changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/libpthread/src/pthread_create.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Name     : pthread_create.cpp
+// Part of  : PThread library
+// All thread create related functions are 
+// implemented in this file.
+// Version:
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "threadglobals.h"
+#include "threadcreate.h"
+#include "pthreadmisc.h"
+// For avoiding warning: Warning: #550-D: variable "b" was set but never used
+// RVCT compiler only
+#ifndef __WINS__
+#pragma diag_remark 550
+extern int _insertKeyNodeInList(_pkey_node_t *newTlsPtr,_pthread_node_t *temp);
+int _createKeyList(_global_data_t *glbPtr,_pthread_node_t *selfNodePtr)
+    int keyNumber;
+    _pkey_node_t *newTlsPtr;
+    glbPtr->lockThreadTable.Wait(); // Acquire the global linked-list lock
+    selfNodePtr->lockNode.Wait();
+    for (keyNumber = 0; keyNumber < PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX; keyNumber++)
+    {
+        int idx;
+        idx = keyNumber / 32;
+        int bitPos;
+        bitPos = keyNumber % 32;
+        if (((glbPtr->statusflag[idx]) & (0x1<<bitPos)) != _KEY_UNUSED) //Used
+        {
+            // Create Node for it
+            newTlsPtr = new _pkey_node_t;
+            if (NULL == newTlsPtr) // This is added ot avoid OOM testing bug
+            {
+                newTlsPtr = new _pkey_node_t;
+            }
+            if (NULL == newTlsPtr) // Really memory exhosted..
+            {
+                return -1;
+            }
+            newTlsPtr->next = NULL;
+            newTlsPtr->tls = NULL;
+            newTlsPtr->keyNumber = keyNumber;        
+            if (_insertKeyNodeInList(newTlsPtr,selfNodePtr) == -1)
+            {
+            	delete newTlsPtr;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    selfNodePtr->lockNode.Signal();
+    glbPtr->lockThreadTable.Signal();// Release the global linked-list lock    
+    return 0;
+int _pthread_entryPtFun(void *args)
+	int retVal = 0;
+    _wrapperFunArgs *param;
+    _wrapperFunArgs  tParam;
+    _pthread_node_t *selfNodePtr;
+    _global_data_t *glbPtr;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Begin _pthread_entryPtFun\n");
+    param = (_wrapperFunArgs*)args;
+    selfNodePtr = (_pthread_node_t*) param->nodePtr;
+    glbPtr = selfNodePtr->glbDataPtr;
+    Dll::SetTls((TAny*)selfNodePtr);  // Set node address to TLS
+    // Make all the thread Non critical, else if any thread terminates,
+    // then process terminates.
+    User::SetCritical(User::ENotCritical);
+    tParam.begin_routine = param->begin_routine;
+    tParam.args = param->args;
+    delete param;                       // Free param
+    // Create TLS keys link list
+    if (_createKeyList(glbPtr,selfNodePtr) == -1)
+        return KErrNoMemory;
+    // Create Cleanup Stack for this thread
+    CTrapCleanup* pCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+    if( !(pCleanup) ) //This is added to solve the out of memory 
+    {                 //testing problem
+        pCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+    }
+    selfNodePtr->cleanStackPtr = (void*)pCleanup; //added to solve memoryleak 
+	if( pCleanup )
+		{
+		// Call user entry point function with in TRAP
+		TRAP(retVal, selfNodePtr->returnValue = tParam.begin_routine(tParam.args));  
+		//selfNodePtr->cleanStackPtr = NULL;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//No Memory!!
+		pthread_exit((void*)selfNodePtr->returnValue);
+		retVal = KErrNoMemory;
+		return retVal;
+		}
+    TRAP(retVal, pthread_exit((void*)selfNodePtr->returnValue));
+    delete pCleanup;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] End of _pthread_entryPtFun\n");
+    return retVal; //This return values goes to Symbian
+void _pthread_insertNode(void *tlsPtr, _pthread_node_t *newNode)
+    _pthread_node_t *currNode;
+    _global_data_t *glbPtr;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Begin _pthread_insertNode\n");
+    currNode = (_pthread_node_t *) tlsPtr;
+    glbPtr = currNode->glbDataPtr;
+    glbPtr->lockThreadTable.Wait(); // Acquire the global linked-list lock
+    // Append the new node at the beginning
+    newNode->next = glbPtr->start;
+    glbPtr->start = newNode;
+    (glbPtr->threadCount)++;       // Increment the thread count
+    glbPtr->lockThreadTable.Signal();// Release the global linked-list lock
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] End of _pthread_insertNode\n");
+int _pthread_setAttributes(_pthread_attr *thAttr, pthread_attr_t *attrib)
+    _pthread_attr *thAttrPtr;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Begin _pthread_setAttributes\n");
+    // If attributes are passed by user then set accordingly;
+    // else set default attributes.    
+    if (NULL == attrib)
+    {
+        // Initialise default values for attributes
+        thAttr->stackSize = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
+        thAttr->detachState = PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE;
+        thAttr->scope = PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM;
+        thAttr->policy = SCHED_RR;
+        /* this leads to EPriorityNormal */
+        thAttr->sp.sched_priority = DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY;
+        thAttr->priority = EPriorityNormal;
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] End of _pthread_setAttributes: Success\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    thAttrPtr = (_pthread_attr*) attrib;
+    // Check whether attribute is valid or not: stack size
+    if (PTHREAD_STACK_MIN <= thAttrPtr->stackSize)
+    {
+        thAttr->stackSize = thAttrPtr->stackSize;    
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid Stack size\n");
+        return EINVAL;
+    }
+    // Check whether attribute is valid or not: detach state
+    if ((PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE == thAttrPtr->detachState) ||
+        (PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED == thAttrPtr->detachState))
+    {
+        thAttr->detachState = thAttrPtr->detachState;    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid Detach state\n");
+        return EINVAL;
+    }
+    // Check whether attribute is valid or not: Contentionscope
+    if (PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM == thAttrPtr->scope)
+    {
+        thAttr->scope = thAttrPtr->scope;    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid Contention scope\n");
+        return EINVAL;
+    }
+    // Check whether attribute is valid or not: scheduling policy
+    if (SCHED_RR == thAttrPtr->policy)
+    {
+        thAttr->policy = thAttrPtr->policy;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid policy \n");
+        return EINVAL;        
+    }
+    // Check whether attribute is valid or not: priority (sched param)
+    if ((thAttrPtr->sp.sched_priority < MIN_RR_PRIORITY) ||
+        (thAttrPtr->sp.sched_priority > MAX_RR_PRIORITY))
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid priority \n");
+        return EINVAL;        
+    }
+    thAttr->sp.sched_priority = thAttrPtr->sp.sched_priority;
+    if ((EPriorityMuchLess != thAttrPtr->priority) &&
+        (EPriorityLess != thAttrPtr->priority) &&
+        (EPriorityNormal != thAttrPtr->priority) &&
+        (EPriorityMore != thAttrPtr->priority) &&                
+        (EPriorityMuchMore != thAttrPtr->priority) )
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Invalid Internal priority \n");
+        return EINVAL;        
+    }
+    thAttr->priority = thAttrPtr->priority;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] End of _pthread_setAttributes: Success\n");
+    return 0;
+EXPORT_C int pthread_create(pthread_t *threadhdl, pthread_attr_t *attrib, 
+                   thread_begin_routine begin_routine,  void * param)         
+    _pthread_node_t *selfNodePtr;
+    _pthread_node_t *newNodePtr;
+    _pthread_attr thAttr;
+    _global_data_t *glbPtr;
+    _wrapperFunArgs *wArgs;
+    TBuf<MAX_THREAD_NAME_LEN> threadName;
+    int retVal;
+    int loopVar;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] Begin pthread_create\n");
+    //Get the TLS value (self node pointer)
+    selfNodePtr = (_pthread_node_t*) _pthread_getTls();
+    if (NULL == selfNodePtr)
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] FATAL :TLS is not initialized \n");
+        return EAGAIN;
+    }
+    // Global data strcuture Pointer 
+    glbPtr = selfNodePtr->glbDataPtr;
+    // Initialize the attributes
+    if (_pthread_setAttributes(&thAttr,attrib) == EINVAL)
+    {
+        return EINVAL;
+    }
+    newNodePtr = new _pthread_node_t;
+    if (NULL == newNodePtr)
+    {
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] FATAL :MemoryAlloc fail for new threadnode");
+        return EAGAIN;
+    }
+    //Initialize the new node
+    newNodePtr->next = NULL;
+    if (newNodePtr->lockNode.CreateLocal() != KErrNone)
+    {
+        delete newNodePtr;
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] FATAL :Mutex create failed");
+        return EAGAIN;        
+    }
+    newNodePtr->glbDataPtr = glbPtr;
+    newNodePtr->detachState = thAttr.detachState;
+    newNodePtr->threadState = _THREAD_RUNNING;
+    newNodePtr->returnValue = NULL;
+    newNodePtr->hasAnyThreadJoined = EFalse;
+    newNodePtr->priority = thAttr.sp.sched_priority;
+    newNodePtr->mainFlag = _NON_MAIN_THREAD;
+    newNodePtr->tlsHead = NULL;
+    newNodePtr->cleanStackPtr = NULL;
+    // Allocate memory for the arguments, to pass to the new thread.
+    // Free
+    wArgs = new _wrapperFunArgs;
+    if (NULL == wArgs)
+    {
+        newNodePtr->lockNode.Close();
+        delete newNodePtr;
+        THR_PRINTF("[pthread] FATAL:MemoryAlloc failed!Wrapper function args");
+        return EAGAIN;
+    }
+    // Fill the arguments that has to be passed to new thread.
+    wArgs->begin_routine = begin_routine;
+    wArgs->args = param;
+    wArgs->nodePtr = newNodePtr;
+    // Their is possiblity that Symbian OS might delay the previous thread
+    // destruction, due to that we might get the KErrAlreadyExists error
+    // To avoid that random number is concatenated to thread name
+    // This trial is done for MAX_THREAD_CREATE_FAILURE_COUNT times
+    for (loopVar = 0; loopVar < MAX_THREAD_CREATE_FAILURE_COUNT; loopVar++)
+    {
+        // Generate a unique thread name. Use node address itself.
+        threadName.NumFixedWidth(TUint(newNodePtr), EHex, THREAD_NAME_WIDTH);
+        TUint randNumber = Math::Random();
+        TBuf<MAXLEN_RANDOM_NUM> tempBuf;
+        tempBuf.NumFixedWidth(randNumber, EHex, THREAD_NAME_WIDTH);
+        threadName.Append(tempBuf);
+        // Create the thread
+        retVal = newNodePtr->rtHandle.Create(
+                                 (const TDesC &)threadName, // Thread Name
+                                 _pthread_entryPtFun, // Entry pt function  
+                                 thAttr.stackSize,      // Stack Size
+                                 NULL,          // Use common heap
+                                 (TAny*)wArgs ); // Args to entry pt function
+        if (KErrNone != retVal)
+        {
+            if(KErrAlreadyExists == retVal)
+            {
+                // Try again
+                continue;
+            }
+            newNodePtr->lockNode.Close();
+            delete newNodePtr;
+            delete wArgs;
+            THR_PRINTF("[pthread] RThread Create failed.");
+            return EAGAIN;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Successfully Thread is created
+            break;
+        }
+    }    
+    // Store the thread ID                             
+    newNodePtr->threadId = newNodePtr->rtHandle.Id();
+    // Do not close the thread handle rtHandle.
+    //Insert the node to the link list
+    _pthread_insertNode((void*)selfNodePtr, newNodePtr);
+    // Set the priority if it is not default
+    if (EPriorityNormal != thAttr.priority)
+    {
+        newNodePtr->rtHandle.SetPriority((TThreadPriority)thAttr.priority);
+    }
+    // Bring the new thread to Running state
+    newNodePtr->rtHandle.Resume();
+    //Set the handle of the newly created thread
+    *threadhdl = (pthread_t) newNodePtr;
+    THR_PRINTF("[pthread] End of pthread_create: Success \n");    
+    return 0; 
+// End of file