changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/taskscheduler/Test/Scheduling/TC_TSCH_SCHEDULING2.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1231 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <csch_cli.h>
+#include "Thelpers.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include "TestUtils.h"
+//If suddenly all SCHSVR tests begin failing, the OOM conditions might be the reason.
+//TScheduling test tries to create KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate tasks, loading enormously 
+//the task scheduling server. The task scheduling server fails and stays loaded in memory
+//with many scheduling tasks holding large amounts of allocated memory in this way.
+//The next SCHSVR tests may fail because of OOM.
+//KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate value was 100 originally. Now it is 20.
+// Literal constants
+_LIT(KTestName,								"TC_TSCH_SCHEDULING2");
+// Type definitions
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>	CSchEntryInfoArray;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>			CTaskInfoArray;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>    CSchItemRefArray;
+// Global data
+RTest										TheTest(KTestName);
+static TInt64								TheSeed;
+static RScheduler							TheScheduler;
+static CTrapCleanup*						TheCleanup;
+static RFs									TheFsSession;
+_LIT(KMinimalTaskHandler, "MinimalTaskHandler");
+// Extract task info from the schedule server based on a schedule ID
+static void GetTaskInfoL(CTaskInfoArray& aTaskInfoArray,
+						TInt aScheduleId)
+	{
+	aTaskInfoArray.Reset();
+	TTime nextTimeScheduleIsDue;
+	TScheduleState state;
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entries 
+		= new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entries);
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.GetScheduleL(aScheduleId, 
+										state, 
+										*entries, 
+										aTaskInfoArray, 
+										nextTimeScheduleIsDue);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entries);
+	}
+// count the number of tasks associated with this schedule
+static TInt CountTasksL(TInt aScheduleId)	
+	{
+	CTaskInfoArray* tasks = new (ELeave) CTaskInfoArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tasks);
+	GetTaskInfoL(*tasks, aScheduleId);
+	TInt ret = tasks->Count();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tasks);
+	return ret;
+	}
+// count the number of schedules based on a filter.
+static TInt CountScheduledItemsL(TScheduleFilter aFilter, 
+								RScheduler& aScheduler)
+	{
+	CSchItemRefArray* refs = new (ELeave) CSchItemRefArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(refs);
+	TInt res = aScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*refs, aFilter);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TInt count = refs->Count();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // refs
+	return count;
+	}
+//creates a daily schedule with StartTime of aStartTime
+static TInt CreateScheduleL(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
+							RScheduler& aScheduler, 
+							const TTime& aStartTime)
+	{
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList 
+		= new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry1;
+	entry1.iStartTime		= aStartTime;
+	entry1.iInterval		= 1; // TTimeIntervalDays
+	entry1.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry1.iValidityPeriod	= 30; // minutes
+	entryList->AppendL(entry1);
+	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *entryList);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entryList
+	return res;
+	}
+// creates a schedule with numerous entries	
+static TInt CreateSchedule1L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, RScheduler& aScheduler)
+	{
+	aRef.iName = _L("Schedule created using \"CreateSchedule1L\"");
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry1;
+	entry1.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(20, 0); // 0m:20s from "now"
+	entry1.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry1.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry1.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry1);
+	}
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry2;
+	entry2.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(00, 1); // 1m:00s from "now"
+	entry2.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry2.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry2.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry2);
+	}
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry3;
+	entry3.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); // -1 year from "now"
+	entry3.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry3.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry3.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry3);
+	}
+	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *entryList);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entryList
+	return res;
+	}
+// creates a schedule with numerous entries	
+static TInt CreateSchedule2L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, RScheduler& aScheduler)
+	{
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
+	aRef.iName = _L("Schedule created using \"CreateSchedule2L\"");
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry1;
+	entry1.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(30, 2); // 2m:30s from "now"
+	entry1.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry1.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry1.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry1);
+	}
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry2;
+	entry2.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(0, 5);  // 5m:00s from "now"
+	entry2.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry2.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry2.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry2);
+	}
+	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *entryList);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entryList
+	return res;
+	}
+// creates a schedule with numerous entries	
+static TInt CreateSchedule3L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, RScheduler& aScheduler)
+	{
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
+	aRef.iName = _L("Schedule created using \"CreateSchedule3L\"");
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry1;
+	entry1.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry1.iInterval		= 1; // repeat every day
+	entry1.iValidityPeriod	= 5; // valid for only 5 minutes 
+	entry1.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(0, 9, 0, 20); // 9mins and 20days in the future
+	entryList->AppendL(entry1);
+	}
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry2;
+	entry2.iIntervalType	= EDaily;
+	entry2.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry2.iValidityPeriod	= 5;
+	entry2.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(0, 11, 0, 20); // 11mins and 20days in the future
+	entryList->AppendL(entry2);
+	}
+	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *entryList);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entryList
+	return res;
+	}
+// schedules a persistent task associated with the supplied schedule ID
+static TInt SchedulePersistentTaskL(const TName& aName, 
+									TInt& aNewId, 
+									TInt aScheduleId, 
+									TInt aRepeat, 
+									RScheduler& aScheduler)
+	{
+	TTaskInfo taskInfo;
+	taskInfo.iTaskId = aNewId;
+	taskInfo.iName = aName;
+	taskInfo.iPriority = 2;
+	taskInfo.iRepeat = aRepeat;
+	HBufC* data = _L("the data").AllocLC();
+	TInt res = aScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, aScheduleId);
+	aNewId = taskInfo.iTaskId;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data
+	return res;
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1033
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Test 1 - verifies fix for defect:
+						Registering twice with the task scheduler causes a memory leak(EDNAWIR-4FQJ6A)
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Connect to scheduler and register twice with the task scheduler.Check for memory errors,
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test1L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1033 TheTest1: Registering with the tasks scheduler without disconnecting "));    
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler"));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	TheScheduler.Close();
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler again"));
+	res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering client again"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	TheScheduler.__DbgMarkHeap();
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Register when already registered"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Cancel registering client and check for memory leak"));
+	TheScheduler.__DbgMarkEnd(0);
+	TheScheduler.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1034
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Test 2 - verifies fix for defect
+						Messages with "Resend" status are not sent after reboot (EDNHLJT-4TRAAE)
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Add a task to the schedule,kill the server and re-register the client,wait for one minute for task to fire
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test2L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1034 TheTest2: Resend after hard reset (simulation) "));
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler"));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	// Create a schedule
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Creating schedule"));
+	TSchedulerItemRef scheduleHandle;
+	TTime time;
+	time.HomeTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(2); //Task to go off two seconds from now
+	User::LeaveIfError(CreateScheduleL(scheduleHandle, TheScheduler, time));  
+	// Add a task to the schedule
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Creating task for schedule"));
+	{
+	TTaskInfo taskInfo;
+	taskInfo.iName = _L("MyTaskName");
+	taskInfo.iPriority = 2;
+	taskInfo.iTaskId = 0;
+	taskInfo.iRepeat = 1;
+	HBufC* data = _L("Task Data").AllocLC();
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, scheduleHandle.iHandle);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	}
+	// Kill the server !!
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Killing server"));
+	// Need to turn off JIT dubugging as we are panicking server and we 
+	// want test to keep running.
+	TBool jit = User::JustInTime();
+	User::SetJustInTime(EFalse);
+	TheScheduler.__FaultServer();
+	User::After(100000);
+	// Turn on JIT again.
+	User::SetJustInTime(jit);
+	// Connect to the server again
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Re-connect to Scheduler"));
+	res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	// Re-register
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Re-register Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Check schedule count and task count"));
+	TInt scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 1);
+	TInt taskCount = CountTasksL(scheduleHandle.iHandle);
+	TEST(taskCount == 1);
+	// Wait for task to fire... It should happen in about 2 seconds
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Waiting for task to complete"));
+	TEST2(STaskSemaphore::WaitL(KDefaultTimeout), KErrNone);
+	CleanupHelpers::KillProcess(KMinimalTaskHandler);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1035
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    This test establishes that the change to RScheduler::GetScheduleL is functionally correct
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Tests changes to Schedule Server API as of Change Request document AALR-4EDG75
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test3L()
+	{
+	//
+	//
+	// Test changes to Schedule Server API as of Change Request document AALR-4EDG75
+	// (GT change requests database)
+	//
+	//
+	//
+	// This test establishes that the change to...
+	//
+	//	RScheduler::GetScheduleL(const TInt aScheduleHandle,
+	//								 TScheduleState& aState,
+	//								 CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntries,
+	//								 CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks,
+	//								 TTime& aNextDue)
+	//
+	// functionally correct.
+	// 
+	//
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1035 Test change request AALR-4EDG75 implementation "));
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler"));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	const TDateTime KTimeToStartTask(2000, EJanuary, 10, 15, 30, 0, 0);
+	TSchedulerItemRef schedulerItemReference;
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryArray = new(ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryArray);
+	HBufC* taskData = _L("This is some dummy task data created for testing").AllocL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(taskData);
+	// Prepare the task info - this describes the tasks that are contained within the task
+	// entry array
+	TTaskInfo taskInfo = SchSvrHelpers::TaskInfo(_L("A transient test task"), 100);
+	// Create a schedule entry and append it to the entry array
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo scheduleEntry = SchSvrHelpers::ScheduleEntryInfo(EDaily, TTime(KTimeToStartTask), 7, 2);
+	entryArray->AppendL(scheduleEntry);
+	}
+	// Create the transient task
+	TInt ret = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *taskData, schedulerItemReference, *entryArray);
+	TEST2(ret, KErrNone);
+	// Check that the task Id after scheduling the event is not 
+	// the same as it was prior to the requesting the service
+	TEST(taskInfo.iTaskId != -1);
+	//
+	// Now obtain info about the scheduled transient task...
+	//
+	TScheduleState scheduleState;
+	TTime nextTaskDueTime;
+	// Reset the schedule entry info array as the server now has copies of this and it is
+	// no longer required client-side
+	entryArray->Reset();
+	CTaskInfoArray* taskInfoArray = new(ELeave) CTaskInfoArray(4);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(taskInfoArray);
+	// Request task schedule information from the server
+	ret = TheScheduler.GetScheduleL(schedulerItemReference.iHandle, scheduleState, *entryArray, *taskInfoArray, nextTaskDueTime);
+	TEST2(ret, KErrNone);
+	// Because this is a daily task which is scheduled to occur at a specific time (but the date
+	// cannot necessarily be established, we can perform a simple check to ensure that the
+	// time when the task is next scheduled to run falls within the 15:30 - 17:30 bracket.
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsTimeTheSame(nextTaskDueTime, TTime(KTimeToStartTask)) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	// Establish and test the size of the task data for the specified task object
+	TInt sizeOfTaskData = 0;
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.GetTaskDataSize(taskInfo.iTaskId, sizeOfTaskData), KErrNone);
+	TEST(sizeOfTaskData == taskData->Length());
+	// Now check the information return from the server pertaining to a specific task...
+	{
+	TTaskInfo taskFromServer;
+	HBufC* taskDataFromServer					= HBufC::NewLC(sizeOfTaskData);
+	TPtr pTaskDataFromServer					= taskDataFromServer->Des();
+	TTime nextDueTimeFromServer					= Time::NullTTime();
+	TSchedulerItemRef schedulerRefFromServer;
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.GetTaskInfoL(taskInfo.iTaskId, taskFromServer, pTaskDataFromServer, schedulerRefFromServer, nextDueTimeFromServer), KErrNone);
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsTimeTheSame(nextTaskDueTime, TTime(KTimeToStartTask)) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsTaskInfoTheSame(taskFromServer, taskInfo) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsItemRefTheSame(schedulerRefFromServer, schedulerItemReference) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // taskDataFromServer
+	}
+	// Disable the schedule and check when it is next schedule to run
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.DisableSchedule(schedulerItemReference.iHandle), KErrNone);
+	// Get the new schedule info - check that the nextDueTime is still reported even
+	// though the schedule has been disabled
+	nextTaskDueTime = Time::NullTTime();
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.GetScheduleL(schedulerItemReference.iHandle, scheduleState, *entryArray, *taskInfoArray, nextTaskDueTime), KErrNone);
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsTimeTheSame(nextTaskDueTime, TTime(KTimeToStartTask)) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	TEST(SchSvrHelpers::IsTaskInfoTheSame(taskInfoArray->At(0), taskInfo) == (TInt) ETrue);
+	// Re-enable the schedule
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.EnableSchedule(schedulerItemReference.iHandle), KErrNone);
+	// Delete the only task (relating to this test) from the server
+	TEST2(TheScheduler.DeleteTask(taskInfo.iTaskId), KErrNone);
+	ret = TheScheduler.GetScheduleL(schedulerItemReference.iHandle, scheduleState, *entryArray, *taskInfoArray, nextTaskDueTime);
+	TEST2(ret, KErrNotFound); // there is no longer any tasks associated with this schedule
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // taskInfoArray, entryArray, taskData
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1036
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for defect EDNAALR-4JKEFC
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create the schedule for the task,re-register the client with the server.
+                        check for the information that the scheduler knows about.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test4L()
+	{
+	// Test title
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1036 \nTest for defect EDNAALR-4JKEFC "));
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler"));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	// Constants / vars used in this function
+	TSchedulerItemRef itemRef;
+	// Create some scheduling entries
+	CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>* entries = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>(10);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entries);
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry1;
+	entry1.iIntervalType	= EHourly;
+	entry1.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(1, 1); // 1m:01s from "now"
+	entry1.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry1.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entries->AppendL(entry1);
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry2;
+	entry2.iIntervalType	= EHourly;
+	entry2.iStartTime		= SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(5, 5); // 5m:05s from "now"
+	entry2.iInterval		= 1;
+	entry2.iValidityPeriod	= 20;
+	entries->AppendL(entry2);
+	// Create the schedule for the task...
+	res = TheScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(itemRef, *entries);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	// Create the tasks themselves..
+	TTaskInfo task;
+	task.iRepeat	= 10; // repeat once
+	task.iName		= _L("Test Task For Defect Verification");
+	task.iPriority	= 100;
+	HBufC* taskData = task.iName.AllocLC();
+	res = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(task, *taskData, itemRef.iHandle);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // taskData
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* refs = new CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(refs);
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules); 
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // refs
+	}
+	// Re-register theclient with the server
+	for(TInt i=0; i<5; i++)
+		{
+		// Log off from the task scheduler
+		TheScheduler.Close();
+		res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+		TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+		User::After(1000000); 
+		TheTest.Next(_L("===== Re-registering Client (wait 10 secs) ====="));
+		res = SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler);
+		TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+			{
+			CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* refs = new CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(3);
+			CleanupStack::PushL(refs);
+			TInt res = TheScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules);
+			TEST2(res, 0);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // refs
+			}
+		// Check the information that the scheduler knows about...
+		TInt taskDataSize = 0;
+		res = TheScheduler.GetTaskDataSize(task.iTaskId, taskDataSize);
+		TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+		TEST(taskDataSize == task.iName.Length());
+		TTaskInfo taskInfoFromServer;
+		taskData = HBufC::NewLC(taskDataSize);
+		TPtr pTaskData = taskData->Des();
+		TTime nextDueTime(Time::NullTTime());
+		res = TheScheduler.GetTaskInfoL(task.iTaskId, taskInfoFromServer, pTaskData, itemRef, nextDueTime);
+		TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+		TEST(pTaskData == task.iName);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // taskData
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entries
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1037
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for basic scheduler implementations 
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Mark heap,create persistent schedules, schedule tasks,transient schedules,
+                        delete tasks,delete remaing schedules,check heap
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test5L()
+	{
+	TInt res = KErrNone;
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1037 ===== Starting test 1 ====="));
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref1;
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref2;
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref3;
+	// Remove all existing schedules before starting the test
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	TInt scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 0); // check that no schedules are present.
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Create some schedules\n"));
+	res = CreateSchedule1L(ref1, TheScheduler); // +20sec, +1min, -1year
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);	
+	res = CreateSchedule2L(ref2, TheScheduler); // +2min 30sec, +5min
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = CreateSchedule3L(ref3, TheScheduler); // +20day 9min, +20day 11min
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref4;
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref5;
+	res = CreateSchedule2L(ref4, TheScheduler); // +2min 30sec, 5min
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = CreateSchedule3L(ref5, TheScheduler); // +20day 9min, +20day 11min
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TInt task1 = 0;
+	TInt task2 = 0;
+	TInt task3 = 0;
+	TInt task4 = 0;
+	TName name1 = (_L("web subscription"));
+	TName name2 = (_L("another web subscription"));
+	TName name3 = (_L("third web subscription"));
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Schedule some tasks\n"));
+	// NOTE: have to put repeats here of > 0 otherwise the task will run immediately
+	// (because it's schedule specifies a date of 1 year in the past!) and be
+	// removed (by the server) before we have a chance to delete it....
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name1, task1, ref1.iHandle, 3, TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name2, task2, ref2.iHandle, 3, TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name3, task3, ref3.iHandle, 3, TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name3, task4, ref3.iHandle, 3, TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 5); // 5 persistant
+	CleanupHelpers::KillProcess(KMinimalTaskHandler);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting task with id %d\n"), task1);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task1);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting schedule with id %d\n"), ref1.iHandle);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref1.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	// 4 persistant expected as we have deleted one
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 4); 
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting task with id %d\n"), task2);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task2);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting schedule with id %d\n"), ref2.iHandle);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref2.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	// 3 persistant  expected as we have deleted one
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 3); 
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting task with id %d\n"), task3);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task3);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting task with id %d\n"), task4);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task4);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting schedule with id %d\n"), ref3.iHandle);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref3.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	// 2 persistant  expected as we have deleted one
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 2); 
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting schedule with id %d\n"), ref4.iHandle);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref4.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Deleting schedule with id %d\n"), ref5.iHandle);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref5.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	scheduleCount = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(scheduleCount == 0); 
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1038
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for Transient,non-repeating - waits for schedule to activate
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create transient schedule with non-repeating task
+                        Tests for no items as schedule deletes itself after task has completed
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test6L()
+	{
+	// Heap testing removed because this is a flakey bit of code.
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1038 Transient, non-repeating - waits for schedule to activate "));
+	// Remove all existing schedules before starting the test
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	// Create transient schedule
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Create transient schedule with non-repeating task\n"));
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref;
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new(ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
+	ref.iName = _L("A Transient Schedule");
+	// Create schedule entry
+	TScheduleEntryInfo entry;
+	entry.iStartTime = SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(5); // 5 secs in the future
+	entry.iInterval = 1;
+	entry.iIntervalType = EDaily;
+	entry.iValidityPeriod = 20;
+	entryList->AppendL(entry);
+	// Create schedule task
+	TTaskInfo taskInfo;
+	taskInfo.iName = _L("mail");
+	taskInfo.iTaskId = 0;
+	taskInfo.iRepeat = 1;
+	taskInfo.iPriority = 2;
+	HBufC* data = _L("This is the data for the task").AllocLC();
+	// Schedule the item
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, ref, *entryList);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, entryList); // data, entryList
+	// Should be one item
+	TEST(CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler) == 1);
+	// Waiting for entry to complete
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Waiting for task to complete"));
+	TEST2(STaskSemaphore::WaitL(KDefaultTimeout), KErrNone);
+	CleanupHelpers::KillProcess(KMinimalTaskHandler);
+	// Should be no items as schedule deletes itself after task has completed
+	TEST(CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler) == 0);
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1039
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for persistent scheduling, repeating and non-repeating task schedules
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Persistent schedule,repeating task,non-repeating task,go off,check task's still there,
+						go off again,check it's still there,delete task,delete schedule
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test7L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1039 Test persistent scheduling, repeating and non-repeating task schedules "));
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	// Transient
+	TSchedulerItemRef ref;
+	// We shouldn't have any outstanding schedules registered with the server
+	TInt count = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(count == 0);
+	// This creates 3 schedule entries, each with a validity period of 20 minutes, and are
+	// due to run in 20s, 1m, and over a year ago (a year in the past)
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Create Persistent schedule\n"));
+	TInt res = CreateSchedule1L(ref, TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	// We should now have one registered schedule
+	count = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(count == 1);
+	//
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("\nSchedule two tasks: one repeating....\n"));
+	//
+	TInt task1 = 0;
+	TName name1 = (_L("web subscription(rpts)"));
+	// -1 indicates repeating schedule
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name1, task1, ref.iHandle, -1, TheScheduler); // -1 indicates repeat until explicitly deleted
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	// List those schedules that are pending
+	count = CountScheduledItemsL(EPendingSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(count == 1);
+	//
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("\n... and one non-repeating\n"));
+	//
+	TInt task2 = 0;
+	TName name2 = (_L("non-repeating"));
+	res = SchedulePersistentTaskL(name2, task2, ref.iHandle, 1, TheScheduler); // only runs once
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Waiting for tasks to run\n"));
+	// Wait for notification that schedule has executed.
+	TEST2(STaskSemaphore::WaitL(KDefaultTimeout), KErrNone);
+	CleanupHelpers::KillProcess(KMinimalTaskHandler);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("...and wait again for repeating one to execute again\n"));
+	// Wait for notification that schedule has executed.
+	TEST2(STaskSemaphore::WaitL(KDefaultTimeout), KErrNone);
+	CleanupHelpers::KillProcess(KMinimalTaskHandler);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Delete the repeating task, and the schedule \n"));
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task1);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteTask(task2);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNotFound); //Should be not found since its only executed once.
+	res = TheScheduler.DeleteSchedule(ref.iHandle);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	count = CountScheduledItemsL(EPendingSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(count == 0);
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest);
+	}
+static CSchEntryInfoArray* CreateSchEntryInfoArrayLC(TInt aGranularity)
+	{
+	CSchEntryInfoArray*	scheduleEntries	= new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(aGranularity);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduleEntries);
+	return scheduleEntries;
+	}
+static CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* CreateTaskInfoLC(TInt aGranularity)
+	{
+	CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* taskInfos	= new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>(aGranularity);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(taskInfos);
+	return taskInfos;
+	}
+static CSchItemRefArray* CreateScheduleRefsLC(TInt aGranularity)
+	{
+	CSchItemRefArray* scheduleReferences = new (ELeave) CSchItemRefArray(aGranularity);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduleReferences);
+	return scheduleReferences;
+	}
+static void CreateTransientScheduledTasksL(TInt aNumScheduleEntries,
+										   TInt aNumSchedules,
+										   CSchEntryInfoArray* aScheduleEntries,
+										   CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* aTaskInfos,
+										   CSchItemRefArray* aScheduleReferences)
+	{
+	const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeToAdd = 10000000; //10 seconds
+	const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeLimit = 5000000; // 5 seconds
+	_LIT(KTaskDataPrefix, "Task Data Entry: ");
+	// Prepare keys required
+	TKeyArrayFix KTaskInfoSortKey(_FOFF(TTaskInfo, iTaskId), ECmpTInt);
+	for(TInt i=0;i<aNumSchedules;i++)
+		{	
+		// Remove any existing schedule entry info's
+		aScheduleEntries->Reset();
+		//
+		// Populate the schedule entry array with a varying list of 
+		// start-times, intervals, etc for this particular task
+		//
+		for(TInt j=0; j<aNumScheduleEntries; ++j)
+			{
+			TScheduleEntryInfo scheduleEntry = SchSvrHelpers::RandomScheduleEntryInfo(TheSeed);
+			TTime now;
+			now.HomeTime(); // sets now to home time
+			//if iStartTime is set lower then 5 sec into the future, postpone iStartTime 10 sec into the future
+			if(scheduleEntry.iStartTime < now + timeLimit) 
+				scheduleEntry.iStartTime = now + timeToAdd; 
+			aScheduleEntries->AppendL(scheduleEntry);
+			}
+		//
+		// Create some dummy task data
+		//
+		HBufC* taskData = HBufC::NewLC(KTaskDataPrefix().Length()+4);
+		taskData->Des().Copy(KTaskDataPrefix());
+		taskData->Des().AppendNum(i);
+		//
+		// Munge the task name
+		//
+		TTaskInfo taskInfo;
+		taskInfo.iName = *taskData;
+		taskInfo.iRepeat = 1;
+		taskInfo.iPriority = 1;
+		// Schedule the transient task
+		TSchedulerItemRef scheduleReference;
+		TInt result = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, 
+												*taskData, 
+												scheduleReference, 
+												*aScheduleEntries);
+		TEST2(result, KErrNone);
+		TheTest.Printf(_L("TaskId: %d => TaskName: %S\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, &taskInfo.iName);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(taskData);
+		//
+		// Save the taskInfo so we can check it later - this inserts the taskinfo into
+		// the array (preserves sorted order by TTaskInfo.iTaskId) but also has the
+		// added bonus of preventing duplicate task ids...
+		//
+		aTaskInfos->InsertIsqL(taskInfo, KTaskInfoSortKey);
+		// Disable all schedules once added, just to stop them going off
+		// and therefore being deleted when we are trying to compare them 
+		result = TheScheduler.DisableSchedule(scheduleReference.iHandle);
+		TEST2(result, KErrNone);
+		// Save the sever generated schedule reference and taskId for checking later
+		aScheduleReferences->AppendL(scheduleReference);
+		}
+	}
+static void CheckScheduledRefs(TInt aNumSchedules)
+	{
+	CSchItemRefArray* refs = new (ELeave) CSchItemRefArray(3);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(refs);
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules); 
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TInt count = refs->Count();
+	TEST(count == aNumSchedules);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refs);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1342
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Scheduling tasks test
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Tests for RScheduler::GetTaskDataSize(),RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL() functions
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void TestScheduledTasksL(TInt aNumSchedules,
+								CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* aTaskInfos)
+	{
+	for(TInt n=0; n<aNumSchedules; ++n)
+		{
+		const TTaskInfo& taskInfo = aTaskInfos->At(n);
+		TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1342 "));
+		// First retrieve the task size
+		TInt taskSize;
+		TInt result = TheScheduler.GetTaskDataSize(taskInfo.iTaskId, taskSize);
+		TEST2(result, KErrNone);
+		TEST(taskSize > 0);
+		// Next retrieve the task info associated with a particular task Id
+		HBufC* taskData = HBufC::NewLC(taskSize);
+		TPtr pTaskData = taskData->Des();
+		TTime scheduleNextDueTime;
+		TTaskInfo taskFromServer;
+		TSchedulerItemRef scheduleReference;
+		result = TheScheduler.GetTaskInfoL(taskInfo.iTaskId,
+										   taskFromServer, 
+										   pTaskData, 
+										   scheduleReference, 
+										   scheduleNextDueTime);
+		TEST2(result, KErrNone);
+		TEST(taskData->Length() == taskSize);
+		// Now check that the task returned by the server matches that held locallly....
+		TBool bbb = SchSvrHelpers::IsTaskInfoTheSame(taskFromServer, taskInfo);
+		if(!bbb)
+			{
+			RDebug::Print(_L("TaskInfo1. repeat=%x, id=%d, name=%S, priority=%x\n"),
+				taskFromServer.iRepeat, taskFromServer.iTaskId, &taskFromServer.iName, taskFromServer.iPriority);
+			RDebug::Print(_L("TaskInfo2. repeat=%x, id=%d, name=%S, priority=%x\n"),
+				taskInfo.iRepeat, taskInfo.iTaskId, &taskInfo.iName, taskInfo.iPriority);
+			}
+		TEST(bbb);
+		// Check taskData is the same (was originally held in the TTaskInfo.iName field)
+		const TDesC& des1 = taskInfo.iName;
+		TDes& des2 = pTaskData;
+		TEST(des1 == des2);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(taskData);
+		}
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1040
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for retrieving of task data and info.
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create a large number of transient scheduled tasks to test Id generation
+                        Tests tasks for a given taskid is the same
+						Tests reference can be retrieved for a given handle.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+static void Test8L()
+	{
+	// Test title
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-1040 Create a large number of tasks, test retrieval of task data and task info "));
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	// Constants used in this function
+	const TInt KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate		= 20;
+	const TInt KNumberOfScheduleEntriesToCreate = 5;
+	// Prepare arrays required for the tests below
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* scheduleEntries = ::CreateSchEntryInfoArrayLC(KNumberOfScheduleEntriesToCreate);
+	CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* taskInfos = ::CreateTaskInfoLC(KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate);
+	CSchItemRefArray* scheduleReferences = ::CreateScheduleRefsLC(KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate);
+	//
+	// Create a large number of transient scheduled tasks 
+	// to test Id generation
+	//
+	::CreateTransientScheduledTasksL(KNumberOfScheduleEntriesToCreate,
+									 KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate,
+									 scheduleEntries,
+									 taskInfos,
+									 scheduleReferences);
+	::CheckScheduledRefs(KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate);
+	// Test tasks for a given taskid is the same
+	::TestScheduledTasksL(KNumberOfSchedulesToCreate, taskInfos);
+	// Test reference can be retrieved for a given handle.
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduleReferences);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(taskInfos);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduleEntries);
+	// now delete all schedules
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	TInt ccc = CountScheduledItemsL(EAllSchedules, TheScheduler);
+	TEST(ccc == 0);
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-3544
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    This test establishes transient tasks do not persist to disk.
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    create persistent and transient schedules with tasks. Wait for tasks to execute.
+			    Cause server to shutdown and restart. Check file size against known good size.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Persistent schedules and tasks are saved to file, but transient ones are not.
+@SYMDEF                 DEF109371
+static void Test9L()
+	{
+//Clean up before running test
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteScheduleFilesL();
+	TheScheduler.Close();
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-3544 Test transient schedules and tasks do not persist after power outages "));
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Connect to Scheduler"));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Registering Client"));
+	TEST2(SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler), KErrNone);
+	//Create a transient schedule with a task set to go off 10 minutes from server time.
+	const TDateTime KTimeToStartTask(2000, EJanuary, 10, 15, 30, 0, 0);
+	TSchedulerItemRef schedulerItemReference;
+	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryArray = new(ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entryArray);
+	HBufC* taskData = _L("This is some transient task data created for testing").AllocL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(taskData);
+	// Prepare the task info - this describes the tasks that are contained within the task
+	// entry array
+	TTaskInfo taskInfo = SchSvrHelpers::TaskInfo(_L("A transient test task"), 100);
+	// Create a schedule entry and append it to the entry array
+	{
+	TScheduleEntryInfo scheduleEntry = SchSvrHelpers::ScheduleEntryInfo(EDaily, TTime(KTimeToStartTask), 7, 2);
+	entryArray->AppendL(scheduleEntry);
+	}
+	// Create the transient task
+	TInt ret = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *taskData, schedulerItemReference, *entryArray);
+	TEST2(ret, KErrNone);
+	// Check that the task Id after scheduling the event is not 
+	// the same as it was prior to the requesting the service
+	TEST(taskInfo.iTaskId != -1);
+	// Create a persistent schedule
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Creating Persistent schedule"));
+	//Set server time to known time
+	SchSvrHelpers::SetHomeTimeL(TTime(TDateTime(2000, EJanuary, 1, 10, 5, 0, 0))); // 10:05 am
+	TSchedulerItemRef scheduleHandle;
+	TTime time;
+	time.HomeTime();//Get time
+	time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(5); //Task to go off five seconds from now
+	User::LeaveIfError(CreateScheduleL(scheduleHandle, TheScheduler, time)); 
+	// Add a repeating task to the persistent schedule
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Creating task for persistent schedule"));
+	TTaskInfo persisttaskInfo;
+	{
+	persisttaskInfo.iName = _L("MyPersistent TaskName");
+	persisttaskInfo.iPriority = 2;
+	persisttaskInfo.iTaskId = 0;
+	persisttaskInfo.iRepeat = 3;
+	HBufC* data = _L("Persistent Task Data").AllocLC();
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.ScheduleTask(persisttaskInfo, *data, scheduleHandle.iHandle);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	}
+	//Now get the filesize of the servers schedule.dat.
+	TFileName templateFileName;
+	_LIT(KFileName,"C:\\private\\10005399\\SchedulesBackup.dat");
+	templateFileName.Copy(KFileName);
+	templateFileName[0] = 'A' + static_cast<TInt>(RFs::GetSystemDrive());
+	RFile file;
+	CleanupClosePushL(file);
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest);
+	//AllFiles capability required to access the private cage of the server
+	TInt ferr = file.Open(TheFsSession, templateFileName, EFileShareReadersOrWriters | EFileRead);
+	TEST2(ferr,KErrNone);
+	TInt filesize1 = 0;
+	//The below const is the measured file size for the creation of the above schedule.
+	//It will change if new data members are added to task or schedule classes
+	const TInt KExpectedFileSize = 374;
+	TInt sErr = file.Size(filesize1);
+	TEST2(sErr,KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Expected filesize is 374b Filesize is [%db]\n"), filesize1);
+	TEST(filesize1 == KExpectedFileSize);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
+static TInt RunTestsL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Delete old files"));
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteScheduleFilesL();
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Create Task notification semaphore"));
+	//initialise task notification semaphore
+	STaskSemaphore sem;
+	sem.CreateL();
+	// Prepare random number seed
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Prepare random number"));
+	TTime now;
+	now.UniversalTime();
+	TheSeed = now.Int64();
+	// Connect to the server
+	TheTest.Next(_L("===== Connect to Scheduler ====="));
+	TInt res = TheScheduler.Connect();
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	// Register a client with the server
+	TheTest.Next(_L("===== Registering Client ====="));
+	res = SchSvrHelpers::RegisterClientL(TheScheduler);
+	TEST2(res, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Start tests"));
+	Test1L();
+	Test2L();
+	Test3L();
+	Test4L();
+	Test5L();
+	Test6L();
+	Test7L();
+	Test8L();
+	Test9L();
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Tidying up"));
+	//Tidying up so next test will be clear.
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Delete all schedules"));
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteAllSchedulesL(TheScheduler);
+	SchSvrHelpers::Pause(TheTest, 2);
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Delete old files\n"));
+	SchSvrHelpers::DeleteScheduleFilesL();
+	TheScheduler.Close();
+	//close handle to semaphore
+	sem.Close();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// TheTest the scheduler
+    {
+	TheTest.Start(_L("TC_TSCH_SCHEDULING2"));
+	TheTest.Title();
+	TheCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	//If the previous test fails, SCHSVR.exe may stay in memory.
+	TRAPD(error,CleanupHelpers::TestCleanupL());
+	TEST2(error, KErrNone);
+	TEST2(TheFsSession.Connect(), KErrNone);;
+	TRAP(error, RunTestsL());	
+	TRAP(error,CleanupHelpers::TestCleanupL());
+	TEST2(error, KErrNone);
+	delete TheCleanup;
+	TheFsSession.Close();
+	TheTest.End();
+	TheTest.Close();
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}