changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <e32test.h>
    17 #include <e32panic.h>
    18 #include <f32file.h>
    19 #include <bautils.h>
    21 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    22 #include "EComUidCodes.h"
    23 #include "Interface.h"
    24 #include "T_PlatSecInterface.h"
    25 #include "../EcomTestUtils/EcomTestUtils.h"
    26 #include "LoadManager.h"
    28 /**----------------------------Client CAP-----------------------------------------
    29              Client Capability Set="ReadUserData" "WriteUserData"
    30 */
    31 /** ---------------------------Plugins used in this test case----------------------
    32 - T_PlatSecECom1.dll in DRIVE Z:
    33   Details:-Resource file=102026AB.rss
    34 		  -Capability Set="ReadUserData" "WriteUserData"
    35 		  -ImplementationUid=0x102026AA based on InterfaceUid=0x102026A8
    37 - T_PlatSecECom2.dll in DRIVE Z:
    38   Details:-Resource file=102026AD.rss
    39   		  -Capability Set="ReadUserData"
    40   		  -ImplementationUid=0x102026AC based on InterfaceUid=0x102026A9
    42 - T_PlatSecECom3.dll in DRIVE Z:
    43   Details:-Resource file=102026AF.rss
    44           -Capability Set="ReaderUserData" "WriteUserData" "AllFiles"
    45           -ImplementationUid=0x102026AE based on InterfaceUid=0x102026A9
    47 - T_PlatSecECom4.dll in DRIVE C:
    48   Details:-Resource file=10202666.rss
    49   		  -Capability Set="ReadUserData" "WriteUserData" "ProtServ"
    50   		  -ImplementationUid=0x102026B1 based on InterfaceUid=0x102026A8
    52 - T_PlatSecResolver.dll in DRIVE Z:
    53   Details:-Resource file=10202777.rss
    54   		  -Capability Set="ReadUserData"
    55   		  -ImplementationUid=0x10202747 based on InterfaceUid=0x102027E7
    57 - EComExample.dll in Drive Z:
    58   Details:-Contain two implementation and one Resolver, only interested in the resolver
    59   		  -Resource file=10009DB1.RSS
    60   		  -Capability Set="All -Tcb"
    61   		  -ImplementationUid=0x10009DD0 based on InterfaceUid=0x10009D90
    62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 */
    65 /** Test cases covered in this test code:
    66 1.	Testing Client API capability filtering in ListImplementation(TUid aInterfaceUid) in Z,C;
    67 2.	Testing Client API capability filtering in CreateImplementation(TUid aImplementationUid) in Z,C;
    68 3.	Testing Client API capability checking in Loading a non-default resolver in the server side
    69 */
    71 class RCapCheckTest
    72 	{
    73 public:
    74 	static TBool IsPlatSecEnforcementOn();
    75 	//Test case 1
    76 	static void ListImpl_InterfaceL();
    77 	//Test case 2
    78 	static void CreateImpl_Implementation();
    79 	//Test case 3
    80 	static void ListImpl_NonDefaultResolverL();
    81 	//Test case 4
    82 	static void ListImpl_InterfaceWithoutCapCheckL();
    83 	};
    86 /**--------------------Utility Functions--------------------------------------------*/
    87 // Plugins files that need to be copied from Z: to C:
    88 _LIT(KResourceFileNameC,	 "C:\\resource\\plugins\\T_PlatSecECom4.rsc");
    89 _LIT(KExampleDllFileNameC,	 "C:\\sys\\bin\\T_PlatSecECom4.dll");
    90 _LIT(KResourceFileNameZ,	 "Z:\\RAMONLY\\T_PlatSecECom4.rsc");
    92 _LIT(KExampleDllFileNameZ,	 "Z:\\RAMONLY\\T_PlatSecECom4.dll");
    94 const TInt KOneSecond = 1000000;
    96 LOCAL_D RFs	TheFs;
    98 LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("Capability Checking Test"));
   100 // Copy the Plugins to specific folder for testing purpose
   101 LOCAL_C void CopyPluginsL()
   102 	{
   103 	// Copy the dlls and .rsc files on to RAM
   104 	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KResourceFileNameZ,KResourceFileNameC));
   105 	test(err == KErrNone);
   106 	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KExampleDllFileNameZ,KExampleDllFileNameC));
   107 	test(err == KErrNone);
   108 	// Wait, so that ECom server looks for plugins copied from Z: to C drive
   109 	// ECOM server could be already started. It means that when we copy some
   110 	// ECOM plugins from Z: to C: drive - ECOM server should look for and
   111 	// find the new ECOM plugins. The ECOM server uses for that CDiscoverer::CIdleScanningTimer
   112 	// which is an active object. So the discovering service is asynchronous. We have to
   113 	// wait some time until it finishes. Otherwise ListImplementationsL could fail to find
   114 	// requested implementations.
   115 	User::After(KOneSecond * 3);
   116 	}
   118 // Deleting plugin from the RAM for cleanup purpose
   119 inline LOCAL_C void DeleteTestPlugin()
   120 	{
   121 	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KResourceFileNameC));
   122 	test(err == KErrNone);
   124 	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KExampleDllFileNameC));
   125 #if defined(__WINS__) || defined (__WINSCW__)
   126     if (err != KErrNone)
   127    	    {
   128         TESTC(test, err, KErrAccessDenied); // DLL File locked under Windows emulator due to it being demand paged
   129         }
   130     else
   131        	TESTC(test, err, KErrNone); // DLL File not locked on Windows
   132 #elif defined(__EPOC32__)
   133    	TESTC(test, err, KErrNone); // DLL File not locked on target hardware
   134 #endif
   135     // Do no test at all as its an unexpected platform.
   136 }
   138 TBool RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn()
   139 	{
   140 	return PlatSec::ConfigSetting(PlatSec::EPlatSecEnforcement);
   141 	}
   142 /**
   143 --------------------------Test case 1---------------------------------------------
   144 Testing Client API capability filtering in ListImplementation(TUid aInterfaceUid);
   145 -Client CapSet listing implemenation with InterfaceUid=0x102026A9
   146  *Two existing Impl based on that Interface T_PlatSecECom2.dll & T_PlatSecEcom3.dll
   147   one with lower capability set than the client
   148  *Expected array count=1 as it wont be able to load T_PlatSecECom2.dll
   149   when PlatSec is enforced, count=2 otherwise.
   150 -Client Capset listing implementation with InterfaceUid=0x102026A8
   151  *Test to ensure it pick up plugins in other drive else than Z
   154 @SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0771
   155 @SYMTestCaseDesc	    Testing Client API capability filtering in ListImplementation(TUid aInterfaceUid)
   156 @SYMTestPriority 	    High
   157 @SYMTestActions  	    Ensure it picks up plugins in other drive else than Z
   158                         List of all available implementations which
   159 	                    satisfy this given interface and check for the validity.
   160 @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
   161 @SYMREQ                 REQ0000
   162 */
   163 void RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_InterfaceL()
   164 	{
   165 	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0771 List Implementation Capability checking\n "));
   166 	// Input parameter
   167 	const TUid interfaceUid = {0x102026A9};
   168 	// Output parameters
   169 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   170 	RImplInfoPtrArray* implementationArray=new (ELeave) RImplInfoPtrArray;
   172 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x102026A9
   173 	TRAP(err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid, *implementationArray));
   174 	test(KErrNone == err);
   175 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   176 		{
   177 		//Only will return one implementation in T_PlatSecECom3.dll
   178 		test(1 == implementationArray->Count());
   179 		const TUid expectedImplUid = {0x102026AE};
   180 		test(expectedImplUid == (*implementationArray)[0]->ImplementationUid());
   181 		}
   182 	else
   183 		{
   184 		//Return two implementations from T_PlatSecECom2.dll and T_PlatSecECom3.dll
   185 		test(2 == implementationArray->Count());
   186 		}
   187 	implementationArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   189 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x102026A8
   190 	const TUid interfaceUid2 = {0x102026A8};
   191 	TRAP(err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid2, *implementationArray));
   192 	test(KErrNone == err);
   193 	test(2 == implementationArray->Count());
   194 	implementationArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   196 	delete implementationArray;
   197 	}
   199 /**
   200 --------------------------Test case 2----------------------------------------------------
   201 Testing Client API capability filtering in CreateImplementation(TUid aImplementationUid);
   202 - Client try to create Implementation with different capset
   203 - If Client.CAPS > Plugin.CAPS Expected Result=FAIL
   204 - If Client.CAPS < Plugin.CAPS Expected Result=OK
   205 - If Client.CAPS = Plugin.CAPS Expected Result=OK
   207 @SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0772
   208 @SYMTestCaseDesc	    Testing Client API capability filtering in CreateImplementation(TUid aImplementationUid)
   209 @SYMTestPriority 	    High
   210 @SYMTestActions  	    Create Implementation with different capsets
   211 @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
   212 @SYMREQ                 REQ0000
   213 */
   214 void RCapCheckTest::CreateImpl_Implementation()
   215 	{
   216 	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0772 Create Implementation Capability filtering\n "));
   217 	// Output parameters
   218 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
   219 	TUid returnedimplUid;
   220 	TAny* ImplCreation=NULL;
   222 	//Creating Implementation with CAPS="ReadUserData"
   223 	const TUid ImplUid2 = {0x102026AC};
   224 	TRAP(ret,ImplCreation=REComSession::CreateImplementationL(ImplUid2,returnedimplUid));
   225 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   226 		{
   227 		test(KErrPermissionDenied == ret);
   228 		test(NULL == ImplCreation);
   229 		}
   230 	else
   231 		{
   232 		test(KErrNone == ret);
   233 		test(NULL != ImplCreation);
   234 		test(ImplUid2 == returnedimplUid);
   235 		//Cast to CPlatSecInterface2
   236 		CPlatSecInterface2* impl2=reinterpret_cast <CPlatSecInterface2*> (ImplCreation);
   237 		test(ImplUid2 == impl2->ImplId());
   238 		REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(returnedimplUid);
   240 		delete ImplCreation;
   241 		ImplCreation = NULL;
   242 		}
   244 	//Creating Implementation with CAPS="ReadUserData WriteUserData AllFiles"
   245 	const TUid ImplUid3 = {0x102026AE};
   246 	TUid instanceKey;
   247 	TRAP(ret,ImplCreation=REComSession::CreateImplementationL(ImplUid3,instanceKey));
   248 	CInstanceInfoSimple* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast <CInstanceInfoSimple*> (instanceKey.iUid);
   249 	returnedimplUid = instanceInfo->ImplementationUid();
   251 	test(KErrNone == ret);
   252 	test(NULL != ImplCreation);
   254 	test(ImplUid3 == returnedimplUid);
   255 	//Cast to CPlatSecInterface3
   256 	CPlatSecInterface3* impl3=reinterpret_cast <CPlatSecInterface3*> (ImplCreation);
   257 	test(ImplUid3 == impl3->ImplId());
   258 	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(instanceKey);
   260 	delete ImplCreation;
   261 	ImplCreation = NULL;
   263 	//Creating Implementation with CAPS="ReadUserData WriteUserData"
   264 	const TUid ImplUid1 = {0x102026AA};
   265 	TRAP(ret,ImplCreation=REComSession::CreateImplementationL(ImplUid1,instanceKey));
   266 	instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast <CInstanceInfoSimple*> (instanceKey.iUid);
   267 	returnedimplUid = instanceInfo->ImplementationUid();
   268 	test(KErrNone == ret);
   269 	test(NULL != ImplCreation);
   270 	test(ImplUid1 == returnedimplUid);
   271 	//Cast to CPlatSecInterface1
   272 	CPlatSecInterface1* impl1=reinterpret_cast <CPlatSecInterface1*> (ImplCreation);
   273 	test(ImplUid1 == impl1->ImplId());
   274 	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(instanceKey);
   276 	delete ImplCreation;
   277 	ImplCreation = NULL;
   279 	//Creating Implementation in C:\ with CAPS="ReadUserData WriteUserData ProtServ"
   280 	const TUid ImplUid4 = {0x102026B1};
   281 	TRAP(ret,ImplCreation=REComSession::CreateImplementationL(ImplUid4,instanceKey));
   282 	instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast <CInstanceInfoSimple*> (instanceKey.iUid);
   283 	returnedimplUid = instanceInfo->ImplementationUid();
   284 	test(KErrNone == ret);
   285 	test(NULL != ImplCreation);
   286 	test(ImplUid4 == returnedimplUid);
   287 	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(instanceKey);
   289 	delete ImplCreation;
   290 	ImplCreation = NULL;
   291 	}
   293 /**
   294 --------------------------Test case 3----------------------------------------------------
   295 Testing Client API capability filtering in ListImplementation by specifying a non-default
   296 resolver Uid.  The resolver is loaded in the server side.
   297 If PlatSecEnforcement is ON, the non-default resolver should have at least the "ProtServ"
   298 capability in order to be successfully loaded.
   299 - Testing using a non-default resolver T_PlatSecResolver.dll with CAPS=ReadUserData
   300 - Testing using a non-default resolver EComExample.dll with CAPS=All-Tcb
   302 @SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0773
   303 @SYMTestCaseDesc	    Testing Client API capability filtering in CreateImplementation(TUid aImplementationUid)
   304 @SYMTestPriority 	    High
   305 @SYMTestActions  	    Tests for listing all available implementations using a non-default resolver  with CAPS=ReadUserData
   306                         Tests for listing all available implementations using a non-default resolver with CAPS=All-Tcb
   307 @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
   308 @SYMREQ                 REQ0000
   309 */
   310 void RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_NonDefaultResolverL()
   311 	{
   312 	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0773 Capability checking in loading non-default resolver in server side\n "));
   313 	// Input parameters
   314 	const TUid interfaceUid = {0x102026A9};
   315 	const TUid resolverUid	= {0x10202747};
   316 	TEComResolverParams resolverparams;
   317 	_LIT8(KDummyData,"dummy");
   318 	//Set any resolver data type as it will never reach the resolving part
   319 	resolverparams.SetDataType(KDummyData());
   320 	// Output parameters
   321 	TInt err=KErrNone;
   322 	RImplInfoPtrArray* implementationArray=new (ELeave) RImplInfoPtrArray;
   324 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x102026A9 using T_PlatSecResolver.dll
   325 	TRAP(err,REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid,resolverparams,resolverUid,*implementationArray));
   326 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   327 		{
   328 		//ensure that no resolver returned here because of lacking the capability ProtServ
   329 		test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
   330 		}
   331 	else
   332 		{
   333 		//No resolver should be found based on the dummy resolver data
   334 		test(KEComErrNoResolver == err);
   335 		}
   336 	test(0 == implementationArray->Count());
   338 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x10009DD0 using EComExample.dll
   339 	const TUid resolverUid2 = {0x10009DD0};
   340 	TRAP(err,REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid,resolverparams,resolverUid2,*implementationArray));
   341 	//ensure that no problem here as the resolver has the capability ProtServ
   342 	test(KErrNone == err);
   343 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   344 		{
   345 		//Only will return one implementation in T_PlatSecECom3.dll
   346 		test(1 == implementationArray->Count());
   347 		const TUid expectedImplUid = {0x102026AE};
   348 		test(expectedImplUid == (*implementationArray)[0]->ImplementationUid());
   349 		}
   350 	else
   351 		{
   352 		//Return two implementations from T_PlatSecECom2.dll and T_PlatSecECom3.dll
   353 		test(2 == implementationArray->Count());
   354 		}
   355 	implementationArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   357 	delete implementationArray;
   358 	implementationArray = NULL;
   359 	}
   361 /**
   362 --------------------------Test case 4---------------------------------------------
   363 Testing Client API without capability filtering in ListImplementation(TUid aInterfaceUid);
   364 -Client CapSet listing implemenation with InterfaceUid=0x102026A9
   365  *Two existing Impl based on that Interface T_PlatSecECom2.dll & T_PlatSecEcom3.dll
   366   one with lower capability set than the client
   367  *Expected array count=2 as it will be able to load T_PlatSecECom2.dll
   368   when PlatSec is enforced, count=2 otherwise.
   369 -Client Capset listing implementation with InterfaceUid=0x102026A8
   370  *Test to ensure it pick up plugins in other drive else than Z
   373 @SYMTestCaseID          BASESRVCS-ECOM-T-4026
   374 @SYMTestCaseDesc	    Testing Client API without capability filtering in ListImplementation(TUid aInterfaceUid)
   375 @SYMTestPriority 	    High
   376 @SYMTestActions  	    Ensure it picks up plugins in other drive else than Z
   377                         List of all available implementations which
   378 	                    satisfy this given interface and check for the validity.
   379 @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
   380 @SYMREQ                 CR1573,REQ11641 and REQ11793
   381 */
   382 void RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_InterfaceWithoutCapCheckL()
   383 	{
   384 	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:BASESRVCS-ECOM-T-4026 List Implementation Without Capability checking and trying to Create Implementation\n "));
   385 	// Input parameter
   386 	const TUid interfaceUid = {0x102026A9};
   387 	// Output parameters
   388 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   389 	RImplInfoPtrArray* implementationArray=new (ELeave) RImplInfoPtrArray;
   390 	TBool capability = EFalse;
   392 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x102026A9
   393 	TRAP(err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid, *implementationArray,capability));
   394 	test(KErrNone == err);
   395 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   396 		{
   397 		TInt count=implementationArray->Count();
   398 		test(2 == implementationArray->Count());
   399 		}
   401 	TUid returnedimplUid;
   402 	TAny* ImplCreation=NULL;
   403 	//Creating Implementation with CAPS="ReadUserData"
   404 	const TUid ImplUid2 = {0x102026AC};
   405 	TRAP(err,ImplCreation=REComSession::CreateImplementationL(ImplUid2,returnedimplUid));
   406 	if (RCapCheckTest::IsPlatSecEnforcementOn())
   407 		{
   408 		test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
   409 		test(NULL == ImplCreation);
   410 		}	
   411 	implementationArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   413 	//Listing implementation from interface=0x102026A8
   414 	const TUid interfaceUid2 = {0x102026A8};
   415 	TRAP(err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid2, *implementationArray));
   416 	test(KErrNone == err);
   417 	test(2 == implementationArray->Count());
   418 	implementationArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   420 	delete implementationArray;
   421 	}
   424 LOCAL_C void RunTestL()
   425 	{
   426 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   428 	//Test case 1
   429 	RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_InterfaceL();
   431 	//Test case 2
   432 	RCapCheckTest::CreateImpl_Implementation();
   434 	//Test case 3
   435 	RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_NonDefaultResolverL();
   437 	//Test case 4
   438 	RCapCheckTest::ListImpl_InterfaceWithoutCapCheckL();
   440 	//We do not want any memory leak here
   441 	REComSession::FinalClose();
   443 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   444 	}
   446 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
   447 	{
   448 	TInt err=KErrNone;
   449 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   451 	test.Title();
   452 	test.Start(_L("Capability Checking tests."));
   454 	// This test is only applicable for secure ECom.
   455 	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
   456 	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave)CActiveScheduler;
   457 	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
   459 	TRAP(err, CopyPluginsL());
   460 	test(err==KErrNone);
   462 	TRAP(err,RunTestL());
   463 	test(err==KErrNone);
   465 	// Cleanup files. If the cleanup fails that is no problem,
   466 	// as any subsequent tests will replace them. The only downside
   467 	// would be the disk not being tidied
   468 	DeleteTestPlugin();
   470 	delete scheduler;
   471 	delete cleanup;
   473 	test.End();
   474 	test.Close();
   476 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   477 	return(0);
   478 	}