changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/httputils/wspcodec/WSPDecoder.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <stringpool.h>
+#include <wspdecoder.h>
+// Constants
+const TUint8 KWapQuote = 0x7F;
+const TUint8 KCarryBitMask = 0x80;
+#define KTopBitMask KCarryBitMask
+const TUint8 KTop3BitSet = 0x70;
+const TUint8 KQuoteChar = '\"';
+// Panic category
+//	TWspHeaderSegmenter
+  NextL iterates through the buffer.  Each call returns a TWspField in the paramater.
+  @param aHeader Out - a TWspField containing the header <name,value> pair.  
+  @warning The TWspField::iHdrName will be opened internally.
+			It must be closed by the caller before this class is destroyed.
+  @return	KErrNone if next field is returned
+			KErrNotFound at the end of the buffer - no TWspField param returned
+			KErrCorrupt if segmenting does not parse correctly
+  @leave	RStringPool::OpenFStringL StringPool leave code if opening string fails.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspHeaderSegmenter::NextL(TWspField& aHeader)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	// Set decoder to current buffer
+	TWspPrimitiveDecoder decoder(iBuffer.Mid(iOffset));
+	TInt bufLen = 0;
+	// Get the Field Name 
+	switch(decoder.VarType())
+		{
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::EString:
+			{
+			TPtrC8 name;
+			bufLen = decoder.String(name);
+			if (bufLen < KErrNone) return bufLen;
+			aHeader.iHdrName = iPool.OpenFStringL(name);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::E7BitVal:
+			{
+			TUint8 name;
+			bufLen = decoder.Val7Bit(name);
+			if (bufLen < KErrNone) return bufLen;
+			aHeader.iHdrName = iPool.StringF(name, iStringTable);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:	// header name can't be anything else
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	// move our pointer past header name
+	iOffset += bufLen;
+	// Get the value buffer by figuring out the type, then set the pointer to span the entire
+	// value.  Note - further parsing will happen later to pull out specific value data.
+	switch(decoder.VarType())
+		{
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::ELengthVal:
+			{
+			TInt len;
+			bufLen = decoder.LengthVal(len);
+			bufLen += len;		
+			}
+			break;
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::EQuotedString:
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::EString:
+			{
+			TPtrC8 strBuf;
+			bufLen = decoder.String(strBuf);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::E7BitVal:
+			bufLen = 1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	if (bufLen < 0) 
+		return bufLen;
+	if (iOffset + bufLen > iBuffer.Length())
+          return KErrCorrupt;
+	aHeader.iValBuffer.Set(iBuffer.Mid(iOffset, bufLen));
+	iOffset += bufLen;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ //
+ // WAP-WSP
+ //
+	Looks at the byte currently pointed at in this buffer and returns the type.
+	@return TWspHeaderType - the type of this data octet
+EXPORT_C TWspPrimitiveDecoder::TWspHeaderType TWspPrimitiveDecoder::VarType() const
+	{
+	TWspHeaderType type = ENotSet;
+	// Check that the offset has not overflowed the buffer
+	if( iOffset >= iBuffer.Length() )
+		return type;
+	TInt octet = iBuffer[iOffset];
+	if (octet >= 0 && octet <= 31)
+		type = ELengthVal;
+	else if (octet == 34)
+		type = EQuotedString;
+	else if (octet >= 32 && octet <= 127)
+		type = EString;
+	else if (octet >= 128 && octet <= 255)
+		type = E7BitVal;
+	return type;
+	}
+	Returns length of the data following this byte.  
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aVal Out - the length encoded in this byte that indicates the size of the
+		  	     data that follows.
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+			KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::LengthVal(TInt& aVal)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	TInt bufLen = 0;
+	aVal = iBuffer[iOffset++];
+	if (aVal == 31)
+		{
+		TUint32 uintVarLen = 0;
+		bufLen = UintVar(uintVarLen);
+		if (bufLen < KErrNone) return bufLen;
+		aVal = (TInt)uintVarLen;
+		}
+	// add the 1 byte read at to get first aVal
+	++bufLen;
+	return bufLen;
+	}
+   Returns a TPtrC holding the string the buffer currently points at without the NULL 
+   termination. If the String type is a quoted string then the quotes are not included 
+   in the returned buffer.
+   @pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspType::EString
+   @post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+   @param aString Out - the string
+   @return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+   		  KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::String(TPtrC8& aString)
+	{
+	TWspHeaderType type = VarType();
+	if( type != EString && type != EQuotedString)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	TInt nullIndex = iBuffer.Mid(iOffset).Locate('\0');
+	if( nullIndex == KErrNotFound )
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	// Set buffer to data not including the NULL terminator
+	TPtrC8 buf = iBuffer.Mid(iOffset, nullIndex);
+	// is there a WAP Quote (0x7F) or a " at the start - step over it
+	TInt bufferOffset = 0;
+	const TUint8 firstByte = iBuffer[iOffset];
+	if( firstByte == KQuoteChar || firstByte == KWapQuote )
+		++bufferOffset;
+	// Set the descriptor with the correct buffer segment
+	aString.Set(buf.Mid(bufferOffset));
+	// Step over the NULL
+	++nullIndex;
+	// update the offset
+	iOffset += nullIndex;
+	return nullIndex;
+	} 
+	Returns a token, a short int or an octet value with the top bit cleared
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::E7BitVal
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aVal Out - the 7 bit value with top bit cleared
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+		    KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Val7Bit(TUint8& aVal)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	aVal = (TUint8)(iBuffer[iOffset] & KWapQuote);
+	++iOffset;
+	// 1 byte read
+	return 1;
+	}
+	Returns an Integer - could be short or long.
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal or
+		   VarType() == TWspHeaderType::E7BitVal
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aVal Out - the long int
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+			  KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Integer(TUint32& aVal)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	TInt bufLen = 0;
+	// read the first byte
+	aVal = iBuffer[iOffset];
+	// short integers have the top bit set
+	if (aVal & KTopBitMask)
+		{
+		aVal &= KWapQuote;
+		++iOffset;
+		++bufLen;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		bufLen = LongInt(aVal);
+		}
+	return bufLen;
+	}
+	Returns a long int the buffer is currently pointing at. 
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal  
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aVal Out - the long int
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+		  KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::LongInt(TUint32& aVal)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aVal <= KMaxTUint, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, EWspDecoderLongIntOverflow));
+	// initialize
+	aVal = 0;
+	// Get num bytes encoding [len] [byte1] ... [byten]
+	// we are positioned at that location in the source descriptor
+	TUint8 numBytes = 0;
+	TInt bufLen = Val7Bit(numBytes);
+	if (bufLen < KErrNone) return bufLen;
+	// len can be up to 30 and verify we have enough buffer
+	if (numBytes > 30 || numBytes > iBuffer.Mid(iOffset).Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	// Loop over the buffer, taking each byte and shifting it in count times.  
+	for (TInt count = 0; count < numBytes ; ++count)
+		aVal = (aVal << 8) + iBuffer[iOffset++];
+	return (bufLen + numBytes);
+	}
+	Returns a TUint32 
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal or
+		   VarType() == TWspHeaderType::E7BitVal 
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aVal Out - the TUint32 decoded 
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+		    KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::UintVar(TUint32& aVal)
+	{
+	// have we run out of buffer?
+	if (iOffset >= iBuffer.Length())
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	// initialize return val
+	aVal = 0;
+	// maximum length for a uintvar is 5
+	TInt lenLeft = Min(iBuffer.Mid(iOffset).Length(), 5);
+	// get the first octet
+	TUint8 byte = iBuffer[iOffset++];
+	TInt numBytes = 1;
+	--lenLeft;	
+	// Check if any of the top 3 bits, ignoring the very top 'continue' bit, are set.  
+	// Later if we see that this is a 5 byte number - we'll know it is corrupt.  
+	// Encoding uses 7 bits/number 7x5=35 and we only support a maxiumum number 
+	// of 32 bits.
+	TBool topThreeBitsSet = byte & KTop3BitSet; 
+	// copy over data from the byte into our return value (the top bit is a carry bit)
+	aVal = byte & KWapQuote;
+	// while the 'continue' bit is set and we have more data
+	while ((byte & KCarryBitMask) && (lenLeft > 0))
+		{
+		// shift our last value up
+		aVal <<= 7;
+		// get the next byte
+		byte = iBuffer[iOffset++];
+		// copy it over to the lowest byte
+		aVal |= byte & KWapQuote;
+		--lenLeft;
+		++numBytes;
+		} 
+	// last octet has continue bit set ... NOT allowed Or
+	// this was encoded wrong - can't have a number bigger than 32 bits
+	if ((byte & KCarryBitMask) || (numBytes == 5 && topThreeBitsSet))
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	// number of bytes read
+	return numBytes;
+	}
+	Returns a formatted version string 
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal  
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aPool In - an opened string pool
+	@param aVer Out - a formatted version string.  Caller must close this string.
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+		    KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::VersionL(RStringPool aPool, RStringF& aVer)
+	{
+	const TInt KMaxBufLength=5;
+	TInt bufLen = 0;
+	TInt byte = iBuffer[iOffset];
+	if (!(byte & KTopBitMask))
+		{
+		TPtrC8 str;
+		bufLen = String(str);
+		if (bufLen < KErrNone) return KErrCorrupt;
+		aVer = aPool.OpenFStringL(str);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Major 0-7 , Minor 0-15 [xxx][yyyy]
+		TUint8 val;
+		bufLen = Val7Bit(val);
+		if (bufLen < KErrNone) return KErrCorrupt;
+		TInt minVer =  val & 0x0F;
+		TInt majVer =  val & 0xF0;
+		majVer >>= 4;
+		if (majVer < 0 || majVer > 7)
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+		TBuf8<KMaxBufLength> buf;
+		if (minVer == 0x0F)
+			{
+			_LIT8(KVersionFormat, "%D");
+			buf.Format(KVersionFormat, majVer);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			_LIT8(KVersionFormat, "%D.%D");
+			buf.Format(KVersionFormat, majVer, minVer);
+			}
+			aVer = aPool.OpenFStringL(buf);
+		}
+	return bufLen;
+	}
+	Returns a TDateTime offset from January 1, 1970 - WAP WSP Section Panics if 
+	the time val is greater then the maximum allowable integer size (32 bits).
+	@pre iBuffer[iOffset] must be valid, VarType() == TWspHeaderType::ELengthVal  
+	@post internal offset gets updated to move past this primitive 
+	@param aDateTime Out - a WAP Date
+	@return postive number indicating the number of bytes read from the buffer
+			  KErrCorrupt if data is not formatted correctly.
+EXPORT_C TInt TWspPrimitiveDecoder::Date(TDateTime& aDateTime)
+	{
+	TUint32 secVal;
+	TInt bufLen = LongInt(secVal);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(bufLen <= KMaxTInt, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, EWspDecoderDateOverflow));
+	if (bufLen < KErrNone) return bufLen;
+	TDateTime dt(1970,EJanuary,0,0,0,0,0);
+	TTime time(dt);
+	TInt sec = STATIC_CAST(TInt, secVal);
+	time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(sec);
+	aDateTime = time.DateTime();
+	return bufLen;
+	}