changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Written by DavidW, October 1996
    15 // Descriptor arrays
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #if !defined(__BADESCA_H__)
    20 #define __BADESCA_H__
    22 #if !defined(__BAMDESCA_H__)
    23 #include <bamdesca.h>
    24 #endif
    26 #if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
    27 #include <e32base.h>
    28 #endif
    31 class CDesC8Array : public CArrayFixBase, public MDesC8Array
    32 /** An implementation base class for 8 bit descriptor arrays. 
    34 It provides some of the behaviour for 8 bit descriptor arrays. The class is 
    35 abstract and cannot be instantiated. 
    36 @publishedAll
    37 @released
    38 */
    39 	{
    40 protected:
    41 	IMPORT_C CDesC8Array(TBufRep aRep,TInt aGranularity);
    42 public:
    43     IMPORT_C ~CDesC8Array();
    44 	IMPORT_C void AppendL(const TDesC8& aPtr);
    45 	IMPORT_C void InsertL(TInt aPos,const TDesC8& aPtr);
    46 	IMPORT_C TInt InsertIsqL(const TDesC8& aPtr,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
    47 	IMPORT_C TInt InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const TDesC8& aPtr,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
    48 	IMPORT_C void Sort(TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
    49 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC8& aPtr,TInt& aPos,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded) const;
    50 	IMPORT_C TInt FindIsq(const TDesC8& aPtr,TInt& aPos,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded) const;
    51 	IMPORT_C void Delete(TInt aPos);
    52 	IMPORT_C void Delete(TInt aIndex,TInt aCount);
    53 	IMPORT_C void Reset();
    54 	inline TPtrC8 operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
    55 // from MDesC8Array
    56     IMPORT_C TInt MdcaCount() const;
    57 	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
    58 	};
    60 inline TPtrC8 CDesC8Array::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
    61 	{ return(MdcaPoint(aIndex)); }
    64 class CDesC8ArrayFlat : public CDesC8Array
    65 /** An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer.
    66 "bafl.lib" 
    67 @since 5.0
    68 @publishedAll
    69 @released
    70 */
    71 	{
    72 public:
    73 	IMPORT_C CDesC8ArrayFlat(TInt aGranularity);
    74     IMPORT_C ~CDesC8ArrayFlat();
    75 	};
    78 class CDesC8ArraySeg : public CDesC8Array
    79 /** An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer. 
    80 "bafl.lib"
    81 @since 5.0
    82 @publishedAll
    83 @released
    84 */
    85 	{
    86 public:
    87 	IMPORT_C CDesC8ArraySeg(TInt aGranularity);
    88     IMPORT_C ~CDesC8ArraySeg();
    89 	};
    92 class CDesC16Array : public CArrayFixBase, public MDesC16Array
    93 /** An implementation base class for 16 bit descriptor arrays. It provides some 
    94 of the behaviour for 16 bit descriptor arrays.
    96 The class is abstract and cannot be instantiated. 
    97 " bafl.lib "
    98 @since 5.0
    99 @publishedAll
   100 @released
   101 */
   102 	{
   103 protected:
   104 	IMPORT_C CDesC16Array(TBufRep aRep,TInt aGranularity);
   105 public:
   106     IMPORT_C ~CDesC16Array();
   107 	IMPORT_C void AppendL(const TDesC16& aPtr);
   108 	IMPORT_C void InsertL(TInt aPos,const TDesC16& aPtr);
   109 	IMPORT_C TInt InsertIsqL(const TDesC16& aPtr,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
   110 	IMPORT_C TInt InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const TDesC16& aPtr,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
   111 	IMPORT_C void Sort(TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded);
   112 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC16& aPtr,TInt& aPos,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded) const;
   113 	IMPORT_C TInt FindIsq(const TDesC16& aPtr,TInt& aPos,TKeyCmpText aTextComparisonType=ECmpFolded) const;
   114 	IMPORT_C void Delete(TInt aPos);
   115 	IMPORT_C void Delete(TInt aIndex,TInt aCount);
   116 	IMPORT_C void Reset();
   117 	inline TPtrC16 operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
   118 // from MDesC16Array
   119     IMPORT_C TInt MdcaCount() const;
   120 		IMPORT_C TPtrC16 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
   121 	};
   125 inline TPtrC16 CDesC16Array::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
   126 /** Returns a non-modifiable descriptor to represent the descriptor
   127 element located at the specified index within the array.
   129 @param aIndex The position of the descriptor element within the array. 
   130 The position is relative to zero; i.e. zero implies the first descriptor 
   131 element in the array. This value must be non-negative and less than the
   132 number of descriptors currently within the array otherwise the operator 
   133 panics with
   134 @code
   135 EArrayIndexOutOfRange
   136 @endcode
   137 @return A 16 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor. */
   138  { return(MdcaPoint(aIndex)); }
   141 class CDesC16ArrayFlat : public CDesC16Array
   142 /** Array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer. 
   143 "bafl.lib  
   144 @since 5.0
   145 @publishedAll
   146 @released
   147 */
   148 	{
   149 public:
   150 	IMPORT_C CDesC16ArrayFlat(TInt aGranularity);
   151     IMPORT_C ~CDesC16ArrayFlat();
   152 	};
   155 class CDesC16ArraySeg : public CDesC16Array
   156 /** An array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer. 
   157 "bafl.lib"
   158 @since 5.0
   159 @publishedAll
   160 @released
   161 */
   162 	{
   163 public:
   164 	IMPORT_C CDesC16ArraySeg(TInt aGranularity);
   165     IMPORT_C ~CDesC16ArraySeg();
   166 	};
   169 class CPtrC8Array : public CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC8>, public MDesC8Array
   170 /** Array of 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC8, implemented using 
   171 a flat buffer.
   172 "bafl.lib" 
   173 @since 5.0
   174 @publishedAll
   175 @released
   176 */
   177 	{
   178 public:
   179 	IMPORT_C CPtrC8Array(TInt aGranularity);
   180 	IMPORT_C ~CPtrC8Array();
   181 //
   182 	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const MDesC8Array& aArray);
   183     inline void operator=(const MDesC8Array& aArray);
   184 // Mixin members
   185     IMPORT_C TInt MdcaCount() const;
   186     IMPORT_C TPtrC8 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
   187 	};
   190 class CPtrC16Array : public CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC16>, public MDesC16Array
   191 /** An array of 16 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC16, implemented 
   192 using a flat buffer. 
   193 "bafl.lib"
   194 @since 5.0
   195 @publishedAll
   196 @released
   197 */
   198 	{
   199 public:
   200 	IMPORT_C CPtrC16Array(TInt aGranularity);
   201 	IMPORT_C ~CPtrC16Array();
   202 //
   203 	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const MDesC16Array& aArray);
   204     inline void operator=(const MDesC16Array& aArray);
   205 // Mixin members
   206     IMPORT_C TInt MdcaCount() const;
   207     IMPORT_C TPtrC16 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
   208 	};
   211 inline void CPtrC8Array::operator=(const MDesC8Array& aArray)
   212 /** Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing
   213 elements.
   215 The function constructs TPtrC8 elements for each descriptor element
   216 in the specified descriptor array. This operator behaves in the 
   217 same ways as CPtrC8Array::CopyL().
   219 @param aArrayA reference to any descriptor array which satisfies
   220 the protocol defined by this mixin class. */
   221 	{CopyL(aArray);}
   224 inline void CPtrC16Array::operator=(const MDesC16Array& aArray)
   225 /** Copies a descriptor array into this array, deleting any pre-existing
   226 elements.
   228 The function constructs TPtrC16 elements for each descriptor element
   229 in the specified descriptor array.This operator behaves in the 
   230 same ways as CPtrC16Array::CopyL().
   232 @param aArray A reference to any descriptor array which satisfies
   233 the protocol defined by this mixin class. */
   234 	{CopyL(aArray);}
   236 // generic text array definitions
   238 #if defined (_UNICODE)
   239 /** Build independent implementation base class for descriptor arrays.
   241 @see CDesC8Array
   242 @see CDesC16Array 
   243 @publishedAll
   244 @released
   245 */
   246 typedef CDesC16Array     CDesCArray;
   248 /** Build independent array of descriptors implemented using a flat buffer.
   250 @see CDesC8ArrayFlat
   251 @see CDesC16ArrayFlat
   252 @publishedAll
   253 @released
   254 */
   255 typedef CDesC16ArrayFlat CDesCArrayFlat;
   257 /** Build independent array of descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer.
   259 @see CDesC16ArraySeg
   260 @see CDesC8ArraySeg 
   261 @publishedAll
   262 @released
   263 */
   264 typedef CDesC16ArraySeg  CDesCArraySeg;
   266 /** Build independent array of non-modifiable pointer descriptors.
   268 A 16 bit build variant is generated for a Unicode build and an 8 bit build 
   269 variant generated for a non-Unicode build.
   271 This build independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8 bit 
   272 or 16 bit build variant is required.
   274 @see CPtrC16Array
   275 @see CPtrC8Array 
   276 @publishedAll
   277 @released
   278 */
   279 typedef CPtrC16Array CPtrCArray;
   280 #else
   281 /** Build independent implementation base class for descriptor arrays.
   283 @see CDesC8Array
   284 @see CDesC16Array 
   285 @publishedAll
   286 @released
   287 */
   288 typedef CDesC8Array      CDesCArray;
   289 /** Build independent array of descriptors implemented using a flat buffer.
   291 @see CDesC8ArrayFlat
   292 @see CDesC16ArrayFlat
   293 @publishedAll
   294 @released
   295 */
   296 typedef CDesC8ArrayFlat  CDesCArrayFlat;
   297 /** Build independent array of descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer.
   299 @see CDesC16ArraySeg
   300 @see CDesC8ArraySeg 
   301 @publishedAll
   302 @released
   303 */
   304 typedef CDesC8ArraySeg   CDesCArraySeg;
   305 /** Build independent array of non-modifiable pointer descriptors.
   307 A 16 bit build variant is generated for a Unicode build and an 8 bit build 
   308 variant generated for a non-Unicode build.
   310 This build independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8 bit 
   311 or 16 bit build variant is required.
   313 @see CPtrC16Array
   314 @see CPtrC8Array 
   315 @publishedAll
   316 @released
   317 */
   318 typedef CPtrC8Array CPtrCArray;
   319 #endif
   322 #endif // __BADESCA_H__