changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericopenlibs/cppstdlib/src/c_locale_impl.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Name        : c_locale_libc.cpp
+// Part of     : libstdcpp
+// Adaptation layer to get locale functionality.
+// Version     : 
+// This material, including documentation and any related 
+// computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
+// Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying, 
+// including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any 
+// or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
+// Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential 
+// information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
+// prior written consent of Nokia Corporation.
+//#include "stlport_prefix.h" 
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <langinfo.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include "c_locale.h"
+#include "e32cmn.h"
+#include "e32std.h" 
+#include <libintl.h>
+#define	MAX_NAME_LEN	30	
+#if (defined (__GNUC__) || defined (_KCC) || defined(__ICC)) && (!defined (__SYMBIAN32__))
+typedef unsigned short int _Locale_mask_t;
+typedef unsigned int _Locale_mask_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_ctype { 
+	char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	_Locale_mask_t	ctable[257];	
+} L_ctype_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_numeric	{  
+  char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+  char decimal_point[4];
+  char thousands_sep[4];
+  char *grouping;
+} L_numeric_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_time	{  
+  char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+  char *month[12];
+  char *abbrev_month[12];
+  char *dayofweek[7];
+  char *abbrev_dayofweek[7];
+} L_time_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_collate	{
+  char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+} L_collate_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_monetary	{  
+  char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; 
+  char decimal_point[4];
+  char thousands_sep[4];
+  char *grouping;
+  char int_curr_symbol[5]; // 3+1+1
+  char curr_symbol[6];
+  char negative_sign[5];
+  char positive_sign[5];
+  int frac_digits; 
+  int int_frac_digits;
+} L_monetary_t;
+typedef struct _Locale_messages	{
+  char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+  char* domain;
+} L_messages_t;
+char* __getString(char* str)
+	int len = strlen(str)+1;
+	char* temp = (char*) new char[len];
+	strcpy(temp, str);
+	return temp;
+size_t _Locale_strxfrm(L_collate_t* lcol, char* pDestStr, size_t destLen,
+                        const char* pSrcStr, size_t srcLen);
+size_t _Locale_strwxfrm(L_collate_t* lcol, wchar_t* pDestStr, size_t destLen,
+                          const wchar_t* pSrcStr, size_t srcLen);
+void _Locale_init()
+	{}
+void _Locale_final()
+	{}
+/* Gets the system locale name */
+static const char* Locale_common_default( char* name)
+	if(name != NULL)
+	{
+		strcpy(name,LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT);
+	}
+static char * Locale_extract_name ( const char *cname, char *into, int category )
+  int i = 0;
+  const char * end;
+  const char* strstar = "*", *strnull = "";  
+  if ( cname[0] != '/' )
+  {
+  	if (strcmp(cname,strnull) == 0)
+  		return strcpy(into, strstar);
+  	else
+  		return strcpy(into, cname); /* simple locale name */
+  }  
+  for ( i = 0; i <= category; i ++ ) {
+    while ( *cname != '\0' && *cname != '/' )
+      cname++;
+    if ( *cname == '\0' )
+      return into;
+    cname++;
+  }
+  if ( *cname == '\0' )
+    return into;  
+  end = cname;
+  while ( *end != '\0' && *end != '/' )
+    end++;  
+  strncpy ( into, cname, end - cname );
+  into [ end - cname ] = '\0';  
+  return into;
+_Locale_mask_t  Get_locale_wchar_ctype(wint_t wc, _Locale_mask_t  /*mask*/)
+	_Locale_mask_t  ret = 0;
+	if (iswcntrl(wc))  ret |= _Locale_CNTRL;
+	if (iswupper(wc))  ret |= _Locale_UPPER;
+	if (iswlower(wc))  ret |= _Locale_LOWER;
+	if (iswdigit(wc))  ret |= _Locale_DIGIT;
+	if (iswxdigit(wc)) ret |= _Locale_XDIGIT;
+	if (iswpunct(wc))  ret |= _Locale_PUNCT;
+	if (iswspace(wc))  ret |= _Locale_SPACE;
+	if (iswprint(wc))  ret |= _Locale_PRINT;
+	if (iswalpha(wc))  ret |= _Locale_ALPHA;	
+	return ret;
+_Locale_mask_t  Get_locale_char_ctype(unsigned char c)
+	_Locale_mask_t  ret = 0;
+	if (iscntrl(c))  ret |= _Locale_CNTRL;    
+	if (isupper(c))  ret |= _Locale_UPPER;
+	if (islower(c))  ret |= _Locale_LOWER;
+	if (isdigit(c))  ret |= _Locale_DIGIT;
+	if (isxdigit(c)) ret |= _Locale_XDIGIT;
+	if (ispunct(c))  ret |= _Locale_PUNCT;
+	if (isspace(c))  ret |= _Locale_SPACE;
+	if (isprint(c))  ret |= _Locale_PRINT;
+	if (isalpha(c))  ret |= _Locale_ALPHA;
+	return ret;  
+void* _Locale_ctype_create(const char * name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+   unsigned char buffer[256];
+   int i;
+   _Locale_mask_t* ctable;	
+   L_ctype_t *plocCType = new (L_ctype_t); 	
+   if (!plocCType)
+      return NULL;
+   strcpy(plocCType->name, name);
+   char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, name); 
+   if (!ptemp)
+      return NULL;
+   ctable = plocCType->ctable;
+   /* Partial implementation for ANSI code page, need to implement for DBCS code pages*/
+   /* Make table with all characters. */
+   for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) 
+   { 
+      buffer[i] = i;  
+   }    
+   for (i=0;i<256;i++)
+   {
+      ctable[i+1] = Get_locale_char_ctype(buffer[i]);	
+   }	
+   ctable[0] = 0; //EOF
+   return plocCType;
+void* _Locale_numeric_create(const char *name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+   L_numeric_t *plocNumeric = new (L_numeric_t);
+   struct lconv *plconv;
+   if (!plocNumeric)
+      return NULL; 	
+   strcpy(plocNumeric->name, name); 	
+   char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, name); 
+   if (!ptemp)
+      return NULL;
+   plconv = localeconv();
+   //copy locale numeric data to local structure
+   plocNumeric->grouping = __getString(plconv->grouping);
+   strcpy(plocNumeric->decimal_point, plconv->decimal_point); 	
+   strcpy(plocNumeric->thousands_sep, plconv->thousands_sep);
+   return plocNumeric; 
+void*_Locale_time_create(const char * name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+   L_time_t *plocTime = new(L_time_t);
+   if (!plocTime )
+      return NULL;
+   strcpy(plocTime ->name, name); 	
+   char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_TIME, name); 
+   if (!ptemp)
+      return NULL;
+   int i;
+   //Get all month names
+   int index = (MON_1);   
+   for (i = 0;i<12;i++,index++)
+      plocTime->month[i] = __getString(nl_langinfo(index)); 	
+   //Get all abbrevated month names
+   index = (ABMON_1);
+   for (i = 0;i<12;i++,index++)
+      plocTime->abbrev_month[i] = __getString(nl_langinfo(index));
+   //Get all weekday names
+   index = (DAY_1);
+   for (i = 0;i<7;i++,index++)
+      plocTime->dayofweek[i] = __getString(nl_langinfo(index));
+   //Get all weekday names
+   index = (ABDAY_1);
+   for (i = 0;i<7;i++,index++)
+      plocTime->abbrev_dayofweek[i] = __getString(nl_langinfo(index)); 	
+   return plocTime;
+void* _Locale_collate_create(const char *name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+   L_collate_t *plocCollate = new(L_collate_t);
+   if (!plocCollate)
+      return NULL;
+   char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, name); 
+   if (!ptemp)
+	   return NULL;
+   strcpy(plocCollate->name, name); 	
+   return plocCollate;
+void* _Locale_monetary_create(const char * name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+ 	L_monetary_t *plocMonetary = new(L_monetary_t);
+ 	struct lconv *plconv;
+ 	if (!plocMonetary)
+		return NULL; 	
+ 	strcpy(plocMonetary->name, name); 	
+	char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_MONETARY, name); 
+	if (!ptemp)
+		return NULL;
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	
+ 	strcpy(plocMonetary->decimal_point,plconv->mon_decimal_point);
+  	strcpy(plocMonetary->thousands_sep, plconv->mon_thousands_sep);  	
+  	strcpy(plocMonetary->int_curr_symbol, plconv->int_curr_symbol); 
+  	strcpy(plocMonetary->curr_symbol, plconv->currency_symbol);
+  	strcpy(plocMonetary->negative_sign, plconv->negative_sign);
+  	strcpy(plocMonetary->positive_sign, plconv->positive_sign);
+  	plocMonetary->grouping		  = __getString(plconv->mon_grouping);
+  	plocMonetary->frac_digits	  = plconv->frac_digits;
+  	plocMonetary->int_frac_digits = plconv->int_frac_digits;
+ 	return plocMonetary;
+void* _Locale_messages_create(const char *name, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*hint*/)
+ 	L_messages_t *plocMessages= new(L_messages_t);
+ 	if (!plocMessages)
+		return NULL; 	
+ 	char* ptemp = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, name); 
+ 	if (!ptemp)
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	strcpy(plocMessages->name, name); 	
+ 	return plocMessages;
+const char* _Locale_ctype_default(char* buff)
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff);
+const char* _Locale_numeric_default(char *buff)
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff);
+const char* _Locale_time_default(char* buff)
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff);
+const char* _Locale_collate_default(char* buff)
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff); 
+const char* _Locale_monetary_default(char* buff)
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff);
+const char* _Locale_messages_default(char* buff) 
+ 	return Locale_common_default(buff);
+char const* _Locale_ctype_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_ctype_t*)cat)->name);
+	return buff;
+char const* _Locale_numeric_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_numeric_t*)cat)->name);
+	return buff;	
+char const* _Locale_time_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_time_t*)cat)->name); 
+	return buff;
+char const* _Locale_collate_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_collate_t*)cat)->name); 
+	return buff; 
+char const* _Locale_monetary_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_monetary_t*)cat)->name); 
+	return buff;  
+char const* _Locale_messages_name(const void* cat, char* buff)
+	strcpy(buff, ((L_messages_t*)cat)->name); 
+	return buff; 
+void _Locale_ctype_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	delete((L_ctype_t*)locale);
+void _Locale_numeric_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	delete ((L_numeric_t*)locale)->grouping;
+ 	delete (L_numeric_t*)locale;
+void _Locale_time_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	int i; //count
+ 	L_time_t* plocTime =(L_time_t*)locale; 
+ 	//delete months
+ 	for (i = 0;i<12;i++)
+ 		delete (plocTime->month[i]);
+ 	//delete abbrevated months
+ 	for (i = 0;i<12;i++)
+ 		delete (plocTime->abbrev_month[i]);
+ 	//delete week day
+ 	for (i = 0;i<7;i++)
+ 		delete (plocTime->dayofweek[i]);
+ 	//delete abbrevated week day
+ 	for (i = 0;i<7;i++)
+ 		delete (plocTime->abbrev_dayofweek[i]);
+ 	delete((L_time_t*)locale);
+void _Locale_collate_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	delete((L_collate_t*)locale);
+void _Locale_monetary_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	delete ((L_monetary_t*)locale)->grouping;
+ 	delete((L_monetary_t*)locale);
+void _Locale_messages_destroy(void* locale)
+ 	delete((L_messages_t*)locale);
+char const* _Locale_extract_ctype_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/) 
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_CTYPE);
+char const* _Locale_extract_numeric_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/)
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_NUMERIC);
+char const* _Locale_extract_time_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/)
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_TIME);
+char const* _Locale_extract_collate_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/) 
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_COLLATE); 
+char const* _Locale_extract_monetary_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/) 
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_MONETARY);
+char const* _Locale_extract_messages_name(const char* cname, char* buf, struct _Locale_name_hint* /*__hint*/) 
+ 	return Locale_extract_name(cname, buf, LC_MESSAGES);
+const char* _Locale_compose_name(char* buf,
+			     const char* ctype, const char* numeric,
+			     const char* time, const char* collate,
+			     const char* monetary, const char* messages,
+			     const char* /*default_name*/)
+ 	if ( !strcmp ( ctype, numeric ) &&
+		 !strcmp ( ctype, time ) &&
+		 !strcmp ( ctype, collate ) &&
+		 !strcmp ( ctype, monetary ) &&
+		 !strcmp ( ctype, messages ) )
+	return strcpy ( buf, ctype );
+    strcpy ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, ctype );
+    strcat ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, numeric );
+    strcat ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, time );
+    strcat ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, collate );
+    strcat ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, monetary );
+    strcat ( buf, "/" );
+    strcat ( buf, messages );
+    return buf;
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_ctype_hint(struct _Locale_ctype* /*ctype*/)
+{ return 0; }
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_numeric_hint(struct _Locale_numeric* /*numeric*/)
+{ return 0; }
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_time_hint(struct _Locale_time* /*time*/)
+{ return 0; }
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_collate_hint(struct _Locale_collate* /*collate*/)
+{ return 0; }
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_monetary_hint(struct _Locale_monetary* /*monetary*/)
+{ return 0; }
+struct _Locale_name_hint* _Locale_get_messages_hint(struct _Locale_messages* /*messages*/)
+{ return 0; }
+/* ctype */
+const  _Locale_mask_t* _Locale_ctype_table(struct _Locale_ctype* lctype)
+	return lctype->ctable; 
+int _Locale_toupper(struct _Locale_ctype* /*lctype*/, int c)
+	return toupper(c); 
+int _Locale_tolower(L_ctype_t* /*lctype*/, int c) 
+	return tolower(c); 
+_Locale_mask_t  _Locale_wchar_ctype(L_ctype_t* /*lctype*/, wint_t c, _Locale_mask_t  which_bits)
+ 	_Locale_mask_t mask = Get_locale_wchar_ctype(c,which_bits); 	
+ 	return mask & which_bits; 
+wint_t _Locale_wchar_tolower(L_ctype_t* /*lctype*/, wint_t c)
+ 	return towlower(c); 
+wint_t _Locale_wchar_toupper(L_ctype_t* /*lctype*/, wint_t c)
+ 	return towupper(c); 
+int _Locale_mb_cur_max (L_ctype_t * /*lctype*/) 
+	return MB_CUR_MAX;
+int _Locale_mb_cur_min (L_ctype_t * /*lctype*/) 
+	return 1; 
+int _Locale_is_stateless (L_ctype_t * /*lctype*/) 
+	return (MB_CUR_MAX == 1)?1:0; 
+wint_t _Locale_btowc(L_ctype_t * lctype, int c) 
+	setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lctype->name); 
+	return btowc(c); 
+int _Locale_wctob(L_ctype_t * lctype, wint_t wc) 
+	setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lctype->name);  
+	return wctob(wc); 
+size_t _Locale_mbtowc(struct _Locale_ctype *lctype,
+                      wchar_t *to,			/* size_t n1 - removed in 5.x?  */
+                      const char *from, size_t n,
+                      mbstate_t * /*shift_state*/)
+	setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lctype->name);
+	return (size_t) mbtowc(to, from,n); 
+size_t _Locale_wctomb(L_ctype_t* lctype,
+                                 char *to, size_t /*n*/,
+                                 const wchar_t c,
+                                 mbstate_t */*shift_state*/) 
+	setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lctype->name);
+  	return (size_t) wctomb(to, c);
+size_t _Locale_unshift(L_ctype_t * /*lctype*/,
+                                  mbstate_t */*st*/,
+                                  char *buff, size_t /*n*/, char ** next) 
+	//Conversion is not required, because iconv will not do partial conversion.
+	*next = buff;
+	return 0;
+/* Collate */
+int _Locale_strcmp(L_collate_t* lcol,
+                    const char* pStr1, size_t len1, const char* pStr2,
+                    size_t len2) 
+	char *ptempStr1 = NULL, *ptempStr2 = NULL;
+	int tempLen1, tempLen2;
+	tempLen1 = _Locale_strxfrm(lcol, NULL, 0, pStr1, len1);
+	tempLen2 = _Locale_strxfrm(lcol, NULL, 0, pStr2, len2);
+	ptempStr1 = (char*) new char[tempLen1+1];
+	ptempStr2 = (char*) new char[tempLen2+1];
+	int ret;
+	int minN = tempLen1 < tempLen2 ? tempLen1 : tempLen2;	
+	setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lcol->name);
+	_Locale_strxfrm(lcol, ptempStr1, tempLen1, pStr1, len1);
+	_Locale_strxfrm(lcol, ptempStr2, tempLen2, pStr2, len2);
+	ret = strncmp(ptempStr1, ptempStr2, minN);
+	delete [] ptempStr1;
+	delete [] ptempStr2;
+	if (ret == 0) 
+	{
+		if (len1 < len2) 
+			return -1;
+		else if (len1 > len2) 
+			return 1;
+		else 
+			return 0;
+	} 
+	else
+		return ret;
+int _Locale_strwcmp(L_collate_t* lcol,
+                     const wchar_t* pStr1, size_t len1,
+                     const wchar_t* pStr2, size_t len2) 
+	wchar_t *ptempStr1 = NULL, *ptempStr2 = NULL;
+	int tempLen1,tempLen2;
+	tempLen1 = _Locale_strwxfrm(lcol, NULL,0,pStr1,len1);
+	tempLen2 = _Locale_strwxfrm(lcol, NULL,0,pStr2,len2);
+	ptempStr1 = (wchar_t*) new wchar_t[tempLen1+1];
+	ptempStr2 = (wchar_t*) new wchar_t[tempLen2+1];
+	int ret;
+	int minN = tempLen1 < tempLen2 ? tempLen1 : tempLen2;
+	setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lcol->name);
+	_Locale_strwxfrm(lcol, ptempStr1,tempLen1+1,pStr1,len1);
+	_Locale_strwxfrm(lcol, ptempStr2,tempLen2+1,pStr2,len2);
+	ret = wcsncmp(ptempStr1, ptempStr2, minN);
+	delete [] ptempStr1;
+	delete [] ptempStr2;
+	if (ret == 0) 
+	{
+		if (len1 < len2) 
+			return -1;
+		else if (len1 > len2) 
+			return 1;
+		else 
+			return 0;
+	} 
+	else
+		return ret;	
+size_t _Locale_strxfrm(L_collate_t* lcol,
+                        char* pDestStr, size_t destLen,
+                        const char* pSrcStr, size_t srcLen) 
+	size_t n;
+	setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lcol->name);
+	char* ptemp = (char*) new char[srcLen+1];
+	if(ptemp == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	strncpy(ptemp, pSrcStr, srcLen);
+	*(ptemp + srcLen) = 0;
+	n = strxfrm(pDestStr, ptemp, destLen);
+	delete []ptemp;
+	if ((pDestStr == NULL) || (destLen ==0) )
+		return n;
+	else if(n > destLen)
+		return (size_t)-1;
+	pDestStr[n] = 0;
+	return n;
+size_t _Locale_strwxfrm(L_collate_t* lcol,
+                          wchar_t* pDestStr, size_t destLen,
+                          const wchar_t* pSrcStr, size_t srcLen)
+	size_t n;
+	setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lcol->name);
+	wchar_t* ptemp = (wchar_t*) new wchar_t[srcLen+1];
+	if(ptemp == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	wcsncpy(ptemp, pSrcStr, srcLen);
+	*(ptemp+srcLen) = 0;
+	n = wcsxfrm(pDestStr, ptemp, destLen);
+	delete []ptemp;
+	if ((pDestStr == NULL) || (destLen ==0) )
+		return n;
+	else if(n > destLen)
+		return (size_t)-1;
+	pDestStr[n] = 0;
+	return n;
+/* Numeric */
+char _Locale_decimal_point(L_numeric_t* lnum)
+ 	return lnum->decimal_point[0];
+char _Locale_thousands_sep(L_numeric_t* lnum) 
+ 	return lnum->thousands_sep[0]; 
+const char* _Locale_grouping(L_numeric_t*lnum) 
+ 	return lnum->grouping;
+const char * _Locale_true(L_numeric_t * /*lnum*/)  
+ 	const char* __true_name="true"; //glib and NT doing the same	
+ 	return __true_name; 
+const char * _Locale_false(L_numeric_t * /*lnum*/) 
+ 	const char* __false_name="false"; //glib and NT doing the same 	
+ 	return __false_name;
+/* Monetary */
+const char* _Locale_int_curr_symbol(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->int_curr_symbol;
+const char* _Locale_currency_symbol(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->curr_symbol;
+char _Locale_mon_decimal_point(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->decimal_point[0];
+char _Locale_mon_thousands_sep(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->thousands_sep[0];
+const char* _Locale_mon_grouping(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->grouping;
+const char* _Locale_positive_sign(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->positive_sign;
+const char* _Locale_negative_sign(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->negative_sign;
+char _Locale_int_frac_digits(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->int_frac_digits;
+char _Locale_frac_digits(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	return lmon->frac_digits;
+int _Locale_p_cs_precedes(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	 	
+ 	return plconv->p_cs_precedes;
+int _Locale_p_sep_by_space(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 		 	
+ 	return plconv->p_sep_by_space;
+int _Locale_p_sign_posn(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	 	 	
+ 	return plconv->p_sign_posn;
+int _Locale_n_cs_precedes(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	
+ 	return plconv->n_cs_precedes;
+int _Locale_n_sep_by_space(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	 	 	 	
+ 	return plconv->n_sep_by_space; 
+int _Locale_n_sign_posn(L_monetary_t * lmon)
+ 	struct lconv* plconv;
+ 	setlocale(LC_MONETARY, lmon->name);
+ 	plconv = localeconv(); 	
+ 	return plconv->n_sign_posn; 
+/* Time */
+const char * _Locale_full_monthname(L_time_t * ltime, int month)
+ 	return ltime->month[month];
+const char * _Locale_abbrev_monthname(L_time_t * ltime, int month)
+ 	return ltime->abbrev_month[month];
+const char * _Locale_full_dayofweek(L_time_t * ltime, int day)
+ 	return ltime->dayofweek[day];
+const char * _Locale_abbrev_dayofweek(L_time_t * ltime, int day)
+ 	return ltime->abbrev_dayofweek[day];
+const char* _Locale_d_t_fmt(L_time_t* ltime)    
+ 	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+ 	return nl_langinfo(D_T_FMT);
+const char* _Locale_d_fmt(L_time_t* ltime)
+ 	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name); 
+	return nl_langinfo(D_FMT);
+const char* _Locale_t_fmt(L_time_t* ltime)
+ 	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+ 	return nl_langinfo(T_FMT);
+const char* _Locale_long_d_t_fmt(L_time_t* ltime)
+ 	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+ 	return nl_langinfo(D_T_FMT); 
+const char* _Locale_long_d_fmt(L_time_t* ltime)
+	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+	return nl_langinfo(D_FMT); 
+const char* _Locale_am_str(L_time_t* ltime)     
+	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+	return nl_langinfo(AM_STR);
+const char* _Locale_pm_str(L_time_t* ltime)     
+	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+	return nl_langinfo(PM_STR);
+const char* _Locale_t_fmt_ampm(L_time_t* ltime) 
+	setlocale(LC_TIME, ltime->name);
+	return nl_langinfo(T_FMT_AMPM);
+/* Messages */ 
+nl_catd_type _Locale_catopen(struct _Locale_messages* lmessage, const char* catalogName)
+   lmessage->domain = __getString((char*)catalogName);
+   return 1;  
+void _Locale_catclose(struct _Locale_messages* lmessage, nl_catd_type /*catalog_desc*/) 
+ 	delete(lmessage->domain);
+ 	lmessage->domain = NULL;
+const char* _Locale_catgets(struct _Locale_messages* lmessage, nl_catd_type /*catalog_desc*/,
+                             int /*set*/, int /*message*/,
+                             const char * /*dfault*/)
+ 	char* locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, lmessage->name);
+ 	textdomain(lmessage->domain);	
+ 	return gettext(dfault);
+	return NULL;