changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/genericservices/taskscheduler/Test/TTsTimeUnitTests/TU_TSCH_ttstime.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "SCHTIME.H"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <tz.h>
+#include "Thelpers.h"
+_LIT(KTestName,	"TTsTime Tests");
+RTest	TheTest(KTestName);
+RTz		TheTzServer;
+static RFs			TheFsSession;
+static TBuf<32> fileName;
+//Test macros and functions
+static void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if(!aValue)
+		{
+		(void)TheFsSession.Delete(fileName);
+		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+		}
+	}
+static  void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if(aValue != aExpected)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
+		(void)TheFsSession.Delete(fileName);
+		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+		}
+	}
+#define TEST(arg) ::Check((arg), __LINE__)
+#define TEST2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__)
+@SYMTestCaseDesc 			Check that the default constructor works properly
+@SYMTestPriority 			low
+@SYMTestActions  			Creates an instance of TTsTime and check its data
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The test must not fail.
+static void TestsWithDefaultContructorL()
+	{
+	//	Tests with default constructor:
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-0204 TTsTime() default constructor, TTsTime is UTC time by default "));
+	TTsTime tsTime; //defalut constructor, TTsTime is UTC	
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Timezone set to Europe, London, DST on"));	
+	//set the current utc time to 8.55am, 15 May 2005 -Daylight savings apply on this date
+	TDateTime date(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0);
+	TTime time(date);	
+	TInt err = SchSvrHelpers::SetUTCTimeL(time); 	
+	TEST(err == 0);
+	// check that member data are set properly using GetUtcTime() and GetLocalTime()
+	TTime utcTime = TTime(tsTime.GetUtcTime());
+	TTime localTime = TTime(tsTime.GetLocalTime());
+	TDateTime testDate(0, EJanuary, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+	TTime testTime(testDate);
+	TEST (localTime == testTime);	
+	// check the offset
+	// because we set the current time zone to Europe/London and 
+	// ProcessOffsetEvent has been called in GetUtcTime, and since TTsTime is UTC by defalu then 
+	// TTsTime::iOffset remains the same
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds tsTimeOffset = tsTime.GetOffset(); 
+	TEST(tsTimeOffset == TTimeIntervalSeconds(0));
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseDesc 			Checks that the second constructor works properly
+@SYMTestPriority 			low
+@SYMTestActions  			Creates an instance of TTsTime and check its data
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The test must not fail.
+static void TestWithSecondConstructorAndUtcL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-0205 TTsTime - test for 2nd constructor "));
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Timezone set to Europe, London, DST on"));	
+	//set the current utc time to 8.55am, 15 May 2005 -Daylight savings apply on this date
+	TDateTime date(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0);
+	TTime time(date);
+	TInt err = SchSvrHelpers::SetUTCTimeL(time); 
+	TEST(err == 0);
+	//	Tests with overloaded constructor 
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Test TTsTime with overloaded operator and TTsTime is UTC"));
+	TTsTime tsTime(time, ETrue); //Sets time to UTC time as boolean is ETrue
+	TTime utcTime = tsTime.GetUtcTime(); 
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds tsTimeOffset = tsTime.GetOffset();
+	TBool isUtc = tsTime.IsUtc();
+	TEST(utcTime == time);
+	TEST(tsTimeOffset == TTimeIntervalSeconds(0)); //because tsTime is UTC so its offset is zero
+	TEST(isUtc); 
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseDesc 			Check TTsTime::SetHomeTime works properly
+@SYMTestPriority 			low
+@SYMTestActions  			Creates an instance of TTsTime, sets its values to home time and verifies them 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The test must not fail.
+static void TestSetHomeTimeL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-0206 TTsTime::SetHomeTime test "));	
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Timezone set to Europe, London, DST on"));	
+	// set the date and time of the device
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Test TTsTime is Local Time"));
+	TDateTime date(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0);
+	TTime time(date);
+	TInt err = SchSvrHelpers::SetUTCTimeL(time);
+	TEST(err == 0);
+	//set date and time of TTsTime to home time
+	date =  TDateTime(2005, EMay, 15, 9, 55, 0, 0);
+	time = date;
+	TTsTime tsTime;
+	tsTime.SetLocalTime(time);
+	TTime localTime = tsTime.GetLocalTime(); 
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds tsTimeOffset = tsTime.GetOffset();
+	TBool isUtc = tsTime.IsUtc();
+	// check that the returned local time is the same as the one we set earlier
+	TEST(localTime == time );
+	// check now that the stored utc time in TTsTime is correct
+	TTime utcTime = tsTime.GetUtcTime();
+	date =  TDateTime(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0); 	
+	time = TTime(date);
+	TEST(utcTime == time );
+	// check offset - 3600 seconds (1 hour) because time of device is in BST
+	TEST(tsTimeOffset == TTimeIntervalSeconds(3600));
+	TEST(!isUtc); 	//This TTsTime is not UTC.
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseDesc 			Checks ProcessOffsetEvent 
+@SYMTestPriority 			low
+@SYMTestActions  			Creates an instance of TTsTime, changes timezone, and checks that the TTsTime object is updated correctly.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The test must not fail.
+static void TestProcessOffsetEventL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-0207 ProcessOffsetEvent Test "));
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Timezone set to Europe, London, DST on"));	
+	//set the current home time to 8.55am, 15 May 2005
+	//Daylight savings do apply on this date
+	//so utc time should be 7.55
+	TDateTime date(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0);
+	TTime time(date);	
+	TInt err = SchSvrHelpers::SetHomeTimeL(time);
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	//Check the ProcessOffsetEvent () method and print iUtcTime, iOffset
+	//create hometime based ttstime object
+	//should have 9.55 in iUtcTime
+	date = TDateTime(2005, EMay, 15, 10, 55, 0, 0);
+	time = date;
+	TTsTime tsTime(time, EFalse);
+	// remember current offset
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds savedOffset = User::UTCOffset();
+	// Increase offset by 1Hr by moving to Paris
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("Move timezone to Paris, Europe. Check TTsTime updated accordingly"));
+	CTzId* tzParisId = CTzId::NewL(2656);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tzParisId);
+	TheTzServer.SetTimeZoneL(*tzParisId);
+	//get new UTC offset
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds newOffset = User::UTCOffset();
+	// call ProcessOffsetEvent, should put 8:55 in iUtcTime 
+	tsTime.ProcessOffsetEvent();
+	// check the updated iUtcTime
+	TTime utcTime = tsTime.GetUtcTime();
+	TDateTime a = utcTime.DateTime();
+	date = TDateTime(2005, EMay, 15, 8, 55, 0, 0);
+	time = date;
+	TEST(utcTime == time);
+	// check the updated offset
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds tsTimeOffset = tsTime.GetOffset();
+	TEST(tsTimeOffset == newOffset);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzParisId);
+	//return Timezone to London, Europe for other tests
+	CTzId* tzLondonId = CTzId::NewL(2592); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tzLondonId);
+	TheTzServer.SetTimeZoneL(*tzLondonId);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzLondonId);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseDesc 			Checks ExternalizeL and InternalizeL
+@SYMTestPriority 			low
+@SYMTestActions  			Creates an instance of TTsTime, Externalizes 
+							it and internaziles and checks that teh data is the same
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The test must not fail.
+static void TestExternalizeInternalizeL()
+	{
+	// time is UTC
+	TTsTime time(TTime(5), ETrue);
+	//	Test externalise 
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SCHSVR-CT-0208 Test TTsTime::ExternalizeL "));
+	RFile file;
+	TFileName testFileName(fileName);
+	TEST2(file.Replace(TheFsSession,testFileName,EFileWrite|EFileRead), KErrNone);
+	RFileBuf buf;
+	CleanupClosePushL(buf);
+	buf.Attach(file);
+	RWriteStream stream(&buf);
+	//Externalize the time
+	stream << time;
+	buf.SynchL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf);
+	//	Test internalise 
+	TheTest.Next(_L("Test TTsTime::InternalizeL"));
+	TTsTime newTime;
+	TInt err = file.Open(TheFsSession,testFileName,EFileRead);
+	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
+	RFileBuf buf2;
+	CleanupClosePushL(buf2);
+	buf2.Attach(file);
+	RReadStream stream2(&buf2);
+	//Internalize the time
+	stream2 >> newTime; //the externelized time is UTC time, same as the externalized time
+	TTime utcTime = newTime.GetUtcTime();
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds offset = newTime.GetOffset();
+	TBool isUtc = newTime.IsUtc();
+	TEST(utcTime == TTime(5));
+	TEST(offset == TTimeIntervalSeconds(0));
+	TEST(isUtc);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf2);	
+	}
+static void RunTestsL()
+	{
+	//All tests assume timezone is London, Europe.
+	TheTzServer.Connect();
+	CTzId* tzLondonId = CTzId::NewL(2592); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tzLondonId);
+	TheTzServer.SetTimeZoneL(*tzLondonId);
+	TestsWithDefaultContructorL();
+	TestWithSecondConstructorAndUtcL();
+	TestSetHomeTimeL();
+	TestProcessOffsetEventL();
+	TestExternalizeInternalizeL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzLondonId);
+	TheTzServer.Close();
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+	CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	TEST(tc != NULL);
+	fileName.Copy(KFileName);
+	fileName[0] = RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+	TInt err = TheFsSession.Connect();
+	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Title();
+	TheTest.Start(_L("Task Scheduler TTsTime unit tests"));
+	TRAP(err, ::RunTestsL())
+	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
+	(void)TheFsSession.Delete(fileName);
+	TheFsSession.Close();
+	TheTest.End();
+	TheTest.Close();
+	delete tc;
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}