changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     4 // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
     5 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
     6 # pragma once
     7 #endif
     9 /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8
    10 // shared_ptr.hpp: serialization for boost shared pointer
    12 // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . 
    13 // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
    14 // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
    15 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    17 //  See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
    19 // note: totally unadvised hack to gain access to private variables
    20 // in shared_ptr and shared_count. Unfortunately its the only way to
    21 // do this without changing shared_ptr and shared_count
    22 // the best we can do is to detect a conflict here
    23 #include <boost/config.hpp>
    25 #include <list>
    27 #include <boost/serialization/detail/shared_ptr_132.hpp>
    29 #include <boost/serialization/is_abstract.hpp>
    30 #include <boost/serialization/split_free.hpp>
    31 #include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
    32 #include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
    33 #include <boost/serialization/void_cast.hpp>
    35 // mark base class as an (uncreatable) base class
    36 BOOST_IS_ABSTRACT(boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base)
    38 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    39 // Maintain a couple of lists of loaded shared pointers of the old previous
    40 // version (1.32)
    42 namespace boost_132 { 
    43 namespace serialization {
    44 namespace detail {
    46 struct null_deleter {
    47     void operator()(void const *) const {}
    48 };
    50 class shared_ptr_helper{
    51     typedef std::list<shared_ptr<void> > collection_type;
    52     typedef collection_type::iterator iterator_type;
    53     // list of loaded pointers.  This is used to be sure that the pointers
    54     // stay around long enough to be "matched" with other pointers loaded
    55     // by the same archive.  These are created with a "null_deleter" so that
    56     // when this list is destroyed - the underlaying raw pointers are not
    57     // destroyed.  This has to be done because the pointers are also held by
    58     // new system which is disjoint from this set.  This is implemented
    59     // by a change in load_construct_data below.  It makes this file suitable
    60     // only for loading pointers into a 1.33 or later boost system.
    61     collection_type m_pointers;
    62 public:
    63     void append(const boost_132::shared_ptr<void> & t){
    64         m_pointers.push_back(t);
    65     }
    66     virtual ~shared_ptr_helper(){}
    67 };
    69 } // namespace detail
    70 } // namespace serialization
    71 } // namespace boost_132
    73 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    74 // sp_counted_base_impl serialization
    76 namespace boost { 
    77 namespace serialization {
    79 template<class Archive, class P, class D>
    80 inline void serialize(
    81     Archive & /* ar */,
    82     boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D> & /* t */,
    83     const unsigned int /*file_version*/
    84 ){
    85     // register the relationship between each derived class
    86     // its polymorphic base
    87     boost::serialization::void_cast_register<
    88         boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D>,
    89         boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base 
    90     >(
    91         static_cast<boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D> *>(NULL),
    92         static_cast<boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base *>(NULL)
    93     );
    94 }
    96 template<class Archive, class P, class D>
    97 inline void save_construct_data(
    98     Archive & ar,
    99     const boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D> *t, 
   100     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   101 ){
   102     // variables used for construction
   103     ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("ptr", t->ptr);
   104 }
   106 template<class Archive, class P, class D>
   107 inline void load_construct_data(
   108     Archive & ar,
   109     boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D> * t, 
   110     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   111 ){
   112     P ptr_;
   113     ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("ptr", ptr_);
   114 //    ::new(t)boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<P, D>(ptr_,  D()); // placement
   115     // note: the original ::new... above is replaced by the one here.  This one
   116     // creates all new objects with a null_deleter so that after the archive
   117     // is finished loading and the shared_ptrs are destroyed - the underlying
   118     // raw pointers are NOT deleted.  This is necessary as they are used by the 
   119     // new system as well.
   120     ::new(t)boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<
   121         P, 
   122         boost_132::serialization::detail::null_deleter
   123     >(
   124         ptr_,  boost_132::serialization::detail::null_deleter()
   125     ); // placement new
   126     // compensate for that fact that a new shared count always is 
   127     // initialized with one. the add_ref_copy below will increment it
   128     // every time its serialized so without this adjustment
   129     // the use and weak counts will be off by one.
   130     t->use_count_ = 0;
   131 }
   133 } // serialization
   134 } // namespace boost
   136 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   137 // shared_count serialization
   139 namespace boost { 
   140 namespace serialization {
   142 template<class Archive>
   143 inline void save(
   144     Archive & ar,
   145     const boost_132::detail::shared_count &t,
   146     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   147 ){
   148     ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("pi", t.pi_);
   149 }
   151 template<class Archive>
   152 inline void load(
   153     Archive & ar,
   154     boost_132::detail::shared_count &t,
   155     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   156 ){
   157     ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("pi", t.pi_);
   158     if(NULL != t.pi_)
   159         t.pi_->add_ref_copy();
   160 }
   162 } // serialization
   163 } // namespace boost
   165 BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_FREE(boost_132::detail::shared_count)
   167 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   168 // implement serialization for shared_ptr<T>
   170 namespace boost { 
   171 namespace serialization {
   173 template<class Archive, class T>
   174 inline void save(
   175     Archive & ar,
   176     const boost_132::shared_ptr<T> &t,
   177     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   178 ){
   179     // only the raw pointer has to be saved
   180     // the ref count is maintained automatically as shared pointers are loaded
   181     ar.register_type(static_cast<
   182         boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<T *, boost::checked_deleter<T> > *
   183     >(NULL));
   184     ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("px", t.px);
   185     ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("pn", t.pn);
   186 }
   188 template<class Archive, class T>
   189 inline void load(
   190     Archive & ar,
   191     boost_132::shared_ptr<T> &t,
   192     const unsigned int /* file_version */
   193 ){
   194     // only the raw pointer has to be saved
   195     // the ref count is maintained automatically as shared pointers are loaded
   196     ar.register_type(static_cast<
   197         boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<T *, boost::checked_deleter<T> > *
   198     >(NULL));
   199     ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("px", t.px);
   200     ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("pn", t.pn);
   201 }
   203 template<class Archive, class T>
   204 inline void serialize(
   205     Archive & ar,
   206     boost_132::shared_ptr<T> &t,
   207     const unsigned int file_version
   208 ){
   209     // correct shared_ptr serialization depends upon object tracking
   210     // being used.
   212         boost::serialization::tracking_level<T>::value
   213         != boost::serialization::track_never
   214     );
   215     boost::serialization::split_free(ar, t, file_version);
   216 }
   218 } // serialization
   219 } // namespace boost
   221 // note: change below uses null_deleter 
   222 // This macro is used to export GUIDS for shared pointers to allow
   223 // the serialization system to export them properly. David Tonge
   224 #define BOOST_SHARED_POINTER_EXPORT_GUID(T, K)                     \
   225     typedef boost_132::detail::sp_counted_base_impl<               \
   226         T *,                                                       \
   227         boost::checked_deleter< T >                                \
   228     > __shared_ptr_ ## T;                                          \
   229     BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(__shared_ptr_ ## T, "__shared_ptr_" K) \
   230     BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(T, K)                                  \
   231     /**/
   233 #define BOOST_SHARED_POINTER_EXPORT(T)                             \
   234     BOOST_SHARED_POINTER_EXPORT_GUID(                              \
   235         T,                                                         \
   236         BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(T)                                      \
   237     )                                                              \
   238     /**/