changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the CLoadManager class
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @internalComponent
    20  @file
    21 */
    23 #include "EComDebug.h"
    24 #include "UnloadPolicy.h"
    25 #include "LoadManager.h"
    26 #include "EComUidCodes.h"
    27 #include <ecom/ecomerrorcodes.h>
    28 #include "e32math.h"
    29 #include "EComInternalErrorCodes.h"
    30 #include <ecom/ecomextendedinterfaceerrorcodes.h>
    31 /**
    32 Standardized safe construction which leaves nothing on the cleanup stack.
    33 @return			A pointer to the new class
    34 @post			CLoadManager is fully constructed, and initialized.
    35  */
    36 CLoadManager* CLoadManager::NewL()
    37 	{
    38 	return new(ELeave) CLoadManager();
    39 	}
    41 CLoadManager::~CLoadManager()
    42 	{
    43 	iInstanceInfoList.ResetAndDestroy();
    44 	iAllUnloadPolicies.ResetAndDestroy();
    45 	ClearGarbage();
    46 	}
    48 /**
    49 Notifies the interface implementation DLL that one of its objects has been destroyed if it exists,
    50 otherwise returns false to indicate no exist aImplementationUid.
    51 @param          aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
    52 @pre 			CLoadManager is fully constructed,
    53 @post			CLoadManager's interface implementation DLL references
    54 				are decreased by one. The instance info representing the implementation
    55 				is destroyed.
    56 */
    57 TBool CLoadManager::DestroyedThis(TUid aInstanceKey)
    58 	{
    59 	// Clear the garbage list because we know we have finished with them
    60 	ClearGarbage();
    62 	__ECOM_TRACE1("ECOM: Implementation Instance destroyed %x", aInstanceKey.iUid);
    64 	// Sanity check that the pointer is divisible by four. A binary number is divisible
    65 	// by four if and only if the two rightmost bits are both zero.
    66 	// This is a compromised check for checking that the pointer is an address.
    67     if ((aInstanceKey.iUid == 0) || ((aInstanceKey.iUid & 0x00000003) != 0))
    68         {
    69 	    __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_InvalidImplementationInstanceKey));
    70 	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
    71         }
    73 	// The instance info pointer is stored in the instance key.
    74 	CInstanceInfo* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast<CInstanceInfo*>(aInstanceKey.iUid);
    76 	// Check that the pointer exists before using it
    77 	TInt position = iInstanceInfoList.FindInAddressOrder(instanceInfo);
    78 	if(position == KErrNotFound)
    79 		{
    80 		return EFalse;
    81 		}
    83 	CUnloadPolicy* policy = instanceInfo->UnloadPolicy();
    84 	if (policy != NULL)
    85 		{
    86 		// If needed, will move the policy to the garbage list, and remove policy from the unload policy list.
    87 		Cleanup(policy);
    88 		}
    89 	iInstanceInfoList.Remove(position);
    90 	// Remove the instance info item, finished with it.
    91 	delete instanceInfo;
    92 	return ETrue;
    93 	}
    95 /**
    96 Check whether the policy Arrays are empty or not.
    97 @return            Returns True if the policy Arrays are empty, otherwise return False.
    98 @pre             CLoadManager is fully constructed,
    99 @post            CLoadManager remains the same.
   100 */
   101 TBool CLoadManager::PolicyArraysEmpty() const 
   102     {
   103     if( (iAllUnloadPolicies.Count() == 0)&&(iInstanceInfoList.Count() == 0) )
   104         {
   105         return ETrue;
   106         }
   107     else
   108         {
   109         return EFalse;
   110         }
   111     }
   113 /**
   114 Returns an implementation object to satisfy the specified interface.
   115 @param			aUniqueImplementationUid The implementation to find.
   116 @param			aEntry Information on the dll containing the implementation
   117 @param			aCreationParameters A pointer to the creation parameter
   118 				structure passed to the creation method when called.
   119 @param			aCreationParamsFlag A boolean flag to indicate the existence or non-existence
   120 				of aCreationParameters. Will be ETrue even for if the value of
   121 				aCreationParameters is NULL.
   122 @param          aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
   123 @return			TAny* a pointer to the fully constructed instantiation. The pointer is
   124 				guaranteed to be valid only until DestroyedThis is called.
   125 @pre 			CLoadManager is fully constructed,
   126 @post			Fully constructed implementation is returned to the
   127 				caller, and aUniqueUid contains the implementation Dll's
   128 				unique UID.
   129 */
   130 TAny* CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL(const TUid& aUniqueImplementationUid,
   131 										 const TEntry& aEntry,
   132 										 TAny* aCreationParameters,
   133 										 TBool aCreationParamsFlag,
   134 										 TUid& aInstanceKey)
   135 	{
   136 	//if the implementation Uid here is Null or the entry returned by the ecomserver
   137 	//contains nothing, we should leave with KErrNotFound
   138 	if(aUniqueImplementationUid == KNullUid || (aEntry.iName).Length()==0)
   139 		{
   140 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   141 		}
   143 	TAny* object = NULL;               // Instantiation object
   144 	CUnloadPolicy* policy = NULL;      // Policy of implementation
   145 	TLibraryFunction libFunctionProxy; // Library function proxy pointer
   147 	GetUnloadPolicy(aUniqueImplementationUid,aEntry,policy);
   148 	if (policy == NULL)
   149 		{
   150 		// No policy found, so create a new CUnloadPolicy and load DLL.
   151 		policy = CUnloadPolicy::NewLC(aEntry);
   152 		libFunctionProxy = policy->LoadDllAndReturnProxyL();
   153 		if (libFunctionProxy==NULL)
   154 			{
   155 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   156 			}
   157 		iAllUnloadPolicies.AppendL(policy);
   158 		CleanupStack::Pop(policy);	// owned by iAllUnloadPolicies
   159 		}
   160 	else
   161 		{
   162 		// Found a policy. Load Dll if not already loaded.
   163 		libFunctionProxy = policy->LoadDllAndReturnProxyL();
   164 		if (libFunctionProxy==NULL)
   165 			{
   166 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   167 			}
   168 		}
   169 	// Initial count of instances. This is used for cleanup purposes, to see if an instance
   170 	// was added to the instance info list during the object creation. If a failure occurs
   171 	// than the instance info that was added to the list will be removed.
   172 	TInt initialCount = iInstanceInfoList.Count();
   173 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   175 	if (aEntry[1] == KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection)
   176 		{
   177 		// PLUGIN1 dll. Create the implementation object.
   178 		TRAP(err,object = ImplementationObject1L(aUniqueImplementationUid,aCreationParameters,
   179 			aCreationParamsFlag,aInstanceKey,policy,libFunctionProxy));
   180 		}
   181 	else if (aEntry[1] == KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3)
   182 		{
   183 		// PLUGIN3 dll. Create the implementation object.
   184 		TRAP(err,object = ImplementationObject3L(aUniqueImplementationUid,aCreationParameters,
   185 			aCreationParamsFlag, aInstanceKey,policy, libFunctionProxy));
   186 		}
   187 	else
   188 		{
   189 		err = KErrNotSupported;
   190 		}
   192 	if (err != KErrNone)
   193 		{
   194 		if (iInstanceInfoList.Count() > initialCount)
   195 			{
   196 			// If an instance was added to the instance list, remove it here.
   197 			// The instance info pointer is stored in the instance key. We know its
   198 			// valid because it was set by ecom in call to ImplementationObject1L or
   199 			// ImplementationObject3L
   200 			CInstanceInfo* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast<CInstanceInfo*>(aInstanceKey.iUid);
   201 			TInt pos = iInstanceInfoList.FindInAddressOrder(instanceInfo);
   202 			if(pos != KErrNotFound)
   203 				{
   204 				iInstanceInfoList.Remove(pos);
   205 				}
   206 			}
   208 		ClearGarbage();
   209 		// If needed, will move the policy to the garbage list, and remove policy from the unload policy list.
   210 		Cleanup(policy);
   211 		User::Leave(err);
   212 		}
   214 	__ECOM_TRACE2("ECOM: Implementation created (%03d) %x", ++iDebugInstantiationCounter, aUniqueImplementationUid.iUid);
   216 	return object;
   217 	}
   219 /**
   220 Returns an implementation object to satisfy the specified interface.
   221 @param			aUniqueImplementationUid The implementation to find.
   222 @param			aCreationParameters A pointer to the creation parameter
   223 				structure passed to the creation method when called.
   224 @param			aCreationParamsFlag A boolean flag to indicate the existence or non-existence
   225 				of aCreationParameters. Will be ETrue even for if the value of
   226 				aCreationParameters is NULL.
   227 @param          aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
   228 @param          aPolicy policy of implementation
   229 @param          aLibFunctionProxy Library function proxy pointer.
   230 @return			TAny* a pointer to the fully constructed instantiation. The pointer is
   231 				guaranteed to be valid only until DestroyedThis is called.
   232 */
   233 TAny* CLoadManager::ImplementationObject1L(const TUid& aUniqueImplementationUid,
   234 										 TAny* aCreationParameters,
   235 										 TBool aCreationParamsFlag,
   236 										 TUid& aInstanceKey,
   237 										 CUnloadPolicy* aPolicy,
   238 										 TLibraryFunction& aLibFunctionProxy)
   239 	{
   240 	TAny* object = NULL; // Instantiation object
   241 	TInstantiationL proxy = reinterpret_cast<TInstantiationL>(aLibFunctionProxy);
   243 	TImplementationProxy* implementationProxyRow = NULL;
   244 	TAny* newLPointer = GetNewLPointerAndProxyTableRowL<TImplementationProxy,TInstantiationL>(aUniqueImplementationUid,implementationProxyRow,proxy);
   245 	// Now create an instance info object to store the information about this instance derived from
   246 	// the parameters just fetched. This must be created here since no leaves can occur after the object
   247 	// instantiation below.
   248 	CInstanceInfoSimple* instanceInfoSimple = CInstanceInfoSimple::NewL(aPolicy,implementationProxyRow);
   249 	CleanupStack::PushL(instanceInfoSimple);
   251 	// The pointer to instanceInfo will be used to identify this instance, and will
   252 	// be returned to the caller for future identification of this instance.
   253 	aInstanceKey.iUid = reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(instanceInfoSimple);
   255 	// Add item to instance info list. This list will contain all of the instance objects.
   256 	iInstanceInfoList.InsertInAddressOrderL(instanceInfoSimple);
   258 	// Get the implementation object using the instantiation pointer fetched earlier. Note
   259 	// that the object creation must be the last leaving operation to be performed. No leaves can occur
   260 	// after this operation, as the instantiation object cannnot be deleted on the cleanup stack if
   261 	// a leave occurs (cannot delete a TAny* pointer, the type is not known within ECOM).
   262 	object = ImplementationObjectL(aCreationParameters, 
   263 	 aCreationParamsFlag,newLPointer);
   265 	CleanupStack::Pop(instanceInfoSimple);
   267 	return object;
   268 	}
   270 /**
   271 Returns an implementation object to satisfy the specified interface.
   272 @param			aUniqueImplementationUid The implementation to find.
   273 @param			aCreationParameters A pointer to the creation parameter
   274 				structure passed to the creation method when called.
   275 @param			aCreationParamsFlag A boolean flag to indicate the existence or non-existence
   276 				of aCreationParameters. Will be ETrue even for if the value of
   277 				aCreationParameters is NULL.
   278 @param          aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
   279 @param          aPolicy policy of implementation
   280 @param          aLibFunctionProxy Library function proxy pointer.
   281 @return			TAny* a pointer to the fully constructed instantiation. The pointer is
   282 				guaranteed to be valid only until DestroyedThis is called.
   283 */
   284 TAny* CLoadManager::ImplementationObject3L(const TUid& aUniqueImplementationUid,
   285 										 TAny* aCreationParameters,
   286 										 TBool aCreationParamsFlag,
   287 										 TUid& aInstanceKey,
   288 										 CUnloadPolicy* aPolicy,
   289 										 TLibraryFunction& aLibFunctionProxy)
   290 	{
   291 	TAny* object = NULL;  // Instantiation object
   292 	TInstantiation3L proxy = reinterpret_cast<TInstantiation3L>(aLibFunctionProxy);
   294 	TImplementationProxy3* implementationProxyRow = NULL;
   295 	TAny* newLPointer = GetNewLPointerAndProxyTableRowL<TImplementationProxy3,TInstantiation3L>(aUniqueImplementationUid,implementationProxyRow,proxy);
   297 	// Now create an instance info object to store the information about this instance derived from
   298 	// the parameters just fetched. This must be created here since no leaves can occur after the object
   299 	// instantiation below.
   300 	CInstanceInfoExtended* instanceInfoExtended = CInstanceInfoExtended::NewL(aPolicy,implementationProxyRow);
   301 	CleanupStack::PushL(instanceInfoExtended);
   303 	// The pointer to instanceInfo will be used to identify this instance, and will
   304 	// be returned to the caller for future identification of this instance.
   305 	aInstanceKey.iUid = reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(instanceInfoExtended);
   307 	// Add item to instance info list. This list will contain all of the instance objects.
   308 	iInstanceInfoList.InsertInAddressOrderL(instanceInfoExtended);
   310 	// Get the implementation object using the instantiation pointer fetched earlier. Note
   311 	// that the object creation must be the last leaving operation to be performed. No leaves can occur
   312 	// after this operation, as the instantiation object cannnot be deleted on the cleanup stack if
   313 	// a leave occurs (cannot delete a TAny* pointer, the type is not known within ECOM).
   314 	object = ImplementationObjectL(aCreationParameters, 
   315 	 aCreationParamsFlag,newLPointer);
   317 	// The extended instance info requires an object set. This is done here
   318 	// as the object is not known until now, but the instance info object was required to
   319 	// be created earlier to avoid a leave after the object creation.
   320 	instanceInfoExtended->SetObject(object);
   321 	CleanupStack::Pop(instanceInfoExtended);
   323 	return object;
   324 	}
   326 /**
   327 Gets the main implementation object using the instantiation pointer provided
   328 @param			aCreationParameters A pointer to the creation parameter
   329 				structure passed to the creation method when called.
   330 @param			aCreationParamsFlag A boolean flag to indicate the existence or non-existence
   331 				of aCreationParameters. Will be ETrue even for if the value of
   332 				aCreationParameters is NULL.
   333 @param			aNewLpointer Instantation pointer.
   334 				aCreationParameters is NULL.
   335 @return			TAny* a pointer to the fully constructed instantiation.
   336 */
   337 TAny* CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL(TAny* aCreationParameters,
   338 										 TBool aCreationParamsFlag,
   339 										 const TAny* aNewLpointer)
   340 	{
   341 	TAny* object=NULL;
   343 	// So cast to the correct type : This gives an ANSI C++ warning
   344 	// When using a REINTERPRET_CAST so simply cast instead
   345 	// Two different object creation one with creation parameters
   346 	if (aCreationParamsFlag)
   347 		{
   348 		typedef TAny* (*TNewL)(TAny*);
   349 		TNewL creationL = (TNewL)(aNewLpointer);
   350 		object=creationL(aCreationParameters);
   351 		}
   352 	else
   353 		{
   354 		typedef TAny* (*TNewL)();
   355 		TNewL creationL = (TNewL)(aNewLpointer);
   356 		object=creationL();
   357 		}
   359 	return object;
   360 	}
   362 /**
   363 Get the unload policy.
   364 @param			aUniqueImplementationUid The implementation to find.
   365 @param			aEntry Information on the dll containing the implementation
   366 @param			aPolicy Return parameter containing the policy
   367 @return			None
   368 */
   369 void CLoadManager::GetUnloadPolicy(TUid aUniqueImplementationUid,
   370 							  const TEntry& aEntry,
   371 							  CUnloadPolicy*& aPolicy)
   372 	{
   373 	const TInt numImps = iInstanceInfoList.Count();
   374 	TBool foundImp = EFalse;
   375 	TInt matchingDllIndex=0;
   376 	TBool matchingDllFound=EFalse;
   377 	CUnloadPolicy* policy = NULL;
   379 	for (TInt index = 0; (index<numImps) && !foundImp; ++index)
   380 		{
   381 		//Check if there is existing mapping between the supplied implUid and a policy
   382 		if(iInstanceInfoList[index]->ImplementationUid() == aUniqueImplementationUid)
   383 			{
   384 			policy = iInstanceInfoList[index]->UnloadPolicy();
   386 			foundImp = ETrue;
   387 			}
   388 		else
   389 			{
   390 			//if cannot find a mapping entry but current index has the same DLL as the one requested from
   391 			//the client, store the index to this unloadPolicy for use later on if we have finished
   392 			//searching the entire mapping list
   393 			if (!matchingDllFound && (iInstanceInfoList[index]->UnloadPolicy()->DllEntryInformation().GetName()).CompareF(aEntry.iName)==0)
   394 				{
   395 				matchingDllIndex=index;
   396 				matchingDllFound=ETrue;
   397 				}
   398 			}
   399 		}
   401 	//If we cannot find any mapping in the policy index array(iUnloadPolicyMapping)
   402 	if(!foundImp)
   403 		{
   404 		//if not found but there is a matching DLL,we can simply create a new policy index mapping without
   405 		//having to load the library again.
   406 		if (matchingDllFound)
   407 			{
   408 			policy = iInstanceInfoList[matchingDllIndex]->UnloadPolicy();
   409 			}
   410 		}
   412 	aPolicy = policy;
   413 	}
   415 /**
   416 Clears the policy inside the iGarbagePolicies attribute.
   417 @pre			CLoadManager is fully constructed
   418 @post			CLoadManager iGarbagePolicies is zero'd
   419 */
   420 void CLoadManager::ClearGarbage()
   421 	{
   422 	if (iGarbagePolicy != NULL)
   423 		{
   424 		delete iGarbagePolicy;
   425 		iGarbagePolicy=0;
   426 		}
   427 	}
   429 CLoadManager::CLoadManager() :
   430 	CBase()
   431 	{
   432 	// Do nothing here
   433 	}
   435 /**
   436 Returns the implementation ID for a given instance Key.
   437 @leave			KErrNotFound
   438 @param			aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation instance.
   439 @return			TUid The uid of the corresponding implementation.
   440 @pre 			CLoadManager is fully constructed,
   441 @post			CLoadManager remains the same.
   442 */
   443 TUid CLoadManager::GetImplementationUidL(TUid aInstanceKey)
   444 	{
   445 	// Sanity check that the pointer is divisible by four. A binary number is divisible
   446 	// by four if and only if the two rightmost bits are both zero.
   447 	// This is a compromised check for checking that the pointer is an address.
   448     if ((aInstanceKey.iUid == 0) || ((aInstanceKey.iUid & 0x00000003) != 0))
   449         {
   450 	    __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_InvalidImplementationInstanceKey));
   451 	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   452         }
   454 	// The instance info pointer is stored in the instance key.
   455 	CInstanceInfo* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast<CInstanceInfo*>(aInstanceKey.iUid);
   457 	// Check that the pointer exists before using it - leaves with KErrNotFound
   458 	iInstanceInfoList.FindInAddressOrderL(instanceInfo);
   459 	return instanceInfo->ImplementationUid();
   460 	}
   462 /**
   463 Fetches the requested extended interface from a specified implementation instance.
   464 @leave			KErrNotFound
   465 @param 			aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
   466 @param 			aExtendedInterfaceUid Identifies an interface to fetch from the plug-in instance.
   467 @return			TAny* A pointer to the extended interface, will be NULL if it does not exist.
   468 */
   469 TAny* CLoadManager::GetExtendedInterfaceL(const TUid& aInstanceKey, const TUid& aExtendedInterfaceUid)
   470 	{
   471 	// Sanity check that the pointer is divisible by four. A binary number is divisible
   472 	// by four if and only if the two rightmost bits are both zero.
   473 	// This is a compromised check for checking that the pointer is an address.
   474     if ((aInstanceKey.iUid == 0) || ((aInstanceKey.iUid & 0x00000003) != 0))
   475         {
   476 	    __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_InvalidImplementationInstanceKey));
   477 	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   478         }
   480 	// The instance info pointer is stored in the instance key.
   481 	CInstanceInfo* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast<CInstanceInfo*>(aInstanceKey.iUid);
   483 	// Check that the pointer exists before using it - leaves with KErrNotFound
   484 	iInstanceInfoList.FindInAddressOrderL(instanceInfo);
   486 	// Create the extension object. The instance info object will be populated with
   487 	// the extension info during creation.
   488 	TAny* object = instanceInfo->CreateExtObjectL(aExtendedInterfaceUid);
   489 	return object;
   490 	}
   492 /**
   493 Manually releases the requested interface. Does nothing if it does not exist.
   494 This interface is optional, normally the interfaces are cleaned up automatically.
   495 @leave			KErrNotFound
   496 @param			aInstanceKey A key specifying a previously created implementation.
   497 @param			aExtendedInterfaceUid Identifies the interface to release
   498 @return None.
   499 */
   500 void CLoadManager::ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(const TUid& aInstanceKey, const TUid& aExtendedInterfaceUid)
   501 	{
   502 	// Sanity check that the pointer is divisible by four. A binary number is divisible
   503 	// by four if and only if the two rightmost bits are both zero.
   504 	// This is a compromised check for checking that the pointer is an address.
   505     if ((aInstanceKey.iUid == 0) || ((aInstanceKey.iUid & 0x00000003) != 0))
   506         {
   507 	    __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_InvalidImplementationInstanceKey));
   508 	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   509         }
   511 	// The instance info pointer is stored in the instance key.
   512 	CInstanceInfo* instanceInfo = reinterpret_cast<CInstanceInfo*>(aInstanceKey.iUid);
   514 	// Check that the pointer exists before using it - leaves with KErrNotFound
   515 	iInstanceInfoList.FindInAddressOrderL(instanceInfo);
   517 	instanceInfo->DestroyExtObject(aExtendedInterfaceUid);
   518 	}
   520 /**
   521 Utility method to move the policy to the garbage list, remove
   522 policy from the unload policy list.
   523 @param aPolicy Unload policy to clean up
   524 @return None.
   525 */
   526 void CLoadManager::Cleanup(CUnloadPolicy* aPolicy)
   527 	{
   528 	if (aPolicy->DecreaseReference() == EDeleteMe)
   529 		{
   530 		// Move the policy to the garbage list
   531 		iGarbagePolicy=aPolicy;
   533 		TInt index = iAllUnloadPolicies.Find(aPolicy);
   534 		if (index != KErrNotFound)
   535 			{
   536 			iAllUnloadPolicies.Remove(index);
   537 			}
   538 		}
   539 	}
   541 //
   542 // CInstanceInfo
   543 /**
   544 Default constructor of CInstanceInfo
   545 @param			aUnloadPolicy The CUnloadPolicy of the dll
   546 */
   547 CInstanceInfo::CInstanceInfo(CUnloadPolicy* aUnloadPolicy):
   548 	iUnloadPolicy(aUnloadPolicy)
   549 	{
   550 	// Do nothing here
   551 	}
   553 /** 
   554 Destructor of CInstanceInfo
   555 */
   556 CInstanceInfo::~CInstanceInfo()
   557 	{
   558 	// Do nothing here
   559 	}
   562 //
   563 // CInstanceInfoExtended
   564 /**
   565 Default constructor of CInstanceInfoExtended
   566 @param			aUnloadPolicy The CUnloadPolicy of the dll
   567 @param			aImplementationProxyRow The interface implementation proxy row entry
   568 */
   569 CInstanceInfoExtended::CInstanceInfoExtended(CUnloadPolicy* aUnloadPolicy,const TImplementationProxy3* aImplementationProxyRow):
   570 	CInstanceInfo(aUnloadPolicy),iImplementationProxyRow(aImplementationProxyRow)
   571 	{
   572 	// Do nothing here
   573 	}
   575 /**
   576 create an instance of CInstanceInfoExtended
   577 @param			aUnloadPolicy The CUnloadPolicy of the dll
   578 @param			aImplementationProxyRow The interface implementation proxy row entry
   579 @return			A pointer to the newly created object.
   580 */
   581 CInstanceInfoExtended* CInstanceInfoExtended::NewL(CUnloadPolicy* aUnloadPolicy,const TImplementationProxy3* aImplementationProxyRow)
   582 	{
   583 	return new(ELeave) CInstanceInfoExtended(aUnloadPolicy,aImplementationProxyRow);
   584 	}
   586 /**
   587 Sets the implementation object.
   588 @param			aImplementationObject The object instance of this instances' implementation
   589 @return			None
   590 */
   591 void CInstanceInfoExtended::SetObject(TAny* aImplementationObject)
   592 	{
   593 	iImplementationObject = aImplementationObject;
   594 	}
   596 /**
   597 Creates the extension interface object. This will use the get extended interface
   598 function pointer from the proxy table to fetch the extended interface from the
   599 plug-in implementation.
   600 @param			aExtendedInterfaceUID The extended interface UID
   601 @return			TAny* A pointer to an instance of an extended interface created
   602 */
   603 TAny* CInstanceInfoExtended::CreateExtObjectL(const TUid& aExtendedInterfaceUID)
   604 	{
   605 	// Fetch the function pointer to create the extended interface
   606 	TProxyExtendedInterfaceGetPtrL createFunctionPtrL = iImplementationProxyRow->iFuncPtrInterfaceGetL;
   607 	if (createFunctionPtrL == NULL)
   608 		{
   609 		// No extension interface object can be created. Return NULL indicating that
   610 		// no extended interface object is available.
   611 		return NULL;
   612 		}
   614 	// Valid function pointer exists in proxy table.
   615 	TAny* object = NULL;         // Extended interface object (this points to the interface
   616 							     // within the object)
   617 	TAny* releaseObject = NULL;  // Eextended interface object (this points to the extended
   618 								 // object itself). Used to delete the extended interface
   619 								 // object later.
   620 	TUint32 flags = 0;           // Flags to allow the plug-in and ECOM to communicate
   621 	// Create the extension object.
   622 	object = createFunctionPtrL(iImplementationObject,aExtendedInterfaceUID,flags,releaseObject);
   624 	if (flags & KReleaseRequiredMask)
   625 		{
   626 		// If release of the extended interface is required then save the release object pointer.
   627 		// The interface object (returned by the function pointer call) and the release object
   628 		// are not necessarily the same pointer. This is because the  interface pointer is not
   629 		// guaranteed to be the same as the pointer to the extended interface object. That
   630 		// is why the release object is required to be fetched from the plug-in.
   632         // First perform some checks to ensure that the plugin is consistent 
   633         TProxyExtendedInterfaceReleasePtr release = iImplementationProxyRow->iFuncPtrInterfaceRelease;
   635         if (release == NULL)
   636             {
   637             // ...the release object pointer must not be non null
   638             __ECOM_TRACE("ECOM: PANIC in CInstanceInfoExtended::CreateExtObjectL, release required but release function missing");
   639 	        __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic (KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_CInstanceInfoExtended_CreateExtObjectL_NoReleaseFunc));
   640             User::Leave(KEComErrNoExtendedInterfaceReleaseFunction);
   641             }
   643         if (releaseObject == NULL)
   644             {
   645             // ... the releaseObject must be non null
   646             __ECOM_TRACE("ECOM: PANIC in CInstanceInfoExtended::CreateExtObjectL, release required but release object missing");
   647 	        __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic (KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_CInstanceInfoExtended_CreateExtObjectL_NoReleaseObj));
   648            User::Leave(KEComErrNoExtendedInterfaceReleaseObject);
   649  		    }
   651 		//Create the extended object info type and add it to the extended object info array.
   652 		TExtendedObjectInfo extendedObjectInfo;
   653 		extendedObjectInfo.iExtendedInterfaceObject = releaseObject;
   654 		extendedObjectInfo.iExtendedInterfaceUID = aExtendedInterfaceUID;
   656 		TInt err = iExtendedObjectInfo.Append(extendedObjectInfo);
   658 		if (err != KErrNone)
   659 			{
   660 			if (release != NULL)
   661 				{
   662 				// Release the extended interface. Release must not leave.
   663 				release(extendedObjectInfo.iExtendedInterfaceObject,extendedObjectInfo.iExtendedInterfaceUID);
   664 				}
   665 			User::Leave(err);
   666 			}
   667 		}
   669 	return object;
   670 	}
   673 /**
   674 Destroys the extension interface object.
   675 @param			aExtendedInterfaceUID The extended interface UID
   676 @return			None
   677 */
   678 void CInstanceInfoExtended::DestroyExtObject(const TUid& aExtendedInterfaceUID)
   679 	{
   680 	// Get release interface
   681 	TProxyExtendedInterfaceReleasePtr release = iImplementationProxyRow->iFuncPtrInterfaceRelease;
   683 	if (release != NULL)
   684 		{
   685 		// Release extended interface. Find the extended object info.
   686 		for(TInt i = 0; i < iExtendedObjectInfo.Count(); i++)
   687 			{
   688 			if (iExtendedObjectInfo[i].iExtendedInterfaceUID == aExtendedInterfaceUID)
   689 				{
   690 				TAny* releaseObject = iExtendedObjectInfo[i].iExtendedInterfaceObject;
   691                 if (releaseObject == NULL)
   692                     {
   693                     // ... the releaseObject must be non null
   694                     __ECOM_TRACE("ECOM: PANIC in CInstanceInfoExtended::DestroyExtObject, release required but release object missing");
   695 	                __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic (KEComClientDLLPanicCategory, EEComPanic_CInstanceInfoExtended_DestroyExtObject_NoReleaseObj));	              
   696 		            }
   698 				// Release the extended interface. Release should not be leaving.
   699 				release(releaseObject, iExtendedObjectInfo[i].iExtendedInterfaceUID);
   700 				// Remove the extended object info element from the array.
   701 				iExtendedObjectInfo.Remove(i);
   702 				break;
   703 				}
   704 			}
   705 		}
   706 	}
   708 /**
   709 Destructor of CInstanceInfoExtended
   710 */
   711 CInstanceInfoExtended::~CInstanceInfoExtended()
   712 	{
   713 	// Get release interface
   714 	if (iImplementationProxyRow != NULL)
   715 		{
   716 		TProxyExtendedInterfaceReleasePtr release = iImplementationProxyRow->iFuncPtrInterfaceRelease;
   718 		if (release != NULL)
   719 			{
   720 			// Release all extended interfaces (if any still to be released)
   721 			for(TInt i = 0; i < iExtendedObjectInfo.Count(); i++)
   722 				{
   723 				// Release is supposed to be non-leavable.
   724 				release(iExtendedObjectInfo[i].iExtendedInterfaceObject,iExtendedObjectInfo[i].iExtendedInterfaceUID);
   725 				}
   726 			}
   727 		}
   729 	iExtendedObjectInfo.Close();
   730 	}
   732 //
   733 // CInstanceInfoSimple
   734 /**
   735 Default constructor of CInstanceInfoSimple
   736 @param			aUnloadPolicy The CUnloadPolicy of the dll
   737 @param			aImplementationProxyRow The interface implementation proxy row entry
   738 */
   739 CInstanceInfoSimple::CInstanceInfoSimple(CUnloadPolicy* aUnloadPolicy,const TImplementationProxy* aImplementationProxyRow):
   740 	CInstanceInfo(aUnloadPolicy),iImplementationProxyRow(aImplementationProxyRow)
   741 	{
   742 	// Do nothing here
   743 	}
   745 /**
   746 Create an instance of CInstanceInfoSimple
   747 @param			aUnloadPolicy The CUnloadPolicy of the dll
   748 @param			aImplementationProxyRow The interface implementation proxy row entry
   749 @return			A pointer to the newly created object.
   750 */
   751 CInstanceInfoSimple* CInstanceInfoSimple::NewL(CUnloadPolicy* aUnloadPolicy,const TImplementationProxy* aImplementationProxyRow)
   752 	{
   753 	return new(ELeave) CInstanceInfoSimple(aUnloadPolicy,aImplementationProxyRow);
   754 	}