changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericopenlibs/cstdlib/TSTLIB/STDLIB2K.C	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Year 2000 compliance tests for STDLIB
+#include <stdlib.h>	/* definition of exit() */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>	/* timeval, gettimeofday */
+int failures=0;
+void failed(char* reason)
+	{
+	printf("\nFAILURE >>>%s\n", reason);
+	failures++;
+	}
+typedef struct {
+	int day;	/* 1-31 */
+	int month;	/* 1-12 */
+	int year;	/* 1970-2050 */
+	} testdate;
+char* testmonths[14] = {
+	"invalid_0",
+	"Jan", "Feb", "March", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
+	"invalid_13"
+	};
+char* tmdaynames[8] = {
+	"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday",
+	"invalid_7"
+	};
+/* Format a testdate to match the Y2K document
+ */
+void format_testdate(testdate* aDate, char* aBuffer)
+	{
+	char* th="th";
+	if (aDate->day==1 || aDate->day==21 || aDate->day==31)
+		th="st";
+	if (aDate->day==2 || aDate->day==22)
+		th="nd";
+	sprintf(aBuffer, "%d%s %s %d", aDate->day, th, testmonths[aDate->month], aDate->year);
+	}
+typedef struct {
+	testdate	input;		/* for conversion to seconds */
+	testdate	result;		/* correct value */
+	} testpair;
+typedef struct {
+	testdate	input;		/* for conversion to seconds */
+	int		result;		/* correct value */
+	} testint;
+ *
+ * STDLIB date handling is done in terms of seconds since the "epoch", which was
+ * 00:00 on 1st January, 1970. The Y2K significant functionality consists solely of the
+ * routines which manipulate the struct tm data structure.
+ *
+ *   time_t mktime (struct tm *brokentime)
+ *
+ *   struct tm * gmtime (const time_t *time)
+ *   struct tm * localtime (const time_t *time)
+ *
+ * The mktime conversion is always using a GMT date, so we'll ignore the localtime function for Y2K
+ * purposes. We also know that gmtime and localtime use the same underlying conversion function,
+ * one applying the relevant GMT offset on the way in.
+ *
+ * Y2K is only concerned with dates, so we will always use 12:00:00 ("High Noon") as the time
+ * of day.
+ */
+void tm_from_testdate(struct tm* aTm, testdate* aDate)
+	{
+	time_t seconds;
+	struct tm setup;
+	struct tm* res;
+	setup.tm_hour = 12;
+	setup.tm_min  = 0;
+	setup.tm_sec  = 0;
+	setup.tm_mday = aDate->day;
+	setup.tm_mon  = aDate->month - 1;	/* struct tm uses 0-11 */
+	setup.tm_year = aDate->year - 1900;	/* struct tm uses years since 1900 */
+	seconds = mktime(&setup);
+	if (seconds != (time_t)(-1))
+		{
+		res = gmtime(&seconds);
+		*aTm = *res;
+		return;
+		}
+	/* unable to convert date */
+	failed("tm_from_testdate: mktime failed");
+	}
+void normalize_tm(struct tm* aTm)
+	{
+	time_t seconds = mktime(aTm);
+	if (seconds == (time_t)(-1))
+		{
+		/* unable to convert date */
+		failed("normalize_tm: mktime failed");
+		}
+	return;
+	}
+int compare_testdate_tm(testdate* aDate, struct tm* aTm)
+	{
+	if (aDate->year-1900 != aTm->tm_year)
+		return (aDate->year-1900-aTm->tm_year);
+	if (aDate->month-1 != aTm->tm_mon)
+		return (aDate->month-1-aTm->tm_mon);
+	return (aDate->day - aTm->tm_mday);
+	}
+ *   4.1 Rule 1 Tests
+ *
+ * "No valid value for current date will cause any interruption in operation"
+ *
+ */
+testpair data_4_1[14] = {
+	{{ 31,12,1998 } , {  1, 1, 1999 } },
+	{{ 27, 2,1999 } , { 28, 2, 1999 } },
+	{{ 28, 2,1999 } , {  1, 3, 1999 } },
+	{{ 31, 8,1999 } , {  1, 9, 1999 } },
+	{{  8, 9,1999 } , {  9, 9, 1999 } },
+	{{  9, 9,1999 } , { 10, 9, 1999 } },
+	{{ 31,12,1999 } , {  1, 1, 2000 } },
+	{{ 27, 2,2000 } , { 28, 2, 2000 } },
+	{{ 28, 2,2000 } , { 29, 2, 2000 } },
+	{{ 29, 2,2000 } , {  1, 3, 2000 } },
+	{{ 31,12,2000 } , {  1, 1, 2001 } },
+	{{ 28, 2,2001 } , {  1, 3, 2001 } },
+	{{ 28, 2,2004 } , { 29, 2, 2004 } },
+	{{ 29, 2,2004 } , {  1, 3, 2004 } }
+	};
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-STDLIB-CT-1043
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for standard date boundaries
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Tests for standard date format
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+void tests_4_1()
+	{
+	int i;
+	testdate* from_dp;
+	testdate* to_dp;
+	char frombuf[80];
+	char tobuf[80];
+	struct tm workdate;
+	printf("\n4.1 Rule 1 Tests\n\n");
+	printf(" Standard Date Boundaries\n\n");
+	for (i=0; i<14; i++)
+		{
+		from_dp=&data_4_1[i].input;
+		to_dp=&data_4_1[i].result;
+		format_testdate(from_dp, frombuf); 
+		format_testdate(to_dp, tobuf); 
+		printf("%-2d  From %-14s to %-14s ", i+1, frombuf, tobuf);
+		tm_from_testdate(&workdate, from_dp);
+		if (compare_testdate_tm(from_dp, &workdate) != 0)
+			failed("test_4_1: invalid from date");
+		workdate.tm_mday += 1;	/* move the time on by one day */
+		normalize_tm(&workdate);
+		if (compare_testdate_tm(to_dp, &workdate) != 0)
+			{
+			printf("*** FAILED\n");
+			failures++;
+			}
+		else
+			printf("PASSED\n");
+		}
+	}
+ *   4.2 Rule 2 Tests (incorporating Rule 4 Tests)
+ *
+ * "All manipulations of date or time related data will produce the required results for
+ *  all valid date values prior to, during and after Year 2000"
+ *
+ * "Year 2000 must be recognised as a leap year"
+ *
+ */
+testdate data_4_2_1[19] = {
+	{ 31, 12, 1998 },
+	{  1,  3, 1999 },
+	{ 27,  2, 2000 },
+	{ 31, 12, 2000 },
+	{ 28,  2, 2004 },
+	{  1,  1, 1999 },
+	{  9,  9, 1999 },
+	{ 28,  2, 2000 },
+	{  1,  1, 2001 },
+	{ 29,  2, 2004 },
+	{ 27,  2, 1999 },
+	{ 31, 12, 1999 },
+	{ 29,  2, 2000 },
+	{ 28,  2, 2000 },
+	{  1,  3, 2004 },
+	{ 28,  2, 1999 },
+	{  1,  1, 2000 },
+	{  1,  3, 2000 },
+	{  1,  3, 2001 }
+	};
+void tests_4_2_1()
+	{
+	int i;
+	testdate* from_dp;
+	char frombuf[80];
+	struct tm workdate;
+	printf("\n4.2 Rule 2 Tests (incorporating Rule 4 Tests)\n\n");
+	printf("4.2.1 Valid Dates\n\n");
+	for (i=0; i<19; i++)
+		{
+		from_dp=&data_4_2_1[i];
+		format_testdate(from_dp, frombuf); 
+		printf("%-2d  Valid date %-14s  ", i+1, frombuf);
+		tm_from_testdate(&workdate, from_dp);
+		if (compare_testdate_tm(from_dp, &workdate) != 0)
+			{
+			printf("*** FAILED\n");
+			failures++;
+			}
+		else
+			printf("PASSED\n");
+		}
+	}
+testdate data_4_2_2[5] = {
+	{ 31,  4, 1998 },
+	{ 30,  2, 2000 },
+	{ 29,  2, 2001 },
+	{ 29,  2, 1999 },
+	{ 30,  2, 2004 }
+	};
+void tests_4_2_2()
+	{
+	int i;
+	testdate* from_dp;
+	char frombuf[80];
+	struct tm workdate;
+	printf("\n4.2.2 Invalid Dates\n\n");
+	for (i=0; i<5; i++)
+		{
+		from_dp=&data_4_2_2[i];
+		format_testdate(from_dp, frombuf); 
+		printf("%-2d  Invalid date %-14s  ", i+1, frombuf);
+		tm_from_testdate(&workdate, from_dp);
+		if (compare_testdate_tm(from_dp, &workdate) == 0)
+			{
+			printf("*** FAILED\n");
+			failures++;
+			}
+		else
+			printf("PASSED\n");
+		}
+	}
+testint data_4_2_4[3] = {
+	{ { 31, 12, 2000 }, 366 },
+	{ { 31, 12, 1999 }, 365 },
+	{ { 31, 12, 2004 }, 366 }
+	};
+void tests_4_2_4()
+	{
+	int i;
+	testdate* from_dp;
+	char frombuf[80];
+	struct tm workdate;
+	printf("\n4.2.4 Year Lengths\n\n");
+	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+		{
+		from_dp=&data_4_2_4[i].input;
+		format_testdate(from_dp, frombuf); 
+		printf("%-2d  Yearday of %-14s == %d ", i+1, frombuf, data_4_2_4[i].result);
+		tm_from_testdate(&workdate, from_dp);
+		if (workdate.tm_yday+1 != data_4_2_4[i].result)
+			{
+			printf("*** FAILED\n");
+			failures++;
+			}
+		else
+			printf("PASSED\n");
+		}
+	}
+testint data_4_2_7[14] = {
+	{ {  1,  1, 1900 }, 1 },	// not supported
+	{ { 28,  2, 1900 }, 3 },	// not supported
+	{ {  1,  3, 1900 }, 4 },	// not supported
+	{ { 28,  2, 1999 }, 0 },
+	{ {  1,  3, 1999 }, 1 },
+	{ { 31, 12, 1999 }, 5 },
+	{ {  1,  1, 2000 }, 6 },
+	{ { 28,  2, 2000 }, 1 },
+	{ { 29,  2, 2000 }, 2 },
+	{ {  1,  3, 2000 }, 3 },
+	{ {  1,  1, 2001 }, 1 },
+	{ { 28,  2, 2004 }, 6 },
+	{ { 29,  2, 2004 }, 0 },
+	{ {  1,  3, 2004 }, 1 }
+	};
+void tests_4_2_7()
+	{
+	int i;
+	testdate* from_dp;
+	char frombuf[80];
+	struct tm workdate;
+	printf("\n4.2.7 Calculation of days of the week from dates\n\n");
+	for (i=3; i<14; i++)
+		{
+		from_dp=&data_4_2_7[i].input;
+		format_testdate(from_dp, frombuf); 
+		printf("%-2d  %-14s == %-10s ", i+1, frombuf, tmdaynames[data_4_2_7[i].result]);
+		tm_from_testdate(&workdate, from_dp);
+		if (compare_testdate_tm(from_dp, &workdate) != 0)
+			failed("test_4_2_7: invalid from date");
+		if (workdate.tm_wday != data_4_2_7[i].result)
+			{
+			printf("*** FAILED  (%d %s)\n", workdate.tm_wday, tmdaynames[workdate.tm_wday]);
+			failures++;
+			}
+		else
+			printf("PASSED\n");
+		}
+	}
+void do_all_tests()
+	{
+	time_t now = time(0);
+	failures=0;
+	tests_4_1();
+	tests_4_2_1();
+	tests_4_2_2();
+	tests_4_2_4();
+	tests_4_2_7();
+	if (failures != 0)
+		printf("\n\n NOT YEAR 2000 COMPLIANT\n\n");
+	else
+		printf("\n\n ALL TESTS PASSED - YEAR 2000 COMPLIANT\n\n");
+	printf("Test run dated: %s", ctime(&now));
+	}
+int main()
+	{
+	int fd;
+	do_all_tests();	
+	/* Now repeat the tests into a log file */
+	fd=open("c:/stdlib_y2k.txt", O_WRONLY+O_CREAT+O_TRUNC, 0);
+	if (fd<0)
+		{
+		printf("unable to create test result file\n");
+		return -1;
+		}
+	setbuf(stderr, NULL);
+	dup2(fd, fileno(stderr));	/* redirect stderr */
+	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
+	dup2(fd, fileno(stdout));	/* redirect stdout */
+	close(fd);
+	fclose(stdin);
+	do_all_tests();
+	fflush(stdout);
+	return 0;
+	}