changeset 18 47c74d1534e1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/glib/gobject/gclosure.h	Fri Apr 16 16:46:38 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB
+ * Portions copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined (__GLIB_GOBJECT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GOBJECT_COMPILATION)
+#error "Only <glib-object.h> can be included directly."
+#ifndef __G_CLOSURE_H__
+#define __G_CLOSURE_H__
+#include        <gobject/gtype.h>
+/* --- defines --- */
+ * @closure: a #GClosure
+ * 
+ * Check if the closure still needs a marshaller. See g_closure_set_marshal().
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if a #GClosureMarshal marshaller has not yet been set on 
+ * @closure.
+ */
+#define	G_CLOSURE_NEEDS_MARSHAL(closure) (((GClosure*) (closure))->marshal == NULL)
+ * @cl: a #GClosure
+ * 
+ * Get the total number of notifiers connected with the closure @cl. 
+ * The count includes the meta marshaller, the finalize and invalidate notifiers 
+ * and the marshal guards. Note that each guard counts as two notifiers. 
+ * See g_closure_set_meta_marshal(), g_closure_add_finalize_notifier(),
+ * g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier() and g_closure_add_marshal_guards().
+ *
+ * Returns: number of notifiers
+ */
+#define	G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS(cl)	 ((cl)->meta_marshal + ((cl)->n_guards << 1L) + \
+                                          (cl)->n_fnotifiers + (cl)->n_inotifiers)
+ * @cclosure: a #GCClosure
+ * 
+ * Checks whether the user data of the #GCClosure should be passed as the
+ * first parameter to the callback. See g_cclosure_new_swap().
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if data has to be swapped.
+ */
+#define	G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA(cclosure)	 (((GClosure*) (cclosure))->derivative_flag)
+ * @f: a function pointer.
+ * 
+ * Cast a function pointer to a #GCallback.
+ */
+#define	G_CALLBACK(f)			 ((GCallback) (f))
+/* -- typedefs --- */
+typedef struct _GClosure		 GClosure;
+typedef struct _GClosureNotifyData	 GClosureNotifyData;
+ * GCallback:
+ * 
+ * The type used for callback functions in structure definitions and function 
+ * signatures. This doesn't mean that all callback functions must take no 
+ * parameters and return void. The required signature of a callback function 
+ * is determined by the context in which is used (e.g. the signal to which it 
+ * is connected). Use G_CALLBACK() to cast the callback function to a #GCallback. 
+ */
+typedef void  (*GCallback)              (void);
+ * GClosureNotify:
+ * @data: data specified when registering the notification callback
+ * @closure: the #GClosure on which the notification is emitted
+ * 
+ * The type used for the various notification callbacks which can be registered
+ * on closures.
+ */
+typedef void  (*GClosureNotify)		(gpointer	 data,
+					 GClosure	*closure);
+ * GClosureMarshal:
+ * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
+ * @return_value: a #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL if the
+ *  callback of @closure doesn't return a value.
+ * @n_param_values: the length of the @param_values array
+ * @param_values: an array of #GValue<!-- -->s holding the arguments on
+ *  which to invoke the callback of @closure
+ * @invocation_hint: the invocation hint given as the last argument
+ *  to g_closure_invoke()
+ * @marshal_data: additional data specified when registering the marshaller,
+ *  see g_closure_set_marshal() and g_closure_set_meta_marshal()
+ * 
+ * The type used for marshaller functions.
+ */
+typedef void  (*GClosureMarshal)	(GClosure	*closure,
+					 GValue         *return_value,
+					 guint           n_param_values,
+					 const GValue   *param_values,
+					 gpointer        invocation_hint,
+					 gpointer	 marshal_data);
+ * GCClosure:
+ * @closure: the #GClosure
+ * @callback: the callback function
+ * 
+ * A #GCClosure is a specialization of #GClosure for C function callbacks.
+ */
+typedef struct _GCClosure		 GCClosure;
+/* --- structures --- */
+struct _GClosureNotifyData
+  gpointer       data;
+  GClosureNotify notify;
+ * GClosure:
+ * @in_marshal: Indicates whether the closure is currently being invoked with 
+ *  g_closure_invoke()
+ * @is_invalid: Indicates whether the closure has been invalidated by 
+ *  g_closure_invalidate()
+ * 
+ * A #GClosure represents a callback supplied by the programmer.
+ */
+struct _GClosure
+  /*< private >*/
+  volatile      	guint	 ref_count : 15;
+  volatile       	guint	 meta_marshal : 1;
+  volatile       	guint	 n_guards : 1;
+  volatile       	guint	 n_fnotifiers : 2;	/* finalization notifiers */
+  volatile       	guint	 n_inotifiers : 8;	/* invalidation notifiers */
+  volatile       	guint	 in_inotify : 1;
+  volatile       	guint	 floating : 1;
+  /*< protected >*/
+  volatile         	guint	 derivative_flag : 1;
+  /*< public >*/
+  volatile       	guint	 in_marshal : 1;
+  volatile       	guint	 is_invalid : 1;
+  /*< private >*/	void   (*marshal)  (GClosure       *closure,
+					    GValue /*out*/ *return_value,
+					    guint           n_param_values,
+					    const GValue   *param_values,
+					    gpointer        invocation_hint,
+					    gpointer	    marshal_data);
+  /*< protected >*/	gpointer data;
+  /*< private >*/	GClosureNotifyData *notifiers;
+  /* invariants/constrains:
+   * - ->marshal and ->data are _invalid_ as soon as ->is_invalid==TRUE
+   * - invocation of all inotifiers occours prior to fnotifiers
+   * - order of inotifiers is random
+   *   inotifiers may _not_ free/invalidate parameter values (e.g. ->data)
+   * - order of fnotifiers is random
+   * - each notifier may only be removed before or during its invocation
+   * - reference counting may only happen prior to fnotify invocation
+   *   (in that sense, fnotifiers are really finalization handlers)
+   */
+/* closure for C function calls, callback() is the user function
+ */
+struct _GCClosure
+  GClosure	closure;
+  gpointer	callback;
+/* --- prototypes --- */
+IMPORT_C GClosure* g_cclosure_new			(GCallback	callback_func,
+						 gpointer	user_data,
+						 GClosureNotify destroy_data);
+IMPORT_C GClosure* g_cclosure_new_swap			(GCallback	callback_func,
+						 gpointer	user_data,
+						 GClosureNotify destroy_data);
+IMPORT_C GClosure* g_signal_type_cclosure_new		(GType          itype,
+						 guint          struct_offset);
+/* --- prototypes --- */
+IMPORT_C GClosure* g_closure_ref				(GClosure	*closure);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_sink			(GClosure	*closure);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_unref			(GClosure	*closure);
+/* intimidating */
+IMPORT_C GClosure* g_closure_new_simple			(guint		 sizeof_closure,
+						 gpointer	 data);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_add_finalize_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
+						 gpointer	 notify_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
+						 gpointer	 notify_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
+						 gpointer	 notify_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
+						 gpointer	 notify_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_add_marshal_guards		(GClosure	*closure,
+						 gpointer        pre_marshal_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 pre_marshal_notify,
+						 gpointer        post_marshal_data,
+						 GClosureNotify	 post_marshal_notify);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_set_marshal			(GClosure	*closure,
+						 GClosureMarshal marshal);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_set_meta_marshal		(GClosure       *closure,
+						 gpointer	 marshal_data,
+						 GClosureMarshal meta_marshal);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_invalidate			(GClosure	*closure);
+IMPORT_C void	  g_closure_invoke			(GClosure 	*closure,
+						 GValue	/*out*/	*return_value,
+						 guint		 n_param_values,
+						 const GValue	*param_values,
+						 gpointer	 invocation_hint);
+/* FIXME:
+   OK:  data_object::destroy		-> closure_invalidate();
+   MIS:	closure_invalidate()		-> disconnect(closure);
+   MIS:	disconnect(closure)		-> (unlink) closure_unref();
+   OK:	closure_finalize()		-> g_free (data_string);
+   random remarks:
+   - need marshaller repo with decent aliasing to base types
+   - provide marshaller collection, virtually covering anything out there
+#endif /* __G_CLOSURE_H__ */