--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/apputils/inc/BaRscImpl.h Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __BARSCIMPL_H__
+#define __BARSCIMPL_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+//Forward declarations
+struct SDictionaryCompressionData;
+class RDictionaryCompressionBitStream;
+class TBaAssert;
+/** Accesses a resource file and reads the resource data into a buffer.
+It is the implementation class for RResourceFile and CResourceFile classes.
+Because of BC reasons, the size of RResourceFileImpl must be the same as
+the size of RResourceFile class.
+It is expected that all resources deallocation must be done in Close() method.
+(BC reasons - RResourceFile reserves enough space for the RResourceFileImpl
+instance and uses placement new operator to create it. But RResourceFile doesn't have a
+destructor, so there is no predictable way how the RResourceFileImpl
+destructor might be called, even if the class has user defined destructor).
+Expected behaviour when assignment operator or copy constructor is called:
+The class doesn't have assignment operator and copy constructor, so the compiler generated
+ones will be used. The heap buffers used by the source class instance will be shared with the
+destination class instance.
+Methods panic/leave behaviour: "L" methods panics/leave behaviour depends on iAssertObj
+member (iExtra data member actually). If iAssertObj internal state is TBaAssert::EPanic -
+"L" methods will panic, otherwise they will leave if something goes wrong.
+@see RResourceFile
+@see CResourceFile */
+class RResourceFileImpl
+ {
+ RResourceFileImpl();
+ ~RResourceFileImpl();
+ void OpenL(
+ RFs& aFs,
+ const TDesC& aName,
+ const TBaAssert& aAssert,
+ TUint aFileOffset = 0,
+ TInt aFileSize = 0);
+ void OpenL(const TDesC8& aRscArchive,const TBaAssert& aAssert);
+ void Close();
+ TUidType UidType() const;
+ void ReadL(TDes8 &aDes, TInt aResourceId) const;
+ HBufC8 *AllocReadLC(TInt aResourceId) const;
+ void ConfirmSignatureL(TInt aSignature);
+ void ConfirmSignatureL();
+ TInt SignatureL() const;
+ TBool OwnsResourceIdL(TInt aResourceId) const;
+ TInt Offset() const;
+ struct SSigRecord
+ {
+ TInt signature;
+ TInt offset;
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ EFlagIsRomFile =0x80000000,
+ EFlagPotentiallyContainsCompressedUnicode =0x40000000,
+ EFlagDictionaryCompressed =0x20000000,
+ EFlagThirdUidIsOffset =0x10000000,
+ EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource =0x08000000,
+ EFlagFirstResourceIsGeneratedBitArrayOfResourcesContainingCompressedUnicode =0x04000000,
+ EFlagCalypsoFileFormat =0x02000000,
+ EFlagIsBufferRscFile =0x01000000,
+ EAllFlags =0xff000000
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ EOffsetBits =0xfffff000,
+ EIdBits =0x00000fff
+ };
+ class TExtra;
+ void ReadL(TInt aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const;
+ SSigRecord FirstRecordL() const;
+ void AppendDecompressedUnicodeL(TDes8& aBuffer,const TDesC8& aCompressedUnicode) const;
+ HBufC8* DecompressUnicodeL(
+ const TDesC8& aDictionaryDecompressedResourceData,
+ TInt aSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed) const;
+ HBufC8* DictionaryDecompressedResourceDataLC(
+ TInt aResourceIndex,
+ TUint aFlags,
+ const SDictionaryCompressionData& aDictionaryCompressionData,
+ const TDesC16& aIndex) const;
+ void AppendDictionaryCompressionBitStreamL(
+ RArray<RDictionaryCompressionBitStream>& aStackOfDictionaryCompressionBitStreams,
+ TUint aFlags,
+ const SDictionaryCompressionData& aDictionaryCompressionData,
+ TInt aStartOfBitData,
+ TInt aStartOfIndex,
+ TInt aIndexEntry) const;
+ TInt LittleEndianTwoByteIntegerL(const TDesC8& aBuffer,TInt aIndexOfFirstByte) const;
+ void ReadL(TUint aFlags,TInt aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const;
+ void ReadHeaderAndResourceIndexL();
+ TAny* iFile; // either an RFile*, or a const TUint8* pointing into ROM
+ TInt iSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed;
+ //basically an array of (unsigned) 16-bit file-positions -
+ //this is only used for non-dictionary-compressed resource files
+ HBufC16* iIndex;
+ //the position of this member in the class is exposed because RResourceFile::Offset() is
+ //an inline function accessing "iOffset". RResourceFileImpl is an implementation class for
+ //RResourceFile class. The "iOffset" offset from the beginning of the class must be exactly
+ //12 bytes.
+ TInt iOffset;
+ TExtra* iExtra;
+ TUint iFlagsAndNumberOfResources;
+ };