changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/taskscheduler/SCHCLI/CSCH_CLI.CPP	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implements RScheduler functions: client-side session with the task scheduler
+#include "CSCH_CLI.H"	//definition of RScheduler
+#include "CSCHCODE.H"	//opcodes
+#include "SCHEXE.H"
+#include <schinfointernal.h>
+/** Default constructor. */
+EXPORT_C RScheduler::RScheduler()
+    {
+    }
+Connects a client to the Task Scheduler server, creating a session with that 
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::Connect()
+	{
+	TInt r=CreateSession(KSchSvrName, Version(),0);
+	if (r==KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		r=StartSch32();
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			return r;
+		r=CreateSession(KSchSvrName, Version(),0);
+	    }
+	return(r); 
+	}
+Gets the client side version number.
+@return The version number. 
+EXPORT_C TVersion RScheduler::Version() const
+	{
+	return(TVersion(KESchMajorVersionNumber,KESchMinorVersionNumber,KESchBuildVersionNumber));
+	}
+Registers a client with the Task Scheduler.
+A client must register with the Task Scheduler before scheduling any tasks, 
+but does not need to register just to create and edit schedules.
+@param aFileName The name and full path of a program that encapsulates the 
+client-specific knowledge for implementing tasks. On the emulator, the program 
+should be a DLL; on an ARM processor, it should be an executable.
+@param aPriority A priority value.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::Register(const TFileName& aFileName,const TInt aPriority)
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ERegisterClient,TIpcArgs(&aFileName,aPriority));
+	}
+Creates a persistent time based schedule.
+This schedule has no tasks associated with it but merely contains information
+about start and finish times.
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+@param aRef Definition of the new schedule.  On return this contains a valid
+handle to the newly created schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that make up the new schedule.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the condition array is 
+empty, or an entry has an interval less than 1, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place, KErrPermissionDenied if the client 
+does not have WriteDeviceData capability. 
+Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo2
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+							const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = ETrue;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aEntryList.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	return CreateSchedule(aRef, aEntryList, settings);
+	}
+Creates a persistent condition based schedule.
+This schedule has no tasks associated with it but merely contains information
+about conditions that must be satified to complete this schedule.
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+@param aRef Definition of the new schedule.  On return this contains a valid
+handle to the newly created schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of system agent conditons 
+that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule with run if no
+conditions are met. If this is a local time based value, the schedule will remain
+at that local time regardless of timezone and DST changes (ie. it will float)
+If the value is UTC based, the schedule will remain at that UTC time (will not float).
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the condition array is 
+empty or if the publish and subscribe variables have an invalid category, 
+KErrServerBusy, if a backup or restore operation is taking place,
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have WriteDeviceData capability. 
+Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TTaskSchedulerCondition 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+							const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+							const TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = ETrue;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aConditions.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	return CreateSchedule(aRef, aConditions, aDefaultRunTime, settings);	
+	}
+static TBool ScheduleEntriesAreBad(const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntries)
+	{//must have at least 1 entry, each entry's interval must be at least 1
+	TInt count = aEntries.Count();
+	if (count==0)
+		return ETrue;
+	for (TInt i=0; i < count; i++)
+		{
+		const TScheduleEntryInfo2* entry = &(aEntries.At(i));
+		if (entry->Interval() < 1)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TInt RScheduler::CreateSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+			const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntryList, 
+			const TScheduleSettings2& aSettings)
+	{//check critical aspects of input here (client-side)
+	if (ScheduleEntriesAreBad(aEntryList))
+		return KErrArgument;
+	//write settings (entry count + persists flag + name)
+	TPckgC<TScheduleSettings2> pSettings(aSettings);
+	//write entries
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*)&aEntryList.At(0), sizeof(TScheduleEntryInfo2)*aSettings.iEntryCount); 
+	//read back generated ID
+	TPckg<TInt> id(aRef.iHandle);
+	return SendReceive(ECreateTimeSchedule, TIpcArgs(&pSettings, &pA, &id));
+	}
+static TBool ScheduleEntriesAreBad(const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions)
+	{//must have at least 1 condition in array. The category for a condition cannot be KNullUid.
+	TInt count = aConditions.Count();
+	if (count==0)
+		return ETrue;
+	for (TInt i=0; i < count; i++)
+		{
+		const TTaskSchedulerCondition* entry = &(aConditions.At(i));
+		if (entry->iCategory == KNullUid)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TInt RScheduler::CreateSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+			const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+			const TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime, 
+			const TScheduleSettings2& aSettings)
+	{//check critical aspects of input here (client-side)
+	if (ScheduleEntriesAreBad(aConditions))
+		return KErrArgument;
+	//write settings (entry count + persists flag + name)
+	TPckgC<TScheduleSettings2> pSettings(aSettings);
+	//write entries
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*)&aConditions.At(0), sizeof(TTaskSchedulerCondition)*aSettings.iEntryCount); 
+	//write Time
+	TPckgC<TTsTime> pTime(aDefaultRunTime);
+	//read back generated ID
+	TPckg<TInt> id(aRef.iHandle);
+	return SendReceive(ECreateConditionSchedule, TIpcArgs(&pSettings, &pA, &pTime, &id));
+	}
+Changes a time based schedule.
+Note that changing a schedule is implemented by supplying a replacement set 
+of schedule entries.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that will make up the new schedule.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a time based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo2
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::EditSchedule(const TInt aScheduleHandle, const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	if (ScheduleEntriesAreBad(aEntryList))
+		return KErrArgument;
+	TInt count = aEntryList.Count();
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*) &aEntryList.At(0), sizeof(TScheduleEntryInfo2)*count);
+	return SendReceive(EEditTimeSchedule, TIpcArgs(count, aScheduleHandle, &pA));
+	}
+Changes a condition based schedule.
+Note that changing a schedule is implemented by supplying a replacement set 
+of schedule conditons and time.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of system agent conditons 
+that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule with run if no
+conditions are met. If this is a local time based value, the schedule will remain
+at that local time regardless of timezone and DST changes (ie. it will float)
+If the value is UTC based, the schedule will remain at that UTC time (will not float).
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a condition based one
+or if the publish and subscribe variables, defined by aConditions category 
+and key values, do not exist or are not of integral type, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place, or any of the other system wide error 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::EditSchedule(TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+						const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+						const TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	TInt count = aConditions.Count();
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*) &aConditions.At(0), sizeof(TTaskSchedulerCondition)*count);
+	//write Time
+	TPckgC<TTsTime> pTime(aDefaultRunTime);
+	return SendReceive(EEditConditionSchedule, TIpcArgs(count, aScheduleHandle, &pA, &pTime));	
+	}
+Deletes the specified schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+Note that a schedule cannot be deleted if there are tasks associated with 
+it; the tasks must be explicitly deleted first.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if there are outstanding tasks associated with 
+the schedule, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as 
+the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a 
+backup or restore operation is taking place or any of the other 
+system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::DeleteSchedule(const TInt aScheduleHandle) const
+	{
+	return SendReceive(EDeleteSchedule, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle));
+	}
+Disables the specified schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID 
+as the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a 
+backup or restore operation is taking place or any of the other 
+system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::DisableSchedule(const TInt aScheduleHandle) const
+	{
+	return SendReceive(EDisableSchedule, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle));
+	}
+Enables the specified schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@return KErrNone if successful. KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID 
+as the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a 
+backup or restore operation is taking place or any of the other 
+system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::EnableSchedule(const TInt aScheduleHandle) const
+	{
+	return SendReceive(EEnableSchedule, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle));
+	}
+Adds a task to an existing persistent schedule.
+Behaviour of execution after a Backup and Restore operation should be 
+considered when adding tasks to a persistent schedule. Persistent schedules might be 
+backed up when a one-off task might be pending, and become due and executed some time 
+after the backup operation. When the backup is restored, the tasks might be executed 
+again if they are still valid (restore done during the validation period for time-based 
+schedules, or conditions satisfied after restore for condition-based schedules). Clients 
+should refrain from creating tasks that might have undesired effects under these 
+conditions (e.g. by incurring a cost to the user by sending an SMS twice). 
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aTaskInfo Information about the task to be added to the schedule. On return
+the task Id is written into this class.
+@param aTaskData Data that is passed to the task on execution.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule to be used.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if a task with a repeat vale other than 0 is 
+being tried to be assigned to a condition based schedule, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place or any of the other system wide error 
+@panic CTaskScheduler 0 The client has not registered. The client must register 
+before adding tasks to the schedule. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, 
+									HBufC& aTaskData, 
+									const TInt aScheduleHandle)
+	{
+	TPckgC<TTaskInfo> pI(aTaskInfo);
+	//scheduler writes back task id
+	TPckg<TInt> id(aTaskInfo.iTaskId);
+	TPtr pD(aTaskData.Des());
+	return SendReceive(EScheduleTask, TIpcArgs(&pI,aScheduleHandle,&id, &pD));
+	}
+Creates a new, transient, time based schedule and adds a task to it.
+Note that a transient schedule is destroyed when the task is destroyed or 
+power is lost.
+@param aTaskInfo Information about the task to be added to the transient schedule. 
+On return the task Id is written into this class.
+@param aTaskData Data that is passed to the task on execution.
+@param aRef Definition of the new transient schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that make up the new transient 
+@return KErrNone, if successful, or any of the other system wide error codes.
+@panic CTaskScheduler 0 The client has not registered. The client must register 
+before adding tasks to the schedule.
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo2 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, 
+									HBufC& aTaskData, 
+									TSchedulerItemRef& aRef,
+									const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = EFalse;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aEntryList.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	TInt res = CreateSchedule(aRef, aEntryList, settings);
+	if (res==KErrNone)
+		{
+		res = ScheduleTask(aTaskInfo, aTaskData, aRef.iHandle);
+		//the schedule here needs a task: so if we can't schedule a task,
+		//need to delete schedule
+		if (res!=KErrNone)
+			DeleteSchedule(aRef.iHandle);
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Creates a new, transient, condition based schedule and adds a task to it.
+Note that a transient schedule is destroyed when the task is destroyed or
+power is lost.
+@param aTaskInfo Information about the task to be added to the transient schedule. 
+On return the task Id is written into this class.
+@param aTaskData Data that is passed to the task on execution.
+@param aRef Definition of the new transient schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of schedule conditons that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule will run if no
+conditions are met. If this is a local time based value, the schedule will remain
+at that local time regardless of timezone and DST changes (ie. it will float)
+If the value is UTC based, the schedule will remain at that UTC time (will not float).
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the publish and subscribe 
+variables, defined by aConditions category and key values, do not exist or 
+are not of integral type, or any of the other system wide error codes.
+@panic CTaskScheduler 0 The client has not registered. The client must register 
+before adding tasks to the schedule.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, 
+								HBufC& aTaskData, 
+								TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+								const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+								const TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = EFalse;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aConditions.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	TInt res = CreateSchedule(aRef, aConditions, aDefaultRunTime, settings);
+	if (res==KErrNone)
+		{
+		res = ScheduleTask(aTaskInfo, aTaskData, aRef.iHandle);
+		//the schedule here needs a task: so if we can't schedule a task,
+		//need to delete schedule
+		if (res!=KErrNone)
+			DeleteSchedule(aRef.iHandle);
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Deletes the specified task.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the relevant schedule
+creator, or WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aTaskId The Id that identifies the task.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no task with the 
+specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as 
+the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a 
+backup or restore operation is taking place or any of the 
+other system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::DeleteTask(const TInt aTaskId) const
+	{
+	return SendReceive(EDeleteTask, TIpcArgs(aTaskId));
+	}
+Gets a list of all schedules, or a subset of schedules.
+@capability Note A call to this API will only retrieve schedules created with
+the caller's SID.  If the caller has WriteDeviceData capability all schedules
+will be retrieved.
+@param aScheduleRefArray On return, a populated array of schedule definitions. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@param aFilter The schedule filter.
+@return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the other system wide error 
+@see TSchedulerItemRef 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL(CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>& aScheduleRefArray,
+									const TScheduleFilter aFilter)
+	{
+	//1) get number of refs
+	TInt count;//scheduler writes back count
+	TPckg<TInt> pCount(count);
+	TInt res = SendReceive(ECountSchedules, TIpcArgs(&pCount, aFilter));
+	if (res!=KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	aScheduleRefArray.ResizeL(count);
+	//2) get refs, if there are any
+	if (count>0)
+		{
+		TPtr8 sPtr((TUint8*)&(aScheduleRefArray.At(0)), count*sizeof(TSchedulerItemRef));
+		res = SendReceive(EGetScheduleRefs, TIpcArgs(count, aFilter, &sPtr));
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified time based schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aState On return, the state of the specified schedule.
+@param aEntries On return, a populated array of schedule entries that make 
+up the schedule. Note that populating the array could cause this function 
+to leave because of an out of memory condition.
+@param aTasks On return, a populated array of tasks associated with the schedule. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@param aDueTime On return, the time that the schedule is next due. This value may
+be local time or UTC based,dependent on the type of time used for schedule entries.
+Comparisons used within the scheduler to find the next due time are UTC based.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a time based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo2
+@see TTaskInfo 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+									TScheduleState2& aState, 
+									CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntries, 
+									CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks, 
+									TTsTime& aDueTime)
+	{
+	TScheduleInfo info;
+	TInt res = GetScheduleInfo(aScheduleHandle, info, aDueTime);
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	aState = info.iState;
+	res = GetScheduleDataL(aScheduleHandle, info, aEntries);
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	res = GetTaskDataL(aScheduleHandle, info, aTasks);							
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified condition based schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aState On return, the state of the specified schedule.
+@param aConditions On return, a populated array of schedule conditons 
+that make up the schedule. Note that populating the array could cause 
+this function to leave because of an out of memory condition.
+@param aDefaultRunTime On return, the time at which the schedule with run if
+no conditions are met. If this is a local time based value, the schedule will remain
+at that local time regardless of timezone and DST changes (ie. it will float)
+If the value is UTC based, the schedule will remain at that UTC time (will not float).
+@param aTasks On return, a populated array of tasks associated with the schedule. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a condition based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TTaskSchedulerCondition
+@see TTaskInfo 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleL(TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+							TScheduleState2& aState, 
+							CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+							TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime,
+							CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks)
+	{
+	TScheduleInfo info;
+	TTsTime dummyTime;
+	TInt res = GetScheduleInfo(aScheduleHandle, info, dummyTime);
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	aState = info.iState;
+	res = GetScheduleDataL(aScheduleHandle, 
+							info, 
+							aConditions, 
+							aDefaultRunTime);
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	res = GetTaskDataL(aScheduleHandle, info, aTasks);							
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets the schedule type.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule
+@param aScheduleType On return the type of schedule relating to the handle.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID 
+as the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, or any of the other 
+system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleTypeL(TInt aScheduleHandle,
+											TScheduleType& aScheduleType)
+	{
+	TPckg<TScheduleType> id(aScheduleType);
+	return SendReceive(EGetScheduleType, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle, &id));
+	}
+Gets a list of all tasks, or a subset of tasks.
+Note that if more than one client has supplied the same information when registering, 
+then it is possible for a list of tasks to be returned, which the calling 
+client has not scheduled.
+@capability Note A call to this API will only retrieve tasks created with
+the caller's SID.  If the caller has WriteDeviceData capability all tasks
+will be retrieved.
+@param aTasks On return, a populated array of schedule definitions. The schedule 
+definitions are those whose associated tasks satisfy the selection criteria. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@param aScheduleFilter The schedule filter.
+@param aTaskFilter The task filter.
+@return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the other system wide error 
+@see TSchedulerItemRef 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL(CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>& aTasks,
+										const TScheduleFilter aScheduleFilter,
+										const TTaskFilter aTaskFilter)
+	{
+	//1)get number of tasks
+	TInt count;
+	TPckg<TInt> pCount(count);
+	TInt res = SendReceive(ECountTasks, TIpcArgs(&pCount, aScheduleFilter, aTaskFilter));
+	if (res!=KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	aTasks.ResizeL(count);
+	//2)get taskrefs
+	if (count >0)
+		{
+		TPtr8 pTasks(REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*, &(aTasks.At(0))), count*sizeof(TSchedulerItemRef));
+		res = SendReceive(EGetTaskRefs, TIpcArgs(count, aScheduleFilter, aTaskFilter, &pTasks));
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified task.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the relevant schedule
+creator, or WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aTaskId The Id that identifies the task.
+@param aTaskInfo On return, information about the task.
+@param aTaskData On return, a pointer descriptor representing the data that 
+is passed to the program to be executed. The caller must set up this pointer 
+descriptor before calling the function. The required length of the descriptor 
+can be found by calling GetTaskDataSize().
+@param aRef On return, the associated schedule definition.
+@param aNextDue On return, the time that the task is next due. This value may
+be local time or UTC based. Comparisons used to find the next due time are based on UTC.
+@return KErrNone, if successful. KErrNotFound, if there is no task with the 
+specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as 
+the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL(const TInt aTaskId, TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, TPtr& aTaskData, TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, TTsTime& aNextDue)
+	{
+	// First of all retrieve the normal stuff
+	TPtr8 pInfo((TUint8*)&aTaskInfo,sizeof(TTaskInfo));
+	TInt size = aTaskData.MaxLength();
+	TInt res = SendReceive(EGetTask, TIpcArgs(aTaskId, &pInfo, size, &aTaskData));
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	// Next retrieve the TSchedulerItemRef and next due time
+	TPtr8 pItemRef((TUint8*)&aRef, sizeof(TSchedulerItemRef));
+	TPtr8 pDueTime((TUint8*)&aNextDue, sizeof(TTsTime));
+	return SendReceive(EGetSchedulerItemRefAndNextDueTime, TIpcArgs(aTaskId, &pItemRef, &pDueTime));
+	}
+Gets the size of the data to be passed to the task's program.
+This function should be called before calling GetTaskInfoL() so that a descriptor 
+of the correct size can be set up.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the relevant schedule
+creator, or WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aTaskId The Id that identifies the task.
+@param aSize The size of the task's data.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no task with the 
+specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as 
+the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, otherwise any of the 
+other system wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetTaskDataSize(const TInt aTaskId, TInt& aSize)
+	{
+	TPckg<TInt> pSize(aSize);
+	return SendReceive(EGetTaskDataSize, TIpcArgs(aTaskId, &pSize));
+	}
+//Converts array of TScheduleEntryInfos to an array of TScheduleEntryInfo2s.
+void ConvertArrayToEntryInfo2L(const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntryList,
+							CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntry2List)
+	{
+	aEntry2List.ResizeL(aEntryList.Count());
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entryInfo;
+	for (TInt i=0; i < aEntryList.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		entryInfo = aEntryList.At(i);
+		//create new TScheduleEntryInfo2 object from old TScheduleEntryInfo object
+		//assume local time for backwards compatibility
+		TScheduleEntryInfo2 entryInfo2(entryInfo);	
+		aEntry2List.At(i) = entryInfo2;
+		}	
+	}
+//Converts array of TScheduleEntryInfo2s to an array of TScheduleEntryInfos.
+void ConvertArrayFromEntryInfo2L(const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntry2List,
+							CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entryInfo;
+	TScheduleEntryInfo2 entryInfo2;
+	aEntryList.ResizeL(aEntry2List.Count());
+	for(TInt i=0; i<aEntry2List.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		entryInfo2 = aEntry2List.At(i);
+		//use local time for backwards compatibility
+		entryInfo.iStartTime = entryInfo2.StartTime().GetLocalTime(); 
+		entryInfo.iIntervalType = entryInfo2.IntervalType();
+		entryInfo.iInterval = entryInfo2.Interval();
+		entryInfo.iValidityPeriod = entryInfo2.ValidityPeriod();
+		aEntryList.At(i) = entryInfo;
+		}
+	}
+Creates a persistent time based schedule.
+This schedule has no tasks associated with it but merely contains information
+about start and finish times.
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+@param aRef Definition of the new schedule.  On return this contains a valid
+handle to the newly created schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that make up the new schedule.
+Start times of all entries are assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the condition array is 
+empty, or an entry has an interval less than 1, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place, KErrPermissionDenied if the 
+client does not have WriteDeviceData capability. 
+Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+							const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	//create schedule settings object
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = ETrue;
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aEntryList.Count();
+	//create array of TScheduleEntryInfo2's from array of TScheduleEntryInfo's.
+	//assume local time for backwards compatibility.
+	CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* entryInfo2List = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryInfo2List);
+	ConvertArrayToEntryInfo2L(aEntryList, *entryInfo2List);
+	//create schedule using new array of TScheduleEntryInfo2s.
+	TInt err = CreateSchedule(aRef, *entryInfo2List, settings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryInfo2List);
+	return err;
+	}
+Creates a persistent condition based schedule.
+This schedule has no tasks associated with it but merely contains information
+about conditions that must be satified to complete this schedule.
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+@param aRef Definition of the new schedule.  On return this contains a valid
+handle to the newly created schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of system agent conditons 
+that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule with run if no
+conditions are met. Default run times of all schedules created 
+using this API are assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the condition array is 
+empty or if the publish and subscribe variables have an invalid category.
+KErrServerBusy, if a backup or restore operation is taking place.
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have WriteDeviceData capability. 
+Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TTaskSchedulerCondition 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+							const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+							const TTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	//create schedule settings object
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = ETrue;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aConditions.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	// create TTsTime object from TTime argument aDefaultRunTime.
+	// assume aDefaultTime is local time based for backwards compatibility
+	TTsTime defaultRunTime(aDefaultRunTime, EFalse);	
+	return CreateSchedule(aRef, aConditions, defaultRunTime, settings);	
+	}
+Changes a time based schedule.
+Note that changing a schedule is implemented by supplying a replacement set 
+of schedule entries.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that will make up the new schedule.
+Start times of all entries are assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a time based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::EditSchedule(const TInt aScheduleHandle, const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	TInt count = aEntryList.Count();
+	CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* entryInfo2List = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryInfo2List);
+	//creates array of TScheduleEntryInfo2's from array of TScheduleEntryInfo's.
+	//assumes local time for backwards compatibility.
+	ConvertArrayToEntryInfo2L(aEntryList, *entryInfo2List);
+	if (ScheduleEntriesAreBad(*entryInfo2List))
+		return KErrArgument;
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*) &entryInfo2List->At(0), sizeof(TScheduleEntryInfo2)*count);
+	TInt err = SendReceive(EEditTimeSchedule, TIpcArgs(count, aScheduleHandle, &pA));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryInfo2List);
+	return err;
+	}
+Changes a condition based schedule.
+Note that changing a schedule is implemented by supplying a replacement set 
+of schedule conditons and time.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of system agent conditons 
+that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule with run if no
+conditions are met. Note that this parameter is assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a condition based one
+or if the publish and subscribe variables, defined by aConditions category 
+and key values, do not exist or are not of integral type, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, KErrServerBusy, if a backup or 
+restore operation is taking place or any of the other system wide error 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::EditSchedule(TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+						const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+						const TTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	TInt count = aConditions.Count();
+	TPtrC8 pA((TUint8*) &aConditions.At(0), sizeof(TTaskSchedulerCondition)*count);
+	// create TTsTime object from aDefaultRunTime. 
+	// aDefaultRunTime is assumed to be local time based for backwards compatibility
+	TTsTime defaultRunTime(aDefaultRunTime, EFalse);	
+	//write Time
+	TPckgC<TTsTime> pTime(defaultRunTime);
+	return SendReceive(EEditConditionSchedule, TIpcArgs(count, aScheduleHandle, &pA, &pTime));	
+	}
+Creates a new, transient, time based schedule and adds a task to it.
+Note that a transient schedule is destroyed when the task is destroyed or 
+power is lost.
+@param aTaskInfo Information about the task to be added to the transient schedule. 
+On return the task Id is written into this class.
+@param aTaskData Data that is passed to the task on execution.
+@param aRef Definition of the new transient schedule.
+@param aEntryList The set of schedule entries that make up the new transient 
+schedule. All entry start times are assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error 
+@panic CTaskScheduler 0 The client has not registered. The client must register 
+before adding tasks to the schedule.
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, 
+									HBufC& aTaskData, 
+									TSchedulerItemRef& aRef,
+									const CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntryList)
+	{
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = EFalse;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aEntryList.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* entryInfo2List = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryInfo2List);
+	//creates array of TScheduleEntryInfo2's from array of TScheduleEntryInfo's.
+	//assumes local time for backwards compatibility.
+	ConvertArrayToEntryInfo2L(aEntryList, *entryInfo2List);
+	TInt res = CreateSchedule(aRef, *entryInfo2List, settings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryInfo2List);
+	if (res==KErrNone)
+		{
+		res = ScheduleTask(aTaskInfo, aTaskData, aRef.iHandle);
+		//the schedule here needs a task: so if we can't schedule a task,
+		//need to delete schedule
+		if (res!=KErrNone)
+			DeleteSchedule(aRef.iHandle);
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Creates a new, transient, condition based schedule and adds a task to it.
+Note that a transient schedule is destroyed when the task is destroyed or
+power is lost.
+@param aTaskInfo Information about the task to be added to the transient schedule. 
+On return the task Id is written into this class.
+@param aTaskData Data that is passed to the task on execution.
+@param aRef Definition of the new transient schedule.
+@param aConditions An array of schedule conditons that make up the schedule.
+@param aDefaultRunTime The time at which the schedule with run if no
+conditions are met. aDefaultRunTime is assumed to be local time based.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, KErrArgument if the publish and subscribe 
+variables, defined by aConditions category and key values, do not exist or 
+are not of integral type, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@panic CTaskScheduler 0 The client has not registered. The client must register 
+before adding tasks to the schedule.
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, 
+								HBufC& aTaskData, 
+								TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+								const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+								const TTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	// create schedule settings object
+	TScheduleSettings2 settings;
+	settings.iPersists = EFalse;
+	settings.iEntryCount = aConditions.Count();
+	settings.iName = aRef.iName;
+	// create TTsTime object from aDefaultRunTime.
+	// assumes aDefaultRunTime is local time based for backwards compatibility
+	TTsTime defaultRunTime(aDefaultRunTime, EFalse);
+	TInt res = CreateSchedule(aRef, aConditions, defaultRunTime, settings);
+	if (res==KErrNone)
+		{
+		res = ScheduleTask(aTaskInfo, aTaskData, aRef.iHandle);
+		//the schedule here needs a task: so if we can't schedule a task,
+		//need to delete schedule
+		if (res!=KErrNone)
+			DeleteSchedule(aRef.iHandle);
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified time based schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aState On return, the state of the specified schedule.
+On return, aState will have a local time based iDueTime member, regardless 
+of whether the schedule is UTC or local time based. If the schedule is UTC 
+based, the due time will be converted to a local time based value before returning.
+@param aEntries On return, a populated array of schedule entries that make 
+up the schedule. All entry start times returned will be local time based, 
+though they may be UTC or local time based within the scheduler. The scheduler will
+convert any UTC based times to local time before returning.
+Note that populating the array could cause this function 
+to leave because of an out of memory condition.
+@param aTasks On return, a populated array of tasks associated with the schedule. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@param aDueTime On return, the time that the schedule is next due. This value
+will be local time based, regardless of whether the schedule is UTC or local 
+time based. If the schedule is UTC based, the due time will be converted to 
+a local time based value before returning.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a time based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TScheduleEntryInfo
+@see TTaskInfo 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+									TScheduleState& aState, 
+									CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntries, 
+									CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks, 
+									TTime& aDueTime)
+	{
+	// set up vars required->scheduleState, entries, and time
+	TTsTime dueTime;
+	TScheduleState2 state;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* entryInfo2List = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryInfo2List);
+	// call new API	
+	TInt res = GetScheduleL(aScheduleHandle,
+							state,
+							*entryInfo2List,
+							aTasks, 
+							dueTime);
+	// convert vars back to old versions
+	// use local time for backwards compatibility
+	aDueTime = dueTime.GetLocalTime();	
+	aState = TScheduleState(state);
+	ConvertArrayFromEntryInfo2L(*entryInfo2List, aEntries);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryInfo2List);
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified condition based schedule.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the schedule creator, or 
+WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aScheduleHandle The Id that identifies the schedule.
+@param aState On return, the state of the specified schedule.
+On return, aState will have a local time based iDueTime member, regardless 
+of whether the schedule is UTC or local time based. If the schedule is UTC 
+based, the due time will be converted to a local time based value before returning.
+@param aConditions On return, a populated array of schedule conditons 
+that make up the schedule. Note that populating the array could cause 
+this function to leave because of an out of memory condition.
+@param aDefaultRunTime On return, the time at which the schedule with run if
+no conditions are met. This value will be local time based, regardless of 
+whether the schedule is UTC or local time based. If the schedule is UTC based, 
+the due time will be converted to a local time based value before returning.
+@param aTasks On return, a populated array of tasks associated with the schedule. 
+Note that populating the array could cause this function to leave because 
+of an out of memory condition.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if there is no schedule with 
+the specified Id, KErrArgument if the schedule is not a condition based one, 
+KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as the schedules
+creator or has WriteDeviceData capability, or any of the other system wide error 
+@see TTaskSchedulerCondition
+@see TTaskInfo 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleL(TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+							TScheduleState& aState, 
+							CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+							TTime& aDefaultRunTime,
+							CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks)
+	{
+	TScheduleInfo info;
+	TTsTime dummyTime;
+	TInt res = GetScheduleInfo(aScheduleHandle, info, dummyTime);
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	aState = TScheduleState(info.iState);
+	TTsTime defaultRunTime;
+	res = GetScheduleDataL(aScheduleHandle, 
+							info, 
+							aConditions, 
+							defaultRunTime);
+	//uses local time for backwards compatibility							
+	aDefaultRunTime = defaultRunTime.GetLocalTime();
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	res = GetTaskDataL(aScheduleHandle, info, aTasks);							
+	return res;
+	}
+Gets information relating to a specified task.
+@capability Note Only clients with the same SID as the relevant schedule
+creator, or WriteDeviceData capability can sucessfully call this API.
+@param aTaskId The Id that identifies the task.
+@param aTaskInfo On return, information about the task.
+@param aTaskData On return, a pointer descriptor representing the data that 
+is passed to the program to be executed. The caller must set up this pointer 
+descriptor before calling the function. The required length of the descriptor 
+can be found by calling GetTaskDataSize().
+@param aRef On return, the associated schedule definition.
+@param aNextDue On return, the time that the task is next due. This value
+will be local time based, regardless of whether the schedule is UTC or local 
+time based. If the schedule is UTC based, the due time will be converted to 
+a local time based value before returning.
+@return KErrNone, if successful. KErrNotFound, if there is no task with the 
+specified Id, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the same SID as 
+the schedules creator or has WriteDeviceData capability. 
+@deprecated See note in CSch_Cli.h
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL(const TInt aTaskId, TTaskInfo& aTaskInfo, TPtr& aTaskData, TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, TTime& aNextDue)
+	{
+	// First of all retrieve the normal stuff
+	TPtr8 pInfo((TUint8*)&aTaskInfo,sizeof(TTaskInfo));
+	TInt size = aTaskData.MaxLength();
+	TInt res = SendReceive(EGetTask, TIpcArgs(aTaskId, &pInfo, size, &aTaskData));
+	if (res != KErrNone)
+		return res;
+	// Next retrieve the TSchedulerItemRef and next due time
+	TTsTime nextDueTime;
+	TPtr8 pItemRef((TUint8*)&aRef, sizeof(TSchedulerItemRef));
+	TPtr8 pDueTime((TUint8*)&nextDueTime, sizeof(TTsTime));
+	res = SendReceive(EGetSchedulerItemRefAndNextDueTime, TIpcArgs(aTaskId, &pItemRef, &pDueTime));
+	// use local time for backwards compatibility
+	aNextDue = nextDueTime.GetLocalTime();
+	return res;
+	}
+// TScheduleInfo.iEntryCount is number of schedule entries for time schedules
+// and number of conditions for condition based schedules.
+TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleInfo(const TInt aScheduleHandle, TScheduleInfo& aInfo, TTsTime& aNextDue)
+	{	
+	TPtr8 pInfo((TUint8*)&aInfo,sizeof(TScheduleInfo));//scheduler writes back info
+	TPtr8 pDueTime((TUint8*)&aNextDue,sizeof(TTsTime));//scheduler writes back dueTime
+	// get info for number of entries & tasks
+	TInt res = SendReceive(EGetScheduleInfo, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle, &pInfo, &pDueTime));
+	return res;
+	}
+TInt RScheduler::GetTaskDataL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+								const TScheduleInfo& aInfo,
+								CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks)
+	{
+	// resize array
+	aTasks.ResizeL(aInfo.iTaskCount);
+	// get entries & taskrefs & flags
+	TPBScheduleInfo pckgInfo(aInfo);
+	TInt res = KErrNone;
+	if (aInfo.iTaskCount > 0)
+		{
+		TPtr8 pTasks((TUint8*)&(aTasks.At(0)), aInfo.iTaskCount*sizeof(TTaskInfo));
+		res = SendReceive(EGetTaskData, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle, &pckgInfo, &pTasks));
+		}
+	return res;
+	}
+TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleDataL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+								const TScheduleInfo& aInfo,
+								CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>& aEntries)
+	{
+	// resize array	
+	aEntries.ResizeL(aInfo.iEntryCount);
+	// get entries
+	TPBScheduleInfo pckgInfo(aInfo);
+	TPtr8 pEntries((TUint8*)&(aEntries.At(0)), aInfo.iEntryCount*sizeof(TScheduleEntryInfo2));
+	return SendReceive(EGetTimeScheduleData, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle, &pckgInfo, &pEntries));
+	}
+TInt RScheduler::GetScheduleDataL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, 
+								const TScheduleInfo& aInfo,
+								CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions,
+								TTsTime& aDefaultRunTime)
+	{
+	// resize arrays	
+	aConditions.ResizeL(aInfo.iEntryCount);
+	// get entries
+	TPtr8 pDefaultTime((TUint8*)&aDefaultRunTime,sizeof(TTsTime));//scheduler writes back defaultTime
+	TPBScheduleInfo pckgInfo(aInfo);
+	TPtr8 pEntries((TUint8*)&(aConditions.At(0)), aInfo.iEntryCount*sizeof(TTaskSchedulerCondition));
+	return SendReceive(EGetConditionScheduleData, TIpcArgs(aScheduleHandle, &pckgInfo, &pEntries, &pDefaultTime));
+	}	
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+Marks the start of checking the current thread's heap.
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always.
+@see __UHEAP_MARK 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgMarkHeap()
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchDbgMarkHeap);
+	}
+Checks that the number of allocated cells on the current thread's heap is the 
+same as the specified value.
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@param aCount In debug builds, the number of heap cells expected to be allocated. 
+In release builds, this parameter is not used.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always.
+@see __UHEAP_CHECK 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgCheckHeap(TInt aCount)
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchDbgCheckHeap,TIpcArgs(aCount));
+	}
+Marks the end of checking the current thread's heap.
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@param aCount In debug builds, the number of heap cells expected to remain 
+allocated. In release builds, this parameter is not used.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgMarkEnd(TInt aCount)
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchDbgMarkEnd,TIpcArgs(aCount));
+	}
+Simulates heap allocation failure.
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@param aCount In debug builds, the rate of failure - heap allocation fails 
+every aCount attempts. In release builds, this parameter is not used.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always.
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgFailNext(TInt aCount)
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchDbgFailNext,TIpcArgs(aCount));
+	}
+Cancels simulated heap allocation failure for the current thread's heap.
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always.
+@see __UHEAP_RESET 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgResetHeap()
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchDbgResetHeap);
+	}
+It tries to kill the server (schsvr).
+This is used for debugging, and is only implemented in debug builds.
+@return In debug builds, KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other 
+system wide error codes. In release builds, KErrNone always. 
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__FaultServer()
+	{
+	return SendReceive(ESchFaultServer);
+	}
+//release build exports empty versions of these for rel/deb compatibility
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgMarkHeap()
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgCheckHeap(TInt /*aCount*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgMarkEnd(TInt /*aCount*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgFailNext(TInt /*aCount*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__DbgResetHeap()
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RScheduler::__FaultServer()
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+#endif // _DEBUG