--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericopenlibs/cppstdlib/stl/INSTALL Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+* INSTALL file for STLport 5.0 *
+* *
+STLport is a full ANSI C++ Standard library.
+This distribution contains STLport sources only, no binaries.
+To use STLport iostreams, locale and complex numbers, you have to build STLport
+library from sources in "build/lib" directory and link your programs with it.
+Starting with 5.0 the 'wrapper' mode is not supported anymore. You cannot use native
+compiler iostreams implementation with STLport STL (see doc/FAQ for explanations).
+Now you have to choose between STLport iostreams or no iostreams.
+==== Unpacking and installing STLport ==========
+1) Unpack STLport archive to a directory accessible during compilation.
+ NOTE: DO NOT overwrite header files coming with the compiler, even if you made
+ a backup - this won't work! Most probably, you've already unpacked the archive before
+ reading this file though ;)
+2) Make sure "stlport" directory of this distribution comes before compiler's one
+ in your include paths when you compile the project.
+ Note: for SunPro CC 5.0 and higher, there used to be special directory "stlport/SC5"
+ this is now obsolete, please make sure you do not use it anymore.
+3) Make sure you do not rename this "stlport" subdirectory -
+ that may result in compilation errors.
+ NOTE: Your compiler should be recognized by STLport source code with no configuring.
+ Please edit appropriate configuration header for your compiler
+ directly if you have to make compiler-specific configuration changes
+ (see stlport/config).
+4) Go to "build/lib" subdirectory. It contains various makefiles for different
+ compilers and 'make' utilities (GNU Make and Microsoft's nmake supported).
+ If you are not able to find makefile for your particular
+ compiler, please use one that looks most similar to your make engine to
+ create your own.
+ Verify you can do command line compiles. IDE users may have to do something
+ special, like add environment variables (for Microsoft) or install
+ additional compiler components (for Metrowerks), before they can use their
+ command line compilers (see doc/README.xxxx for additionnal inrformation).
+ If you DO NOT plan to use STLport iostreams and/or locale implementation but just
+ the STL, you do not have to build the library.
+ If you have decided to disable STLport iostreams and locale using _STLP_NO_IOSTREAMS
+ configuration macro in stlport/stl/config/user_config.h, you may stop reading here.
+==== Building STLport iostreams library ==========
+Below are step-by-step instructions to build STLport streams library. This is a general
+build process description, for a more detailed one check README files in the doc folder:
+5) Using appropriate makefile, do
+ make -f <compiler name>.mak clean
+ make -f <compiler name>.mak install
+ to build the STLport libraries. Makefiles are set up to build several different
+ flavors - debug/nondebug, static/dynamic versions. But not all flavors will be build
+ by default. See build/lib/README and build/lib/README.options for other make tagets.
+ Note: your "make" program may have different name, like "nmake" for Visual C++.
+ Examples :
+ 1. If you are building STLport for just one compiler, you may do something like that
+ (DOS syntax for Visual C++ below):
+ nmake /fnmake-vc6.mak clean
+ nmake /fnmake-vc6.mak install
+ 2. If you plan to build STLport with multiple compilers, use "make -f" :
+ make -f gcc.mak clean install
+ make -f sunpro.mak clean install
+ Note: 'install' target work slightly different than usual - it installs libraries into
+ <STLport root dir>/lib and bin catalog, NOT IN SYSTEM CATALOG. You can do the system
+ install by just copying stlport and lib folder to the destination of your choise. For
+ example on UNIX-like platforms this can be done with the following commands:
+ su
+ tar cf - stlport | (cd /usr/local/include; tar xf -)
+ chmod -R a+r /usr/local/include/stlport
+ chown -R root:root /usr/local/include/stlport
+ (cd lib; tar cf - --exclude=CVS --exclude=.cvsignore .) | (cd /usr/local/lib; tar xf -)
+ chown -R root:root /usr/local/lib/libstlport*
+ exit
+ Note: System install is optional, most of compilers/linkers support searching for includes
+ and libs throught out the whole filesystem, just check your documentation on how to achieve
+ this.
+ If you use cross-compiler, you can find libraries in the <STLport root dir>/lib/<target platform>
+ catalog.
+6) If build fails, you may choose to :
+ - try fixing the build ;)
+ - wait until somebody else will submit corresponding changes to be incorporated in next STLport
+ release/snapshot.
+ In case you do patch STLport, please submit your patches to
+ https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=766246&group_id=146814&func=browse
+==== Linking your application with STLport library ==========
+7) Check the build:
+ Example:
+ - under Linux and other Unixes:
+ cd build/test/unit
+ make -f <compiler name>.mak install
+ ../../../bin/stl_unit_test
+ ../../../bin-g/stl_unit_test
+ - under Windows:
+ cd build\test\unit
+ nmake /fnmake-<compiler name>.mak install
+ cd ..\..\..\bin
+ stl_unit_test_r50
+ stl_unit_test_d50
+ stl_unit_test_stld50
+8) Supply the "lib" subdirectory to the library search path and add desired
+ library to the list of libraries to link with.
+ Examples (imagine you have mytest.cpp in the same directory as this file is):
+ With GCC : g++ -pthread -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport
+ With DEC CC : cxx -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport
+ With SUN CC : CC -mt -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport
+ .....
+ [ Visual C++ specific ] For (embedded) VC++, you do not have to specify
+ "stlport_XXX.lib" explicitly, as it is being choosen and forced to link
+ automatically by "#pragma"'s in compiler config file in
+ stlport/config/stl_msvc.h. Appropriate version is being selected based on
+ /MD[d] vs /MT[d] options and _STLP_DEBUG setting. All you have to do is
+ to set library search path for the linker.
+ Example :
+ cl.exe /I.\stlport mytest.cpp /link /libpath:.\lib /MD
+9) If you linked your application with shared STLport library (.so or .dll), please
+ make your .so or .dll can be found by the dynamic linker.
+ Under Windows, the paths searched depend on the particular flavor, see the MSDN
+ documentation for LoadLibrary at http://msdn.microsoft.com. Easiest ways are to
+ either modify the PATH environment variable or copy all .dll's next to the
+ executable.
+ Under Linux, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be adjusted to point
+ to the dir containing. See the manpage for ld.so for more info.
+10) STLport builds only multithreaded libraries, so your application should be compiled
+ as multithreaded, too. Use -pthread (or -pthreads on Solaris) option for GCC, -mt for SunPro,
+ /MT for VC, and so on. Sometimes you should define _REENTRANT or something else, depends
+ upon platform/compiler. See compiler's and linker's options on command line when you build
+ unit tests (build/test/unit) for reference. The last is useful for ANY platform (special
+ attention for Windows users).
+11) Don't hesitate to read READMEs (doc/README*, build/lib/README*, build/test/unit/README*)
+ and doc/FAQ.
+12) Have fun!