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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #ifndef __EXAMPLERESOLVER_H__
    18 #define __VRESOLVER_H__
    20 #include "Resolver.h"
    21 #include "RegistryData.h"
    23 class TEComResolverParams;
    25 /**
    26 	@since 7.0
    27 	Controls the identification, (resolution), of which implementation 
    28 	will be used to satisfy an interface implementation instantiation.
    29  */
    30 class CExampleResolver : public CResolver
    31 {
    32 public:
    33 /**
    34 	@fn				NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
    35 	Intended Usage	: Standardized safe construction which leaves nothing 
    36 					on the cleanup stack.	
    37 	Error Condition	: Cannot fully construct because of memory limitations.	
    38 	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
    39 	@since			7.0
    40 	@return			A pointer to the new class
    41 	@post			CExampleResolver is fully constructed, 
    42 					and initialized.
    43  */
    44 	static CExampleResolver* NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry);
    46 /**
    47 	@fn				~CExampleResolver()
    48 	Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
    49 	Error Condition	: None	
    50 	@since			7.0
    51  */
    52 	~CExampleResolver();
    54 /**
    55 	@fn				IdentifyImplementationL(TUid aInterfaceUid, 
    56 											const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
    57 	Intended Usage	:	Request that the resolver identify the most appropriate 
    58 						interface implementation.
    59 	Error Condition	:	
    60 	@since			7.0
    61 	@param			aInterfaceUid The interface for which implementations are requested
    62 	@param			aAdditionalParameters Data to be used to refine the search further
    63 	@return			The Uid of the best fit interface implementation - KNullUid if no match is found
    64 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed and initialized
    65 	@post			Registry contents are not modified but registry keys may be updated
    66  */
    67 	TUid IdentifyImplementationL(TUid aInterfaceUid, const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const;
    69 /**
    70 	@fn				ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid, const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
    71 	Intended Usage	:	List all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface.
    72 	Error Condition	:	
    73 	@since			7.0
    74 	@param			aInterfaceUid The interface for which implementations are requested
    75 	@param			aAdditionalParameters Data to be used to refine the search further
    76 	@return			Pointer to an array of suitable implementations. Ownership of this array
    77 	is passed to the calling function.
    78 	@pre 			Object is fully constructed and initialized
    79 	@post			Registry contents are not modified but registry keys may be updated
    80  */
    81 	RImplInfoArray* ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid, 
    82 							 const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters)const ;
    84 private:
    85 /**
    86 	@internalComponent
    87 	@fn				CExampleResolver(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
    88 	Intended Usage	: Standardized default c'tor	
    89 	Error Condition	: None	
    90 	@since			7.0
    91 	@post			CExampleResolver is fully constructed
    92  */
    93 	explicit CExampleResolver(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry);
    95 /**
    96 	@fn				Resolve(const RImplInfoArray& aImplementationsInfo, 
    97 							const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
    98 	Intended Usage	:	Called by IdentifyImplementationL to select an appropriate 
    99 					implementation from a list of possibles
   100 	@since			7.0
   101 	@param			aImplementationsInfo Information on the potential implementations
   102 	@param			aAdditionalParameters The data to match against to detemine the 
   103 					implementation
   104 	@return			The Uid of the selected implementation - KNullUid if no match is found
   105 	@pre 			This object is fully constructed
   106  */
   107 	TUid Resolve(const RImplInfoArray& aImplementationsInfo, 
   108 				 const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const;
   110 /**
   111 	@fn				Match(const TDesC8& aImplementationType, 
   112 						  const TDesC8& aMatchType, 
   113 						  TBool aUseWildcards) const
   114 	Intended Usage	:	Searches for a match of a data type on an implementation type.
   115 	Match returns ETrue if aMatchType is found within aImplementationType according to 
   116 	the following rules:
   117 	1) aImplementationType is treated as a series of descriptors separated by double 
   118 	bars (||). ETrue is returned if aMatchType matches exactly any of the short 
   119 	descriptors.  If no double bar is present then aImplementationType is treated as a
   120 	single descriptor.
   121 	2) If aUseWildcards == ETrue then a '?' in aMatchType will be matched to any single
   122 	character and '*' will be matched to any series of characters.
   123 	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
   124 	@since			7.0
   125 	@param			aImplementationType The implementation data type to search for a match
   126 	@param			aMatchType The data to search for
   127 	@param			aUseWildcards ETrue if wildcard matching should be allowed
   128 	@return			ETrue if a match was found, EFalse otherwise
   129 	@pre 			This object is fully constructed
   130  */
   131 	TBool Match(const TDesC8& aImplementationType, 
   132 				const TDesC8& aMatchType, 
   133 				TBool aUseWildcards) const;
   135 private:
   136 	mutable RImplInfoArray* iImplementationInfoArray;
   137 };
   139 #endif // __EXAMPLERESOLVER_H__