changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bassnd.h>
    17 #include <baflpan.h>
    18 #include <basched.h>
    19 #include <bautils.h>
    20 #include "BaSsndStore.h"
    22 const TInt KSystemSoundArrayGranularity	=4;
    23 const TInt KNullFixedSequence=-1;
    25 // Full path and name of system sound file.
    26 _LIT(KSystemSoundFilePath,"_:\\system\\data\\syssnd.dat");
    27 // Buffer descriptor to hold full path and name of system sound file. 
    28 typedef TBuf<28> TSystemSoundFileName; // a multiple of 4
    30 _LIT(KSystemSoundDefaultSound,"z:\\system\\SystemSounds\\ring.wav");
    31 _LIT(KSystemSoundDefaultRing,"z:\\system\\SystemSounds\\ring.wav");
    32 _LIT(KSystemSoundDefaultAlarm,"z:\\system\\SystemSounds\\alarm.wav");
    33 _LIT(KSystemSoundDefaultMessage,"z:\\system\\SystemSounds\\message.wav");
    35 //
    36 // class TBaSystemSoundType
    37 //
    39 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundType::TBaSystemSoundType()
    40 	: iMajor(KNullUid), iMinor(KNullUid)
    41 /** Constructs a TBaSystemSoundType object with a null category and instance. */
    42 	{}
    45 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundType::TBaSystemSoundType(TBaSystemSoundUid aMajor,TUid aMinor)
    46 	: iMajor(aMajor), iMinor(aMinor)
    47 /** Constructs a TBaSystemSoundType object with the specified category and, optionally, 
    48 instance.
    50 @param aMajor The category, this can be a file, tone or sequence. 
    51 @param aMinor The instance of the category. This is optional. */
    52 	{}
    55 EXPORT_C TBool TBaSystemSoundType::operator==(const TBaSystemSoundType& aType) const
    56 /** Tests whether the sound's category and instance are the same as that specified.
    58 @param aType The category and instance to test.
    59 @return ETrue if the sound's category and instance is the same as aType, EFalse 
    60 otherwise. */
    61 	{
    62 	return (iMajor==aType.iMajor && iMinor==aType.iMinor);
    63 	}
    65 //
    66 // class TBaSystemSoundInfo
    67 //
    68 TBool TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone::IsNull() const
    69 /** Tests whether the sound's category and instance are null.
    70 @internalAll
    71 @return    ETrue if the sound's category and  instance are null, EFalse 
    72 otherwise. */	
    73     {
    74 	return iFrequency==0 && iDuration.Int()==0;
    75 	}
    78 void TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
    79 /**
    80 @internalAll 
    81 Gets a tone's frequency and duration.
    83 @param aStream The stream from which the tone's frequency and duration is read. 
    84 */
    85 	{
    86 	iFrequency=aStream.ReadInt32L();
    87 	iDuration=aStream.ReadInt32L();
    88 	}
    91 void TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
    92 /**
    93 @internalAll 
    94 Saves a tone's frequency and duration.
    96 @param aStream The stream to which the tone's frequency and duration is 
    97 written.
    98 */
   100 	{
   101 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iFrequency);
   102 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iDuration.Int());
   103 	}
   105 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo()
   106 	: iType(KNullUid,KNullUid), iVolume(KSystemSoundDefaultVolume), iPriority(KSystemSoundDefaultPriority),
   107 				iName(KNullDesC), iFixedSequence(KNullFixedSequence), iTone(TTone())
   108 /** Constructs a default TBaSystemSoundInfo object. This object has a null type, 
   109 default volume, default priority, null name, null fixed sequence, and tone 
   110 of TTone. */
   111 	{}
   113 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType& aType,const TBaSystemSoundName& aName,
   114 														TInt aVolume,TInt aPriority)
   115 	: iType(aType), iVolume(aVolume), iPriority(aPriority), iName(aName),
   116 				iFixedSequence(KNullFixedSequence), iTone(TTone())
   117 /** Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and file name. 
   118 The sound has default volume and priority.
   120 @param aType Sound type
   121 @param aName Sound name
   122 @param aVolume Sound volume
   123 @param aPriority Sound priority */
   124 	{}
   126 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType& aType,TInt aFixedSequence,
   127 														TInt aVolume,TInt aPriority)
   128 	: iType(aType), iVolume(aVolume), iPriority(aPriority), iName(KNullDesC),
   129 				iFixedSequence(aFixedSequence), iTone(TTone())
   130 /** Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and sequence. 
   131 The sound has default volume and priority.
   133 @param aType Sound type
   134 @param aFixedSequence Sound sequence
   135 @param aVolume Sound volume
   136 @param aPriority Sound priority */
   137 	{}
   139 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo::TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType& aType,TTone aTone,
   140 														TInt aVolume,TInt aPriority)
   141 	: iType(aType), iVolume(aVolume), iPriority(aPriority), iName(KNullDesC),
   142 				iFixedSequence(KNullFixedSequence), iTone(aTone)
   143 /** Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and tone. The 
   144 sound has default volume and priority.
   146 @param aType Sound type
   147 @param aTone Sound tone
   148 @param aVolume Sound volume
   149 @param aPriority Sound priority */
   150 	{}
   153 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo::TSoundCategory TBaSystemSoundInfo::SoundCategory() const
   154 /** Gets the sound's category.
   156 @return The system sound's category, or NULL if the sound is not a file, sequence, 
   157 or tone. */
   158 	{
   159 	TBaSystemSoundInfo::TSoundCategory cat=TBaSystemSoundInfo::ENull;
   160 	 if (!iTone.IsNull())
   161 		cat=TBaSystemSoundInfo::ETone;
   162 	else if (iName.Length())
   163 		cat=TBaSystemSoundInfo::EFile;
   164 	else if (iFixedSequence!=KNullFixedSequence)
   165 		cat=TBaSystemSoundInfo::ESequence;
   166 	return cat;
   167 	}
   170 EXPORT_C void TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetFixedSequenceNumber(TInt aNumber)
   171 /** Replaces the current sound with the specified sequence number.
   173 @param aNumber The sequence number with which to replace the current sound. */
   174 	{
   175 	iFixedSequence=aNumber;
   176 	iName=KNullDesC();
   177 	iTone=TTone();
   178 	}
   181 EXPORT_C void TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetFileName(const TBaSystemSoundName& aFileName)
   182 /** Replaces the current sound with the specified file.
   184 @param aFileName The file with which to replace the current sound. */
   185 	{
   186 	iFixedSequence=KNullFixedSequence;
   187 	iName=aFileName;
   188 	iTone=TTone();
   189 	}
   192 EXPORT_C void TBaSystemSoundInfo::SetTone(const TTone& aTone)
   193 /** Replaces the current sound with the specified tone.
   195 @param aTone The tone with which to replace the current sound. */
   196 	{
   197 	iFixedSequence=KNullFixedSequence;
   198 	iName=KNullDesC();
   199 	iTone=aTone;
   200 	}
   201 /** Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
   202 Presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>()
   203 can be used to internalise objects of this class.
   205 @param aStream The stream from which the object is to be internalised.
   206 @internalAll 
   207 */
   208 void TBaSystemSoundInfo::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   209 	{
   210 	aStream >> iType.iMajor;
   211 	aStream >> iType.iMinor;
   212 	iVolume = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   213 	iPriority = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   215 	TSoundCategory cat = (TSoundCategory)aStream.ReadInt32L();
   216 	switch (cat)
   217 		{
   218 		case EFile:
   219 			{
   220 			TUint16 pathLength = aStream.ReadUint16L();
   221 			if (pathLength > iName.MaxLength())
   222 				{
   223 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   224 				}
   225 			TUint16* buf = const_cast<TUint16*>(iName.Ptr());
   226 			aStream.ReadL(buf, pathLength);
   227 			iName.SetLength(pathLength);
   229 			iFixedSequence=KNullFixedSequence;
   230 			iTone=TTone();
   231 			}
   232 			break;
   234 		case ESequence:
   235 			iFixedSequence = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   236 			iName=KNullDesC;
   237 			iTone=TTone();
   238 			break;
   240 		case ETone:
   241 			aStream >> iTone;
   242 			iName=KNullDesC;
   243 			iFixedSequence=KNullFixedSequence;
   244 			break;
   246 		default:
   247 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   248 		}
   249 	}
   251 /** Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
   252 The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
   253 can be used to externalise objects of this class. 
   255 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised.
   256 */
   257 void TBaSystemSoundInfo::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   258 	{
   259 	aStream << iType.iMajor;
   260 	aStream << iType.iMinor;
   261 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iVolume);
   262 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iPriority);
   264 	TSoundCategory cat = SoundCategory();
   265 	aStream.WriteInt32L((TInt32)cat);
   267 	switch (cat)
   268 		{
   269 		case TBaSystemSoundInfo::EFile:
   270 			{
   271 			// Do it this way so that in InternalizeL we can check
   272 			// for data corruption.
   273 			TUint16 pathLength = iName.Length();
   274 			aStream.WriteUint16L(pathLength);
   275 			aStream.WriteL(iName.Ptr(), pathLength);
   276 			}
   277 			break;
   278 		case TBaSystemSoundInfo::ESequence:
   279 			aStream.WriteInt32L( iFixedSequence );
   280 			break;
   281 		case TBaSystemSoundInfo::ETone:
   282 			aStream << iTone;
   283 			break;
   284 		default:
   285 			// object not initialized
   286 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   287 		}
   288 	}
   290 //
   291 // class BaSystemSound
   292 //
   294 EXPORT_C TInt BaSystemSound::GetSound(RFs& /* aFsSession */,const TBaSystemSoundType& aType,TBaSystemSoundInfo& aInfo)
   295 /** Gets sound information from storage.
   297 @param aFsSession unused parameter kept for compatibility reason.
   298 @param aType unique identifier of the sound. aType encapsulates a major
   299 and optionally a minor UID. The major UID specifes the sound category
   300 while the minor UID specifies an instance of the category. 
   301 @param aInfo On return, the sound.
   302 @return KErrNone if successful, or one of the system wide errors if 
   303 unsuccessful. */
   304 	{ // static
   305 	CBaSsndStore* soundStore(NULL);
   306 	TRAPD(err, soundStore = CBaSsndStore::NewL() );
   308 	if (err == KErrNone)
   309 		{
   310 		err = soundStore->GetSound(aType, aInfo);
   312 		if (err == KErrNotFound && aType.iMinor != KNullUid)
   313 			{
   314 			TBaSystemSoundType tmpType(aType.iMajor);
   315 			err = soundStore->GetSound(tmpType, aInfo);
   316 			}
   318 		delete soundStore; // finish with the pointer
   319 		} // CBaSsndStore::NewL is successful
   321 	// err can be from CBaSsndStore::NewL or CBaSsndStore::GetSound
   322 	if (err != KErrNone)
   323 		{
   324 		aInfo.SetFileName( DefaultSound(aType.iMajor) );
   325 		aInfo.iVolume=KSystemSoundDefaultVolume;
   326 		aInfo.iPriority=KSystemSoundDefaultPriority;
   327 		}
   329 	return err;
   330 	}
   333 EXPORT_C void BaSystemSound::SetSoundL(RFs& /* aFsSession */,const TBaSystemSoundInfo& aInfo)
   334 /** Adds the specified sound to the system sound table if it does not 
   335 already exist in the table. If the sound already exists then overwrite
   336 the entry in the sound table.
   338 @param aFsSession unused parameter kept for backward compatibility.
   339 @param aInfo The sound to add to the system sound table. 
   340 @capability WriteDeviceData Note only clients with WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully 
   341 call this API. 
   342 @leave KErrPermissionDenied caller does not have WriteDeviceData capability.
   343 @leave KErrArgument if the sound has not been initialized.
   344 Other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
   345 */
   346 	{ // static
   347 	TBaSystemSoundInfo::TSoundCategory cat = aInfo.SoundCategory();
   348 	if (cat == TBaSystemSoundInfo::ENull)
   349 		{
   350 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   351 		}
   353 	//check that the name includes a path
   354 #ifdef _DEBUG
   355 	if (cat == TBaSystemSoundInfo::EFile)
   356 		{
   357 		TFileName fullpath = BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName(
   358 			aInfo.FileName() );
   359 		if (fullpath.Length()==0)
   360 			{
   361 			Panic(EBafPanicSystemSoundNoPath);
   362 			}
   363 		}
   364 #endif
   365 	CBaSsndStore* ssndStore = CBaSsndStore::NewL();
   366 	CleanupStack::PushL(ssndStore);
   367 	ssndStore->SetSoundL(aInfo);
   368 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ssndStore);
   369 	}
   371 /**
   372 Returns the system sound filename.
   374 This function is now deprecated. System sounds are now stored in Central Repository.
   375 The function still returns the file name, but the file is no longer read from nor written to.
   376 There is no guarantee that the file exists.
   378 Client code which uses the filename for backup and restore
   379 purposes should be removed. Central Repository handles backup and
   380 restore of system sound settings.
   382 Client code that uses the filename for change notification
   383 must use KSystemSoundRepositoryUID to connect to Central Repository and
   384 must register for group notification on system sound repository
   385 changes. For example, if you used code such as:
   386 @code
   387 iFs.Connect() ;
   388 TFileName soundFileName = BaSystemSound ::SystemSoundFile();
   389 iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, iRequestStatus, soundFileName);
   390 @endcode
   391 you would now use:
   392 @code
   393 const Tuint32 KDoNotCareValue = 0 ;
   394 const Tuint32 KAllMask = 0 ;
   395 iRepository = CRepository ::NewL(KBaSsndRepositoryUid);
   396 iRepository.NotifyRequest(KDoNotCareValue, KAllMask, iRequestStatus);
   397 @endcode
   399 @see CRepository::NotifyRequest()
   400 @deprecated
   401 */
   402 EXPORT_C TFileName BaSystemSound::SystemSoundFile()
   403 	{ // static
   404 	TSystemSoundFileName filename(KSystemSoundFilePath);
   405 	filename[0] = 'A' + static_cast<TInt>(RFs::GetSystemDrive());
   406 	return filename;
   407 	}
   409 TBaSystemSoundName BaSystemSound::DefaultSound(TBaSystemSoundUid aSSUid)
   410 	{ // static
   411 	TBaSystemSoundName name;
   412 	if (aSSUid==KSystemSoundRingUID )
   413 		name=KSystemSoundDefaultRing;
   414 	else if (aSSUid==KSystemSoundAlarmUID )
   415 		name=KSystemSoundDefaultAlarm;
   416 	else if (aSSUid==KSystemSoundMessageUID )
   417 		name=KSystemSoundDefaultMessage;
   418 	else
   419 		name=KSystemSoundDefaultSound;
   420 	return name;
   421 	}
   423 //
   424 // class CBaSystemSoundArray
   425 //
   427 /**
   428 	@internalAll*/ 
   429 CBaSystemSoundArray::CBaSystemSoundArray()
   430 	: iSystemSounds(KSystemSoundArrayGranularity)
   432 	{}
   434 /**
   435 	@internalAll*/
   436 CBaSystemSoundArray::~CBaSystemSoundArray()
   437 	{	
   438 	iSystemSounds.Reset();
   439 	}
   441 EXPORT_C CBaSystemSoundArray* CBaSystemSoundArray::NewL()
   442 	{
   443 	CBaSystemSoundArray* self=new(ELeave) CBaSystemSoundArray;
   444 	return self;
   445 	}
   446 EXPORT_C CBaSystemSoundArray* CBaSystemSoundArray::NewLC()
   447 	{
   448 	CBaSystemSoundArray* self=CBaSystemSoundArray::NewL();
   449 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   450 	return self;
   451 	}
   453 /** Retrieves all instances of a sound category.
   454 @param aFsSession unused parameter kept for backward compatibility
   455 @param aSSuid specifies the sound category to retrieve.
   456 */
   457 EXPORT_C void CBaSystemSoundArray::RestoreL(RFs& /* aFsSession */,TBaSystemSoundUid aSSUid)
   458 	{
   459 	iUid=aSSUid;
   460 	iSystemSounds.Reset();
   462 	CBaSsndStore* ssndStore = CBaSsndStore::NewL();
   463 	CleanupStack::PushL(ssndStore);
   464 	User::LeaveIfError( ssndStore->GetSoundCategory(aSSUid, iSystemSounds) );
   465 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ssndStore);
   466 	}
   468 EXPORT_C TBaSystemSoundInfo CBaSystemSoundArray::At(TInt aIndex)
   469 	{
   470 	return iSystemSounds[aIndex];
   471 	}
   473 EXPORT_C TInt CBaSystemSoundArray::Count()
   474 	{
   475 	return iSystemSounds.Count();
   476 	}
   478 //
   479 // class TBaSoundPriorityBase
   480 //
   482 const TInt KPrefEpocMask		=0x0000FF00;
   483 const TInt KPrefDeviceMask		=0xFFFF0000;
   485 EXPORT_C TMdaPriorityPreference TBaSoundPriorityBase::PriorityPreference() const
   486 	{
   487 	TInt pref=0;
   488 	pref=(iPriority&KPrefEpocMask)>>8;
   489 	pref|=(iPriority&KPrefDeviceMask);
   490 	return static_cast<TMdaPriorityPreference>(pref);
   491 	}
   493 /**
   494 	@internalAll*/ 
   495 void TBaSoundPriorityBase::Set(TInt aPriority,TMdaPriorityPreference aPriorityPreference)
   497 {
   498 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPriority>=EMdaPriorityMin && aPriority<=EMdaPriorityMax,Panic(EBafPanicInvalidSoundPriority));
   499 	iPriority=0;
   500 	*(TInt8*)&iPriority=(TInt8)aPriority;
   501 	iPriority|=((aPriorityPreference<<8)&KPrefEpocMask);
   502 	iPriority|=(aPriorityPreference&KPrefDeviceMask);
   503 	}
   505 //
   506 // class TBaSoundPriorityEncoder
   507 //
   509 EXPORT_C TBaSoundPriorityEncoder::TBaSoundPriorityEncoder(TInt aPriority,TMdaPriorityPreference aPriorityPreference)
   510 	{
   511 	Set(aPriority,aPriorityPreference);
   512 	}