changeset 18 47c74d1534e1
child 72 403e7f6ed6c5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/glib/tests/testglib.c	Fri Apr 16 16:46:38 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1564 @@
+/* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-1997  Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
+ * Portion Copyright © 2008-09 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Modified by the GLib Team and others 1997-2000.  See the AUTHORS
+ * file for a list of people on the GLib Team.  See the ChangeLog
+ * files for a list of changes.  These files are distributed with
+ * GLib at 
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "glib.h"
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <glib_global.h>
+#include "mrt2_glib2_test.h"
+#endif /*__SYMBIAN32__*/
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+#include <io.h>			/* For read(), write() etc */
+#define GLIB_TEST_STRING "el dorado "
+#define GLIB_TEST_STRING_5 "el do"
+/* --- variables --- */
+static gint test_nums[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
+static gint more_nums[10] = { 8, 9, 7, 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6};
+/* --- functions --- */
+static gint
+my_list_compare_one (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+  gint one = *((const gint*)a);
+  gint two = *((const gint*)b);
+  return one-two;
+static gint
+my_list_compare_two (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+  gint one = *((const gint*)a);
+  gint two = *((const gint*)b);
+  return two-one;
+/* static void
+my_list_print (gpointer a, gpointer b)
+  gint three = *((gint*)a);
+  g_print("%d", three);
+}; */
+static void
+glist_test (void)
+  GList *list = NULL;
+  guint i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    list = g_list_append (list, &test_nums[i]);
+  list = g_list_reverse (list);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GList *t = g_list_nth (list, i);
+      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
+	g_error ("Regular insert failed");
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    if (g_list_position (list, g_list_nth (list, i)) != i)
+      g_error ("g_list_position does not seem to be the inverse of g_list_nth\n");
+  g_list_free (list);
+  list = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    list = g_list_insert_sorted (list, &more_nums[i], my_list_compare_one);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_list_foreach (list, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GList *t = g_list_nth (list, i);
+      if (*((gint*) t->data) != i)
+         g_error ("Sorted insert failed");
+    }
+  g_list_free (list);
+  list = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    list = g_list_insert_sorted (list, &more_nums[i], my_list_compare_two);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_list_foreach (list, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GList *t = g_list_nth (list, i);
+      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
+         g_error ("Sorted insert failed");
+    }
+  g_list_free (list);
+  list = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    list = g_list_prepend (list, &more_nums[i]);
+  list = g_list_sort (list, my_list_compare_two);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_list_foreach (list, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GList *t = g_list_nth (list, i);
+      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
+         g_error ("Merge sort failed");
+    }
+  g_list_free (list);
+static void
+gslist_test (void)
+  GSList *slist = NULL;
+  guint i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    slist = g_slist_append (slist, &test_nums[i]);
+  slist = g_slist_reverse (slist);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GSList *st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
+      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
+	g_error ("failed");
+    }
+  g_slist_free (slist);
+  slist = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    slist = g_slist_insert_sorted (slist, &more_nums[i], my_list_compare_one);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_slist_foreach (slist, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GSList *st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
+      if (*((gint*) st->data) != i)
+        g_error ("Sorted insert failed");
+    }
+  g_slist_free (slist);
+  slist = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    slist = g_slist_insert_sorted (slist, &more_nums[i], my_list_compare_two);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_slist_foreach (slist, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GSList *st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
+      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
+        g_error("Sorted insert failed");
+    }
+  g_slist_free(slist);
+  slist = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    slist = g_slist_prepend (slist, &more_nums[i]);
+  slist = g_slist_sort (slist, my_list_compare_two);
+  /*
+  g_print("\n");
+  g_slist_foreach (slist, my_list_print, NULL);
+  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+      GSList *st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
+      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
+        g_error("Sorted insert failed");
+    }
+  g_slist_free(slist);
+static gboolean
+node_build_string (GNode    *node,
+		   gpointer  data)
+  gchar **p = data;
+  gchar *string;
+  gchar c[2] = "_";
+  c[0] = ((gchar) ((gintptr) (node->data)));
+  string = g_strconcat (*p ? *p : "", c, NULL);
+  g_free (*p);
+  *p = string;
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+gnode_test (void)
+#define	C2P(c)		((gpointer) ((long) (c)))
+#define	P2C(p)		((gchar) ((gintptr) (p)))
+  GNode *root;
+  GNode *node;
+  GNode *node_B;
+  GNode *node_F;
+  GNode *node_G;
+  GNode *node_J;
+  guint i;
+  gchar *tstring, *cstring;
+  root = g_node_new (C2P ('A'));
+  g_assert (g_node_depth (root) == 1 && g_node_max_height (root) == 1);
+  node_B = g_node_new (C2P ('B'));
+  g_node_append (root, node_B);
+  g_assert (root->children == node_B);
+  g_node_append_data (node_B, C2P ('E'));
+  g_node_prepend_data (node_B, C2P ('C'));
+  g_node_insert (node_B, 1, g_node_new (C2P ('D')));
+  node_F = g_node_new (C2P ('F'));
+  g_node_append (root, node_F);
+  g_assert (root->children->next == node_F);
+  node_G = g_node_new (C2P ('G'));
+  g_node_append (node_F, node_G);
+  node_J = g_node_new (C2P ('J'));
+  g_node_prepend (node_G, node_J);
+  g_node_insert (node_G, 42, g_node_new (C2P ('K')));
+  g_node_insert_data (node_G, 0, C2P ('H'));
+  g_node_insert (node_G, 1, g_node_new (C2P ('I')));
+  g_assert (g_node_depth (root) == 1);
+  g_assert (g_node_max_height (root) == 4);
+  g_assert (g_node_depth (node_G->children->next) == 4);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS) == 7);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS) == 4);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == 11);
+  g_assert (g_node_max_height (node_F) == 3);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_children (node_G) == 4);
+  g_assert (g_node_find_child (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, C2P ('F')) == node_F);
+  g_assert (g_node_find (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, C2P ('I')) == NULL);
+  g_assert (g_node_find (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, C2P ('J')) == node_J);
+  for (i = 0; i < g_node_n_children (node_B); i++)
+    {
+      node = g_node_nth_child (node_B, i);
+      g_assert (P2C (node->data) == ('C' + i));
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < g_node_n_children (node_G); i++)
+    g_assert (g_node_child_position (node_G, g_node_nth_child (node_G, i)) == i);
+  /* we have built:                    A
+   *                                 /   \
+   *                               B       F
+   *                             / | \       \
+   *                           C   D   E       G
+   *                                         / /\ \
+   *                                       H  I  J  K
+   *
+   * for in-order traversal, 'G' is considered to be the "left"
+   * child of 'F', which will cause 'F' to be the last node visited.
+   */
+  tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "ABCDEFGHIJK");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "CDEBHIJKGFA");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "CBDEAHGIJKF");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "ABFCDEGHIJK");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "CDEHIJK");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "ABFG");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_node_reverse_children (node_B);
+  g_node_reverse_children (node_G);
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, "ABFEDCGKJIH");
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  cstring = NULL;
+  node = g_node_copy (root);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == g_node_n_nodes (node, G_TRAVERSE_ALL));
+  g_assert (g_node_max_height (root) == g_node_max_height (node));
+  g_node_traverse (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
+  g_node_traverse (node, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &cstring);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (tstring, ==, cstring);
+  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
+  g_free (cstring); cstring = NULL;
+  g_node_destroy (node);
+  g_node_destroy (root);
+  /* allocation tests */
+  root = g_node_new (NULL);
+  node = root;
+  for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
+    {
+      g_node_append (node, g_node_new (NULL));
+      if ((i%5) == 4)
+	node = node->children->next;
+    }
+  g_assert (g_node_max_height (root) > 100);
+  g_assert (g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == 1 + 2048);
+  g_node_destroy (root);
+#undef C2P
+#undef P2C
+static gint
+my_compare (gconstpointer a,
+	    gconstpointer b)
+  const char *cha = a;
+  const char *chb = b;
+  return *cha - *chb;
+static gint
+my_traverse (gpointer key,
+	     gpointer value,
+	     gpointer data)
+  char *ch = key;
+  g_print ("%c ", *ch);
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+binary_tree_test (void)
+  GTree *tree;
+  char chars[62];
+  guint i, j;
+  tree = g_tree_new (my_compare);
+  i = 0;
+  for (j = 0; j < 10; j++, i++)
+    {
+      chars[i] = '0' + j;
+      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);
+    }
+  for (j = 0; j < 26; j++, i++)
+    {
+      chars[i] = 'A' + j;
+      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);
+    }
+  for (j = 0; j < 26; j++, i++)
+    {
+      chars[i] = 'a' + j;
+      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);
+    }
+  g_assert_cmpint (g_tree_nnodes (tree), ==, 10 + 26 + 26);
+  g_assert_cmpint (g_tree_height (tree), ==, 6);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      g_print ("tree: ");
+      g_tree_foreach (tree, my_traverse, NULL);
+      g_print ("\n");
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    g_tree_remove (tree, &chars[i]);
+  g_assert_cmpint (g_tree_nnodes (tree), ==, 26 + 26);
+  g_assert_cmpint (g_tree_height (tree), ==, 6);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      g_print ("tree: ");
+      g_tree_foreach (tree, my_traverse, NULL);
+      g_print ("\n");
+    }
+static gboolean
+my_hash_callback_remove (gpointer key,
+			 gpointer value,
+			 gpointer user_data)
+  int *d = value;
+  if ((*d) % 2)
+    return TRUE;
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+my_hash_callback_remove_test (gpointer key,
+			      gpointer value,
+			      gpointer user_data)
+  int *d = value;
+  if ((*d) % 2)
+    g_print ("bad!\n");
+static void
+my_hash_callback (gpointer key,
+		  gpointer value,
+		  gpointer user_data)
+  int *d = value;
+  *d = 1;
+static guint
+my_hash (gconstpointer key)
+  return (guint) *((const gint*) key);
+static gboolean
+my_hash_equal (gconstpointer a,
+	       gconstpointer b)
+  return *((const gint*) a) == *((const gint*) b);
+static gboolean 
+find_first_that(gpointer key, 
+		gpointer value, 
+		gpointer user_data)
+  gint *v = value;
+  gint *test = user_data;
+  return (*v == *test);
+static void
+test_g_parse_debug_string (void)
+  GDebugKey keys[3] = { 
+    { "foo", 1 },
+    { "bar", 2 },
+    { "baz", 4 }
+  };
+  guint n_keys = 3;
+  guint result;
+  result = g_parse_debug_string ("bar:foo:blubb", keys, n_keys);
+  g_assert (result == 3);
+  result = g_parse_debug_string (":baz::_E@~!_::", keys, n_keys);
+  g_assert (result == 4);
+  result = g_parse_debug_string ("", keys, n_keys);
+  g_assert (result == 0);
+  result = g_parse_debug_string (" : ", keys, n_keys);
+  g_assert (result == 0);
+static void
+log_warning_error_tests (void)
+    {
+      g_message ("this is a g_message test.");
+      g_message ("non-printable UTF-8: \"\xc3\xa4\xda\x85\"");
+      g_message ("unsafe chars: \"\x10\x11\x12\n\t\x7f\x81\x82\x83\"");
+      exit (0);
+    }
+  g_test_trap_assert_passed();
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*is a g_message test*");
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*non-printable UTF-8*");
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*unsafe chars*");
+    {
+      g_warning ("harmless warning with parameters: %d %s %#x", 42, "Boo", 12345);
+      exit (0);
+    }
+  g_test_trap_assert_failed(); /* we have fatal-warnings enabled */
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*harmless warning*");
+    {
+      g_print (NULL);
+      exit (0);
+    }
+  g_test_trap_assert_failed(); /* we have fatal-warnings enabled */
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*g_print*assertion*failed*");
+  g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*NULL*");
+static void
+timer_tests (void)
+  GTimer *timer, *timer2;
+  gdouble elapsed;
+  /* basic testing */
+  timer = g_timer_new ();
+  g_timer_start (timer);
+  elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
+  g_timer_stop (timer);
+  g_assert_cmpfloat (elapsed, <=, g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL));
+  g_timer_destroy (timer);
+  if (g_test_slow())
+    {
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("checking timers...\n");
+      timer = g_timer_new ();
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("  spinning for 3 seconds...\n");
+      g_timer_start (timer);
+      while (g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL) < 3)
+        ;
+      g_timer_stop (timer);
+      g_timer_destroy (timer);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("ok\n");
+    }
+  if (g_test_slow())
+    {
+      gulong elapsed_usecs;
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("checking g_timer_continue...\n");
+      timer2 = g_timer_new ();
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\trun for 1 second...\n");
+      timer = g_timer_new();
+      g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* run timer for 1 second */
+      g_timer_stop (timer);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\tstop for 1 second...\n");
+      g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* wait for 1 second */
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\trun for 2 seconds...\n");
+      g_timer_continue (timer);
+      g_usleep (2 * G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* run timer for 2 seconds */
+      g_timer_stop(timer);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\tstop for 1.5 seconds...\n");
+      g_usleep ((3 * G_USEC_PER_SEC) / 2); /* wait for 1.5 seconds */
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\trun for 0.2 seconds...\n");
+      g_timer_continue (timer);
+      g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC / 5); /* run timer for 0.2 seconds */
+      g_timer_stop (timer);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\tstop for 4 seconds...\n");
+      g_usleep (4 * G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* wait for 4 seconds */
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\trun for 5.8 seconds...\n");
+      g_timer_continue (timer);
+      g_usleep ((29 * G_USEC_PER_SEC) / 5); /* run timer for 5.8 seconds */
+      g_timer_stop(timer);
+      elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (timer, &elapsed_usecs);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\t=> timer = %.6f = %d.%06ld (should be: 9.000000) (%.6f off)\n", elapsed, (int) elapsed, elapsed_usecs, ABS (elapsed - 9.));
+      g_assert_cmpfloat (elapsed, >, 8.8);
+      g_assert_cmpfloat (elapsed, <, 9.2);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("g_timer_continue ... ok\n\n");
+      g_timer_stop (timer2);
+      elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (timer2, &elapsed_usecs);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("\t=> timer2 = %.6f = %d.%06ld (should be: %.6f) (%.6f off)\n\n", elapsed, (int) elapsed, elapsed_usecs, 9.+6.5, ABS (elapsed - (9.+6.5)));
+      g_assert_cmpfloat (elapsed, >, 8.8 + 6.5);
+      g_assert_cmpfloat (elapsed, <, 9.2 + 6.5);
+      if (g_test_verbose())
+        g_print ("timer2 ... ok\n\n");
+      g_timer_destroy (timer);
+      g_timer_destroy (timer2);
+    }
+static void
+type_sizes (void)
+  guint16 gu16t1 = 0x44afU, gu16t2 = 0xaf44U;
+  guint32 gu32t1 = 0x02a7f109U, gu32t2 = 0x09f1a702U;
+  guint64 gu64t1 = G_GINT64_CONSTANT(0x1d636b02300a7aa7U),
+	  gu64t2 = G_GINT64_CONSTANT(0xa77a0a30026b631dU);
+  /* type sizes */
+  g_assert_cmpint (sizeof (gint8), ==, 1);
+  g_assert_cmpint (sizeof (gint16), ==, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint (sizeof (gint32), ==, 4);
+  g_assert_cmpint (sizeof (gint64), ==, 8);
+  /* endian macros */
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking endian macros (host is %s)...\n",
+             G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN ? "big endian" : "little endian");
+  g_assert (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (gu16t1) == gu16t2);
+  g_assert (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (gu32t1) == gu32t2);
+  g_assert (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (gu64t1) == gu64t2);
+static void
+test_info (void)
+  const gchar *un, *rn, *hn;
+  const gchar *tmpdir, *homedir, *userdatadir, *uconfdir, *ucachedir;
+  const gchar *uddesktop, *udddocs, *uddpubshare;
+  gchar **sv, *cwd, *sdatadirs, *sconfdirs, *langnames;
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("TestGLib v%u.%u.%u (i:%u b:%u)\n",
+             glib_major_version,
+             glib_minor_version,
+             glib_micro_version,
+             glib_interface_age,
+             glib_binary_age);
+  cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
+  un = g_get_user_name();
+  rn = g_get_real_name();
+  hn = g_get_host_name();
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      g_print ("cwd: %s\n", cwd);
+      g_print ("user: %s\n", un);
+      g_print ("real: %s\n", rn);
+      g_print ("host: %s\n", hn);
+    }
+  g_free (cwd);
+  tmpdir = g_get_tmp_dir();
+  g_assert (tmpdir != NULL);
+  homedir = g_get_home_dir ();
+  g_assert (homedir != NULL);
+  userdatadir = g_get_user_data_dir ();
+  g_assert (userdatadir != NULL);
+  uconfdir = g_get_user_config_dir ();
+  g_assert (uconfdir != NULL);
+  ucachedir = g_get_user_cache_dir ();
+  g_assert (ucachedir != NULL);
+  uddesktop = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DESKTOP);
+  g_assert (uddesktop != NULL);
+  udddocs = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS);
+  uddpubshare = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_PUBLIC_SHARE);
+  sv = (gchar **) g_get_system_data_dirs ();
+  sdatadirs = g_strjoinv (G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, sv);
+  sv = (gchar **) g_get_system_config_dirs ();
+  sconfdirs = g_strjoinv (G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, sv);
+  sv = (gchar **) g_get_language_names ();
+  langnames = g_strjoinv (":", sv);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      g_print ("tmp-dir: %s\n", tmpdir);
+      g_print ("home: %s\n", homedir);
+      g_print ("user_data: %s\n", userdatadir);
+      g_print ("user_config: %s\n", uconfdir);
+      g_print ("user_cache: %s\n", ucachedir);
+      g_print ("system_data: %s\n", sdatadirs);
+      g_print ("system_config: %s\n", sconfdirs);
+      g_print ("languages: %s\n", langnames);
+      g_print ("user_special[DESKTOP]: %s\n", uddesktop);
+      g_print ("user_special[DOCUMENTS]: %s\n", udddocs);
+      g_print ("user_special[PUBLIC_SHARE]: %s\n", uddpubshare);
+    }
+  g_free (sdatadirs);
+  g_free (sconfdirs);
+  g_free (langnames);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+#ifdef G_PLATFORM_WIN32
+      gchar *glib_dll;
+      const gchar *charset;
+      if (g_get_charset ((G_CONST_RETURN char**)&charset))
+        g_print ("current charset is UTF-8: %s\n", charset);
+      else
+        g_print ("current charset is not UTF-8: %s\n", charset);
+#ifdef G_PLATFORM_WIN32
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+      /* Can't calculate GLib DLL name at runtime. */
+      glib_dll = "libglib-2.0-0.dll";
+      glib_dll = "cygglib-2.0-0.dll";
+      g_print ("current locale: %s\n", g_win32_getlocale ());
+      g_print ("GLib DLL name tested for: %s\n", glib_dll);
+      g_print ("GLib installation directory, from Registry entry for %s if available: %s\n",
+               GETTEXT_PACKAGE,
+               g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, NULL));
+      g_print ("Ditto, or from GLib DLL name: %s\n",
+               g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, glib_dll));
+      g_print ("Ditto, only from GLib DLL name: %s\n",
+               g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (NULL, glib_dll));
+      g_print ("locale subdirectory of GLib installation directory: %s\n",
+               g_win32_get_package_installation_subdirectory (NULL, glib_dll, "lib\\locale"));
+      g_print ("GTK+ 2.0 installation directory, if available: %s\n",
+               g_win32_get_package_installation_directory ("gtk20", NULL));
+      g_print ("found as %s\n", g_find_program_in_path (""));
+      g_print ("found regedit as %s\n", g_find_program_in_path ("regedit"));
+      g_print ("a Win32 error message: %s\n", g_win32_error_message (2));
+    }
+static void
+test_paths (void)
+  struct {
+    gchar *filename;
+    gchar *dirname;
+  } dirname_checks[] = {
+    { "/", "/" },
+    { "////", "/" },
+    { ".////", "." },
+    { "../", ".." },
+    { "..////", ".." },
+    { "a/b", "a" },
+    { "a/b/", "a/b" },
+    { "c///", "c" },
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+    { "\\", "\\" },
+    { ".\\\\\\\\", "." },
+    { "..\\", ".." },
+    { "..\\\\\\\\", ".." },
+    { "a\\b", "a" },
+    { "a\\b/", "a\\b" },
+    { "a/b\\", "a/b" },
+    { "c\\\\/", "c" },
+    { "//\\", "/" },
+    { "//server/share///x", "//server/share" },
+    { ".", "." },
+    { "..", "." },
+    { "", "." },
+  };
+  const guint n_dirname_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (dirname_checks);
+  struct {
+    gchar *filename;
+    gchar *without_root;
+  } skip_root_checks[] = {
+    { "/", "" },
+    { "//", "" },
+    { "/foo", "foo" },
+    { "//foo", "foo" },
+    { "a/b", NULL },
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+    { "\\", "" },
+    { "\\foo", "foo" },
+    { "\\\\server\\foo", "" },
+    { "\\\\server\\foo\\bar", "bar" },
+    { "a\\b", NULL },
+    { "//server/share///x", "//x" },
+    { ".", NULL },
+    { "", NULL },
+  };
+  const guint n_skip_root_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (skip_root_checks);
+  gchar *string;
+  guint i;
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_path_get_basename()...");
+  string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "dir" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, "dir") == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "file");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, "file") == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("ok\n");
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+  string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/dir/");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, "dir") == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/file");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, "file") == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_path_get_dirname()...");
+  for (i = 0; i < n_dirname_checks; i++)
+    {
+      gchar *dirname = g_path_get_dirname (dirname_checks[i].filename);
+      if (strcmp (dirname, dirname_checks[i].dirname) != 0)
+	{
+	  g_error ("\nfailed for \"%s\"==\"%s\" (returned: \"%s\")\n",
+		   dirname_checks[i].filename,
+		   dirname_checks[i].dirname,
+		   dirname);
+	}
+      g_free (dirname);
+    }
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("ok\n");
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_path_skip_root()...");
+  for (i = 0; i < n_skip_root_checks; i++)
+    {
+      const gchar *skipped = g_path_skip_root (skip_root_checks[i].filename);
+      if ((skipped && !skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
+	  (!skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
+	  ((skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) &&
+	   strcmp (skipped, skip_root_checks[i].without_root)))
+	{
+	  g_error ("\nfailed for \"%s\"==\"%s\" (returned: \"%s\")\n",
+		   skip_root_checks[i].filename,
+		   (skip_root_checks[i].without_root ?
+		    skip_root_checks[i].without_root : "<NULL>"),
+		   (skipped ? skipped : "<NULL>"));
+	}
+    }
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("ok\n");
+static void
+test_file_functions (void)
+  const char hello[] = "Hello, World";
+  const int hellolen = sizeof (hello) - 1;
+  GError *error;
+  char template[32];
+  char *name_used, chars[62];
+  gint fd, n;
+  strcpy (template, "c:\\foobar");
+  fd = g_mkstemp (template);
+  if (g_test_verbose() && fd != -1)
+    g_print ("g_mkstemp works even if template doesn't end in XXXXXX\n");
+  close (fd);
+  strcpy (template, "c:\\fooXXXXXX");
+  fd = g_mkstemp (template);
+  if (fd == -1)
+    g_error ("g_mkstemp didn't work for template %s\n", template);
+  n = write (fd, hello, hellolen);
+  if (n == -1)
+    g_error ("write() failed: %s\n", g_strerror (errno));
+  else if (n != hellolen)
+    g_error ("write() should have written %d bytes, wrote %d\n", hellolen, n);
+  lseek (fd, 0, 0);
+  n = read (fd, chars, sizeof (chars));
+  if (n == -1)
+    g_error ("read() failed: %s\n", g_strerror (errno));
+  else if (n != hellolen)
+    g_error ("read() should have read %d bytes, got %d\n", hellolen, n);
+  chars[n] = 0;
+  if (strcmp (chars, hello) != 0)
+    g_error ("wrote '%s', but got '%s'\n", hello, chars);
+  close (fd);
+  remove (template);
+  error = NULL;
+  strcpy (template, "zap" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "barXXXXXX");
+  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      if (fd != -1)
+        g_print ("g_file_open_tmp works even if template contains '%s'\n", G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+      else
+        g_print ("g_file_open_tmp correctly returns error: %s\n", error->message);
+    }
+  close (fd);
+  g_clear_error (&error);
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+  strcpy (template, "zap/barXXXXXX");
+  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    {
+      if (fd != -1)
+        g_print ("g_file_open_tmp works even if template contains '/'\n");
+      else
+        g_print ("g_file_open_tmp correctly returns error: %s\n", error->message);
+    }
+  close (fd);
+  g_clear_error (&error);
+  strcpy (template, "zapXXXXXX");
+  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
+  if (fd == -1)
+    g_error ("g_file_open_tmp didn't work for template '%s': %s\n", template, error->message);
+  else if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("g_file_open_tmp for template '%s' used name '%s'\n", template, name_used);
+  close (fd);
+  g_clear_error (&error);
+  remove (name_used);
+  fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name_used, &error);
+  if (fd == -1)
+    g_error ("g_file_open_tmp didn't work for a NULL template: %s\n", error->message);
+  close (fd);
+  g_clear_error (&error);
+  remove (name_used);
+static void
+test_arrays (void)
+  GByteArray *gbarray;
+  GPtrArray *gparray;
+  GArray *garray;
+  guint i;
+  gparray = g_ptr_array_new ();
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_ptr_array_add (gparray, GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    if (g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i) != GINT_TO_POINTER (i))
+      g_error ("array fails: %p ( %p )\n", g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i), GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
+  g_ptr_array_free (gparray, TRUE);
+  gbarray = g_byte_array_new ();
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_byte_array_append (gbarray, (guint8*) "abcd", 4);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    {
+      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i] == 'a');
+      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+1] == 'b');
+      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+2] == 'c');
+      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+3] == 'd');
+    }
+  g_byte_array_free (gbarray, TRUE);
+  garray = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_array_append_val (garray, i);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    if (g_array_index (garray, gint, i) != i)
+      g_error ("failure: %d ( %d )\n", g_array_index (garray, gint, i), i);
+  g_array_free (garray, TRUE);
+  garray = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+    g_array_prepend_val (garray, i);
+  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+    if (g_array_index (garray, gint, i) != (100 - i - 1))
+      g_error ("failure: %d ( %d )\n", g_array_index (garray, gint, i), 100 - i - 1);
+  g_array_free (garray, TRUE);
+static void
+hash_table_tests (void)
+  GHashTable *hash_table;
+  int array[10000];
+  gint *pvalue = NULL;
+  gint value = 120;
+  guint i;
+  hash_table = g_hash_table_new (my_hash, my_hash_equal);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    {
+      array[i] = i;
+      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);
+    }
+  pvalue = g_hash_table_find (hash_table, find_first_that, &value);
+  if (*pvalue != value)
+    g_error ("g_hash_table_find failed");
+  g_hash_table_foreach (hash_table, my_hash_callback, NULL);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    if (array[i] == 0)
+      g_error ("hashtable-test: wrong value: %d\n", i);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_hash_table_remove (hash_table, &array[i]);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    {
+      array[i] = i;
+      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);
+    }
+  if (g_hash_table_foreach_remove (hash_table, my_hash_callback_remove, NULL) != 5000 ||
+      g_hash_table_size (hash_table) != 5000)
+    g_error ("hashtable removal failed\n");
+  g_hash_table_foreach (hash_table, my_hash_callback_remove_test, NULL);
+  g_hash_table_destroy (hash_table);
+static void
+relation_test (void)
+  GRelation *relation = g_relation_new (2);
+  GTuples *tuples;
+  gint data [1024];
+  guint i;
+  g_relation_index (relation, 0, g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
+  g_relation_index (relation, 1, g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
+  for (i = 0; i < 1024; i += 1)
+    data[i] = i;
+  for (i = 1; i < 1023; i += 1)
+    {
+      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i + 1);
+      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i - 1);
+    }
+  for (i = 2; i < 1022; i += 1)
+    {
+      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i));
+      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 2));
+      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 2));
+    }
+  for (i = 1; i < 1023; i += 1)
+    {
+      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 1));
+      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 1));
+    }
+  for (i = 2; i < 1022; i += 1)
+    {
+      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 0) == 2);
+      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 1) == 2);
+    }
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data, 0) == 0);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 42, 0) == 2);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 43, 1) == 2);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 41, 1) == 2);
+  g_relation_delete (relation, data + 42, 0);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 42, 0) == 0);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 43, 1) == 1);
+  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 41, 1) == 1);
+  tuples = g_relation_select (relation, data + 200, 0);
+  g_assert (tuples->len == 2);
+#if 0
+  for (i = 0; i < tuples->len; i += 1)
+    {
+      printf ("%d %d\n",
+	      *(gint*) g_tuples_index (tuples, i, 0),
+	      *(gint*) g_tuples_index (tuples, i, 1));
+    }
+  g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + 300, data + 301));
+  g_relation_delete (relation, data + 300, 0);
+  g_assert (!g_relation_exists (relation, data + 300, data + 301));
+  g_tuples_destroy (tuples);
+  g_relation_destroy (relation);
+  relation = NULL;
+static void
+gstring_tests (void)
+  GString *string1, *string2;
+  guint i;
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("test GString basics\n");
+  string1 = g_string_new ("hi pete!");
+  string2 = g_string_new ("");
+  g_assert (strcmp ("hi pete!", string1->str) == 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_string_append_c (string1, 'a'+(i%26));
+#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
+  /* MSVC, mingw32 and LCC use the same run-time C library, which doesn't like
+     the %10000.10000f format... */
+  g_string_printf (string2, "%s|%0100d|%s|%s|%0*d|%*.*f|%10000.10000f",
+		   "this pete guy sure is a wuss, like he's the number ",
+		   1,
+		   " wuss.  everyone agrees.\n",
+		   string1->str,
+		   10, 666, 15, 15, 666.666666666, 666.666666666);
+  g_string_printf (string2, "%s|%0100d|%s|%s|%0*d|%*.*f|%100.100f",
+		   "this pete guy sure is a wuss, like he's the number ",
+		   1,
+		   " wuss.  everyone agrees.\n",
+		   string1->str,
+		   10, 666, 15, 15, 666.666666666, 666.666666666);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("string2 length = %lu...\n", (gulong)string2->len);
+  string2->str[70] = '\0';
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("first 70 chars:\n%s\n", string2->str);
+  string2->str[141] = '\0';
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("next 70 chars:\n%s\n", string2->str+71);
+  string2->str[212] = '\0';
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("and next 70:\n%s\n", string2->str+142);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("last 70 chars:\n%s\n", string2->str+string2->len - 70);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);
+  /* append */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("firsthalf");
+  g_string_append (string1, "lasthalf");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* append_len */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("firsthalf");
+  g_string_append_len (string1, "lasthalfjunkjunk", strlen ("lasthalf"));
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* prepend */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("lasthalf");
+  g_string_prepend (string1, "firsthalf");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* prepend_len */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("lasthalf");
+  g_string_prepend_len (string1, "firsthalfjunkjunk", strlen ("firsthalf"));
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* insert */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("firstlast");
+  g_string_insert (string1, 5, "middle");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* insert with pos == end of the string */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("firstmiddle");
+  g_string_insert (string1, strlen ("firstmiddle"), "last");
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* insert_len */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("firstlast");
+  g_string_insert_len (string1, 5, "middlejunkjunk", strlen ("middle"));
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* insert_len with magic -1 pos for append */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("first");
+  g_string_insert_len (string1, -1, "lastjunkjunk", strlen ("last"));
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstlast") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* insert_len with magic -1 len for strlen-the-string */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("first");
+  g_string_insert_len (string1, 5, "last", -1);
+  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstlast") == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  /* g_string_equal */
+  string1 = g_string_new ("test");
+  string2 = g_string_new ("te");
+  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_string_append (string2, "st");
+  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);
+  /* Check handling of embedded ASCII 0 (NUL) characters in GString. */
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("test embedded ASCII 0 (NUL) characters in GString\n");
+  string1 = g_string_new ("fiddle");
+  string2 = g_string_new ("fiddle");
+  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_string_append_c(string1, '\0');
+  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_string_append_c(string2, '\0');
+  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_string_append_c(string1, 'x');
+  g_string_append_c(string2, 'y');
+  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
+  g_assert (string1->len == 8);
+  g_string_append(string1, "yzzy");
+  g_assert (string1->len == 12);
+  g_assert ( memcmp(string1->str, "fiddle\0xyzzy", 13) == 0);
+  g_string_insert(string1, 1, "QED");
+  g_assert ( memcmp(string1->str, "fQEDiddle\0xyzzy", 16) == 0);
+  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
+  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);
+static void
+various_string_tests (void)
+  GStringChunk *string_chunk;
+  GTimeVal ref_date, date;
+  gchar *tmp_string = NULL, *tmp_string_2, *string, *date_str;
+  guint i;
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking string chunks...");
+  string_chunk = g_string_chunk_new (1024);
+  for (i = 0; i < 100000; i ++)
+    {
+      tmp_string = g_string_chunk_insert (string_chunk, "hi pete");
+      if (strcmp ("hi pete", tmp_string) != 0)
+	g_error ("string chunks are broken.\n");
+    }
+  tmp_string_2 = g_string_chunk_insert_const (string_chunk, tmp_string);
+  g_assert (tmp_string_2 != tmp_string && strcmp (tmp_string_2, tmp_string) == 0);
+  tmp_string = g_string_chunk_insert_const (string_chunk, tmp_string);
+  g_assert (tmp_string_2 == tmp_string);
+  g_string_chunk_free (string_chunk);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("test positional printf formats (not supported):");
+  string = g_strdup_printf ("%.*s%s", 5, "a", "b");
+  tmp_string = g_strdup_printf ("%2$*1$s", 5, "c");
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("%s%s\n", string, tmp_string);
+  g_free (tmp_string);
+  g_free (string);
+#define REF_INVALID1      "Wed Dec 19 17:20:20 GMT 2007"
+#define REF_INVALID2      "1980-02-22T10:36:00Zulu"
+#define REF_SEC_UTC       320063760
+#define REF_STR_UTC       "1980-02-22T10:36:00Z"
+#define REF_STR_CEST      "1980-02-22T12:36:00+02:00"
+#define REF_STR_EST       "19800222T053600-0500"
+#define REF_STR_NST       "1980-02-22T07:06:00-03:30"
+#define REF_USEC_UTC      50000
+#define REF_STR_USEC_UTC  "1980-02-22T10:36:00.050000Z"
+#define REF_STR_USEC_CEST "19800222T123600.050000000+0200"
+#define REF_STR_USEC_EST  "1980-02-22T05:36:00,05-05:00"
+#define REF_STR_USEC_NST  "19800222T070600,0500-0330"
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_time_val_from_iso8601...\n");
+  ref_date.tv_sec = REF_SEC_UTC;
+  ref_date.tv_usec = 0;
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_INVALID1, &date) == FALSE);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_INVALID2, &date) == FALSE);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_UTC, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> UTC stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_CEST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> CEST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_EST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> EST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_NST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> NST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  ref_date.tv_usec = REF_USEC_UTC;
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_USEC_UTC, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> UTC stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_USEC_CEST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> CEST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_USEC_EST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> EST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (REF_STR_USEC_NST, &date) != FALSE);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> NST stamp = %ld.%06ld (should be: %ld.%06ld) (%ld.%06ld off)\n",
+             date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec, ref_date.tv_sec, ref_date.tv_usec,
+             date.tv_sec - ref_date.tv_sec, date.tv_usec - ref_date.tv_usec);
+  g_assert (date.tv_sec == ref_date.tv_sec && date.tv_usec == ref_date.tv_usec);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_time_val_to_iso8601...\n");
+  ref_date.tv_sec = REF_SEC_UTC;
+  ref_date.tv_usec = 0;
+  date_str = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&ref_date);
+  g_assert (date_str != NULL);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> date string = %s (should be: %s)\n", date_str, REF_STR_UTC);
+  g_assert (strcmp (date_str, REF_STR_UTC) == 0);
+  g_free (date_str);
+  ref_date.tv_usec = REF_USEC_UTC;
+  date_str = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&ref_date);
+  g_assert (date_str != NULL);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("\t=> date string = %s (should be: %s)\n", date_str, REF_STR_USEC_UTC);
+  g_assert (strcmp (date_str, REF_STR_USEC_UTC) == 0);
+  g_free (date_str);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_ascii_strcasecmp...");
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("FroboZZ", "frobozz") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("frobozz", "frobozz") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("frobozz", "FROBOZZ") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("FROBOZZ", "froboz") > 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("", "") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("!#%&/()", "!#%&/()") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("a", "b") < 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("a", "B") < 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("A", "b") < 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("A", "B") < 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("b", "a") > 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("b", "A") > 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("B", "a") > 0);
+  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("B", "A") > 0);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_strdup...\n");
+  g_assert (g_strdup (NULL) == NULL);
+  string = g_strdup (GLIB_TEST_STRING);
+  g_assert (string != NULL);
+  g_assert (strcmp(string, GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_strconcat...\n");
+  string = g_strconcat (GLIB_TEST_STRING, NULL);
+  g_assert (string != NULL);
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  string = g_strconcat (GLIB_TEST_STRING, GLIB_TEST_STRING, 
+                        GLIB_TEST_STRING, NULL);
+  g_assert (string != NULL);
+  g_assert (strcmp (string, GLIB_TEST_STRING GLIB_TEST_STRING
+                    GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_strlcpy/g_strlcat...");
+  /* The following is a torture test for strlcpy/strlcat, with lots of
+   * checking; normal users wouldn't use them this way!
+   */
+  string = g_malloc (6);
+  *(string + 5) = 'Z'; /* guard value, shouldn't change during test */
+  *string = 'q';
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "" , 5) == 0);
+  g_assert ( *string == '\0' );
+  *string = 'q';
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abc" , 5) == 3);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abc"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcd" , 5) == 4);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
+  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcde" , 5) == 5);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
+  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcdef" , 5) == 6);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
+  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
+  *string = 'Y';
+  *(string + 1)= '\0';
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "Hello" , 0) == 5);
+  g_assert (*string == 'Y');
+  *string = '\0';
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "123" , 5) == 3);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "123"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "" , 5) == 3);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "123"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "4", 5) == 4);
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "1234"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "5", 5) == 5);
+  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "1234"));
+  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
+  *string = 'Y';
+  *(string + 1)= '\0';
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "123" , 0) == 3);
+  g_assert (*string == 'Y');
+  /* A few more tests, demonstrating more "normal" use  */
+  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "hi", 5) == 2);
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "hi"));
+  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "t", 5) == 3);
+  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "hit"));
+  g_free(string);
+  if (g_test_verbose())
+    g_print ("checking g_strdup_printf...\n");
+  string = g_strdup_printf ("%05d %-5s", 21, "test");
+  g_assert (string != NULL);
+  g_assert (strcmp(string, "00021 test ") == 0);
+  g_free (string);
+  /* g_debug (argv[0]); */
+static void
+test_mem_chunks (void)
+  GMemChunk *mem_chunk = g_mem_chunk_new ("test mem chunk", 50, 100, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE);
+  gchar *mem[10000];
+  guint i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    {
+      guint j;
+      mem[i] = g_chunk_new (gchar, mem_chunk);
+      for (j = 0; j < 50; j++)
+	mem[i][j] = i * j;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+    g_mem_chunk_free (mem_chunk, mem[i]);
+main (int   argc,
+      char *argv[])
+   #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+  g_set_print_handler(mrtPrintHandler);
+  #endif /*__SYMBIAN32__*/
+  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Infos", test_info);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Types Sizes", type_sizes);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GStrings", gstring_tests);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Various Strings", various_string_tests);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GList", glist_test);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GSList", gslist_test);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GNode", gnode_test);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GTree", binary_tree_test);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Arrays", test_arrays);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GHashTable", hash_table_tests);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Relation", relation_test);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/File Paths", test_paths);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/File Functions", test_file_functions);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Parse Debug Strings", test_g_parse_debug_string);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/GMemChunk (deprecated)", test_mem_chunks);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Warnings & Errors", log_warning_error_tests);
+  g_test_add_func ("/testglib/Timers (slow)", timer_tests);
+ /* return */g_test_run();
+  #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+  testResultXml("testglib");
+#endif /* EMULATOR */
+  return 0;