changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Panics
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #ifndef __BAFLPAN_H__
    19 #define __BAFLPAN_H__
    21 //If you add/change TBafPanic enum - don't forget to add/change
    22 //related "leave" error code to KErrorMapTbl array.
    23 //Enum item value is used as an index to access related "leave"
    24 //error code into KErrorMapTbl array.
    25 /**
    26 @publishedPartner
    27 @released
    28 */
    29 enum TBafPanic
    30 	{
    31 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    32 	*/
    33 	EBafPanicResourceLongerThanBuffer				=1,
    34 	/** Out of range index passed to RIncrMatcherBase::FirstMatchingIndex()
    35 	*/
    36 	EBafPanicMatcherOutOfRange						=2,
    37 	/** Maximum length passed to RTextBuf::SetMaxLengthL() was <=0
    38 	*/
    39 	EBafPanicTextBufOutOfRange						=3,
    40 	/** This panic is raised by the Read...() member functions and the Advance() member function of TResourceReader, when the current position in the resource buffer is moved beyond the end of the buffer.
    41 	*/
    42 	EBafPanicResourceReaderEndExceeded				=4,
    43 	/** This panic is raised by TResourceReader::Rewind(), when the current position in the resource buffer is moved before the start of the buffer.
    44 	*/
    45 	EBafPanicResourceReaderStartExceeded			=5,
    46 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    47 	*/
    48 	EBafPanicBulkDataWriting						=6,
    49 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    50 	*/
    51 	EBafPanicBulkDataNotWriting						=7,
    52 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    53 	*/
    54 	EBafPanicBulkDataCannotSaveToFile				=8,
    55 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    56 	*/
    57 	EBafPanicBulkDataNotEmbedded					=9,
    58 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    59 	*/
    60 	EBafPanicSoundDataCannotChangeCompressorType	=10,
    61 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    62 	*/
    63 	EBafPanicSoundPlaying							=11,
    64 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    65 	*/
    66 	EBafPanicSoundSamplerActive						=12,
    67 	/** This panic is raised when either iLibrary.Handle() != KNullHandle or iPtr != NULL, indicating that an assosciation has already been set
    68 	*/
    69 	EBafPanicLibAssocAlreadySet						=13,
    70 	/** No path specified in sound info passed to CBaSystemSoundArray::SetSoundL()
    71 	*/
    72 	EBafPanicSystemSoundNoPath						=14,
    73 	/** This panic is raised by TResourceReader::ReadTPtrC16(), when it detects that the alignment of Unicode strings within the resource is incorrect, i.e. the buffer is of an incorrect length for reading a Unicode string.
    74 	*/
    75 	EBafPanicUnicodeTextPaddingError				=15,
    76 	/** no longer used
    77 	*/
    78 	EBafPanicOldResourceFormat						=16,
    79 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
    80 	*/
    81 	EBafPanicInvalidSoundCategory					=17,
    82 	/** Invalid system sound priority set
    83 	*/
    84 	EBafPanicInvalidSoundPriority					=18,
    85 	/** NULL UID passed to CBaNamedPlugins::IndexOfUid()
    86 	*/
    87 	EBafPanicNullUid								=19,
    88 	/** Bad resource file format found when constructing a CBaNamedPlugins object
    89 	*/
    90 	EBafPanicBadResourceFileFormat					=20,
    91 	/** The array position at which the text representing the choice of no plug-in is to be inserted, is invalid. The panic is raised by CBaNamedPlugins::ConstructL()
    92 	*/
    93 	EBafPanicBadArrayPosition						=21,
    94 	/** An invalid comparison algorithm or no comparison algorithm supplied when sorting the plug-in names in the implementation of CBaNamedPlugins::ConstructL()
    95 	*/
    96 	EBafPanicBadCompareNames						=22,
    97 	/** This panic is raised when the drive specified to be a clipboard drive is invalid and non-writable
    98 	*/
    99 	EBafPanicBadDrive								=23,
   100 	/** This panic is raised when there is a mismatch between the number of input bytes which are consumed and the length of the compressed unicode
   101 	*/
   102 	EBafPanicBadDecompression						=24,
   103 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes for an index is not even
   104 	*/
   105 	EBafPanicIndexIsOddNumberOfBytes				=25,
   106 	/** This panic is raised when every flag is set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources
   107 	*/
   108 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfResources					=26,
   109 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes cached is not equal to the size of the cache
   110 	*/
   111 	EBafPanicBadCacheLength							=27,
   112 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes still to retrieve is not equal to the length of the buffer
   113 	*/
   114 	EBafPanicBadIndexLength1						=28,
   115 	/** Length of the buffer does not equal number of bytes of index
   116 	*/
   117 	EBafPanicBadIndexLength2						=29,
   118 	/** Inconsistency check failed when caching the resource file index
   119 	*/
   120 	EBafPanicBadIndexLength3						=30,
   121 	/** This panic is raised if RResourceFileImpl::OpenL is called and the flag EFlagIsRomFile is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources
   122 	*/
   123 	EBafPanicBadInitialization1						=31,
   124 	/** This panic is raised if RResourceFileImpl::ReadHeaderAndResourceIndexL is called and no flags are set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources
   125 	*/
   126 	EBafPanicBadInitialization2						=32,
   127 	/** The value of iOffset is not equal to zero
   128 	*/
   129 	EBafPanicBadInitialization3						=33,
   130 	/** Index is greater or equal to the number of bytes of the input, causing index to be out of bounds
   131 	*/
   132 	EBafPanicIndexOverRan							=34,
   133 	/** __ASSERT_ALWAYS This panic is raised if a pointer is null
   134 	*/
   135 	EBafPanicNullPointer							=35,
   136 	/** Data members are not initialized(probably - OpenL() hasn't been called)
   137 	*/
   138 	EBafPanicNotOpened								=36,
   139 	/** Index to an array is negative, out of bounds
   140 	*/
   141 	EBafPanicNegativeArrayIndex						=37,
   142 	/** Attempt to access past the end of the stream from RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::IndexOfDictionaryEntryL()
   143 	*/
   144 	EBafPanicEndOfStream1							=38,
   145 	/** Attempt to access past the end of the stream from RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::ReadL()
   146 	*/
   147 	EBafPanicEndOfStream2							=39,
   148 	/** This panic is raised when there are no consecutive prefix bits
   149 	*/
   150 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfConsecutivePrefixBits1		=40,
   151 	/** This panic is raised when the number of consecutive prefix bits is greater than 4
   152 	*/
   153 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfConsecutivePrefixBits2		=41,
   154 	/** This panic is raised if the number of bits off byte boundary is negative
   155 	*/
   156 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfBitsOffByteBoundary1		=42,
   157 	/** Inconsistency check failed when decompressing a resource file
   158 	*/
   159 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfBitsOffByteBoundary2		=43,
   160 	/** Panic raised when the offset value is less than zero in RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::OpenL
   161 	*/
   162 	EBafPanicNegativeOffsetToFirstBit1				=44,
   163 	/** Panic raised when the offset value is less than zero in RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::EndOfStreamL
   164 	*/
   165 	EBafPanicNegativeOffsetToFirstBit2				=45,
   166 	/** This panic is raised if the offset to the current bit is less than the offset to the first bit
   167 	*/
   168 	EBafPanicBadCurrentBitPosition1					=46,
   169 	/** This panic is raised if the offset to the current bit is more than the offset to the last bit
   170 	*/
   171 	EBafPanicBadCurrentBitPosition2					=47,
   172 	/** No bits were read from the current byte
   173 	*/
   174 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfBitsReadFromCurrentByte		=48,
   175 	/** Read operation has gone over the length of the buffer to read, number of bits left to read is negative
   176 	*/
   177 	EBafPanicBadNumberOfBitsLeftToRead				=49,
   178 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer has not been initialised and is NULL when a call to RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::EndOfStreamL is made
   179 	*/
   180 	EBafPanicNotConstructed1						=50,
   181 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer has not been initialised and is NULL when a call to RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::IndexOfDictionaryEntryL is made
   182 	*/
   183 	EBafPanicNotConstructed2						=51,
   184 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer has not been initialised and is NULL when a call to RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::ReadL is made
   185 	*/
   186 	EBafPanicNotConstructed3						=52,
   187 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer has not been initialised and is NULL when a call to RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::CurrentBitIsOn is made
   188 	*/
   189 	EBafPanicNotConstructed4						=53,
   190 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer has not been initialised and is NULL when a call to RDictionaryCompressionBitStream::ReadIntegerL is made
   191 	*/
   192 	EBafPanicNotConstructed5						=54,
   193 	/** The length of the bit buffer is negative
   194 	*/
   195 	EBafPanicNegativeLengthOfBitBuffer				=55,
   196 	/** Index to the resource's bit-array is negative
   197 	*/
   198 	EBafPanicNegativeResourceIndex1					=56,
   199 	/** Index to the resource's bit-array is negative
   200 	*/
   201 	EBafPanicNegativeResourceIndex2					=57,
   202 	/** Index to the resource's bit-array is negative
   203 	*/
   204 	EBafPanicNegativeResourceIndex3					=58,
   205 	/** The flag EFlagDictionaryCompressed is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::AllocReadLC and flag EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource is set
   206 	*/
   207 	EBafPanicBadFlags1								=59,
   208 	/** The flag EFlagThirdUidIsOffset is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::AllocReadLC and flag EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource is set
   209 	*/
   210 	EBafPanicBadFlags2								=60,
   211 	/** The flag EFlagDictionaryCompressed is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::OwnsResourceIdL and flag EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource is set
   212 	*/
   213 	EBafPanicBadFlags3								=61,
   214 	/** The flag EFlagThirdUidIsOffset is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::OwnsResourceIdL and flag EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource is set
   215 	*/
   216 	EBafPanicBadFlags4								=62,
   217 	/** The flag EFlagDictionaryCompressed is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::OwnsResourceIdL and flag EFlagFirstResourceIsGeneratedBitArrayOfResourcesContainingCompressedUnicode is set
   218 	*/
   219 	EBafPanicBadFlags5								=63,
   220 	/** The flag EFlagDictionaryCompressed is not set in iFlagsAndNumberOfResources in call to RResourceFileImpl::AllocReadLC and flag EFlagFirstResourceIsGeneratedBitArrayOfResourcesContainingCompressedUnicode is set
   221 	*/
   222 	EBafPanicBadFlags6								=64,
   223 	/** Index parameter specified is less than zero, out of bounds
   224 	*/
   225 	EBafPanicNegativeIndexEntry						=65,
   226 	/** This panic is raised if the size of the largest resource when completely uncompressed is not positive
   227 	*/
   228 	EBafPanicBadSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed1=66,
   229 	/** This panic is raised if the size of the largest resource when completely uncompressed is not greater than 0 in RResourceFileImpl::DecompressUnicodeL
   230 	*/
   231 	EBafPanicBadSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed2=67,
   232 	/** This panic is raised if the size of the largest resource when completely uncompressed is not greater than 0
   233 	*/
   234 	EBafPanicBadSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed3=68,
   235 	/** The header length is not the correct length (16+1+2+2)
   236 	*/
   237 	EBafPanicBadHeaderLength						=69,
   238 	/** This panic is raised when iBuffer is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::MovePtrL. DEBUG build only.
   239 	*/
   240 	EBafPanicNullPtr1								=70,
   241 	/** This panic is raised when aPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::MovePtrL. DEBUG build only.
   242 	*/
   243 	EBafPanicNullPtr2								=71,
   244 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC8L. DEBUG build only.
   245 	*/
   246 	EBafPanicNullPtr3								=72,
   247 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC16L. DEBUG build only.
   248 	*/
   249 	EBafPanicNullPtr4								=73,
   250 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt8L. DEBUG build only.
   251 	*/
   252 	EBafPanicNullPtr5								=74,
   253 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint8L. DEBUG build only.
   254 	*/
   255 	EBafPanicNullPtr6								=75,
   256 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt16L. DEBUG build only.
   257 	*/
   258 	EBafPanicNullPtr7								=76,
   259 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint16L. DEBUG build only
   260 	*/
   261 	EBafPanicNullPtr8								=77,
   262 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt32L. DEBUG build only.
   263 	*/
   264 	EBafPanicNullPtr9								=78,
   265 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint32L. DEBUG build only.
   266 	*/
   267 	EBafPanicNullPtr10								=79,
   268 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::ReadL. DEBUG build only.
   269 	*/
   270 	EBafPanicNullPtr11								=80,
   271 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::RewindL. DEBUG build only.
   272 	*/
   273 	EBafPanicNullPtr12								=81,
   274 	/** This panic is raised when iCurrentPtr is NULL in call to TResourceReaderImpl::AdvanceL. DEBUG build only.
   275 	*/
   276 	EBafPanicNullPtr13								=82,
   277 	/** Obsolete, panic code not raised anymore
   278 	*/
   279 	EBafPanicNullPtr14								=83,
   280 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes for an index is negative in RResourceFileImpl::ReadHeaderAndResourceIndexL
   281 	*/
   282 	EBafPanicNegativeNumber							=84,
   283 	/** Panic caused by a header with length less than 18
   284 	*/
   285 	EBafPanicBadHeader1								=85,
   286 	/** Panic caused by a header with length less than 18
   287 	*/
   288 	EBafPanicBadHeader2								=86,
   289 	/** Panic caused by a header with length less than or equal to 10
   290 	*/
   291 	EBafPanicBadHeader3								=87,
   292 	/** This panic is raised when there is a negative number of dictionary entries
   293 	*/
   294 	EBafPanicBadHeader4								=88,
   295 	/** This panic is raised if the index for the start of the resource is negative
   296 	*/
   297 	EBafPanicBadHeader5								=89,
   298 	/** This panic is raised if the filesize is not equal to the expected value
   299 	*/
   300 	EBafPanicFileSize								=90,
   301 	/** This panic is raised if appending data to an object would cause the length to exceed the maximum length for that object
   302 	*/
   303 	EBafPanicOverflow								=91,
   304 	/** This panic is raised when an index into an array is over the size of the array
   305 	*/
   306 	EBafPanicBadIndex								=92,
   307 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes for an index is negative in RResourceFileImpl::AppendDictionaryCompressionBitStreamL
   308 	*/
   309 	EBafPanicNegativeNumber2						=93,
   310 	/** This panic is raised when the filesize is not greater than in RResourceFileImpl::OpenL
   311 	*/
   312 	EBafPanicFileSize2								=94,
   313 	/** This panic is raised when the number of bytes for an index is negative in RResourceFileImpl::DictionaryDecompressedResourceDataLC
   314 	*/
   315 	EBafPanicNegativeNumber3						=95,
   316 	/** This panic is raised if the aPos argument to RResourceFileImpl::ReadL is less than the file offset
   317 	*/
   318 	EBafPanicNegativePos							=96,
   319 	/** This panic is raised if the aLength argument to RResourceFileImpl::ReadL is negative
   320 	*/
   321 	EBafPanicNegativeLength							=97,
   322 	/** This panic is raised if the aLength argument to RResourceFileImpl::ReadL is greater than the maximum length of aDes descriptor argument
   323 	*/
   324 	EBafPanicMaxLength								=98,
   325 	/** This panic is raised if the index to a resource is greater than the length of the object containing the resource
   326 	*/
   327 	EBafPanicBadIndex2								=99,
   328 	/** This panic is raised if the index to a resource is greater than the length of the object containing the resource
   329 	*/
   330 	EBafPanicBadIndex3								=100,
   331 	/** This panic is raised if the buffer length + 1 equals or exceeds the maximum length of the buffer
   332 	*/
   333 	EBafPanicMaxLength2								=101,
   334 	/** Inconsistency check failed when resding a resource file
   335 	*/
   336 	EBafPanicFileSize3								=102,
   337 	/** This panic is raised when the start position is equal to or greater than the file size
   338 	*/
   339 	EBafPanicStartPos								=103,
   340 	/** This panic is raised when the start position is equal to or greater than the file size
   341 	*/
   342 	EBafPanicStartPos2								=104,
   343 	/** This panic is raised if the number of bytes to load will exceed the filesize from the start position
   344 	*/
   345 	EBafPanicFileSize4								=105,
   346 	/** This panic is raised when the first offset is not smaller than the file size
   347 	*/
   348 	EBafPanicBadOffset								=106,
   349 	/** This panic is raised when the last offset is not smaller than or equal to the file size
   350 	*/
   351 	EBafPanicBadOffset2								=107,
   352 	/** Arguments inconsistent i.e reference an invalid drive or offset position 
   353 	*/
   354 	EBafPanicBadOpenArg								=108,
   355 	/** This panic is raised when the buffer to append the data to will not fit that much data
   356 	*/
   357 	EBafPanicBufLength								=109,
   358 	/** This panic is raised when the RFs argument to SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevel, SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL and SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL is passed without being "connected".
   359 	*/
   360 	EBafPanicRFsConnectArg								=110
   361 	};
   363 /**
   364 @internalComponent
   365 */
   366 GLREF_C void Panic(TBafPanic aPanic);
   368 #endif