--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/mimerecognitionfw/inc/APMREC.H Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__APMREC_H__)
+#define __APMREC_H__
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#if !defined(__APMSTD_H__)
+#include <apmstd.h>
+// classes defined
+class CApaDataRecognizerType;
+// classes referenced
+class RFs;
+class RFile;
+class TDataToRecognize;
+class CDataRecognizerExtension;
+/** Creates an interface object for a abstract base class for a recognizer.
+typedef CApaDataRecognizerType* (*CreateCApaDataRecognizerType)();
+class TDataRecognitionResult
+/** The result of an attempt to recognize data.
+The class contains a data (MIME) type and a confidence rating.
+An object of this type is passed to the Application Architecture server when
+making a request to recognize data.
+@see RApaLsSession::RecognizeData() */
+ {
+ IMPORT_C void Reset();
+ /** The data type. */
+ TDataType iDataType;
+ /** The confidence rating associated with the data (EMIME) type. */
+ TInt iConfidence;
+ };
+const TInt KDataArrayGranularity=5;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TDataType> CDataTypeArray;
+class CApaDataRecognizer : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TDataRecognitionResult RecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ IMPORT_C TDataRecognitionResult RecognizeL(RFile& aFile, TInt aPreferredBufSize);
+ IMPORT_C TBool RecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer, const TDataType& aDataType);
+ IMPORT_C TBool RecognizeL(RFile& aFile, TInt aPreferredBufSize, const TDataType& aDataType);
+ IMPORT_C ~CApaDataRecognizer();
+ IMPORT_C TInt PreferredBufSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C void DataTypeL(CDataTypeArray& aArray);
+ IMPORT_C void UpdateDataTypesL();
+ IMPORT_C TInt AcceptedConfidence() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetAcceptedConfidence(TInt aConfidence);
+ inline void SetFilePassedByHandle(RFile* aFilePassedByHandle) {iFilePassedByHandle=aFilePassedByHandle;}
+ inline RFile* FilePassedByHandle() {return iFilePassedByHandle;}
+ IMPORT_C CApaDataRecognizer(RFs& aFs);
+ IMPORT_C void AddDataRecognizerTypeL(CApaDataRecognizerType* aDataRecognizerType);
+ inline void AddDataRecognizerType(CApaDataRecognizerType* aDataRecognizerType);
+ IMPORT_C TInt RemoveDataRecognizerType(const CApaDataRecognizerType* aDataRecognizerType);
+ IMPORT_C void DestroyRecognizerList();
+ void AddDataTypeL(const TDataType& aDataType);
+ TDataRecognitionResult RecognizeL(TDataToRecognize& aDataToRecognize);
+ TBool RecognizeL(TDataToRecognize& aDataToRecognize, const TDataType& aDataType);
+ TBool DoRecognize(CApaDataRecognizerType* aDataRecognizerType, TDataToRecognize& aDataToRecognize, const TDataType& aDataType, TInt& aError);
+ RFs& iFs;
+ // iMaxBufferSize is mutable to allow modification by PreferredBufSize() which is const.
+ mutable TInt iMaxBufferSize;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void CApaDataRecognizer_Reserved_1(); // shouldn't be necessary as the class is @internalTechnology
+ RPointerArray<CApaDataRecognizerType> iDataRecognizerList;
+ RArray<TDataType> iDataArray;
+ TInt iAcceptedConfidence;
+ TDataRecognitionResult iResult;
+ RFile* iFilePassedByHandle;
+ };
+class CApaDataRecognizerType : public CBase
+/** Abstract base class for a recognizer.
+Concrete recognizers need to define and implement a derived class; specifically,
+they need to provide an implementation of the DoRecognizeL(), SupportedDataTypeL()
+and PreferredBufSize() functions.
+The class is implemented as part of a DLL. The ordinal 1 function of the DLL
+must construct an instance of, and return a pointer to, a CApaDataRecognizerType
+derived class.
+@released */
+ {
+ friend class TDataToRecognize; // so that it can call the overloads of DoRecognizeL
+ /** A set of values used to indicate the probability that the recognizer will successfully
+ identify data. The Application Architecture framework uses this set to determine
+ the order in which recognizers are invoked.
+ @see CApaDataRecognizerType()
+ @see Priority() */
+ enum TRecognizerPriority
+ {
+ /** The highest recognizer priority. Recognizers with this priority are invoked
+ before those with any other priority. */
+ EHigh=100,
+ /** The normal recognizer priority. Recognizers with this priority are invoked
+ after those with a EHigh priority but before those with a ELow priority. */
+ ENormal=0,
+ /** The lowest recognizer priority. */
+ ELow=-100
+ };
+ /** A set of values describing the probability that the recognizer assigns to its
+ belief that the most recently sampled data is of the type ascribed to it. */
+ enum TRecognitionConfidence
+ {
+ /** The data is definitely of the data type. */
+ ECertain=KMaxTInt,
+ /** A level of confidence between ECertain and EPossible. */
+ EProbable=100,
+ /** The data is possibly of the data type. */
+ EPossible=0,
+ /** A level of confidence between EPossible and ENotRecognized. */
+ EUnlikely=-100,
+ /** The data is not recognized. */
+ ENotRecognized=KMinTInt
+ };
+ inline TInt MimeTypesCount() const;
+ inline TUid TypeUid() const;
+ inline TInt Priority() const;
+ inline TInt Confidence() const;
+ inline TInt Locked() const;
+ IMPORT_C TDataRecognitionResult RecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ TDataRecognitionResult RecognizeL(TDataToRecognize& aDataToRecognize);
+ IMPORT_C TDataType MimeType();
+ IMPORT_C void Lock();
+ IMPORT_C void Unlock();
+ IMPORT_C void UpdateDataTypesL();
+ IMPORT_C ~CApaDataRecognizerType();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TUint PreferredBufSize();
+ /** Gets one of the data (MIME) types that the recognizer can recognize.
+ @param aIndex An index that identifies the data type. Typically, the minimum
+ value is zero and the maximum value is the value of MimeTypesCount() - 1.
+ @return The data (MIME) type. */
+ IMPORT_C virtual TDataType SupportedDataTypeL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+ IMPORT_C CApaDataRecognizerType(TUid aUid, TInt aPriority);
+ IMPORT_C RFile* FilePassedByHandleL();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoRecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ // Reserved virtual functions...
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
+ IMPORT_C static CApaDataRecognizerType* CreateDataRecognizerL(TUid aImplUid);
+ CDataRecognizerExtension* DataRecognizerExtension();
+ const TUid iTypeUid;
+ const TInt iPriority;
+ /** The number of data (MIME) types supported by this recognizer. Typically, this
+ is set during construction of an instance of the derived class.
+ Users of the derived class use MimeTypesCount() to get this value. */
+ TInt iCountDataTypes;
+ /** The recognizer's confidence rating of the most recently recognized data.
+ Users of the derived class use Confidence() to get this value. */
+ TInt iConfidence;
+ /** The data (MIME) type of the most recently recognized data.
+ Users of the derived class use MimeType() to get this value. */
+ TDataType iDataType;
+ TInt iLock;
+ CDataRecognizerExtension* iDataRecognizerExtn;
+ };
+#include <apmrec.inl>