
   950 	return iTempImpl->FindVar(aSection,aKey,aValue);	
   951 	}
   953 }//namespace