changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e4d67989cc36
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Contains implementation for encryption/decryption.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #define EMULATOR ((defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__)))
    23 #include <e32def.h>
    24 //#include <des.h>
    25 #include <hash.h>
    26 #include <errno.h>
    27 #include <string.h>
    30 extern "C" char *crypt_des(const char *key, const char *setting);
    31 extern "C" char *crypt_md5(const char *pw, const char *salt);
    34 #define BYTE_SIZE	8
    35 #define ENCRYPTION  0
    36 #define DECRYPTION  1
    38 // STATIC DATA
    39 #if !EMULATOR
    40 TBuf8<BYTE_SIZE> desKey;				// For persistence between calls 
    41 										// to setkey() and encrypt()
    42 static TInt bSetkeyInvoked = 0;
    43 #else
    44 #include <sys/types.h>
    45 #include "wsd_solution.h"
    46 #define bSetkeyInvoked (GetGlobals()->bSetkeyInvoked)
    47 #endif
    50 static unsigned char GetByte(const char *bitVector);
    51 static void DesEncryptionL(const TDes8& aKey, TDes8& aInputBlock);
    52 static void DesDecryptionL(const TDes8& aKey, TDes8& aInputBlock);
    54 // LOCAL class declaration
    55 class CEncDecHack : public CBase
    56 {
    57 public:
    58 	virtual void Transform(TDes8& aBlock){}
    59 };
    61 typedef CEncDecHack* (*LookupFuncEncDecObjCreator)(const TDesC8& aKey, TBool aCheckWeakKey);
    63 _LIT(KCryptoDll,"cryptography.dll");
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // function_name: _setkey
    67 //
    68 // Prepares a byte array for the key from the contents of the incoming bit vector.
    69 // Key thus constructed is statically stored for use during encryption/decryption.
    70 //
    71 // Returns: void
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 extern "C"
    75 void _setkey (const char *key)
    76 {
    77 #if !EMULATOR
    78     // Reset the contents of the 'key' descriptor
    79     desKey.Delete(0,desKey.Length());
    80 #endif
    82 #if !EMULATOR    
    83 	// Pack the contents of the bit vector into a TDes derived object
    84 	for( int i = 0 ; i < BYTE_SIZE ; ++i)
    85 	{
    86 		desKey.Append( GetByte( &key[i * BYTE_SIZE] ) );
    87 	}
    88 #else
    89 	for(int i=0 ; i<64 ; ++i)
    90 	{
    91 		(GetGlobals()->desKey)[i] = key[i];
    92 	}
    93 #endif
    95 	bSetkeyInvoked = 1;
    96 }
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // function_name: _encrypt
   100 //
   101 // Performs either encryption or decryption of the data block. Prior to invoking
   102 // Symbian OS cryptography APIs for encryptions/decryption, this function
   103 // packs the contents of the bit vector into a byte array of size eight. The byte
   104 // array obtained after encryption/decryption is unpacked to present the output
   105 // in the form of a bit vector. The incoming data block is modified in place 
   106 // during the process.
   107 //
   108 // Assumption: User of the libcrypt library is expected the create a cleanupstack
   109 //
   110 // Returns: void
   111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 extern "C"
   114 void _encrypt (char block[], int edflag)
   115 {
   116 #if EMULATOR
   117 	TBuf8<BYTE_SIZE> desKey;
   118 #endif
   120 	// Determine if setkey() is invoked by the user
   121 	if(!bSetkeyInvoked)
   122 	{
   123 		// Initialize the key with default values
   124 		for(int i = 0 ; i < BYTE_SIZE ; ++i)
   125 		{
   126 			desKey.Append((unsigned char)0);
   127 		}
   128 		bSetkeyInvoked = 1;
   129 	}
   130 #if EMULATOR
   131 	else
   132 	{
   133 		for(int i=0 ; i<BYTE_SIZE ; ++i)
   134 		{
   135 			desKey.Append( GetByte( (const char*)&(GetGlobals()->desKey)[i * BYTE_SIZE] ));
   136 		}
   137 	}
   138 #endif
   140 	// Determine whether encryption or decryption is requested
   141 	if(edflag != ENCRYPTION)
   142 	{
   143 		if(edflag != DECRYPTION)
   144 		{
   145 			// Unrecognized flag parameter
   146 			errno = EPERM;
   147 			return;
   148 		}
   149 	}
   151 	// Pack the contents of the input bit vector into a "byte" array
   152 	TBuf8<BYTE_SIZE> inputBlock;
   153 	TInt nIterator;
   154 	for(nIterator = 0 ; nIterator < BYTE_SIZE ; ++nIterator)
   155 	{
   156 		inputBlock.Append( GetByte( &block[nIterator * BYTE_SIZE] ) );
   157 	}
   159 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   160 	typedef void (*DesOperation)(const TDes8&, TDes8&);
   161 	DesOperation funcOperationL = NULL;
   163 	switch(edflag)
   164 	{
   165 		case ENCRYPTION:		  // Encryption
   166 		funcOperationL = DesEncryptionL;
   167 		break;
   169 		case DECRYPTION:		  // Decryption
   170 		funcOperationL = DesDecryptionL;
   171 		break;
   172 	}
   174 	TRAP(error, (*funcOperationL)(desKey, inputBlock));
   176 	if(error == KErrNone)
   177 	{
   178 		unsigned char chTemp;
   179 		int k = 0;
   181 		// Create the bit vector from the "byte" array (unpack)
   182 		for(int i = 0 ; i < BYTE_SIZE ; ++i)
   183 		{
   184 			chTemp = inputBlock[i];
   185 			for(int j = 0 ; j < BYTE_SIZE ; ++j)
   186 			{
   187 				block[k++] = ((chTemp & 0x80) >> 7);
   188 				chTemp <<= 1;
   189 			}
   190 		}
   191 	}
   192 	else
   193 	{
   194 		// Set the errno flag to indicate failure
   195 		errno = EPERM;
   196 	}
   197 }
   199 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 // function_name: _crypt
   201 //
   202 // Uses MD5-based algorithm or DES encryption mechanism to encode a constant
   203 // string using "key" as the key. Salt determines the algorithm to be used.
   204 //
   205 // Returns: pointer to a static data buffer containing the encoded "string"
   206 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 //
   208 extern "C" 
   209 char* _crypt (const char *key, const char *salt)
   210 {
   211 	// Identify the algorithm to be used as part of crypt
   212 	if(strstr(salt, "$1$"))
   213 	{
   214 		// MD5-based algorithm
   215 		return crypt_md5(key, salt);
   216 	}
   217 	else
   218 	{
   219 		return crypt_des(key, salt);
   220 	}
   221 }
   223 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 // function_name: GetByte
   225 //
   226 // Packs the "bits" in the bit vector into a byte
   227 //
   228 // Returns: Byte composed of the bits from the bit vector
   229 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 //
   231 LOCAL_C unsigned char GetByte(const char *bitVector)
   232 {
   233 	unsigned char chTemp = 0;
   235 	for(int nIterator = 0 ; nIterator < BYTE_SIZE ; ++nIterator)
   236 	{
   237 		chTemp |= ( bitVector[nIterator] << (BYTE_SIZE - nIterator - 1) );
   238 	}
   239 	return chTemp;
   240 }
   242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // function_name: DesEncryptionL
   244 //
   245 // Function to encrypt the input data bytes by invoking Symbian OS API for
   246 // DES algorithm for encryption
   247 //
   248 // Assumption: 1. BLOCKSIZE within the cryptography library is 8 for 
   249 // 				  DES encryption
   250 //			   2. The input key is not checked against a set of known
   251 //				  weak key values
   252 //
   253 // Returns: void, however, this function leaves if there is insufficient
   254 //          memory
   255 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 //
   257 LOCAL_C void DesEncryptionL(const TDes8& aKey, TDes8& aInputBlock)
   258 {
   259 	// Construct the encryptor object
   260 /*	CDESEncryptor *pEncryptor = CDESEncryptor::NewL(aKey, EFalse);
   262 	if(!pEncryptor)
   263 	{
   264 		User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   265 	}
   267 	// Invoke DES trasnformation to encrypt the input data
   268 	pEncryptor->Transform(aInputBlock);
   270 	delete pEncryptor;
   271 */
   272 	RLibrary library;
   273     User::LeaveIfError(library.Load(KCryptoDll));
   275     #ifdef __WINSCW__
   276    	TLibraryFunction func = library.Lookup(102); // CDESEncryptor::NewL
   277     #else
   278     TLibraryFunction func = library.Lookup(59);  //CDESEncryptor::NewL
   279 	#endif // ifdef __WINSCW__
   281     if (func == NULL)
   282     {
   283         library.Close();
   284         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   285     }
   286     LookupFuncEncDecObjCreator  objCreatorFuncion = reinterpret_cast<LookupFuncEncDecObjCreator> (func);
   287     CEncDecHack* pEncryptor = reinterpret_cast<CEncDecHack*>(objCreatorFuncion(aKey, EFalse));
   288     pEncryptor->Transform(aInputBlock);
   289     delete pEncryptor;
   290     library.Close();
   291 }
   293 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   294 // function_name: DesDecryptionL
   295 //
   296 // Function to encrypt the input data bytes by invoking Symbian OS API for
   297 // DES algorithm for decryption
   298 //
   299 // Assumption: 1. BLOCKSIZE within the cryptography library is 8 for 
   300 // 				  DES decryption
   301 //			   2. The input key is not checked against a set of known
   302 //				  weak key values
   303 //
   304 // Returns: void, however, this function leaves if there is insufficient
   305 //          memory
   306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 //
   308 LOCAL_C void DesDecryptionL(const TDes8& aKey, TDes8& aInputBlock)
   309 {
   310 	// Construct the decryptor object
   311 /*	CDESDecryptor *pDecryptor = CDESDecryptor::NewL(aKey, EFalse);
   313 	if(!pDecryptor)
   314 	{
   315 		User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   316 	}
   318 	// Invoke DES decryption on the cipher text
   319 	pDecryptor->Transform(aInputBlock);
   321 	delete pDecryptor;
   322 */
   323     RLibrary library;
   324     User::LeaveIfError(library.Load(KCryptoDll));
   326 	#ifdef __WINSCW__
   327     TLibraryFunction func = library.Lookup(101); // CDESDecryptor::NewL
   328 	#else
   329     TLibraryFunction func = library.Lookup(57);  //CDESDecryptor::NewL
   330 	#endif // ifdef __WINSCW
   332     if (func == NULL)
   333     {
   334         library.Close();
   335         return;
   336     }
   337     LookupFuncEncDecObjCreator  objCreatorFuncion = reinterpret_cast<LookupFuncEncDecObjCreator> (func);
   338     CEncDecHack* pDecryptor = reinterpret_cast<CEncDecHack*>(objCreatorFuncion(aKey, EFalse));
   339     pDecryptor->Transform(aInputBlock);
   340     delete pDecryptor;
   341     library.Close();
   342 }
   344 extern "C" {
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 // function_name: Deallocate2DimensionalUchar
   348 //
   349 // To deallocate storage alloted for the two dimensional array
   350 //
   351 // Returns: void
   352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 //
   354 void Deallocate2DimensionalUchar(unsigned char **buffer, int row)
   355 {
   356 		int m;
   357 		for(m=0 ; m<row ; ++m)
   358 		{
   359 			User::Free((TAny *)buffer[m]);
   360 		}
   361 		User::Free((TAny *)buffer);
   362 }
   364 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 // function_name: Deallocate2DimensionalUint
   366 //
   367 // To deallocate storage alloted for the two dimensional array
   368 //
   369 // Returns: void
   370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //
   372 void Deallocate2DimensionalUint(__uint32_t **buffer, int row)
   373 {
   374 		int m;
   375 		for(m=0 ; m<row ; ++m)
   376 		{
   377 			User::Free((TAny *)buffer[m]);
   378 		}
   379 		User::Free((TAny *)buffer);
   380 }
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // function_name: Allocate2DimensionalUchar
   384 //
   385 // Function to allocate storage for a two dimensional array from the heap. 
   386 // If heap exhaustion occurs during the course of allocating memory to the array,
   387 // the previously allocated storage will be deleted prior to returning to the
   388 // caller.
   389 //
   390 // Returns: non-zero if allocation is successful, 0 if it fails
   391 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 //
   393 int Allocate2DimensionalUchar(unsigned char ***buffer, int row, int column)
   394 {
   395 	*buffer = (unsigned char **)User::Alloc(row * sizeof(unsigned char *));
   396 	if(NULL == *buffer)
   397 	{
   398 		return 0;
   399 	}
   400 	for(int m=0 ; m<row ; ++m)
   401 	{
   402 		(*buffer)[m] = (unsigned char *)User::Alloc(column * sizeof(unsigned char));
   403 		if(NULL == (*buffer)[m])
   404 		{
   405 			// Insufficient heap memory
   406 			if(m)
   407 			{
   408 				// Deallocate the previously allocated storage
   409 				Deallocate2DimensionalUchar(*buffer, m);
   410 			}
   411 			return 0;
   412 		}
   413 	}
   415 	return 1;
   416 }
   418 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 // function_name: Allocate2DimensionalUint
   420 //
   421 // Function to allocate storage for a two dimensional array of type unsigned int
   422 // from the heap. If heap exhaustion occurs while allocating memory to the array,
   423 // the previously allocated storage will be deleted prior to returning to the
   424 // caller.
   425 //
   426 // Returns: non-zero if allocation is successful, 0 if it fails
   427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 //
   429 int Allocate2DimensionalUint(__uint32_t ***buffer, int row, int column)
   430 {
   431 	*buffer = (__uint32_t **)User::Alloc(row * sizeof(__uint32_t *));
   432 	if(NULL == *buffer)
   433 	{
   434 		return 0;
   435 	}
   436 	for(int m=0 ; m<row ; ++m)
   437 	{
   438 		(*buffer)[m] = (__uint32_t *)User::Alloc(column * sizeof(__uint32_t));
   439 		if(NULL == (*buffer)[m])
   440 		{
   441 			// Insufficient heap memory
   442 			if(m)
   443 			{
   444 				// Deallocate the previously allocated storage
   445 				Deallocate2DimensionalUint(*buffer, m);
   446 			}
   447 			return 0;
   448 		}
   449 	}
   451 	return 1;
   452 }
   454 }	// <<end extern "C">>