changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/taskscheduler/INC/SCHINFO.H	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Various T-classes for client input to scheduler, scheduler output to client	
+// These classes comprise part of the interface (the rest is defined in RScheduler)
+#if !defined (__SCHINFO_H__)
+#define __SCHINFO_H__
+#if !defined (__SCHTIME_H__)
+#include <schtime.h>
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <s32strm.h>
+Contains detailed information for a single task.
+A schedule can have any number of tasks. An object of this type is passed 
+to RScheduler::ScheduleTask(). Objects of this type are also returned by functions 
+within RScheduler that retrieve information about tasks.
+@see RScheduler::ScheduleTask()
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleL()
+@see RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL() 
+class TTaskInfo
+	{
+	//ctors
+	IMPORT_C TTaskInfo (TInt aTaskId, TName& aName, TInt aPriority, TInt aRepeat);
+	IMPORT_C TTaskInfo();//
+	//assignment
+	IMPORT_C TTaskInfo& operator=(const TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo);
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	//needs a copy ctor
+	//TTaskInfo (TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo);
+	//data
+	/** Specifies how often the task is to be repeated.
+	This is defined by the client.
+	A value of 1 means once, a value of 2 means twice etc.
+	Note that zero is interpreted to mean once, and a negative value is interpreted 
+	to mean that the task will be repeated until it is explicitly deleted. */
+	TInt iRepeat;
+	/** The unique Id for the task.
+	This is generated by the Task Scheduler. Clients should use the generated 
+	Id to refer to the task in future transactions. */
+	TInt iTaskId;
+	/** The name of the task.
+	This is defined by the client.
+	@see TName */
+	TName iName;
+	/** The priority of the task.
+	This is defined by the client.
+	Determines the order in which a client's tasks are executed. Where a client 
+	has two tasks with different priorities, the task with the higher priority 
+	will be executed first. */
+	TInt iPriority;
+	};
+Defines a filter to be used when listing tasks scheduled in a call to RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL().
+@see RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL()
+enum TTaskFilter
+	{
+	/** Indicates that all tasks are to be selected. */
+	EAllTasks,
+	/** Indicates those tasks associated with the executing program with which the 
+	calling client is associated, are to be selected. */
+	EMyTasks
+	};
+Defines a filter to be used when listing schedules in a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL(), 
+and when listing tasks in a call to RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL().
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL()
+@see RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL() 
+enum TScheduleFilter
+	{
+	/** Indicates that all schedules are to be selected. */
+	EAllSchedules,
+	/** Indicates that only pending schedules are to be selected.
+	Note that pending schedules are those that are enabled and have tasks associated 
+	with them. */
+	EPendingSchedules
+	};
+Defines the type of interval used by a schedule entry.
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo
+enum TIntervalType
+	{
+	/** The interval is based on hours. */
+	EHourly,
+	/** The interval is based on days. */
+	EDaily,
+	/** The interval is based on months. */
+	EMonthly,
+	/** The interval is based on years. */
+	EYearly
+	};
+Defines the types of schedules supported by the task scheduler API
+// Not for Client use , only to be used internally 
+enum TScheduleType
+	{
+	/** Indicates a time based schedule. */
+	ETimeSchedule,
+	/** Indicates a conditon based schedule. */
+	EConditionSchedule
+	};
+Defines, and uniquely identifies a schedule.
+@see RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule()
+@see RScheduler::ScheduleTask()
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL()
+@see RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL()
+@see RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL()
+class TSchedulerItemRef
+	{
+	/** The unique Id for the schedule.
+	This is generated by the Task Scheduler when the schedule is created. Clients 
+	should use this Id to refer to the schedule in future transactions. */
+	TInt iHandle;
+	/** The name of the schedule.
+	This is defined by the client. */
+	TName iName;
+	};
+Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry.
+A schedule can have any number of schedule entries. A client passes one or 
+more of these objects, contained within an array, to the RScheduler functions 
+that create or amend a schedule.
+@see RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule()
+@see RScheduler::EditSchedule()
+@see RScheduler::ScheduleTask()
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleL() 
+@deprecated and replaced by TScheduleEntryInfo2
+class TScheduleEntryInfo
+	{
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	/** Defines the type of time-frame relative to which execution of tasks is timed; 
+	for example, EHourly implies relative to the current hour, EDaily implies 
+	relative to the current day.
+	@see TIntervalType */
+	TIntervalType iIntervalType;
+	/** The first time that the entry will cause execution of tasks. */
+	TTime iStartTime;
+	/** The interval between execution of tasks.
+	The way that this value is interpreted depends on the value of iIntervalType. 
+	For example, if the interval is 2 and iIntervalType has a value of EMonthly, 
+	then the interval is 2 months.
+	The interval must have a minimum value of 1.
+	@see TIntervalType
+	@see iIntervalType */
+	TInt iInterval;
+	/** The period for which the entry is valid.
+	After the validity period has expired, tasks associated with the entry will 
+	not be eligible for execution.
+	@see TTimeIntervalMinutes */
+	TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod;
+	};
+Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry.
+A schedule can have any number of schedule entries. A client passes one or 
+more of these objects, contained within an array, to the RScheduler functions 
+that create or amend a schedule.
+@see RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule()
+@see RScheduler::EditSchedule()
+@see RScheduler::ScheduleTask()
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleL() 
+class TScheduleEntryInfo2
+	{
+	//constructors
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleEntryInfo2();
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo2& aEntryInfo);
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TTsTime& aStartTime, TIntervalType aIntervalType, TInt aInterval, TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod);
+	//utility Get and Set methods
+	IMPORT_C TIntervalType IntervalType() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetIntervalType(TIntervalType aIntervalType);
+	IMPORT_C const TTsTime& StartTime() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetStartTime(const TTsTime& aStartTime);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Interval() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetInterval(TInt aInterval);
+	IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMinutes ValidityPeriod() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod);
+	//assignment operator	
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleEntryInfo2& operator=(const TScheduleEntryInfo2& aEntryInfo);
+	// APIs for use within the Task Scheduler server
+	TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo& aEntryInfo);
+	void ProcessOffsetEvent();
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	/** The interval between execution of tasks.
+	The way that this value is interpreted depends on the value of iIntervalType. 
+	For example, if the interval is 2 and iIntervalType has a value of EMonthly, 
+	then the interval is 2 months.
+	The interval must have a minimum value of 1.
+	 */
+	TInt iInterval;
+	/** Defines the type of interval between the execution of tasks. 
+	May be EHourly, EDaily, EMonthly or EYearly.
+	 */
+	TIntervalType iIntervalType;
+	/** The first time that the entry will cause execution of tasks. */
+	TTsTime iStartTime;
+	/** The period for which the entry is valid.
+	After the validity period has expired, tasks associated with the entry will 
+	not be eligible for execution.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod;
+	/** For future use
+	*/
+	TAny* iReserved;	
+	// Declare the test accessor as a friend
+	friend class TScheduleEntryInfo2_StateAccessor;
+	};
+Defines the state of a schedule.
+An object of this type is passed to, and populated by, a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleL().
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleL()
+class TScheduleState2
+	{
+	//constructors
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleState2();
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleState2(const TScheduleState2& aScheduleState);
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleState2(const TName& aName, const TTsTime& aDueTime, TBool aPersists, TBool aEnabled);
+	//get, set methods
+	IMPORT_C const TName& Name() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetName(const TName& aName);
+	IMPORT_C const TTsTime& DueTime() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetDueTime(const TTsTime& aDueTime);
+	IMPORT_C TBool Persists() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPersists(TBool aPersists);
+	IMPORT_C TBool Enabled() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetEnabled(TBool aEnabled);
+	IMPORT_C TScheduleState2& operator=(const TScheduleState2& aScheduleState);
+	/** The name of the schedule. */
+	TName iName;
+	/** The time when the schedule is next due.
+	This only has meaning if the schedule is pending, i.e. it is enabled and has 
+	tasks associated with it. */
+	TTsTime iDueTime;
+	/** Flags used to indicate:
+	1.  Whether the schedule is enabled or not. (bit 0)
+	2.	Whether the schedule is persistent or not. (bit 1)
+		If a schedule is persistent, its lifetime is not limited to the lifetime of 
+		the tasks associated with it .
+		If a schedule is transient, it is created together with a new scheduled task, 
+		and is destroyed when the task is destroyed.
+		Bits 2-31 reserved for future use
+	*/
+	TUint32 iFlags;
+	/** For future use
+	*/
+	TAny* iReserved;
+	// Declare the test accessor as a friend
+	friend class TScheduleState2_StateAccessor;
+	};
+Defines the state of a schedule.
+An object of this type is passed to, and populated by, a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleL().
+@see RScheduler::GetScheduleL()
+@deprecated and replaced by TScheduleState2.
+class TScheduleState
+	{
+	//constructor for use with the deprecated APIs
+	TScheduleState(const TScheduleState2& aScheduleState2);
+	TScheduleState()
+		{		
+		}
+	/** The name of the schedule. */
+	TName iName;
+	/** The time when the schedule is next due.
+	This only has meaning if the schedule is pending, i.e. it is enabled and has 
+	tasks associated with it. */
+	TTime iDueTime;
+	/** Indicates whether the schedule is persistent or not.
+	If a schedule is persistent, its lifetime is not limited to the lifetime of 
+	the tasks associated with it .
+	If a schedule is transient, it is created together with a new scheduled task, 
+	and is destroyed when the task is destroyed. */
+	TBool iPersists;
+	/** Indicates whether the schedule is enabled or not. */
+	TBool iEnabled;
+	};
+#include <schinfointernal.h>